Journal of Human Development and Capabilities

(The TQCC of Journal of Human Development and Capabilities is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
When a River Becomes a Person29
COVID-19 as a Capability Crisis: Using the Capability Framework to Understand Policy Challenges20
Energy Poverty as a Restriction of Multiple Capabilities: A Systemic Approach for Belgium17
Does Empowering Women in Politics Boost Human Development? An Empirical Analysis, 1960–201816
Decoding India's Low Covid-19 Case Fatality Rate15
Energy Justice and the Capability Approach—Introduction to the Special Issue15
Energy and the Good Life: Capabilities as the Foundation of the Right to Access Energy Services15
Local Governments and SDG Localisation: Reshaping Multilevel Governance from the Bottom up14
Implementing a Group-Specific Multidimensional Poverty Measure: The Case of Persons with Disabilities in Peru13
Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Experiences of Social Inclusion Scale12
Using the Capability Approach as a normative perspective on energy justice: Insights from two case studies on digitalisation in the energy sector11
Transition to Renewable Energy and Indigenous People in Northern Australia: Enhancing or Inhibiting Capabilities?11
Beyond Utilitarian Economics: A Capability Approach to Energy Poverty and Social Suffering11
“It Is Too Much for Us”: Direct and Indirect Costs of Disability Amongst Working-Aged People with Disabilities in Dhaka, Bangladesh and Nairobi, Kenya10
Operationalising Capability Thinking in the Assessment of Energy Poverty Relief Policies: Moving from Compensation-based to Empowerment-focused Policy Strategies10
A Missing Link? Capabilities, the Ethics of Care and the Relational Context of Energy Justice10
Rethinking Child Poverty9
Editorial: A “Decade for Action” on SDG Localisation8
A Capabilitarian Participatory Paradigm: Methods, Methodologies and Cosmological Issues and Possibilities8
From Streets to Developing Aspirations: How Does Collective Agency for Education Change Marginalised Migrant Youths’ Lives?8
Multidimensional Poverty and Natural Disasters in Argentina (1970–2010)8
Voluntary Local Reviews as Drivers for SDG Localisation and Sustainable Human Development7
An Individual-based Index of Multidimensional Poverty for Low- and Middle-Income Countries7
Gender and Intersecting Inequalities in Education: Reflections on a Framework for Measurement7
Who Benefits and How? A Capabilities Perspective on Solar Micro-grids in India6
Compensation for Energy Infrastructures: Can a Capability Approach be More Equitable?6
The Role of Transformative Innovation for SDGs Localisation. Insights from the South-African “Living Catchments Project”6
Capability Approach to Valued Pedagogical Practices in Tanzania: An Alternative to Learner-Centred Pedagogy?6
From Productive Work to Capability-Enhancing Work: Implications for Labour Law and Policy5
Marginalised Youth Activism: Peer-Engaged Research and Epistemic Justice5
Women as Pioneers: Examining Their Role in Decision Making on Toilet Construction in India5
The Value of Freedom: A Review of the Current Developments and Conceptual Issues in the Measurement of Capability5
An Epistemological Break: Redefining Participatory Research in Capabilitarian Scholarship5
The Other Species Capability & the Power of Wonder5
Global Trends in Education Inequality: 1950–20104
Parental Disability and Children's Educational Outcomes: Evidence from Tanzania4
Capability and Oppression4
Fossil Fuel Industry Phase-Out and Just Transition: Designing Policies to Protect Workers’ Living Standards4
Indigenous Communities Defining and Utilising Self-determination as an Individual and Collective Capability4
Building University Capabilities to Respond to Climate Change Through Participatory Action Research: Towards a Comparative Analytical Framework4
Epistemic Justice as a Political Capability of Radicalised Youth in Europe: A Case of Knowledge Production with Local Researchers4