Media and Communication

(The TQCC of Media and Communication is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Automated Journalism: A Meta-Analysis of Readers’ Perceptions of Human-Written in Comparison to Automated News51
From Dark to Light: The Many Shades of Sharing Misinformation Online48
The ‘Eudaimonic Experience’: A Scoping Review of the Concept in Digital Games Research42
What Is (Fake) News? Analyzing News Values (and More) in Fake Stories38
Digital by Default: Children’s Capacity to Understand and Manage Online Data and Privacy37
Roots of Incivility: How Personality, Media Use, and Online Experiences Shape Uncivil Participation37
From Insult to Hate Speech: Mapping Offensive Language in German User Comments on Immigration37
Negotiated Autonomy: The Role of Social Media Algorithms in Editorial Decision Making36
In the Service of Good Journalism and Audience Interests? How Audience Metrics Affect News Quality35
Assistance or Resistance? Evaluating the Intersection of Automated Journalism and Journalistic Role Conceptions33
Perceptions of Media Performance: Expectation-Evaluation Discrepancies and Their Relationship with Media-related and Populist Attitudes30
Fighting Deepfakes: Media and Internet Giants’ Converging and Diverging Strategies Against Hi-Tech Misinformation30
The Slippery Path to Total Presence: How Omnidirectional Virtual Reality Treadmills Influence the Gaming Experience27
Drones, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Journalism: Mapping Their Role in Immersive News Content24
Why Do People Return to Video Platforms? Millennials and Centennials on TikTok22
Political Memes and Fake News Discourses on Instagram22
Blurring Boundaries Between Journalists and Tiktokers: Journalistic Role Performance on TikTok21
Immigrant Influencers on TikTok: Diverse Microcelebrity Profiles and Algorithmic (In)Visibility21
A Proposed Model of Self-Perceived Authenticity of Social Media Influencers21
#ThisIsMeChallenge and Music for Empowerment of Marginalized Groups on TikTok21
Communities of Darkness? Users and Uses of Anti-System Alternative Media between Audience and Community21
Fact-Checking Interventions as Counteroffensives to Disinformation Growth: Standards, Values, and Practices in Latin America and Spain20
Promoting Social Media Engagement Via Branded Content Communication: A Fashion Brands Study on Instagram20
Strengthening Children’s Privacy Literacy through Contextual Integrity20
Disinformation in Facebook Ads in the 2019 Spanish General Election Campaigns19
Public Service Media in a Digital Media Environment: Performance from an Audience Perspective18
Gender, Voice and Online Space: Expressions of Feminism on Social Media in Spain18
Rethinking Public Agenda in a Time of High-Choice Media Environment18
You’re Definitely Wrong, Maybe: Correction Style Has Minimal Effect on Corrections of Misinformation Online17
Structures of the Public Sphere: Contested Spaces as Assembled Interfaces17
Debunking Political Disinformation through Journalists’ Perceptions: An Analysis of Colombia’s Fact-Checking News Practices17
News Media Performance Evaluated by National Audiences: How Media Environments and User Preferences Matter16
Community-Building on Bilibili: The Social Impact of Danmu Comments16
Deepfakes on Twitter: Which Actors Control Their Spread?16
Digital Disinformation and Preventive Actions: Perceptions of Users from Argentina, Chile, and Spain16
Advancing Research into Dark Participation16
Gender Differences in Tackling Fake News: Different Degrees of Concern, but Same Problems16
Constructive Aggression? Multiple Roles of Aggressive Content in Political Discourse on Russian YouTube16
Humor That Harms? Examining Racist Audio-Visual Memetic Media on TikTok During Covid-1916
Journalism Students and Information Consumption in the Era of Fake News15
A Relational Approach to How Media Engage With Their Audiences in Social Media15
The “Greta Effect”: Networked Mobilization and Leader Identification Among Fridays for Future Protesters15
Conspiracies, Ideological Entrepreneurs, and Digital Popular Culture15
The Dark Side of Inspirational Pasts: An Investigation of Nostalgia in Right-Wing Populist Communication15
The Bright and Dark Side of Eudaimonic Emotions: A Conceptual Framework14
The Ongoing Transformation of the Digital Public Sphere: Basic Considerations on a Moving Target14
Measuring Online Political Dialogue: Does Polarization Trigger More Deliberation?14
Political Influencers on YouTube: Business Strategies and Content Characteristics14
A literature review of personalization transparency and control: Introducing the Transparency-Awareness-Control Framework14
The Privacy Paradox by Proxy: Considering Predictors of Sharenting14
Digital Competencies for New Journalistic Work in Media Outlets: A Systematic Review14
Digital Public Sphere and Geography: The Influence of Physical Location on Twitter’s Political Conversation14
Investigating Algorithmic Misconceptions in a Media Context: Source of a New Digital Divide?13
Investigating Visual Content Shared over Twitter during the 2019 EU Parliamentary Election Campaign13
Reach or Trust Optimisation? A Citizen Trust Analysis in the Flemish Public Broadcaster VRT13
Conspiracy Beliefs, Misinformation, Social Media Platforms, and Protest Participation13
Influencers With Intellectual Disability in Digital Society: An Opportunity to Advance in Social Inclusion13
Post-Truth as a Mutation of Epistemology in Journalism13
Pitching Gender in a Racist Tune: The Affective Publics of the #120decibel Campaign12
Automated Trouble: The Role of Algorithmic Selection in Harms on Social Media Platforms12
Assassins, Gods, and Androids: How Narratives and Game Mechanics Shape Eudaimonic Game Experiences12
Soft Presentation of Hard News? A Content Analysis of Political Facebook Posts12
Winning Over the Players: Investigating the Motivations to Play and Acceptance of Serious Games12
In/Visibility in Social Media Work: The Hidden Labor Behind the Brands11
Platform Party between Digital Activism and Hyper-Leadership: The Reshaping of the Public Sphere11
What’s “Up Next”? Investigating Algorithmic Recommendations on YouTube Across Issues and Over Time11
Instagram Influencers as Superwomen: Influencers’ Lifestyle Presentations Observed Through Framing Analysis11
Automation in Sports Reporting: Strategies of Data Providers, Software Providers, and Media Outlets11
Incidental Exposure to Non-Like-Minded News through Social Media: Opposing Voices in Echo-Chambers’ News Feeds11
A Systematic Literature Review of the Phenomenon of Disinformation and Misinformation11
The Innovation Function of Hybridization in Public Relations11
A Graph-Learning Approach for Detecting Moral Conflict in Movie Scripts11
Skeptical Inertia in the Face of Polarization: News Consumption and Misinformation in Turkey10
Children’s and Parents’ Perceptions of Online Commercial Data Practices: A Qualitative Study10
Cross-Media Alliances to Stop Disinformation: A Real Solution?10
Disenchanting Trust: Instrumental Reason, Algorithmic Governance, and China’s Emerging Social Credit System10
TikTok and Political Communication: The Latest Frontier of Politainment? A Case Study10
“It’s Not Just Instagram Models”: Exploring the Gendered Political Potential of Young Women’s Instagram Use10
An Overview of the Fake News Phenomenon: From Untruth-Driven to Post-Truth-Driven Approaches10
‘Four Populisms’ of Alexey Navalny: An Analysis of Russian Non-Systemic Opposition Discourse on YouTube10
Audience-Based Indicators for News Media Performance: A Conceptual Framework and Findings from Germany9
ProPublica’s Data Journalism: How Multidisciplinary Teams and Hybrid Profiles Create Impactful Data Stories9
From “Troll Factories” to “Littering the Information Space”: Control Strategies Over the Russian Internet9
Identity and European Public Spheres in the Context of Social Media and Information Disorder9
Polarization of Deliberative and Participatory Activists on Social Media9
One Recommender Fits All? An Exploration of User Satisfaction With Text-Based News Recommender Systems9
Audience Attention and Emotion in News Filmed with Drones: A Neuromarketing Research8
Digital Ageism: Emerging Challenges and Best Practices of Age-Friendly Digital Urban Governance8
Googling Referendum Campaigns: Analyzing Online Search Patterns Regarding Swiss Direct-Democratic Votes8
Exploring Teenagers’ Folk Theories and Coping Strategies Regarding Commercial Data Collection and Personalized Advertising8
Digital Civic Participation and Misinformation during the 2020 Taiwanese Presidential Election8
Far-Right Digital Activism in Polarized Contexts: A Comparative Analysis of Engagement in Hashtag Wars8
Disguising Commercial Intentions: Sponsorship Disclosure Practices of Mexican Instamoms8
Algorithmic Actants in Practice, Theory, and Method8
Uninvited Dinner Guests: A Theoretical Perspective on the Antagonists of Journalism Based on Serres’ Parasite8
Journalism from Above: Drones and the Media in Critical Perspective8
Digital Platforms and Infrastructure in the Realm of Culture8
The (Un)Intended Consequences of Emphasizing the Threats of Mis- and Disinformation8
The Engagement Imperative: Experiences of Communication Practitioners’ Brand Work in the Music Industry8
Neutral Observers or Advocates for Societal Transformation? Role Orientations of Constructive Journalists in Germany8
Dual Control: Investigating the Role of Drone (UAV) Operators in TV and Online Journalism8
Higher Education Institutions on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter: Comparing Swiss Universities’ Social Media Communication7
Editorial: Children’s Voices on Privacy Management and Data Responsibilization7
Adolescents’ Understanding of the Model of Sponsored Content of Social Media Influencer Instagram Stories7
The Role of Popular Culture for Queer Teen Identities’ Formation in Netflix’s Sex Education7
Social Media, Populism, and Migration7
Keep the Fire Burning: Exploring the Hierarchies of Music Fandom and the Motivations of Superfans7
Ready for the World? Measuring the (Trans-)National Quality of Political Issue Publics on Twitter7
Responding to “Fake News”: Journalistic Perceptions of and Reactions to a Delegitimising Force7
How Do Chinese Media Frame Arab Uprisings: A Content Analysis7
‘A Shared Reality between a Journalist and the Audience’: How Live Journalism Reimagines News Stories6
Political Microtargeting and Online Privacy: A Theoretical Approach to Understanding Users’ Privacy Behaviors6
Narratives of Anti-Vaccination Movements in the German and Brazilian Twittersphere: A Grounded Theory Approach6
Hijacking Journalism: Legitimacy and Metajournalistic Discourse in Right-Wing Podcasts6
Mapping and Explaining Media Quality: Insights from Switzerland’s Multilingual Media System6
Crooked Views and Relaxed Rules: How Teenage Boys Experience Parents’ Handling of Digital Gaming6
Between Calls for Action and Narratives of Denial: Climate Change Attention Structures on Twitter6
WhatsApp, Polarization, and Non-Conventional Political Participation: Chile and Colombia Before the Social Outbursts of 20196
Urban Refugees’ Digital Experiences and Social Connections During Covid-19 Response in Kampala, Uganda6
Can We Hide in Shadows When the Times are Dark?6
WhatsApp as a Tool for Researching the Everyday Lives of Venezuelan Refugees Settling in Brazil6
Information Patterns and News Bubbles in Hungary6
“Resistance!”: Collective Action Cues in Conspiracy Theory-Endorsing Facebook Groups6
Women Scientists on TikTok: New Opportunities to Become Visible and Challenge Gender Stereotypes6
The Role of Spontaneous Digital Play during Young Patients’ Cancer Treatment6
Journalist-Twitterers as Political Influencers in Brazil: Narratives and Disputes Towards a New Intermediary Model6
When Politicians Meet Experts: Disinformation on Twitter About Covid-19 Vaccination6
When Ads Become Invisible: Minors’ Advertising Literacy While Using Mobile Phones6
OK, Boomer: New Users, Different Platforms, New Challenges5
The Refugee Issue in the Greek, German, and British Press During the Covid-19 Pandemic5
Newsworthiness as a Governing Principle in Public Sector Communication5
Disability Narratives in Sports Communication: Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games’ Best Practices and Implications5
Re-Defining Borders Online: Russia’s Strategic Narrative on Internet Sovereignty5
Protest Event Analysis Under Conditions of Limited Press Freedom: Comparing Data Sources5
Precariousness and Hope: Digital Everyday Life of the Undocumented Migrants Explored Through Collaborative Photography5
“Chuck Norris, Please Help!” Transnational Cultural Flows in the 2017 Anti-Corruption Protests in Romania5
Media Work as Field Advancement: The Case of Science Media Center Germany5
Against Game Studies5
Journalism in Democracy: A Discourse Analysis of Twitter Posts on the Ferrerasgate Scandal5
Automated Journalism as a Source of and a Diagnostic Device for Bias in Reporting5
Another Violent Protest? New Perspectives to Understand Protest Coverage5
Algorithmic Self-Tracking for Health: User Perspectives on Risk Awareness and Coping Strategies5
Post-Hype Uses of Drones in News Reporting: Revealing the Site and Presenting Scope5
Technologies, Ethics and Journalism’s Relationship with the Public5
A Computational Approach to Analyzing the Twitter Debate on Gaming Disorder5
Mediated by Code: Unpacking Algorithmic Curation of Urban Experiences5
Issue Spatiality: A Conceptual Framework for the Role of Space in Public Discourses5
Diffusion of Drone Journalism: The Case of Finland, 2011–20205
Popular Music as Entertainment Communication: How Perceived Semantic Expression Explains Liking of Previously Unknown Music5
Beyond Solutionism: Differently Motivating Media Literacy5
Trolls, Pressure and Agenda: The discursive fight on Twitter in Turkey5
Beyond the Darkness: Research on Participation in Online Media and Discourse5
Discourse and Social Cohesion in and After the Covid-19 Pandemic5
Wellbeing Amid Digital Risks: Implications of Digital Risks, Threats, and Scams on Users’ Wellbeing5
Drone Journalism as Visual Aggregation: Toward a Critical History5
Homophily and Polarization in Twitter Political Networks: A Cross-Country Analysis5
When Algorithms Recommend What’s New(s): New Dynamics of Decision-Making and Autonomy in Newsgathering5
Self-Inflicted Deprivation? Quality-as-Sent and Quality-as-Received in German News Media5
What Is Important When We Evaluate Movies? Insights from Computational Analysis of Online Reviews5
Privacy and Digital Data of Children with Disabilities: Scenes from Social Media Sharenting5