Multinational Business Review

(The TQCC of Multinational Business Review is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance in the context of multinational business research45
Adaptive learning in cross-sector collaboration during global emergency: conceptual insights in the context of COVID-19 pandemic40
The business responsibility matrix: a diagnostic tool to aid the design of better interventions for achieving the SDGs35
Family firms’ selective learning-by-exporting: product vs process innovation and the role of technological capabilities29
A systematic review of international franchising29
Political animosity in cross-border acquisitions: EMNCs’ market and nonmarket strategy in a developed market23
Defining and deterring corporate social irresponsibility: embracing the institutional complexity of international business19
Global fintech trends and their impact on international business: a review19
Open for business in a closed world? Managing MNE nonmarket strategy in times of populism and geopolitical uncertainty18
Global shift towards stakeholder-oriented corporate governance? Evidence from the scholarly literature and future research opportunities18
The role of market orientation and innovation capability in export performance of small- and medium-sized enterprises: a Latin American perspective16
(Re)discovering social identity theory: an agenda for multinational enterprise internalization theory15
Manufacturing location decisions and organizational agility13
A bibliometric analysis and future research opportunities in Multinational Business Review10
Taking advantage of institutional weakness? Political stability and foreign subsidiary survival in primary industries10
Corporate sustainability reporting in Japanese multinational enterprises: a threat to local legitimacy or an opportunity lost for corporate sustainability practices?9
How learning orientation drives the international performance of INVs: the roles of entrepreneurial bricolage and degree of internationalization7
Multilingual and multicultural managers’ effects on team performance: insights from professional football teams6
Board independence and firm internationalization: a meta-analysis6
Chairpersons’ hubris and internationalization: evidence from emerging market’s family business groups6
Human capital, cultural distance and staffing localization6
Chinese SMEs in Germany: an exploratory study on OFDI motives and the role of China’s institutional environment6
Business against violence: assessing how business impacts peace5
Real options flexibility or risk diversification: risk management of US MNEs when facing risk of war5
A comparative analysis of the internationalization of sub-national and central state-owned enterprises: shreds of evidence from Latin America5
The multi-faceted impact of host country risk on the success of private participation in infrastructure projects5
The death of distance, revisited: disseminative capacity and knowledge transfer5