Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics

(The TQCC of Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
A New Unit Root Test for Unemployment Hysteresis Based on the Autoregressive Neural Network*59
Domestic and Global Determinants of Inflation: Evidence from Expectile Regression*54
Rare Disasters, the Natural Interest Rate and Monetary Policy*43
Better Night Lights Data, For Longer*25
Gender Gaps in the Evaluation of Research: Evidence from Submissions to Economics Conferences*24
Market Volatility, Monetary Policy and the Term Premium19
Environmental Regulations, Political Incentives and Local Economic Activities: Evidence from China*16
Are Women Doing It for Themselves? Female Managers and the Gender Wage Gap*15
The Impact of Pessimistic Expectations on the Effects of COVID‐19‐Induced Uncertainty in the Euro Area*14
On the Time‐Varying Effects of Economic Policy Uncertainty on the US Economy14
Measuring the Statistical Capacity of Nations*13
Mental Health and Employment: A Bounding Approach Using Panel Data*12
Does Capital Account Liberalization Affect Income Inequality?*12
Pandemic Shocks and Household Spending*11
When Do We See Poverty Convergence?*10
The Impact of Top Incomes Biases on the Measurement of Inequality in the United States9
How did consumers react to the COVID‐19 pandemic over time?9
Work Hard or Play Hard? Degree Class, Student Leadership and Employment Opportunities*8
Joint Decomposition of Business and Financial Cycles: Evidence from Eight Advanced Economies*8
Adolescent School Bullying Victimization and Later Life Outcomes8
Monetary Policy Uncertainty and Inflation Expectations*8
The Impact of Uncertainty Shocks: Evidence from Geopolitical Swings on the Korean Peninsula*8
The Impacts of Free Universal Elderly Care on the Supply of Informal Care and Labour Supply*7
Why Transform Y? The Pitfalls of Transformed Regressions with a Mass at Zero*7
Financial Cycles in Euro Area Economies: A Cross‐Country Perspective Using Wavelet Analysis*7
Are Fiscal Multipliers Estimated with Proxy‐SVARs Robust?*7
The Consumption Euler Equation or the Keynesian Consumption Function?*7
Youth Unemployment and Stigmatization Over the Business Cycle in Europe*6
Empirical Evidence on the Dynamics of Investment Under Uncertainty in the U.S.*6
Classical and Bayesian Inference for Income Distributions using Grouped Data6
Scrutinizing the Monotonicity Assumption in IV and fuzzy RD designs*6
Loans to Different Groups and Economic Activity at Times of Crisis and Growth*6
Dimension Reduction for High‐Dimensional Vector Autoregressive Models*6
Some Unpleasant Consequences of Testing at Length*6
The Asymmetric Effects of Monetary Policy: Evidence from the United Kingdom*6
Bayesian Inference in Spatial Stochastic Volatility Models: An Application to House Price Returns in Chicago*6
A Mixed Frequency BVAR for the Euro Area Labour Market*5
Who Looks after the Kids? The Effects of Childcare Choice on Early Childhood Development in China*5
Furlough and Household Financial Distress during the COVID‐19 Pandemic*5
Euro Area Periphery Countries' Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy Surprises*5
Real Estate Boom and Firm Productivity: Evidence from China5
Revisiting the Great Ratios Hypothesis*5
Which factors were behind Germany's labour market upswing? A data‐driven approach*5
Monetary Policy and Corporate Debt Structure*5
On the Value of Birth Weight*5
Ethnic Background and the Value of Self‐Employment Experience: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment*5
Measuring Poverty Dynamics with Synthetic Panels Based on Repeated Cross Sections5
Do ECB's Monetary Policies Benefit EMEs? A GVAR Analysis on the Global Financial and Sovereign Debt Crises and Postcrises Period*5
Are Recoveries all the Same: GDP and TFP?*5
Research Deserts and Oases: Evidence from 27 Thousand Economics Journal Articles on Africa*5
Does the Left Spend More? An Econometric Survey of Partisan Politics*5
Modelling the Differing Impacts of Covid‐19 in the UK Labour Market†5
Long‐run Effects of Local Government Mergers on Educational Attainment and Income*4
Assessing Sampling Error in Pseudo‐Panel Models4
Time‐Varying Dynamics of the German Business Cycle: A Comprehensive Investigation*4
Discovering Specific Common Trends in a Large Set of Disaggregates: Statistical Procedures, their Properties and an Empirical Application*4
Norges Bank Output Gap Estimates: Forecasting Properties, Reliability, Cyclical Sensitivity and Hysteresis4
Systemic Financial Stress and Macroeconomic Amplifications in the United Kingdom*4
Testing for Co‐explosive Behaviour in Financial Time Series4
The Importance of Nutrition Education in Achieving Food Security and Adequate Nutrition of the Poor: Experimental Evidence from Bangladesh*4
International Effects of Euro Area Forward Guidance*4
Same‐Sex Marriage Legalization and Sexually Transmitted Infections Across Europe*4
On the Estimation of True State Dependence in the Persistence of Innovation*4
Why are the Contributions of Multinational Firms to Corporate Tax Revenues Declining?*4
Testing the Presence of Outliers in Regression Models*4
Untimely Reopening? Increase in the Number of New COVID‐19 Cases After Reopening in One Brazilian State3
Testing R&D‐Based Endogenous Growth Models*3
The Role of Global and Domestic Shocks for Inflation Dynamics: Evidence from Asia*3
Exploring Okun's law asymmetry: An endogenous threshold logistic smooth transition regression approach*3
Does FDI in Upstream and Downstream Sectors Facilitate Quality Upgrading? Evidence from Russian Exporters*3
Variable Screening and Model Averaging for Expectile Regressions3
Covid‐19 Control and the Economy: Test, Test, Test*3
Imputing Top‐Coded Income Data in Longitudinal Surveys*3
Accurate Confidence Regions for Principal Components Factors*3
Quantitative Easing and Wealth Inequality: The Asset Price Channel*3
Regulation and Corruption: Evidence from the United States*3
Variance Decomposition Analysis for Nonlinear Economic Models13
Disentangling the Effects of Uncertainty, Monetary Policy and Leverage Shocks on the Economy*3
Selective Mortality and the Long‐Term Effects of Early‐Life Exposure to Natural Disasters3