Local Government Studies

(The TQCC of Local Government Studies is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Multi-level responses to COVID-19: crisis coordination in Germany from an intergovernmental perspective37
Between lockdown and calm down. Comparing the COVID-19 responses of Norway and Sweden33
A systematic review of the literature on determinants of public managers' attitudes toward public participation26
Migration-related city networks: a global overview26
Citizen participation in the smart city: findings from an international comparative study26
Harnessing the power of dialogue: examining the impact of facebook content on citizens’ engagement17
Serving an ageing population: collaboration is key16
What happens when municipalities run corporations? Empirical evidence from 290 Swedish municipalities15
Vertical and horizontal intergovernmental relations during the first wave of the COVID-19 crisis: experience from the extremely fragmented CEE countries14
How do local actors interpret, enact and contest policy? An analysis of local government responses to meeting the needs of Syrian refugees in Turkey13
Pragmatic Municipalism: Privatization and Remunicipalisation in the US12
Assessing the intensity of cooperation: a study of joint delegation of municipal functions to inter-municipal associations11
How Finland copes with an ageing population: adjusting structures and equalising the financial capabilities of local governments11
The governance games of citizens and stakeholders’ engagement: longitudinal narratives11
From centralisation to new ways of multi-level coordination: Spain’s intergovernmental response to the COVID-19 pandemic10
The United Kingdom and the pandemic: problems of central control and coordination10
Guest editors’ introduction: Comparing local elections and voting in Europe: lower rank, different kind… or missing link?9
Guest editors’ introduction: the power of now. Reimagining the future of local government through studies of ‘actually existing’ practice9
Untangling blame and responsibility for service delivery and local governance performance: testing a grounded social accountability approach in Tanzania9
Local politicians’ preferences in public procurement: ideological or strategic reasoning?9
French participation in transnational migration networks: understanding city (dis)involvement and “passivism”9
‘We as leaders of major European cities’ – how Eurocities works to influence EU migration and integration policies9
Styles of inter-municipal cooperation and the multiple principal problem: a comparative analysis of European Economic Area countries9
Extending upper echelon theory to top managers’ characteristics, management practice, and quality of public service in local government8
Do the networks of inter-municipal cooperation enhance local government performance?8
Governance challenges of different institutional logics and modes of organising: a Norwegian case study of municipal water supply8
Assessing multi-level congruence in voting in comparative perspective: Introducing the municipal level8
The re-election of corrupt mayors: context, relational leadership and level of corruption8
Entrepreneurial activities of local governments in their investment attractiveness context – evidence from Poland8
Polity size and voter turnout revisited: micro-level evidence from 14 countries of Central and Eastern Europe8
Making sense of trajectories of participation in European city networks on migration: insights from the cases of Turin (Italy) and Saint-Etienne (France)7
Encounters with the organisation: how local civil servants experience and handle tensions in public engagement7
Territorial reforms, mobilisation, and political trust: a case study from Norway7
Scrutiny and policymaking in local councils: how parties use council tools7
Local governments’ responses to the fiscal stress label: the case of New York7
Increasing public participation and influence in local decision-making to address social determinants of health: a systematic review examining initiatives and theories6
Factors influencing the structure of municipal taxation. Special reference to political corruption6
Nationalisation of local party systems in Belgium (1976-2018): the combined effects of municipality size and parliamentary parties’ dominance6
French inter-governmental relations during the Covid-19 crisis: between hyper-centralism and local horizontal cooperation5
Platforms as distinctive realms and the role of policy discretion: a cross-platform assessment of citizen engagement with Dutch municipalities through Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram5
The impact of demographic trends on local government financial reserves: evidence from England5
A gender-generation gap in political representation? The contingent impact of preference voting in Norwegian municipal elections5
Transnational city networks and their contributions to norm-generation in international law: the case of migration5
Why such a different choice of tools? Analysing recent local government reforms in Denmark and Norway5
Who talks and who listens? A qualitative analysis of citizen dialogues in rural Sweden5
Bottom-up innovation adoption of green public procurement in the United States5
The Belgian and Dutch response to COVID-19: change and stability in the mayors’ position5
The paradox of organizational complexity in urban development: boundary spanners’ handling of citizen proposals5
The quality of local democracy: an institutional analysis5
Who is at the table? Civic engagement in small town housing decision-making5
Local agency for the public purpose? Dissecting and evaluating the emerging discourses of municipal entrepreneurship in the UK5
Absorbing the shock of austerity: the experience of local government workers at the front line4
Successfully navigating the fiscal challenges of the age of the aged: municipal government in Japan4
“I’m paid to do other things”: Complementary co-production tasks for professionals4
Special issue on comparative intergovernmental relations and the pandemic: how European devolved governments responded to a public health crisis4
How institutional designs condition perceived local political leadership4
Municipal size and local democracy: understanding the trade-off between participation and contestation in Latin America4
Stimulating civic behavior? The paradoxes of incentivising self-organization4
The local government response to austerity in a small devolved country: the case of Wales4
Delimiting citizen participation: how Israeli mayors get the most out of the process4
In search of the optimal size for local government: an assessment of economies of scale in local government in Croatia4
Local government policies on sexual and gender diversity in Spain. Experiences from Alt Empordà4
Disseminating and collecting information: municipalities’ communicative practices and deliberative capacities4
No Uber, no tourists? Public attitudes toward municipal regulation of the sharing economy4