Interaction Studies

(The TQCC of Interaction Studies is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Children’s referent selection and word learning10
Human risk factors in cybersecurity9
“I know how you feel”6
An empirical study on integrating a small humanoid robot to support the therapy of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability6
A biosemiotics perspective on dogs’ interaction with interfaces5
Grapheme–phoneme correspondence learning in parrots5
In the same boat4
Systematic iterative design of interactive devices for animals4
What’s in a mime?4
How versatility performance influences perception of charismatic speech4
An epistemic logic for formalizing group dynamics of agents4
Review of Ibbotson (2020): What it Takes to Talk: Exploring Developmental Cognitive Linguistics4
Quietly angry, loudly happy3
Animal-computer interfaces3
Child-Robot Interaction: Design, Evaluation, and Novel Solutions3
Towards accessible robot-assisted physical play for children with physical disabilities3
Do 12-month-old infants maintain expectations of contingent or non-contingent responding based on prior experiences with unfamiliar and familiar adults?3
Coordination between vehicles in traffic3
Robots as an interactive-social medium in storytelling to multiple children2
Toward a multimodal and continuous approach of infant-adult interactions2
Effect of synchronous robot motion on human synchrony and enjoyment perception2
From vocal prosody to movement prosody, from HRI to understanding humans2