International Journal of Forecasting

(The TQCC of International Journal of Forecasting is 10. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Temporal Fusion Transformers for interpretable multi-horizon time series forecasting701
Recurrent Neural Networks for Time Series Forecasting: Current status and future directions549
Forecasting: theory and practice354
Forecasting for COVID-19 has failed213
M5 accuracy competition: Results, findings, and conclusions145
Kaggle forecasting competitions: An overlooked learning opportunity140
Machine learning model for Bitcoin exchange rate prediction using economic and technology determinants118
Retail forecasting: Research and practice114
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on business expectations108
A novel text-based framework for forecasting agricultural futures using massive online news headlines86
Principles and algorithms for forecasting groups of time series: Locality and globality86
Neural basis expansion analysis with exogenous variables: Forecasting electricity prices with NBEATSx67
Forecast combinations: An over 50-year review63
Predicting monthly biofuel production using a hybrid ensemble forecasting methodology56
Forecast reconciliation: A geometric view with new insights on bias correction52
The M5 competition: Background, organization, and implementation51
Forecasting crude oil market volatility using variable selection and common factor50
Nowcasting GDP using machine-learning algorithms: A real-time assessment49
Forecasting with trees48
Forecasting recovery rates on non-performing loans with machine learning45
COVID-19: Forecasting confirmed cases and deaths with a simple time series model45
Recent advances in intra-hour solar forecasting: A review of ground-based sky image methods44
The power of text-based indicators in forecasting Italian economic activity44
Measuring the Connectedness of the Global Economy43
Forecasting the Covid-19 recession and recovery: Lessons from the financial crisis40
Forecasting realized volatility of agricultural commodity futures with infinite Hidden Markov HAR models40
Stock market volatility forecasting: Do we need high-frequency data?39
Crude oil price forecasting incorporating news text39
Targeting predictors in random forest regression39
Forecasting sales using online review and search engine data: A method based on PCA–DSFOA–BPNN38
Hawkes process modeling of COVID-19 with mobility leading indicators and spatial covariates38
Preventing rather than punishing: An early warning model of malfeasance in public procurement38
Big data from dynamic pricing: A smart approach to tourism demand forecasting38
The M5 uncertainty competition: Results, findings and conclusions35
Forecasting macroeconomic risks35
Artificial bee colony-based combination approach to forecasting agricultural commodity prices35
High-frequency monitoring of growth at risk34
Forecasting cryptocurrency volatility33
Forecasting crude oil futures market returns: A principal component analysis combination approach33
Investigating the accuracy of cross-learning time series forecasting methods33
Forecasting realized volatility of agricultural commodities32
The COVID-19 shock and challenges for inflation modelling31
Comparing trained and untrained probabilistic ensemble forecasts of COVID-19 cases and deaths in the United States30
Global economic policy uncertainty aligned: An informative predictor for crude oil market volatility29
Multivariate volatility forecasts for stock market indices29
A comparison of monthly global indicators for forecasting growth28
A robust support vector regression model for electric load forecasting28
Minnesota-type adaptive hierarchical priors for large Bayesian VARs27
Comparing the accuracy of several network-based COVID-19 prediction algorithms27
Short-term forecasting of the coronavirus pandemic26
On single point forecasts for fat-tailed variables26
Modeling and predicting U.S. recessions using machine learning techniques26
Nowcasting unemployment insurance claims in the time of COVID-1925
Treating and Pruning: New approaches to forecasting model selection and combination using prediction intervals25
Forecasting Bitcoin with technical analysis: A not-so-random forest?25
Prediction of the Indian summer monsoon using a stacked autoencoder and ensemble regression model25
Endemic-epidemic models with discrete-time serial interval distributions for infectious disease prediction25
Transparent modeling of influenza incidence: Big data or a single data point from psychological theory?25
Conformal prediction interval estimation and applications to day-ahead and intraday power markets24
Forecasting crude oil prices with DSGE models24
Probabilistic population forecasting: Short to very long-term24
Forecasting high resolution electricity demand data with additive models including smooth and jagged components23
Forecasting loss given default for peer-to-peer loans via heterogeneous stacking ensemble approach23
Calibration of deterministic NWP forecasts and its impact on verification23
Forecasting in humanitarian operations: Literature review and research needs23
Forecasting Brazilian mortality rates due to occupational accidents using autoregressive moving average approaches23
Mining semantic features in current reports for financial distress prediction: Empirical evidence from unlisted public firms in China22
Forecasting unemployment insurance claims in realtime with Google Trends22
Distributed ARIMA models for ultra-long time series22
The recurrence of financial distress: A survival analysis22
Bagging weak predictors22
Assessing and predicting small industrial enterprises’ credit ratings: A fuzzy decision-making approach22
The effect of spatiotemporal resolution on predictive policing model performance20
Classification-based model selection in retail demand forecasting20
Stability in the inefficient use of forecasting systems: A case study in a supply chain company20
A critical overview of privacy-preserving approaches for collaborative forecasting19
Deep learning models for visibility forecasting using climatological data19
Forecasting CPI inflation components with Hierarchical Recurrent Neural Networks19
Machine learning algorithms for forecasting and backcasting blood demand data with missing values and outliers: A study of Tema General Hospital of Ghana19
Spatial dependence in microfinance credit default19
Realized volatility forecasting: Robustness to measurement errors18
Nowcasting food inflation with a massive amount of online prices17
Expert forecasting with and without uncertainty quantification and weighting: What do the data say?17
Online distributed learning in wind power forecasting17
Factor extraction using Kalman filter and smoothing: This is not just another survey17
Mixed random forest, cointegration, and forecasting gasoline prices17
Bayesian median autoregression for robust time series forecasting17
Forecasting European carbon returns using dimension reduction techniques: Commodity versus financial fundamentals16
Forecasting electricity prices with expert, linear, and nonlinear models16
Spatio-temporal probabilistic forecasting of wind power for multiple farms: A copula-based hybrid model16
Thirty years on: A review of the Lee–Carter method for forecasting mortality16
Stock market volatility predictability in a data-rich world: A new insight15
Robust recurrent network model for intermittent time-series forecasting15
Sequential optimization three-way decision model with information gain for credit default risk evaluation15
Forecasting stock market volatility with regime-switching GARCH-MIDAS: The role of geopolitical risks15
Informational efficiency and behaviour within in-play prediction markets15
Evaluating quantile-bounded and expectile-bounded interval forecasts15
FFORMPP: Feature-based forecast model performance prediction15
Modelling non-stationary ‘Big Data’14
Variational Bayes approximation of factor stochastic volatility models14
Probabilistic access forecasting for improved offshore operations14
Cyberattack-resilient load forecasting with adaptive robust regression13
U-Convolutional model for spatio-temporal wind speed forecasting13
Daily news sentiment and monthly surveys: A mixed-frequency dynamic factor model for nowcasting consumer confidence13
What do forecasting rationales reveal about thinking patterns of top geopolitical forecasters?13
Analytic moments for GJR-GARCH (1, 1) processes13
Optimal model averaging forecasting in high-dimensional survival analysis13
A Bayesian approach for predicting food and beverage sales in staff canteens and restaurants13
Demand forecasting for fashion products: A systematic review12
Data snooping in equity premium prediction12
Exploring the representativeness of the M5 competition data12
Towards a real-time prediction of waiting times in emergency departments: A comparative analysis of machine learning techniques12
Non-Gaussian models for CoVaR estimation12
Dimensionality reduction in forecasting with temporal hierarchies12
Artificial intelligence-based predictions of movie audiences on opening Saturday12
Summarizing ensemble NWP forecasts for grid operators: Consistency, elicitability, and economic value12
Forecasting corporate default risk in China12
Influence of earnings management on forecasting corporate failure12
Combining forecasts for universally optimal performance12
Hierarchical forecasting with a top-down alignment of independent-level forecasts11
Simple averaging of direct and recursive forecasts via partial pooling using machine learning11
Cross-temporal forecast reconciliation: Optimal combination method and heuristic alternatives11
Optimal and robust combination of forecasts via constrained optimization and shrinkage11
Beta autoregressive moving average model selection with application to modeling and forecasting stored hydroelectric energy11
Nowcasting growth using Google Trends data: A Bayesian Structural Time Series model10
Bayesian VAR forecasts, survey information, and structural change in the euro area10
Mixed-frequency machine learning: Nowcasting and backcasting weekly initial claims with daily internet search volume data10
Machine learning applications in hierarchical time series forecasting: Investigating the impact of promotions10
Anticipating special events in Emergency Department forecasting10
Real-time inflation forecasting using non-linear dimension reduction techniques10
Nowcasting GDP and its components in a data-rich environment: The merits of the indirect approach10
Online hierarchical forecasting for power consumption data10
Macroeconomic data transformations matter10
Testing big data in a big crisis: Nowcasting under Covid-1910
Does judgment improve macroeconomic density forecasts?10
Sparse structures with LASSO through principal components: Forecasting GDP components in the short-run10
Weekly economic activity: Measurement and informational content10
Forecasting with gradient boosted trees: augmentation, tuning, and cross-validation strategies10