Australian Journal of Public Administration

(The TQCC of Australian Journal of Public Administration is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Trust in government increased during the Covid‐19 pandemic in Australia and New Zealand95
Extent of sustainability disclosure by Australian public universities: Inclusive analysis of key reporting media26
Administering inequality? The National Disability Insurance Scheme and administrative burdens on individuals26
Debt by design: The anatomy of a social policy fiasco – Or was it something worse?24
Participation: Add‐on or core component of public service delivery?18
Politicisation of the public service during democratic backsliding: Alternative perspectives15
Building a culture of innovation: How do agency leadership and management systems promote innovative activities within the government?15
Telemedicine co‐design and value co‐creation in public health care15
Organisations adapting to dual aspirations of individualisation and collaboration in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) market13
Explaining citizens’ pro‐environmental behaviours in public and private spheres: The mediating role of willingness to sacrifice for the environment13
Between dogma and doubt: A meta‐synthesis of innovation in the public sector12
E‐participation for combating corruption, increasing voice and accountability, and developing government effectiveness: A cross‐country data analysis12
The future of working from home in the public sector: What does the evidence tell us?11
Stakeholder perceptions of policy implementation for Indigenous health and cultural safety: A study of Australia's ‘Closing the Gap’ policies11
Learning to learn from bushfire: Perspectives from Victorian emergency management practitioners11
Predictors of work engagement: Drawing on job demands–resources theory and public service motivation10
Australian local governments and climate emergency declarations: Reviewing local government practice10
JobKeeper: The Australian Short‐Time Work Program10
Does the talk match the walk for Australian local government employees: The link between leadership and employee well‐being10
Combining project and process management in PPP network: Relationship between management style and outcome9
Public management in turbulent times: COVID‐19 as an ecosystem disruptor9
(Re)Thinking think tanks in the age of policy labs: The rise of knowledge‐based policy influence organisations8
What is in a form? Examining the complexity of application forms and administrative burden8
Austerity, staff inadequacy, and contracting‐out social services: How many government inquiries does it take to improve social policy outcomes in aged care?8
Understanding the secondary supply of alcohol as a wicked policy problem: The unique case of the Banned Drinker Register in the Northern Territory7
Hiding in plain sight: Vulnerability, public administration, and the case of Covid‐19 hotel quarantine7
Systemic design in the Australian Taxation Office – Current practice and opportunities6
Did amalgamation make local government more fit for the future?6
Australian rural community aged care services: Precarity and capacity6
In search of policy innovation: Behavioural Insights Teams in Australia and New Zealand6
Administrative burden and the Cashless Debit Card: Stripping time, autonomy, and dignity from social security recipients6
Public service motivation helps: Understanding the influence of public employees’ perceived overqualification on turnover intentions6
Understanding, measuring, and encouraging public policy research impact6
Does performance measurement improve public sector performance? A case of Australian government agencies6
Backloading to extinction: Coping with values conflict in the administration of Australia's federal biodiversity offset policy5
Addressing Australia's collaboration ‘problem’: Is there a Brave New World of innovation policy post COVID‐19?5
Public servants working from home during the pandemic: Who gained and who lost?5
Assessing policy analytical capacity in contemporary governments: New measures and metrics5
Commonwealth place‐based policies for addressing geographically concentrated disadvantage: A typology and critical analysis5
Health in all policies for rural and remote health: A role for Australian local governments?5
Preferred policy options to assist post‐COVID‐19 mental health recovery: A population study4
Utilising a capability maturity model to leverage inclusion and diversity in public sector organisations4
Policy on innovation in Australia: Divergence in definitions, problems, and solutions4
Innovating for the greater good: Examining innovation champions and what motivates them4
How an intermediary model manages the tension between low contractibility and probity when outsourcing human services4
Playing piggy(bank) in the middle: Philanthropic foundations’ roles as intermediaries4
Building people up: Growth‐oriented leadership in the public sector4
Gender, malice, obligation and the state: Separated mothers’ experiences of administrative burdens with Australia's child support program4
The negative relationships between employee resilience and ambiguity, complexity, and inter‐agency collaboration4
Policy actors' perceptions on applying a SDH approach in child health policy in Australia: A cross‐disciplinary approach (public health and political science)4
Assessing the ‘forgotten fundamental’ in policy advisory systems research: Policy shops and the role(s) of core policy professionals3
Centralisation versus regionalisation: Designing the Sixth National Mental Health Plan3
The role of authentic leadership on healthcare Street‐Level Bureaucrats’ well‐being during the pandemic3
The nature of measurement across the hybridised social sector: A systematic review of reviews3
What affects the turnover intention of civil servants: Evidence from Bhutan3
The two‐community model in the New Zealand housing policy community – A bottom‐up perspective3
A cogwheel model of dynamic capabilities: Evidence from an Australian university3
Do ‘humble’ leaders help employees to perform better? Evidence from the Chinese public sector3
Embedding Australian Public Service management reforms: The Secretary could not make it so3
The limits of voluntary measures: Packaging the plastic pollution problem in Australia3
Activation through welfare conditionality and marketisation in active labour market policies: Evidence from Indonesia3
Administrative Burden Symposium: Introduction – Are we ‘administering inequality’ through our welfare systems?3
Active representative bureaucracy, homogeneous organizational context, and deviation from official policy among street‐level bureaucrats3
Regulating the post‐employment of public officials: Australian experience in an international context3
Charting the policy development process of social housing bonds in Australia through an impact narrative approach3
Reconsidering expertise for public policymaking: The challenges of contestability3
The political economy of Australian regulatory reform3
Public services in island sub‐districts: Towards geography‐based governance3