Sort by:
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers
(Using publications from roughly 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01)
Rank Journal Value
1 Annual Review of Ecology Evolution and Systematics50
2 Journal of Financial Economics38
3 Quarterly Journal of Economics36
4 American Economic Review34
5 Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior31
6 Academy of Management Annals30
- Nature Sustainability30
8 Tourism Management29
9 Technological Forecasting and Social Change28
- Journal of Manufacturing Systems28
11 Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services26
12 ISME Journal25
- Sustainable Production and Consumption25
- Journal of Business Research25
15 Human Resource Management Review24
16 Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions23
- Journal of Finance23
- Academy of Management Journal23
- Journal of Business Venturing23
- Journal of Marketing23
- Review of Financial Studies23
22 Energy Economics22
- Business Strategy and the Environment22
- Annual Review of Economics22
- Journal of Innovation & Knowledge22
26 International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management21
- International Journal of Production Economics21
- Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management21
- Reliability Engineering & System Safety21
- Global Change Biology21
- Nature Climate Change21
32 Energy Policy20
- Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice20
- Journal of World Business20
- npj Digital Medicine20
- Landscape and Urban Planning20
37 Leadership Quarterly19
- Environmental Impact Assessment Review19
- Information & Management19
- Journal of Economic Perspectives19
- Trends in Ecology & Evolution19
42 Journal of Destination Marketing & Management18
- Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review18
- Journal of Service Research18
- Research Policy18
- Supply Chain Management-An International Journal18
- Technovation18
- Journal of Enterprise Information Management18
- California Management Review18
- Oeconomia Copernicana18
51 European Transport Research Review17
- Transport Reviews17
- Journal of Corporate Finance17
- Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing17
- Energy Research & Social Science17
- Journal of Accounting Research17
- Transportation Research Part B-Methodological17
- JMIR mHealth and uHealth17
- OMEGA-International Journal of Management Science17
- Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management17
- Academy of Management Review17
- Ecosystem Services17
- Resources Policy17
64 Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions16
- International Journal of Project Management16
- Journal of Knowledge Management16
- Nature Ecology & Evolution16
- Land Use Policy16
- One Earth16
- Organizational Research Methods16
- Econometrica16
- Transportation Research Part D-Transport and Environment16
- Industrial Marketing Management16
- International Journal of Operations & Production Management16
- Computers Environment and Urban Systems16
- Journal of Service Management16
- Ecology Letters16
78 Family Business Review15
- Journal of Interactive Marketing15
- Safety Science15
- Journal of Management15
- Urban Forestry & Urban Greening15
- Journal of Medical Internet Research15
- Journal of Strategic Information Systems15
- Accident Analysis and Prevention15
- Expert Systems With Applications15
- Transport Policy15
- Journal of International Business Studies15
- European Journal of Operational Research15
- Review of Economic Studies15
91 European Research on Management and Business Economics14
- Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Climate Change14
- World Development14
- Journal of Applied Psychology14
- International Business Review14
- International Journal of Logistics Management14
- Journal of Marketing Research14
- Journal of Retailing14
- Food Policy14
- Implementation Science14
- Service Industries Journal14
- International Journal of Management Reviews14
- Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management14
- International Journal of Production Research14
- Journal of Rural Studies14
- Journal of Medical Systems14
- Journal of Small Business Management14
- Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science14
- Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment14
- Decision Support Systems14
111 Financial Innovation13
- Electronic Markets13
- Tourism Management Perspectives13
- International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management13
- International Journal of Research in Marketing13
- Journal of Transport Geography13
- Journal of Management Information Systems13
- Molecular Ecology Resources13
- M&SOM-Manufacturing & Service Operations Management13
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management13
- Journal of Political Economy13
- Academy of Management Perspectives13
- Psychology & Marketing13
- Global Ecology and Biogeography13
- Health Policy and Planning13
- IEEE Systems Journal13
- Current Forestry Reports13
- Research in International Business and Finance13
- Review of Finance13
- Ecological Monographs13
- International Journal of Bank Marketing13
- International Journal of Consumer Studies13
- International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management13
- Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies13
- Management Science13
- Journal of Product Innovation Management13
- Journal of Supply Chain Management13
- Long Range Planning13
- Progress in Human Geography13
- International Journal of Health Services13
- Ecological Economics13
142 Economic Geography12
- Telecommunications Policy12
- Service Business12
- Internet Research12
- Journal of Accounting & Economics12
- Journal of Advertising12
- Information Systems Research12
- Journal of Business Logistics12
- Cities12
- Comunicar12
- International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology12
- Journal of Product and Brand Management12
- Journal of Family Business Strategy12
- Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management12
- Review of Managerial Science12
- Annual Review of Resource Economics12
- Review of Environmental Economics and Policy12
- Organization Science12
- Agricultural and Forest Meteorology12
- Digital Journalism12
- European Management Journal12
- Economic Analysis and Policy12
- Journal of Consumer Research12
- Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research12
- Journal of Monetary Economics12
- Contemporary Accounting Research12
- Journal of Organizational Behavior12
169 European Journal of Innovation Management11
- Travel Behaviour and Society11
- Small Business Economics11
- Information and Organization11
- International Journal of Human Resource Management11
- Climate Policy11
- JMIR Serious Games11
- Journal of Environmental Economics and Management11
- Journal of Ecology11
- Borsa Istanbul Review11
- Journal of Operations Management11
- Journal of Intellectual Capital11
- Review of Accounting Studies11
- Ecography11
- Habitat International11
- European Journal of Information Systems11
- Electronic Commerce Research and Applications11
- International Journal of Advertising11
- Journal of International Marketing11
- Journal of Urban Economics11
- Socio-Economic Planning Sciences11
- Molecular Ecology11
- Journal of Environmental Psychology11
- Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory11
- Transportation Science11
- Business Horizons11
- Production Planning & Control11
- Biological Conservation11
- MIS Quarterly11
- Current Opinion in Insect Science11
- Organization & Environment11
200 Transportation Research Part A-Policy and Practice10
- Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal10
- Human Relations10
- IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management10
- International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research10
- International Journal of Forecasting10
- International Review of Financial Analysis10
- Journal of International Management10
- Journal of Wood Science10
- Journal of Nursing Management10
- Journal of Service Theory and Practice10
- Accounting Organizations and Society10
- Health Technology Assessment10
- Computers & Operations Research10
- Research in Transportation Economics10
- Ecological Engineering10
- Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes10
- Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja10
- Emerging Markets Review10
- Structural Change and Economic Dynamics10
- Sport Management Review10
- Strategic Management Journal10
- Human Resource Management10
- Information Technology for Development10
- Journal of Business Ethics10
- Journal of Development Economics10
- International Marketing Review10
- Journal of International Financial Markets Institutions & Money10
- Journal of Management Studies10
- Methods in Ecology and Evolution10
- Internet Interventions-The Application of Information Technology in Mental and Behavioural Health10
- Critical Perspectives on Accounting10
- Journal of Applied Ecology10
- British Journal of Management10
- Policy and Society10
- Basic and Applied Ecology10
- Marketing Science10
- Health Affairs10
- Public Relations Review10
- Diversity and Distributions10
- New Technology Work and Employment10
- Ecological Applications10
- Review of Economics and Statistics10
- Ecological Informatics10
244 Global Finance Journal9
- Global Strategy Journal9
- Economic Modelling9
- Strategic Organization9
- Sustainable Development9
- Transportation Research Part F-Traffic Psychology and Behaviour9
- Utilities Policy9
- Human Resource Management Journal9
- Human Resources for Health9
- International Journal of Accounting Information Systems9
- International Journal of Electronic Commerce9
- International Journal of Geographical Information Science9
- Journal of Competitiveness9
- Journal of Consumer Psychology9
- International Small Business Journal-Researching Entrepreneurship9
- Journal of the European Economic Association9
- Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting9
- China Economic Review9
- Landscape Ecology9
- Memetic Computing9
- Applied Geography9
- Palliative Medicine9
- Journal of Financial Stability9
- Journal of Safety Research9
- Business Process Management Journal9
- Journal of Technology Transfer9
- Pacific-Basin Finance Journal9
- Annals of Forest Science9
- Forest Ecology and Management9
- Project Management Journal9
- Biogeosciences9
- Functional Ecology9
- Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making9
- Health and Quality of Life Outcomes9
- Environment and Behavior9
- Sustainability Accounting Management and Policy Journal9
- Journal of Air Transport Management9
- International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management9
- Journal of Brand Management9
- International Journal of Logistics-Research and Applications9
- International Journal of Manpower9
- International Journal of Sustainable Transportation9
- Accounting Review9
- Journal of Vacation Marketing9
- Climate Risk Management9
- Journal of Services Marketing9
- Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences9
- Business & Society9
- Accounting Auditing & Accountability Journal9
- Leadership & Organization Development Journal9
- Aquaculture Economics & Management9
- Management International Review9
- Forest Policy and Economics9
- Marine Policy9
- Maritime Economics & Logistics9
- Biology Letters9
- Public Management Review9
- British Food Journal9
- North American Journal of Economics and Finance9
- Organization Studies9
304 Engineering Construction and Architectural Management8
- Environment and Planning A-Economy and Space8
- Eurasian Business Review8
- European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology8
- Finance Research Letters8
- Sustainability8
- Science Communication8
- International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal8
- Journal of Banking & Finance8
- Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance8
- International Journal of Management Education8
- Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Economics8
- Mammal Review8
- Journal of Economic Surveys8
- Creativity and Innovation Management8
- Journal of Animal Ecology8
- Journal of European Public Policy8
- Journal of Public Economics8
- Journal of Financial Intermediation8
- Wildlife Biology8
- Production and Operations Management8
- Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation8
- Ecosystems8
- Personnel Review8
- Management Decision8
- China Agricultural Economic Review8
- Conservation Biology8
- Informatics for Health & Social Care8
- Resource and Energy Economics8
- Ecology8
- European Journal of Marketing8
- Geoforum8
- Economy and Society8
- Technological and Economic Development of Economy8
- Total Quality Management & Business Excellence8
- Social Media + Society8
- Industry and Innovation8
- Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing8
- International Journal of Lean Six Sigma8
- Journal of Communication8
- Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication8
- International Journal of Press-Politics8
- Journal of International Economics8
- Journal of Labor Economics8
- American Economic Journal-Economic Policy8
- Journal of Marketing Management8
- Microbial Ecology8
- International Journal of Medical Informatics8
- Journal of European Social Policy8
- Journal of Clinical Epidemiology8
- Journal of Public Policy & Marketing8
- People and Nature8
- Baltic Journal of Management8
- Journal of Health Economics8
- Academy of Management Discoveries8
- Cambridge Journal of Regions Economy and Society8
- Journal of Information Technology8
- Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems8
- Forest Ecosystems8
- Marketing Intelligence & Planning8
- Public Administration8
- BMJ Quality & Safety8
- Quantitative Economics8
- Heredity8
- Regional Environmental Change8
- Regional Studies8
- Ecological Processes8
371 Health Policy and Technology7
- Environmental Politics7
- Health Research Policy and Systems7
- Futures7
- Tourism Economics7
- Human Resource Development Review7
- Journalism Studies7
- Journal of Asian Economics7
- Journal of Commodity Markets7
- International Journal of Managing Projects in Business7
- International Review of Administrative Sciences7
- International Review of Economics & Finance7
- Risk Management and Healthcare Policy7
- Climate and Development7
- American Economic Journal-Applied Economics7
- Telemedicine and E-Health7
- Journal of Organizational and End User Computing7
- Neobiota7
- Journal of Peasant Studies7
- Journal of Engineering and Technology Management7
- Oikos7
- Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning7
- Journal of Arid Environments7
- Journal of Biogeography7
- Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics7
- Carbon Management7
- Oxford Review of Economic Policy7
- Ecosphere7
- Ecotoxicology7
- European Journal of Soil Biology7
- Policy Sciences7
- Political Geography7
- Maritime Policy & Management7
- Disability and Health Journal7
- International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing7
- New Political Economy7
- Review of International Political Economy7
- German Journal of Human Resource Management-Zeitschrift fuer Personalforschung7
- Entrepreneurship and Regional Development7
- Health Sociology Review7
- Demography7
- European Journal of Health Economics7
- Economic Journal7
- Feminist Economics7
- Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers7
- Urban Studies7
- Information Communication & Society7
- International Journal of Emerging Markets7
- Journal of Chinese Governance7
- Journal of Comparative Economics7
- Journal of Consumer Behaviour7
- Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare7
- Journal of Transport & Health7
- Lancet Regional Health-Western Pacific7
- Agricultural and Food Economics7
- Knowledge Management Research & Practice7
- Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization7
- Movement Ecology7
- Journal of Environmental Planning and Management7
- Journal of Population Economics7
- Operations Research7
- Asia Pacific Journal of Management7
- Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management7
- Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis7
- Patient-Patient Centered Outcomes Research7
- Pharmacoeconomics7
- Journal of Responsible Innovation7
- Wood Science and Technology7
- Academy of Management Learning & Education7
- Career Development International7
- American Journal of Agricultural Economics7
- American Naturalist7
- European Review of Agricultural Economics7
- Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy7
- Evolution7
- Political Communication7
- Managerial Auditing Journal7
- Health Policy7
- Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance7
- Rand Journal of Economics7
- R & D Management7
- Research in Transportation Business and Management7
- New Media & Society7
- Agricultural Economics7
455 Energy & Environment6
- Growth and Change6
- Environmental Communication-A Journal of Nature and Culture6
- Health Care Management Science6
- Housing Policy Debate6
- European Accounting Review6
- European Economic Review6
- Gender Work and Organization6
- Electronic Commerce Research6
- Review of Public Personnel Administration6
- Urban Geography6
- Water Resources and Economics6
- Work Employment and Society6
- Information Economics and Policy6
- Journal of Agricultural Education & Extension6
- Journal of Consumer Affairs6
- Journal of Transport and Land Use6
- Journal of International Money and Finance6
- African Development Review-Revue Africaine de Developpement6
- Journal of Urban Technology6
- Supportive Care in Cancer6
- Climate Services6
- American Economic Journal-Macroeconomics6
- Journal of Management & Organization6
- Communication Methods and Measures6
- Medical Care6
- Medical Decision Making6
- Journal of Econometrics6
- Journal of Marketing for Higher Education6
- Comparative Migration Studies6
- Journal of Economic Geography6
- Antipode6
- Cornell Hospitality Quarterly6
- Journal of Empirical Finance6
- Cross Cultural & Strategic Management6
- Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources6
- Cyberpsychology-Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace6
- Journal of Evolutionary Biology6
- Journal of Forestry Research6
- Quality of Life Research6
- Journal of Sport Management6
- Journal of Personalized Medicine6
- Rangeland Ecology & Management6
- Accounting Forum6
- Applied Health Economics and Health Policy6
- Policy Studies Journal6
- Local Environment6
- Fire Ecology6
- Behavioral Ecology6
- Biological Invasions6
- BMC Health Services Research6
- Marketing Theory6
- BMC Palliative Care6
- Public Understanding of Science6
- Regional Science and Urban Economics6
- Regulation & Governance6
- Dendrochronologia6
- Ecological Complexity6
- Advances in Health Sciences Education6
- Ecology and Society6
- Geopolitics6
- Employee Relations6
- Global Environmental Politics6
- Energy Journal6
- Environmental Education Research6
- Environmental & Resource Economics6
- Human Communication Research6
- European Planning Studies6
- European Security6
- European Urban and Regional Studies6
- Economics & Human Biology6
- Economic Systems6
- Studies in Family Planning6
- Transportation6
- Transportation Letters-The International Journal of Transportation Research6
- Science and Public Policy6
- Sociologia Ruralis6
- Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics6
- Information Systems and E-Business Management6
- Journal of Business and Psychology6
- International Journal of Public Opinion Research6
- Journal of the Japanese and International Economies6
- Administration & Society6
- China & World Economy6
- Teaching and Learning in Medicine6
- Marine Ecology Progress Series6
- Labour Economics6
- American Economic Review-Insights6
- Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management6
- Applied Economic Analysis6
- Journal of Multinational Financial Management6
- International Journal of Systems Science6
- Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology6
- Journal of Economic Psychology6
- International Journal of Wildland Fire6
- Oecologia6
- Journal of Agricultural Economics6
- Journal of Policy Modeling6
- Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies6
- British Accounting Review6
- Journal of Social Marketing6
- Quality Technology and Quantitative Management6
- Ecosystem Health and Sustainability6
- Land6
- European Journal of Forest Research6
- Annals of Operations Research6
- Management Accounting Research6
- Biodiversity and Conservation6
- Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution6
- BMC Ecology and Evolution6
- Fungal Ecology6
- Public Administration Review6
- BMC Medical Research Methodology6
- Global Ecology and Conservation6
- Public Personnel Management6
- Concurrent Engineering-Research and Applications6
- Natural Hazards Review6
- Research on Language and Social Interaction6
- Ecological Modelling6
- Organization6
575 Health Communication5
- Health Systems & Reform5
- European Journal of Finance5
- European Journal of Industrial Relations5
- European Journal of Population-Revue Europeenne de Demographie5
- European Management Review5
- Economics of Transportation5
- Gender in Management5
- Emerging Markets Finance and Trade5
- Territory Politics Governance5
- Transfer-European Review of Labour and Research5
- Scandinavian Journal of Management5
- Spatial Economic Analysis5
- Journal of Aging and Health5
- Information Society5
- Journal of Applied Behavioral Science5
- International Journal of Business Communication5
- International Journal of Conflict Management5
- International Journal of Health Planning and Management5
- Journal of Chinese Political Science5
- International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management5
- Journal of Community Health5
- International Journal of Selection and Assessment5
- International Journal of Strategic Property Management5
- International Journal of Urban Sciences5
- Journal of the Knowledge Economy5
- Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association5
- Journal of the Operational Research Society5
- Administrative Science Quarterly5
- Mathematical Programming Computation5
- American Review of Public Administration5
- Journal of Managerial Psychology5
- Communication Research5
- Annals of the American Association of Geographers5
- Milbank Quarterly5
- Journal of Organizational Change Management5
- International Transactions in Operational Research5
- Journal for Nature Conservation5
- Journal of Chemical Ecology5
- Auditing-A Journal of Practice & Theory5
- Demographic Research5
- Pedobiologia5
- Journal of Regional Science5
- Perspectives in Plant Ecology Evolution and Systematics5
- Journal of General Internal Medicine5
- Tree Genetics & Genomes5
- Trees-Structure and Function5
- Journal of Health Politics Policy and Law5
- Journal of Risk and Uncertainty5
- Journal of Health Communication5
- Journal of Health Services Research & Policy5
- Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare5
- Journal of Social and Personal Relationships5
- Quality and Reliability Engineering International5
- Journal of Sustainable Forestry5
- Agroforestry Systems5
- Engineering Optimization5
- Animal Biotelemetry5
- European Journal of Cancer Care5
- Annals of Palliative Medicine5
- Planning Theory & Practice5
- European Journal of Wood and Wood Products5
- Leadership5
- Applied Vegetation Science5
- Aquatic Microbial Ecology5
- Population and Environment5
- Management and Organization Review5
- Post-Soviet Affairs5
- Management Learning5
- Profesional de la Informacion5
- Freshwater Science5
- Mathematical Finance5
- Public Performance & Management Review5
- Media and Communication5
- Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics-Revue Canadienne d'Agroeconomie5
- Health Economics5
- Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management5
- Health Informatics Journal5
- Migration Studies5
- Race and Justice5
- Multinational Business Review5
- International Journal for Parasitology-Parasites and Wildlife5
- Diversity-Basel5
- Review of Economic Dynamics5
- Ecological Management & Restoration5
- Energy Efficiency5
- Global Networks-A Journal of Transnational Affairs5
- Group & Organization Management5
- Healthcare-The Journal of Delivery Science and Innovation5
- Environmental Policy and Governance5
- Housing Studies5
- Environment and Planning D-Society & Space5
- Ethnicity & Health5
- European Journal of Development Research5
- Disasters5
- Discourse Context & Media5
- European Journal of Political Economy5
- Economic and Labour Relations Review5
- Extractive Industries and Society-An International Journal5
- Financial Management5
- Economics of Education Review5
- Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance-Issues and Practice5
- Geographical Analysis5
- Technology Analysis & Strategic Management5
- Venture Capital5
- Human Resource Development Quarterly5
- Israel Journal of Health Policy Research5
- Journalism Practice5
- Industrial and Corporate Change5
- Journal of Accounting and Public Policy5
- Innovation-Organization & Management5
- International Environmental Agreements-Politics Law and Economics5
- Journal of Business Economics and Management5
- International Journal of Finance & Economics5
- Journal of Choice Modelling5
- Journal of Vegetation Science5
- Journal of International Trade & Economic Development5
- Journal of Urban Planning and Development5
- Chinese Management Studies5
- Journal of Language and Social Psychology5
- Systems & Control Letters5
- Journal of Macromarketing5
- Journal of Management Analytics5
- Coastal Management5
- Journal of Management Inquiry5
- Medical Care Research and Review5
- Communication Theory5
- Anthropocene Review5
- Competition & Change5
- Journal of Economic Literature5
- Asian Business & Management5
- Convergence-The International Journal of Research Into New Media Technologies5
- Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation5
- Journal of Environmental Education5
- Paleobiology5
- Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology5
- Plants People Planet5
- Wetlands5
- Journal of Housing Economics5
- Journal of Rural Health5
- Restoration Ecology5
- Journal of the Economics of Ageing5
- Cartography and Geographic Information Science5
- Review of Policy Research5
- Animal Conservation5
- Personnel Psychology5
- AoB Plants5
- Policy Studies5
- Arctic Science5
- Population Studies-A Journal of Demography5
- Post-Communist Economies5
- Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology5
- Forests5
- Freshwater Biology5
- Psychiatric Services5
- Frontiers in Forests and Global Change5
- Media Culture & Society5
- Canadian Journal of Forest Research5
- Health Expectations5
- Race Ethnicity and Education5
- Mobilities5
- Conservation Physiology5
- Review of International Organizations5
- Ecology and Evolution5
739 Geography Compass4
- Emotion Space and Society4
- Group Decision and Negotiation4
- Health Care Analysis4
- Health Economics Review4
- Environment and Planning E-Nature and Space4
- Disaster Prevention and Management4
- Economic Change and Restructuring4
- Economic Development and Cultural Change4
- Explorations in Economic History4
- Economics of Innovation and New Technology4
- Geographical Journal4
- Theoretical Economics4
- Third World Quarterly4
- Transactions in GIS4
- Transportmetrica B-Transport Dynamics4
- Urban Design International4
- Service Science4
- JCMS-Journal of Common Market Studies4
- IMF Economic Review4
- Information Technology & Management4
- Journal of Applied Econometrics4
- Insurance Mathematics & Economics4
- Journal of Business & Economic Statistics4
- Journal of Business Finance & Accounting4
- Journal of Business-To-Business Marketing4
- Journal of Children and Media4
- Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis4
- Journal of Contemporary China4
- International Labour Review4
- International Public Management Journal4
- Human Ecology4
- Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering4
- Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research4
- Small-Scale Forestry4
- Landscape and Ecological Engineering4
- Journal of Macroeconomics4
- Clothing and Textiles Research Journal4
- Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics4
- Journal of Maps4
- Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control4
- Methods of Information in Medicine4
- Journal of Economic Inequality4
- Area4
- Journal of Economic Policy Reform4
- International Journal of Systems Science-Operations & Logistics4
- Operational Research4
- Journal of Productivity Analysis4
- Optimization and Engineering4
- Journal of Evolutionary Economics4
- Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research4
- Australian Accounting Review4
- Australian Geographer4
- Journal of Healthcare Engineering4
- Polar Biology4
- Journal of Geographical Systems4
- Tropical Ecology4
- Polar Research4
- Journal of Geography in Higher Education4
- Population Health Management4
- Journal of Housing and the Built Environment4
- Cambridge Journal of Economics4
- Journal of Quality Technology4
- Journal of Information Technology & Politics4
- Accounting and Finance4
- Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists4
- American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine4
- Papers in Regional Science4
- Policy and Politics4
- Evolutionary Ecology4
- Aquatic Ecology4
- Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal4
- Population Space and Place4
- Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics4
- Managerial and Decision Economics4
- Biochemical Systematics and Ecology4
- Marine Resource Economics4
- Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment4
- Psychology Public Policy and Law4
- Biotropica4
- Marketing Letters4
- Public Money & Management4
- Public Policy and Administration4
- Central European Journal of Operations Research4
- Chemistry and Ecology4
- Holzforschung4
- Mobile Media & Communication4
- Informs Journal on Computing4
- Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care4
- International Food and Agribusiness Management Review4
- Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology4
- Review of Economics of the Household4
- Open House International4
- Agrekon4
- Governance-An International Journal of Policy Administration and Institutions4
- Health Care Management Review4
- Environment and Planning B-Urban Analytics and City Science4
- Environment and Urbanization4
- Development and Change4
- Development Southern Africa4
- European Financial Management4
- East European Politics4
- Economia Politica4
- Experimental Economics4
- Finance and Stochastics4
- Financial Analysts Journal4
- Education Finance and Policy4
- Transportmetrica A-Transport Science4
- Urban Affairs Review4
- Urban Education4
- Work and Occupations4
- World Economy4
- Written Communication4
- SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics4
- Small Group Research4
- Social & Cultural Geography4
- Journalism4
- Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal4
- Journal of Agrarian Change4
- Journal of Applied Communication Research4
- Journal of Applied Economics4
- International Journal of Industrial Organization4
- Journal of Contemporary Ethnography4
- Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management4
- International Journal of Urban and Regional Research4
- International Regional Science Review4
- International Review of Economics Education4
- Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics4
- Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research4
- Childrens Geographies4
- Journal of Transportation Safety & Security4
- Statistical Methods in Medical Research4
- City & Community4
- Journal of Law & Economics4
- Mathematical Programming4
- Mathematics of Operations Research4
- Communication Monographs4
- Amfiteatru Economic4
- Medical Teacher4
- Community Mental Health Journal4
- International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making4
- Journal of Media Psychology-Theories Methods and Applications4
- Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy4
- Asian American Journal of Psychology4
- New Forests4
- Journal of Economic Theory4
- Corporate Governance-An International Review4
- Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology4
- Operations Research Perspectives4
- Journal of Biological Dynamics4
- Journal of Family and Economic Issues4
- ASTIN Bulletin-The Journal of the International Actuarial Association4
- Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics4
- Journal of Financial Markets4
- Australian Journal of Management4
- Plant Ecology4
- Journal of Geography4
- Journal of Interprofessional Care4
- Urban Ecosystems4
- Polar Science4
- Journal of Health Organization and Management4
- Journal of Medical Economics4
- Wildlife Research4
- Academia-Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion4
- Journal of Palliative Care4
- Journal of Patient Safety4
- Journal of Sports Economics4
- RAIRO-Operations Research4
- Journal of Industrial Relations4
- Accounting and Business Research4
- Canadian Public Policy-Analyse de Politiques4
- Journal of School Health4
- Journal of Institutional Economics4
- Journal of Soil and Water Conservation4
- Ecoscience4
- Policy and Internet4
- Aquatic Invasions4
- Fire-Switzerland4
- Flora4
- Food Webs4
- Management Communication Quarterly4
- Forestry4
- Mass Communication and Society4
- Gaceta Sanitaria4
- Media Psychology4
- Healthcare4
- QME-Quantitative Marketing and Economics4
- Chemoecology4
- Health Services Research4
- Chronic Illness4
- Race and Social Problems4
- IAWA Journal4
- Computational Optimization and Applications4
- iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry4
- Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering4
- International Journal for Quality in Health Care4
- Discrete Event Dynamic Systems-Theory and Applications4
- Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal4
- Ecohydrology4
- Nonprofit Management & Leadership4
- Review of Development Economics4
- Academic Medicine4
- Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology4
- Organizational Dynamics4
943 Empirical Economics3
- Environmental Values3
- Environment and Development Economics3
- Housing Theory & Society3
- Environment and Planning C-Politics and Space3
- Ethnicities3
- Development Policy Review3
- Dialogues in Human Geography3
- Discourse & Communication3
- Du Bois Review-Social Science Research on Race3
- Economica3
- Economic and Industrial Democracy3
- European Review of Economic History3
- Economic Inquiry3
- Economics Letters3
- Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy3
- Games and Culture3
- Economic Systems Research3
- Economist-Netherlands3
- Education and Urban Society3
- Systems Research and Behavioral Science3
- Transnational Environmental Law3
- Review of World Economics3
- Urban Research & Practice3
- Zeitschrift fuer Wirtschaftsgeographie3
- Socio-Economic Review3
- Industrial Relations3
- Journal of African Economies3
- International Journal of Auditing3
- Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis3
- Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media3
- Journal of Business and Technical Communication3
- International Journal of Market Research3
- International Journal of the Commons3
- International Migration3
- Journal of International Development3
- CESifo Economic Studies3
- Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care3
- African Affairs3
- Journal of Wildlife Management3
- Chinese Journal of Communication3
- African Studies3
- Journal of Labor Research3
- Africa Spectrum3
- AIDS Care-Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/Hiv3
- Journal of Law Economics & Organization3
- Systems Engineering3
- Marine Biology Research3
- Theoretical Population Biology3
- TOP3
- Communication & Sport3
- Computational Economics3
- Applied Economics3
- Journal of Money Credit and Banking3
- Consumption Markets & Culture3
- Journal of Economic Methodology3
- Networks & Spatial Economics3
- Asian Journal of Technology Innovation3
- Journal of Planning Literature3
- Asian Population Studies3
- Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities3
- Critical Discourse Studies3
- Asian Survey3
- Critical Policy Studies3
- Journal of Environment & Development3
- Optimal Control Applications & Methods3
- Decision Sciences3
- Journal of Financial Econometrics3
- Journal of Real Estate Research3
- Journal of Forest Research3
- Australian Journal of Public Administration3
- Journal of Futures Markets3
- Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies3
- Abacus-A Journal of Accounting Finance and Business Studies3
- Journal of Social Policy3
- Journal of Human Resources3
- Journal of Palliative Medicine3
- Regional Studies in Marine Science3
- Journal of Scheduling3
- Journal of the American Planning Association3
- Journal of Simulation3
- Agricultural Economics-Zemedelska Ekonomika3
- Palliative & Supportive Care3
- American Midland Naturalist3
- Personal Relationships3
- Land Economics3
- Evaluation & the Health Professions3
- Australian Forestry3
- Forest Pathology3
- Public Administration and Development3
- Public Choice3
- Geospatial Health3
- BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care3
- Quantitative Finance3
- IISE Transactions3
- International Journal of Health Policy and Management3
- International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations3
- Review of Derivatives Research3
- 4OR-A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research3
- Review of Income and Wealth3
- Ecological Research3
- African Journal of Range & Forage Science3
- Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics3
- Empirica3
- Engineering Management Journal3
- Environmental Hazards-Human and Policy Dimensions3
- Health Economics Policy and Law3
- Health Information Management Journal3
- Health Promotion International3
- European Business Organization Law Review3
- Econometrics Journal3
- Economic Development Quarterly3
- Fiscal Studies3
- Games and Economic Behavior3
- Economic Theory3
- Geografiska Annaler Series B-Human Geography3
- Geographical Research3
- E & M Ekonomie A Management3
- Systemic Practice and Action Research3
- Television & New Media3
- Traffic Injury Prevention3
- Revista de Contabilidad-Spanish Accounting Review3
- Scandinavian Journal of Economics3
- Weather Climate and Society3
- Science Technology and Society3
- World Bank Economic Review3
- Society & Natural Resources3
- South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences3
- International Tax and Public Finance3
- Island Studies Journal3
- Japan and the World Economy3
- Javnost-The Public3
- Journal of Advertising Research3
- Journal of African Media Studies3
- Interaction Studies3
- International Communication Gazette3
- Journal of Asian Public Policy3
- International Economic Review3
- Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics3
- Journal of Behavioral Finance3
- Journal of Biosocial Science3
- International Journal of Housing Policy3
- Journal of Cultural Economics3
- Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs3
- International Review of Law and Economics3
- Human Ecology Review3
- Action Research3
- Journal of Tropical Ecology3
- Simulation in Healthcare-Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare3
- African Journalism Studies3
- Southern Forests3
- Climate Change Economics3
- Cliometrica3
- American Economic Journal-Microeconomics3
- Theoretical Ecology3
- American Journal of Health Economics3
- Medical Education3
- Annals of Regional Science3
- Journal of Economic Education3
- Journal of Economic History3
- Conservation & Society3
- Naval Research Logistics3
- Asian Journal of Communication3
- Journal of Planning Education and Research3
- Asia Pacific Business Review3
- Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research3
- Asia Pacific Viewpoint3
- Decision Analysis3
- Optimization Letters3
- Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions3
- Defence and Peace Economics3
- OR Spectrum3
- Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice3
- Journal of Refugee Studies3
- Journal of Regulatory Economics3
- Journal of Financial Services Research3
- Journal of Freshwater Ecology3
- Journal of Forecasting3
- Journal of Global Optimization3
- Journal of Genetic Counseling3
- Journal of Risk and Insurance3
- Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics3
- Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications3
- Journal of Human Development and Capabilities3
- Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies3
- Journal of Public Health Policy3
- Canadian Journal of Economics-Revue Canadienne d'Economique3
- Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy3
- Accounting Horizons3
- Pacific Review3
- Environmental Biology of Fishes3
- Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health3
- Language & Communication3
- European Journal of Wildlife Research3
- Latin American Research Review3
- Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research3
- Local Government Studies3
- Population Research and Policy Review3
- Austral Ecology3
- Australian Journal of Primary Health3
- Professional Geographer3
- Psychology of Popular Media3
- Mathematical Population Studies3
- Public Opinion Quarterly3
- Mathematics and Financial Economics3
- Community Ecology3
- IMA Journal of Management Mathematics3
- Informs Journal on Applied Analytics3
- National Tax Journal3
- Digital Health3
- Agribusiness3
1154 German Economic Review2
- Erdkunde2
- Discourse & Society2
- European Journal of Law and Economics2
- Eastern European Economics2
- European Journal of Migration and Law2
- Econometric Theory2
- Feminist Media Studies2
- Geografie2
- Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography2
- Geographical Review2
- Studies in Comparative International Development2
- System Dynamics Review2
- Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie2
- Transportation Journal2
- Turkish Studies2
- Scottish Geographical Journal2
- World Trade Review2
- Signs and Society2
- Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography2
- Social Policy & Administration2
- Social Semiotics2
- Sociology of Race and Ethnicity2
- South African Journal of Business Management2
- South African Journal of Economics2
- Southeast European and Black Sea Studies2
- Space and Culture2
- Investment Analysts Journal2
- Identities-Global Studies in Culture and Power2
- Jahrbucher fuer Nationalokonomie und Statistik2
- Japanese Economic Review2
- ILR Review2
- Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly2
- International Development Planning Review2
- International Finance2
- Journal of Contemporary European Studies2
- Journal of Cultural Economy2
- Journal of Demographic Economics2
- Journal of Development Effectiveness2
- Journal of Eastern African Studies2
- Central Asian Survey2
- Silvae Genetica2
- Southeastern Naturalist2
- Studies in Informatics and Control2
- Journal of World Trade2
- Technology and Health Care2
- Mathematical Methods of Operations Research2
- Communication and Critical-Cultural Studies2
- Community Development Journal2
- Journal of Media Ethics2
- Journal of Economic Issues2
- Contemporary Economic Policy2
- Asian and Pacific Migration Journal2
- New Medit2
- Asian Economic Policy Review2
- Journal of Environmental Law2
- Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics2
- Journal of Portfolio Management2
- Operations Research Letters2
- Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies2
- Optimization Methods & Software2
- Journal of Public Policy2
- Oryx2
- Australian Economic Papers2
- Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management2
- Phytocoenologia2
- Plant Species Biology2
- Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy2
- Business Ethics Quarterly2
- Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part O-Journal of Risk and Reliability2
- Wood and Fiber Science2
- Journal of Human Capital2
- Journal of Pain and Symptom Management2
- Queueing Systems2
- Journal of Industrial Economics2
- Journal of Information Systems2
- Canadian Journal of Development Studies-Revue Canadienne d'Etudes du Developpement2
- Canadian Public Administration-Administration Publique du Canada2
- Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research2
- Baltic Forestry2
- Progress in Development Studies2
- Forest Science2
- Mathematical Social Sciences2
- Hastings Center Report2
- Media International Australia2
- Mediterranean Politics2
- MIS Quarterly Executive2
- RBGN-Revista Brasileira de Gestao de Negocios2
- Real Estate Economics2
- Contemporary Problems of Ecology2
- Nations and Nationalism2
- Natural Resources Forum2
- Discrete Optimization2
- New Zealand Geographer2
- Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift-Norwegian Journal of Geography2
- Acta Amazonica2
- Review of International Economics2
- Global Economic Review2
- Environment2
- Ethnic and Racial Studies2
- Eurasian Geography and Economics2
- Economics of Governance2
- GAIA-Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society2
- Economics of Transition and Institutional Change2
- Economics & Politics2
- Gender Place and Culture2
- Geography2
- Text & Talk2
- Theory and Decision2
- Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences2
- Urban Policy and Research2
- Water Economics and Policy2
- Series-Journal of the Spanish Economic Association2
- Human Geography2
- South African Geographical Journal2
- Southern Economic Journal2
- Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting-Revista Espanola de Financiacion y Contabilidad2
- Human Service Organizations Management Leadership & Governance2
- IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication2
- Journal of Asian and African Studies2
- International Journal of Health Economics and Management2
- Journal of Competition Law & Economics2
- Journal of Contemporary Asia2
- Journal of Development Studies2
- International Migration Review2
- International Review of Finance2
- Russian Journal of Ecology2
- Kyklos2
- Communication Culture & Critique2
- Communications-European Journal of Communication Research2
- Journal of Mathematical Economics2
- Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination2
- Applied Economics Letters2
- Networks2
- Journal of Economics & Management Strategy2
- Asian Economic Papers2
- Journal of Pediatric Health Care2
- Journal for Healthcare Quality2
- Critical Asian Studies2
- Journal of Post Keynesian Economics2
- Culture and Organization2
- Optimization2
- Journal of Public Economic Theory2
- Australasian Journal of Environmental Management2
- Australian Economic History Review2
- Australian Economic Review2
- Journal of Forestry2
- Polar Record2
- Bulletin of Economic Research2
- Population Ecology2
- Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences2
- Journal of Natural History2
- Journal of South Asian Development2
- Quality Management in Health Care2
- Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences-Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration2
- Rangeland Journal2
- American Journal of Medical Quality2
- Panoeconomicus2
- Landscape Research2
- Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry2
- Population and Development Review2
- Australian Health Review2
- Prague Economic Papers2
- Management & Organizational History2
- Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics2
- Metroeconomica2
- Modern China2
- Narrative Inquiry2
- Inquiry-The Journal of Health Care Organization Provision and Financing2
- International Forestry Review2
- International Journal of Forest Engineering2
- Research-Technology Management2
- Review of African Political Economy2
- Open Economies Review2
- Review of European Comparative & International Environmental Law2
- African Journal of Ecology2
- Review of Industrial Organization2
- African Journal of Wildlife Research2
- Oxford Economic Papers-New Series2
1334 Gestion y Politica Publica1
- Enterprise & Society1
- Environmental History1
- European Journal of Communication1
- East European Politics and Societies1
- Econometric Reviews1
- Europe-Asia Studies1
- Economics and Philosophy1
- Finanzarchiv1
- Economics-The Open Access Open-Assessment E-Journal1
- Revista de Historia Economica1
- Visual Communication1
- Social Choice and Welfare1
- Social Dynamics-A Journal of African Studies1
- Israel Affairs1
- India Review1
- Industrial Law Journal1
- Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies1
- Journal of Black Studies1
- International Journal of Mobile Communications1
- Acta Oeconomica1
- Journal of Tropical Forest Science1
- Journal of Urban Affairs1
- China Quarterly1
- Southwestern Naturalist1
- Labor History1
- American Journal of Economics and Sociology1
- Journal of Modern African Studies1
- Argumentation1
- Journal of Economics1
- International Journal of Technology Management1
- Continuum-Journal of Media & Cultural Studies1
- Asian Economic Journal1
- Journal of Pension Economics & Finance1
- Northeastern Naturalist1
- Cultural Geographies1
- Journal of Financial Research1
- Bilig1
- British Journal of Industrial Relations1
- British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies1
- Polish Journal of Ecology1
- Western North American Naturalist1
- Business History Review1
- Canadian Geographer-Geographe Canadien1
- Revista Arvore1
- Cartographic Journal1
- eco.mont-Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research1
- Pacific Focus1
- European Journal of Industrial Engineering1
- Latin American Economic Review1
- Applied Ecology and Environmental Research1
- Latin American Politics and Society1
- Macroeconomic Dynamics1
- Portuguese Economic Journal1
- Forest Products Journal1
- Forestry Chronicle1
- Manchester School1
- Bosque1
- Bulletin of the History of Medicine1
- Middle East Critique1
- Quarterly Journal of Speech1
- Ciencia Florestal1
- Race & Class1
- Compost Science & Utilization1
- RAE-Revista de Administracao de Empresas1
- Modern Asian Studies1
- Nationalities Papers-The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity1
- Negotiation Journal1
- History of Political Economy1
- Environment and History1
- Discourse Studies1
- European Journal of International Management1
- East Asian Science Technology and Society-An International Journal1
- European Journal of the History of Economic Thought1
- Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research1
- Economic History Review1
- Economic Policy1
- Translator1
- Trimestre Economico1
- Review of Radical Political Economics1
- Revista de Geografia Norte Grande1
- Revue d'Economie Politique1
- Scottish Journal of Political Economy1
- Singapore Economic Review1
- South Asia-Journal of South Asian Studies1
- Investigacion Economica1
- IDS Bulletin-Institute of Development Studies1
- Journal of Baltic Studies1
- International Journal of Economic Theory1
- International Journal of Game Theory1
- International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics1
- Journal of Derivatives1
- Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences1
- Scientia Forestalis1
- China Information1
- Africa1
- China Perspectives1
- Journal of Wine Economics1
- Journal of World Energy Law & Business1
- Sumarski List1
- Madera y Bosques1
- American Business Law Journal1
- Journal of East European Management Studies1
- Natural Areas Journal1
- Argumenta Oeconomica1
- Contemporary Southeast Asia1
- New Zealand Journal of Ecology1
- Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law1
- Northwest Science1
- Asian-Pacific Economic Literature1
- Journal of Policy Analysis and Management1
- Asian Studies Review1
- Critical Studies in Media Communication1
- Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies1
- Journal of Forest Economics1
- Boletin de la Asociacion de Geografos Espanoles1
- Tree-Ring Research1
- Journal of Healthcare Management1
- Journal of Historical Geography1
- Business History1
- Journal of Southern African Studies1
- Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente1
- Pacific Affairs1
- Pacific Economic Review1
- Engineering Economist1
- Patterns of Prejudice1
- Latin American Perspectives1
- Lex Localis-Journal of Local Self-Government1
- Families Systems & Health1
- Politicka Ekonomie1
- Bois et Forets des Tropiques1
- Middle East Policy1
- Monthly Labor Review1
- Relations Industrielles-Industrial Relations1
- NBER Macroeconomics Annual1
- Ecological Restoration1
- Review of Keynesian Economics1
1472 Environmental Ethics0
- Developing Economies0
- Economic Record0
- Geodetski Vestnik0
- Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics0
- Revista de Economia Mundial0
- Revue de Geographie Alpine-Journal of Alpine Research0
- Rhetoric Society Quarterly0
- Scripta Nova-Revista Electronica de Geografia y Ciencias Sociales0
- Iranian Studies0
- Journal of Asian Studies0
- China Journal0
- Journal of Urban History0
- Journal of Latin American Studies0
- Korea Observer0
- Medical History0
- International Journal of Integrated Care0
- Contemporary South Asia0
- Journal of Risk0
- Journal of Southeast Asian Studies0
- Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics-Zeitschrift fuer die gesamte Staatswissenschaft0
- Labour-Le Travail0
- Population0
- London Journal0
- Middle East Journal0
- Modern Italy0
- NWIG-New West Indian Guide-Nieuwe West-Indische Gids0
- European Review0
- Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap0
- Revue d'Etudes Comparatives Est-Ouest0
- Slavic Review0
- Social Science Japan Journal0
- Imago Mundi-The International Journal for the History of Cartography0
- Journal of Australian Studies0
- International Insolvency Review0
- International Journal of Middle East Studies0
- International Labor and Working-Class History0
- CEPAL Review0
- African and Asian Studies0
- African Studies Review0
- Contemporary Pacific0
- International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care0
- Journal of Palestine Studies0
- Value in Health0
- Bulletin of Latin American Research0
- Labour History0
- Middle Eastern Studies0
- Mitteilungen der Osterreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft0