Enterprise & Society

(The TQCC of Enterprise & Society is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Ghassan Moazzin. Foreign Banks and Global Finance in Modern China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. 352 pp. ISBN: 978-1-31651-703-1, $99.99 (cloth).13
ESO volume 22 issue 4 Cover and Back matter8
Emanuela Scarpellini. Italian Fashion since 1945: A Cultural History. Cham, UK: Springer International Publishing, 2019. 265 pp. ISBN 978-3-030-17811-6, $109.99 (cloth).7
The Birth of a Business Icon through Cultural Branding: Ferrari and the Prancing Horse, 1923–19477
ESO volume 25 issue 1 Cover and Back matter6
The Other Kitchen Debate: Gender, Microwave Safety, and Household Labor in Late Cold War America5
Brendan Goff. Rotary Internationalism and the Selling of American Capitalism. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2021. 456 pp. ISBN 9780674989795, $45 (cloth).5
The Peruvian Amazon Company: An Accounting Perspective4
“Witch-hunt in Washington”: Ronald Prain, Robert F. Kennedy, the McClellan Committee, and the Investigation of International Business in the Cold War4
Benjamin Holtzman. The Long Crisis: New York City and the Path to Neoliberalism. New York: Oxford University Press, 2021. xiii + 331 pp. ISBN 9780190843700, $34.95 (cloth).4
ESO volume 23 issue 3 Cover and Front matter4
ESO volume 23 issue 1 Cover and Back matter4
ESO volume 22 issue 2 Cover and Front matter4
From Railways to Aircraft: Officine Meccaniche Reggiane’s Successful Product Transition in the 1930s4
When Fligstein Meets Chandler: The Chandlerian Origins of Corporate Financialization: The Case of Peugeot’s Financial Restructuring in the 1960s3
ESO volume 24 issue 4 Cover and Back matter3
Down a Slippery Slope: Lack of Trust, Coercive Threats and Business Tax Resistance in Greece, 1955–19883
Organizational Improvisation, Architectural “Piggybacking,” and Masonic Networking in the International Settlement, Shanghai: Building an Anglican Cathedral, 1864–18692
Born in Flames: Arson, Racial Capitalism, and the Reinsuring of the Bronx in the Late Twentieth Century2
ESO volume 25 issue 3 Cover and Front matter2
The Interconnected Nature of Family Indebtedness: The Halliday Family of Frome, Somerset (1733–1752)2
Evolution of Mining Company Responses to Civil Society Mobilization in South Africa2
Smuggler States: Poland, Latvia, Estonia, and Contraband Trade Across the Soviet Frontier, 1919–19242
A Microlevel Analysis of Danish Dairy Cooperatives: Opportunities for Large Data in Business History2
Vertical Integration Among Oil-producing Countries2
The 1906 Atlanta Race Riot Aftermath: CSR in Action and Woke-washing2
Beyond the Elite: Corporate Directors and Their Networks in Britain, ca. 1880s–1910s2
Lost in the Transition: Czech Businesses Pivoting from the Centrally Planned Economy to Capitalism2
Globalization or Empire? Revolution, the State, and the Geopolitics of Chinese Debt, 1895–19142
Poisoned Partnership: The International Mercury Cartel and Spanish–Italian Relations, 1945–19541
Regulating Resort Revelry: Alcohol, Music, and the Entertainment Market in Miami Beach, 1935–19551
Local Patriots: Dewar’s Scotch Whisky, Prosociality, Politics, and Place—1846–19301
Part-Time Employment in the Breadwinner Era: Dutch Employers’ Initiatives to Control Female Labor Force Participation, 1945–19701
Building Blocs: Raw Materials and the Global Economy in the Age of Disequilibrium1
Nuclearization on the Iberian Peninsula: A Tale of Two Countries (c. 1947–1988)1
Industrial Policy and its Funding at the Frontier of European Integration: Lessons from the Past and Present Challenges1
Wartime segmentation: Class, gender, and nation in the marketing of consumers, Sweden 1939–19451
Capitalism Indivisible1
Crafting a Postcolonial (Inter)national Identity: Malaysian Pewter Company Royal Selangor’s Branding Strategies (1970–1992)1
ESO volume 25 issue 1 Cover and Front matter1
Making European Managers in Business Schools: A Longitudinal Case Study on Evolution, Processes, and Actors from the Late 1960s Onward1
Caley Horan. Insurance Era: Risk, Governance, and the Privatization of Security in Postwar America. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2021. 264pp. ISBN 978-0-226-78438-0, $40.00 (cloth).1
A Historical Social Network Analysis of John Pinney’s Nevis–Bristol Network: Change over Time, the “Network Memory,” and Reading Against the Grain of Historical Sources1
Double Objective in Mind: Translating American Management Ideas in the Context of Cold War Finland1
Petrochemicals, Pollution, and the Moral Economy of Noxious Industry: Grangemouth, Scotland, from 1951 to 19891
Globalization from Below: Labor Inequality in the German Shipbuilding Industry, 1960–20001
Board Games: Antecedents of Australia’s Interlocking Directorates, 1910–20181
ESO volume 23 issue 4 Cover and Front matter1
Repurposing Institutions: Trust Offices and the Dutch Financial System, 1690s–2000s1
David Blanke. Cecil B. DeMille, Classical Hollywood, and Modern American Mass Culture, 1910–1960. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. xv + 328 pp. ISBN 978-3-319-76985-1, $135 (cloth); 978-3-030-08341-01
Anne Fleming: A Bibliography1
Engineers & Corporate Management, ca 1870–1930: The Invisible HandRedux1
With Statoil as a Prism: Revisiting Key Features and Concerns in Western Oil Companies’ Evolving Human Rights Awareness, From the Mid-1990s to the 2000s1
Futures of Europe: The City of London’s Commodity Exchanges, the European Economic Community, and the Global Regulation of Futures Trading (1960s–1980s)1
“What cannot be helped must be indured”: Coping with Obstacles to Business During the Anglo-Dutch Wars, 1652–16741
Uncertainty: Staple Credit and the Measurement of Later Medieval “Business Confidence”1
“Killing Complaints with Courtesy”: The Role of Relationship Building in the Success of the Early U.S. Central Power Stations (1890–1938)1
ESO volume 22 issue 3 Cover and Front matter1
Profit and Statecraft in Nineteenth-Century China1