Strategic Organization

(The TQCC of Strategic Organization is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
EXPRESS: The art of persuasion: Theorizing as argumentation392
Pulled in all directions: Open strategy participation as an attention contest78
From attention to action: How board environmental expertise influences corporate environmental performance51
The Long March: The quest for valid text-based indicators of exploration and exploitation41
Communities for impact: Empowering early-career researchers in the pursuit of impact41
Organizational reputation: In search of lost time29
Transaction cost economics in the digital economy: A research agenda25
Navigating the tensions of quality in qualitative research25
The disease of indifference: How relational systems provide the attentional infrastructure for organizational resilience23
What is the Eisenhardt Method, really?22
Toward an attention-based view of crises21
The balancing act of corporate political activity under institutional pressure19
Strategic patent disclosure: Unraveling the influence of temporal preferences19
Riding on information-based advantages: Business group affiliation and cross-border acquisition completion18
Hybrid governance of digital platforms: Exploring complementarities and tensions in the governance of peer relationships16
Multimarket contact and target size: The moderating effect of market concentration and location16
On solid grounds: Dynamic emplacement and category construction in US specialty coffee, 1974–201615
Special Issue of Strategic Organization Collective Strategy: Exploring the Contemporary Landscape of How Organizations Strategize Together14
When does high institutional quality explain the presence of multinational enterprises in a foreign country? Experiential and vicarious learning as boundary conditions14
An alter-centric perspective on status disparity and newcomer additions in multiparty syndicates14
How market conditions affect new ventures’ propensity to engage in category spanning14
The purpose and potential of entrepreneurship research14
Up in smoke? The lingering influence of history on community identity dynamics13
In retrospect: The influence of chief executive officers’ historical relative pay on overconfidence13
A framework of generative impact-driven research: An introduction to the special issue13
Feedback persistence matters! Uncovering the varying effects of success and failure persistence on firm risk-taking12
When entrepreneurs become custodians: Categories’ place-based identity and collective coping response in extreme contexts12
Themed issue: Beyond the firm—Alliances, networks, ecosystems, and communities12
A Bayesian approach to nested data analysis: A primer for strategic management research11
Bringing the biophysical to the fore: Re-envisioning organizational adaptation in the era of planetary shifts11
Research frontiers on the attention-based view of the firm11
The strategy–identity nexus: The relevance of their temporal interplay to climate change10
Far-reaching or closely knit, innovative or complementary? Network configurations and firm-level innovation in the German energy sector10
Wait-and-see-ism as partial adoption of management practices: The rise and stall of integrated reporting9
Toward a practice-theoretical view of the situated nature of attention9
Different strokes for different folks: The moderating effect of top managers’ political ideologies on the efficacy of top management team vertical pay disparities9
Microfoundations of sensing capabilities: From managerial cognition to team behavior9
Mitigating industry contagion effects from financial reporting fraud: A competitive dynamics perspective of non-errant rival firms exploiting product-market opportunities9
“We made a mistake”: How top executives dialectically narrate strategic errors in situations of strategic change8
Strategic organization in the digital age: Rethinking the concept of technology8
2023 News and announcements from the co-editors8
Your Uber is arriving now: An analysis of platform location decisions through an institutional lens7
A call for deep engagement for impact: Addressing the planetary emergency7
Is there a strategic organization in the behavioral theory of the firm? Looking back and looking forward7
Attentional control systems for emergent strategic issues in the post-Chandlerian world7
2024 news and announcements from the co-editors7
Reflections on deep academic–practitioner partnering for generative societal impact7
A collective-evolutionary alternative for appraising entrepreneurship theory7
From the margins to the mainstream: Entrepreneurial theorization and the spread of a new collective identity within a mature organizational field7