Journal of the Operational Research Society

(The TQCC of Journal of the Operational Research Society is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Goal programming duality revisited: Formulation of a set of variant duals103
Finite mixture models for multiscale dynamics in Chinese financial markets83
Stochastic ambulance dispatching and routing in mass casualty incident under road vulnerability75
Strategic capacity choice with risk-averse firms47
Modeling the minimum cost consensus problem with risk preferences44
Minimizing saw cycles on the cutting stock problem with processing times depending on the cutting pattern43
A consensus model for large-scale group decision making based on empathetic network analysis and its application in strategical selection of COVID-19 vaccines42
Consignment with revenue sharing contracting in a marketplace with deceptive counterfeits40
Multivariate returns to scale production frontiers34
The cost of carrier consistency: Last-mile delivery by vehicle and drone for subscription-based orders33
Forecasting mortality rates with the penalized exponential smoothing state space model28
New additive consistency framework and utility derivation for interval fuzzy reciprocal preference relations25
A simulation-based logistics assessment framework in global pharmaceutical supply chain networks23
Gender equality: opportunities and challenges for the OR community22
Inferred attractiveness gravity-based models for estimating realized access at rural hospitals22
From data to action: Empowering COVID-19 monitoring and forecasting with intelligent algorithms20
The viable system model and the viability theory: Collaborations paths19
Operational research in the time of COVID-19: The ‘science for better’ or worse in the absence of hard data119
New additive-consistency-driven methods for deriving two types of normalized utility vectors from additive reciprocal preference relations18
Journal of the Operational Research Society (JORS): The last 40 years18
Uncertainty measures of complex preference relations for decision making17
Maximising stakeholder learning by looping again through the simulation life-cycle: A case study in public transport17
Learning the thresholds in the ORESTE method from historical preference information17
Consensus achievement strategy of opinion dynamics based on deep reinforcement learning with time constraint17
DEA cross-efficiency framework for efficiency evaluation with probabilistic linguistic term sets16
To aggregate or not to aggregate: Forecasting of finite autocorrelated demand15
Stochastic data envelopment analysis in the presence of undesirable outputs15
Product ranking considering differences across online review platforms: a method based on intuitionistic fuzzy soft sets15
Optimization consensus analysis for group decision making in view of non-transferable and transferable allocation schemes14
Effects of overtime and trade credit on an integrated inventory model with limited production capacity14
Incentivizing centrally regulated units to improve performance: Pitfalls and requirements14
A non-convex metafrontier DEA model with natural and managerial disposability for pollutant tax levels and environmental efficiencies analysis14
Challenging the throwaway culture in hospitals: Scheduling the mix of reusable and Single-Use bronchoscopes14
Simple heuristics for the joint inventory and pricing models with fixed replenishment costs14
Redesigning a network of primary healthcare centres using system dynamics simulation and optimisation12
Multi-objective optimization of the auto-carrier loading and routing problem in an automotive logistics company12
Generative adversarial networks for data augmentation and transfer in credit card fraud detection12
Forecasting retail fuel demand in Chinese gasoline stations: a structural (double) damped trend approach12
A new xG model for football analytics12
Experiences of mixed method OR Practitioners: moving beyond a technical focus to insights relating to modelling teams12
Production planning in maintenance facilities under uncertain repair time12
Minimising the makespan on parallel identical machines with log-linear position-dependent processing times12
Using infinite server queues with partial information for occupancy prediction11
Strategic resource planning of endoscopy services using hybrid modelling for future demographic and policy change11
Preference mining and fuzzy inference for hotel selection based on aspect-based sentiment analysis from user-generated content11
Optimal shipment consolidation and dynamic pricing policies for perishable items11
Fresh product e-retailer’s sales strategy choice: free shipping, package, or combined strategy?11
Financial distress prediction using an improved particle swarm optimization wrapper feature selection method and tree boosting ensemble11
Some notes on non-reciprocal matrices in the multiplicative pairwise comparisons framework11
A multi-fidelity modelling approach for airline disruption management using simulation11
Supply chain coordination with strategic customers: Yield uncertainty and replenishment tactic10
Crop production scheduling for revenue inequality reduction among smallholder farmers in an agricultural cooperative10
The interaction of CM’s encroachment time and OEM’s outsourcing strategy when considering the cost-learning effect10
Project portfolio management considering the commitment of agents: A bi-objective model applied to administrative services10
Online scheduling problem of incompatible batch processing with deterioration effect and delivery time in the steel rolling process10
Machine learning methods for short-term probability of default: A comparison of classification, regression and ranking methods10
Where have all the equations gone? A unified view on semi-quantitative problem structuring and modelling10
Multicriteria satisfaction analysis to analyse passenger perceptions of air travel service quality in Croatia9
A novel hybrid method based on kernel-free support vector regression for stock indices and price forecasting9
Improving supply system reliability against random disruptions: Strategic protection investment9
Graph-based heuristics for rest difference minimisation9
DEA game for internal cooperation between an upper-level process and multiple lower-level processes9
Solution of a practical vehicle routing problem for monitoring water distribution networks8
Managing public opinion in consensus-reaching processes for large-scale group decision-making problems8
Scheduling step-deteriorating jobs on a single machine with multiple critical dates8
Here’s something we prepared earlier: Development, use and reuse of a configurable, inter-disciplinary approach for tackling overcrowding in NHS hospitals8
Export factoring in global supply chain: information updating and convertible contracts8
An efficient simulation optimization method for the redundancy allocation problem with a chance constraint8
Behavior-based optimal refund policy under advance selling: an analysis of the impact of loss fairness concerns8
Is the regulatory downturn LGD adequate? Performance analysis and alternative methods7
Gradient boosting survival tree with applications in credit scoring7
Capacity management of migrant accommodation centers using approximate dynamic programming7
A DEA and random forest regression approach to studying bank efficiency and corporate governance7
Operational Research: methods and applications7
Parametric estimation of latent default frequency in credit insurance7
A constraint programming based column generation approach for crew scheduling: A case study for the Kayseri railway7
Strategic insights into recovery from supply chain disruption: A multi-period production planning model7
Online choice decision support for consumers: Data-driven analytic hierarchy process based on reviews and feedback7
Commitment under uncertainty: production-inventory policies associated with environmental considerations7
Transparency, auditability, and explainability of machine learning models in credit scoring7
Eliciting agents’ behaviour and model validation using role playing game in agent-based dairy supply chain model7
Modelling efficiency in the presence of shared inputs within groups of DMUs7
Inventory strategy of fresh products for omni-channel supply chains7
Accelerated bender’s decomposition algorithm and hybrid heuristics for multi-period planning of maternal healthcare facilities in India7
Channel mode selection and blockchain strategy for a capital-constrained manufacturer7
Simulation optimization using stochastic kriging with robust statistics6
Optimising customer equity through engagement6
Single machine scheduling problem with unexpected failures under flexible maintenance6
An exact branch-and-price-and-cut algorithm for a practical and large-scale dial-a-ride problem6
Efficiency assessment of public sector management and culture-led urban regeneration using the enhanced Russell-based directional distance function with stochastic data6
Greedy randomized adaptive search procedure for supply chain network resilience optimization considering risk diffusion6
A lattice approach to the Beta distribution induced by stochastic dominance: Theory and applications6
New product design decisions and free sharing of patents with rivals6
Slab assignment to non-identical reheat furnaces running in parallel mode6
Simultaneous minimisation of mean and variation of waiting times in a two-stage proportionate blocking flow shop6
Solving a multiple-qualifications physician scheduling problem with multiple types of tasks by dynamic programming and variable neighborhood search6
A clustering approach for pairwise comparison matrices6
Scheduling the Brazilian OR conference6
Variable neighbourhood search for job scheduling with position-dependent deteriorating processing times6
Revealing perceived individuals’ self-interest6
Verifying and managing additive consistency and deriving weights for hesitant fuzzy preference relations6
Efficacy of antibiotic medication strategy following a bioterrorist attack involving Francisella tularensis6
Low-carbon tourism destination selection by a thermodynamic feature-based method6
One-dimensional multi-period cutting stock problem with two stages applied to lattice slab production6
Single-vendor single-buyer multi-product economic production quantity problem with stochastic constraints: a modified generalized elimination method6
Modelling intermittent time series and forecasting COVID-19 spread in the USA6
Generalized mixed prediction chain model and its application in forecasting chronic complications6
Subject-to-group statistical comparison for open banking-type data6
A fuzzy decision support model for online review-driven hotel selection by considering risk attitudes of customers5
The binomial-match, outcome uncertainty, and the case of netball5
Cooperative advertising contract design in a supply chain with an offline showroom under asymmetric information5
Multi-criteria appraisal recommendation5
How much do companies know what contributes to education?5
Data science for better productivity5
John Edward Boylan, 1959–20235
Scholarly sports: Influence of social science academe on sports rules and policy5
Unifying warfighting functions in mathematical modelling: combat, manoeuvre, and C25
Developing a stage-independent multiple sampling plan with loss-based capability index for lot disposition5
Consensus-driven methodology to managing diversity and complex linguistic ratings in quality function deployment: An optimization-based approach5
Two-stage cross-efficiency evaluation based on prospect theory5
Short-Term nurse schedule adjustments under dynamic patient demand5
Scheduling problems on a new setting of flexible flowshops: ℓ-Machine proportionate flowshops5
Channel strategies for competing retailers under supplier selection5
Intermittent demand forecasting for spare parts with little historical information5
Holistic multi-criteria performance measurement system for the maintenance function5
A pricing mechanism to improve capacity utilisation in ridesharing5
Coupling the ILS optimisation algorithm and a simulation process to solve the travelling quay-crane worker assignment and balancing problem5
Transitivity and approximate consistency threshold determination for reciprocal preference relations in group decision making5
An extension of the gravity model5
A note on valid inequalities for minimizing the total tardiness in a two-machine flow shop5
Simulation input modelling in the absence of historical data for decision support during crises: Experience with assessing demand uncertainties for simulating walk-through testing in the early waves o5
Multi-period travelling politician problem: A hybrid metaheuristic solution method5
A hybrid decision support framework for planning a risk-based audit engagement5
Integrated one-stage models considering undesirable outputs and weighting preference in slacks-based measure of efficiency and superefficiency5
Optimal product line design using Tabu Search5
Modelling and solving the supply marketing order allocation problem with time consistency and bundle discounts4
Fixed cost allocation using asymmetrical core-Nash bargaining DEA game4
A heuristic approach for the distance-based critical node detection problem in complex networks4
An enhanced even swaps method based on prospect theory with hesitant fuzzy linguistic information and its application to the selection of emergency logistics plans under the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak4
Probabilistic load forecasting using post-processed weather ensemble predictions4
Incentivizing suppliers using scorecard: A behavioral study4
Gaussian relevance vector MapReduce-based annealed Glowworm optimization for big medical data scheduling4
Determining optimal group weights for consensus creation in AHP for three conflicting stakeholder groups by vector distance minimization4
A novel capacity-based approach for measuring alternative interactions in multicriteria decision analysis4
A model for container stowage planning considering stability constraints4
Directional distance based efficiency decomposition for series system in network data envelopment analysis4
Forecasting number of corner kicks taken in association football using compound Poisson distribution4
Research on comprehensive optimisation of AGVs scheduling at intelligent express distribution centres based on improved GA4
Textual analysis and credit scoring: a new matrix factorization approach4
Information security outsourcing strategies in the supply chain considering security externality4
Optimization of elective patient admissions during pandemics: case of COVID-194
Non-discriminatory operating policies for ridesharing platforms with dual capacities4
How to optimize service-oriented cloud manufacturing4
Enhancing an existing algorithm for small-cardinality constrained portfolio optimisation4
Multi-objective optimisation of multifaceted maintenance strategies for wind farms4
Less is more: adjusting convergence of Cooper’s algorithm in the continuous location-allocation problem4
Solving dynamic facility layout problem using a hybridized heuristic dynamic programming approach4
Forecasting interrupted time series4
Dynamic equilibrium mechanism of the closed-loop electric vehicle industry chain based on super-network model4
Towards a framework for evaluating the costs and benefits of simulation modelling in healthcare4
An adaptive evidence combination method for decision analysis under uncertainty4
Effects of waiting time information on the performance of a two-tier service system4
An approximate dynamic programming approach for the maintenance optimisation of networked critical infrastructures4
A group stability-based consensus model for multi-criteria group decision-making problems with linguistic distribution assessments4
The role of unobserved units in two-stage network data envelopment analysis4
Horizontal collaboration in the wine supply chain planning: A Chilean case study4
Linear approximations to improve lower bounds of a physician scheduling problem in emergency rooms4