
(The TQCC of Forests is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Activity of Zanthoxylum armatum Leaves in Response to Plant Age, Shoot Type and Leaf Position352
Forest Resources Projection Tools: Comparison of Available Tools and Their Adaptation to Polish Conditions115
An Integrative Taxonomic Study of Parasola (Psathyrellaceae, Fungi) Reveals a New Saprotrophic Species from European Temperate Deciduous Forests100
Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Logging Contractors in Sweden: A Survey on Personnel Absenteeism, Safety Measures and Economic Impacts87
CsAFS2 Gene from the Tea Plant Intercropped with Chinese Chestnut Plays an Important Role in Insect Resistance and Cold Resistance76
Contribution of Tree Size and Species on Aboveground Biomass across Land Cover Types in the Taita Hills, Southern Kenya76
The Dynamics of Stand Structure Development and Natural Regeneration of Common Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in Plitvice Lakes National Park76
Study on the Limit of Moisture Content of Smoldering Humus during Sub-Surface Fires in the Boreal Forests of China73
Different Species Proportions Influence Silvicultural Heterogeneity of Trees in a Restoration of a Ombrophilous Dense Forest in Lowlands70
Response of the Stability of Soil Aggregates and Erodibility to Land Use Patterns in Wetland Ecosystems of Karst Plateau70
Physiological Responses and Ecological Benefits of Water Uptake by Populus euphratica Leaves in Arid Areas70
The Optimization of the Steam-Heat-Treated Process of Rattan (Calamus simplicifolius) Based on the Response Surface Analysis and Its Chemical Changes66
Assessment of Temperate Deciduous Forest Communities and Structures after Restoration through the Multi-Reference Ecosystems Framework65
Multiple Dimensions of Functional Traits in Subtropical Montane Mosses64
The Nitrogen Cycle of a Cool-Temperate Deciduous Broad-Leaved Forest63
The Tracking and Frequency Measurement of the Sway of Leafless Deciduous Trees by Adaptive Tracking Window Based on MOSSE60
Visual Aesthetic Quality of Qianjiangyuan National Park Landscapes and Its Spatial Pattern Characteristics54
Heterotrophic Bacteria Play an Important Role in Endemism of Cephalostachyum pingbianense (Hsueh & Y.M. Yang ex Yi et al.) D.Z. Li & H.Q. Yang, 2007, a Full-Year Shooting Woody Bamboo51
Effects of Buried Wood on the Development of Populus tremuloides on Various Oil Sands Reclamation Soils51
Place-Based Analysis of Satellite Time Series Shows Opposing Land Change Patterns in the Copperbelt Region of Zambia50
Gönpa Gang—The First Application of Dendrochronological Dating to Study the Traditional Architecture of Upper Mustang (Nepal)49
Genetic Diversity and Structure of Apomictic and Sexually Reproducing Lindera Species (Lauraceae) in Japan48
Comparison of Data Grouping Strategies on Prediction Accuracy of Tree-Stem Taper for Six Common Species in the Southeastern US48
G×E Analysis of Early Growth Traits of Populus deltoides in East China by Using BLUP-GGE47
Fibers Obtained from Invasive Alien Plant Species as a Base Material for Paper Production45
Influence of Four Spacings between Trees and Four Samplings Heights on Selected Wood Quality Attributes of White Spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss)45
Deep Learning Model for Soil Environment Quality Classification of Pu-erh Tea44
Renewable Tannin-Based Adhesive from Quebracho Extract and Furfural for Particleboards42
Response of Tracheid Structure Characteristics and Lignin Distribution of Taxodium Hybrid Zhongshanshan to External Stress42
Water Storage and Use by Platycladus orientalis under Different Rainfall Conditions in the Rocky Mountainous Area of Northern China42
Modeling of Falling Ball Impact Test Response on Solid, Veneer, and Traditional Engineered Wood Floorings of Several Hardwoods41
Multispectral Image Determination of Water Content in Aquilaria sinensis Based on Machine Learning40
Quantifying the Profiles of Heartwood, Sapwood, and Bark Using a Seemingly Unrelated Mixed-Effect Model for Larix Olgensis in Northeast China40
Assessment of Energy, Dynamic and Economic Balance of Chipping Operation in Poplar Medium Rotation Coppice (MRC) Plantations39
Impacts of Forest Management on the Biodiversity and Sustainability of Carya dabieshanensis Forests39
Regeneration and Growth following Silvicultural Treatments in a Productive Central Hardwood Forest39
Qualitative Anatomical Characteristics and Fiber Quality of Tapped Styrax sumatrana Wood Grown in North Sumatra, Indonesia38
Regional Stem Volume Mapping: A Feasibility Assessment of Scaling Tree-Level Estimates37
Effects of Particle Dimension and Constituent Proportions on Internal Bond Strength of Ultra-Low-Density Hemp Hurd Particleboard36
Distribution and Prolonged Diapause of the Rowan Seed Predators Argyresthia conjugella (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) and Megastigmus brevicaudis (Hymenoptera: Torymidae) and their Parasitoids in Norway36
Chemical, Crystallinity and Morphological Changes of Rubberwood (Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex A. Juss.) Müll. Arg.) Hydrothermally Treated in Different Buffered Media36
Impact of MHT9002HV Tracked Harvester on Forest Soil after Logging in Steeply Sloping Terrain36
Characterization of Vegetation Dynamics on Linear Features Using Airborne Laser Scanning and Ensemble Learning36
Development of an Advanced-Generation Multi-Objective Breeding Population for the 4th Cycle of Chinese Fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook.)35
Labile and Stable Fractions of Organic Carbon in a Soil Catena (the Central Forest Nature Reserve, Russia)35
Aboveground Biomass Mapping and Fire Potential Severity Assessment: A Case Study for Eucalypts and Shrubland Areas in the Central Inland Region of Portugal35
Resin Canal Traits Variation in Pinus spp. with Different Susceptibility to the Pine Wood Nematode35
Modeling Dynamics in Land Use and Land Cover and Its Future Projection for the Amazon Biome35
Quality of the Pellets Obtained with Wood and Cutting Residues of Stone Pine (Pinus pinea L.)34
The Future of European Beech in Northern Germany—Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation Potential34
Select or Not? Comparing the Impact of Selective and Schematic Thinning on Scots Pine Tree Growth and Stand Structure34
Monitoring of Respiratory Health Risks Caused by Biomass Storage in Urban-Type Heating Plants34
Leaf Angle as a Criterion for Optimizing Irrigation in Forest Nurseries: Impacts on Physiological Seedling Quality and Performance after Planting in Pots33
Driving Forces of Forest Expansion Dynamics across the Iberian Peninsula (1987–2017): A Spatio-Temporal Transect33
Effects of a New Plant Growth Regulator on Callus Induction from Immature Embryo Explants of Korean Pine (Pinus koraiensis)33
Korean Pines Demonstrate Cold Resilience through Non-Structural Carbohydrate Concentrations despite Light Deprivation during the Growing Season33
Molecular Detection of Phytophthora cinnamomi by RPA-CRISPR/Cas12a-Mediated Isothermal Amplification33
Influences of Shading on Ascorbic Acid Biosynthesis of Blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.)32
Construction of a Genetic Transformation System for Populus wulianensis32
Genome-Wide Identification and Functional Analysis of the Basic Helix-Loop-Helix (bHLH) Transcription Family Reveals Candidate PtFBH Genes Involved in the Flowering Process of Populus trichocarpa32
Transcriptomic Determination of the Core Genes Regulating the Growth and Physiological Traits of Quercus mongolica Fisch. ex Ledeb32
Spatiotemporal Dynamics and Climate Influence of Forest Fires in Fujian Province, China31
Temperature-Dependent Creep Behavior and Quasi-Static Mechanical Properties of Heat-Treated Wood31
Effect of Waterlogging Stress on Leaf Anatomical Structure and Ultrastructure of Phoebe sheareri Seedlings31
Assessment of Summer Branch Drop: A Case Study in Four Portuguese Cities31
Ingestion of Species-Specific dsRNA Alters Gene Expression and Can Cause Mortality in the Forest Pest, Ips calligraphus30
Gene Frequency Shift in Relict Abies pinsapo Forests Associated with Drought-Induced Mortality: Preliminary Evidence of Local-Scale Divergent Selection30
Detection of Mulberry Leaf Diseases in Natural Environments Based on Improved YOLOv830
Genome-Wide Identification of the Uridine Diphosphate Glucotransferase Gene Family and Expression Profiling Analysis in the Stem Development of Prunus mume30
Understory Vegetation Composition and Stand Are Mainly Limited by Soil Moisture in Black Locust Plantations of Loess Plateau30
Structural Stability of Urban Trees Using Visual and Instrumental Techniques: A Review30
New Species of Tomentella (Thelephorales, Basidiomycota) from Temperate Continental Mountain Climate of China (Xinjiang Region)30
Fertilization and Residue Management Improved Soil Quality of Eucalyptus Plantations30
PIP2;10 Enhances Drought Tolerance via Promoting Water-Retaining Capacity in Populus30
Effect of Gap Size and Elevation on the Regeneration and Coexistence of Abies, Betula, and Acer Tree Species in a Subalpine Coniferous Forest30
Rapid and Efficient Molecular Detection of Phytophthora nicotianae Based on RPA-CRISPR/Cas12a30
Multi-Agent Evolutionary Game Strategy for Ecotourism Development in National Parks: A Case Study of Wuyishan National Park30
The Future Possible Distribution of Kasnak Oak (Quercus vulcanica Boiss. & Heldr. ex Kotschy) in Anatolia under Climate Change Scenarios29
DELLA-Mediated Gibberellin Acid Participation in the Regulation of Dormancy and Growth of Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr.29
Optimizing Carbon Sequestration Potential for Chinese Fir Plantations Using Genetic Algorithm29
Effects of a Forest Therapy Program on Physical Health, Mental Health, and Health Behaviors29
Nitrogen Application Promotes Drought Resistance of Toona sinensis Seedlings29
Light and Light Signals Regulate Growth and Development in Woody Plants29
Heritage Trees as an Important Sanctuary for Saproxylic Beetles in the Central European Landscape: A Case Study from Litovelské Pomoraví, Czech Republic28
SNP Detection in Pinus pinaster Transcriptome and Association with Resistance to Pinewood Nematode28
The Use of Bryophytes, Lichens and Bromeliads for Evaluating Air and Water Pollution in an Andean City28
Geographical Variation in the Growth and Nutritional Traits of Leaf Powder from Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) L’Hér. ex Vent. from Different Provenances28
Habitat Associations of Overwintering Bats in Managed Pine Forest Landscapes28
Comprehensive Bioinformatics and Expression Analysis of TCP Transcription Factors in Liriodendron chinense Reveals Putative Abiotic Stress Regulatory Roles28
Distribution Characteristics and Driving Factors of the Bacterial Community Structure in the Soil Profile of a Discontinuous Permafrost Region27
The Effect of Soaking Root Fertilizer on Promoting the Seedling Early Growth and Root Development of Eucalyptus urograndis27
Nitrogen Addition Increased the Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Permafrost Peatland Due to the Abundance of Soil Microbial Functional Genes Increasing in the Great Khingan Mountains, Northeast China27
Enhanced Summer Planting Survival of Japanese Larch Container-Grown Seedlings27
Effects of Nitrogen Additions on Soil Respiration in an Asian Tropical Montane Rainforest27
Shear Property and Uniform Vertical Load Capacity of Bamboo I-Beams27
Enhancing Afforestation Practices in Hilly Terrain: A Study on Soil Disturbance by Earth Augers Based on the Discrete Element Method27
Morphological Characteristics of Bamboo Panel Milling Dust Derived from Different Average Chip Thicknesses26
Effect of Bamboo Culm Grading on the Properties of Flattened Bamboo Boards26
Proficient Lignocellulolytic Novel Bacterial Isolates from Diversified Galiyat Forests of Lower Himalaya26
Forest Burned Area Detection Using a Novel Spectral Index Based on Multi-Objective Optimization26
Coupling the PROSAIL Model and Machine Learning Approach for Canopy Parameter Estimation of Moso Bamboo Forests from UAV Hyperspectral Data26
Discussion of the Distribution Pattern and Driving Factors of 2 Large Old Tree Resources in Beijing26
Effect of Photoinitiator Concentration and Film Thickness on the Properties of UV-Curable Self-Matting Coating for Wood-Based Panels26
Lower Light Intensities Increase Shoot Germination with Improved Leaf Biosynthesis in Ma Bamboo (Dendrocalamus latiflorus Munro)25
Forest Fire Detection of FY-3D Using Genetic Algorithm and Brightness Temperature Change25
Tree Height–Diameter Model of Natural Coniferous and Broad-Leaved Mixed Forests Based on Random Forest Method and Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Method in Jilin Province, China25
Developing Forest Road Recognition Technology Using Deep Learning-Based Image Processing25
Carbon Sink Performance Evaluation and Socioeconomic Effect of Urban Aggregated Green Infrastructure Based on Sentinel-2A Satellite25
Occurrence Prediction of Western Conifer Seed Bug (Leptoglossus occidentalis: Coreidae) and Evaluation of the Effects of Climate Change on Its Distribution in South Korea Using Machine Learning Method25
Effects of Slope Position on the Rhizosphere and Fine Root Microbiomes of Cupressus gigantea on the Tibet Plateau, China25
Reinforcing Nitrogen Nutrition Through Partial Substitution with Organic Nitrogen Enhances the Properties of Natural Rubber25
Primary Selection of Excellent Catalpa fargesii Clones Based on Growth and Wood Properties25
Harmonious Degree of Sound Sources Influencing Visiting Experience in Kulangsu Scenic Area, China25
Forest Fire Image Deblurring Based on Spatial–Frequency Domain Fusion25
Comparison of Chemosensory Receptor Genes in the Antennae Transcriptomes of Sirex noctilio and Sirex nitobei (Hymenoptera: Siricidae)25
Assessing Social Values for Ecosystem Services in Rural Areas Based on the SolVES Model: A Case Study from Nanjing, China24
Suitable Tree Species for Afforestation in Semiarid China: Evidence from Tree Stem Growth Monitoring24
Integrative Analysis of the Identified Transcriptome and Proteome Major Metabolism Pathways Involved in the Development of Grafted Apricot Hybrids24
Restoration of Impounded Forests of Coastal Louisiana Using Spoil Bank Gapping24
Tetraploid Induction with Leaf Morphology and Sunburn Variation in Sorbus pohuashanensis (Hance) Hedl23
Potential European Geographical Distribution of Gnathotrichus materiarius (Fitch, 1858) (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) under Current and Future Climate Conditions23
Integrating Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data for Forest Fire Risk Assessment23
Impact of Climate Change on the Habitat Suitability of Monochamus saltuarius Gebler (Coleoptera; Cerambycidae) and Its Natural Enemies in China23
Real-Time Estimation of Tree Position, Tree Height, and Tree Diameter at Breast Height Point, Using Smartphones Based on Monocular SLAM23
A 3D Lidar SLAM System Based on Semantic Segmentation for Rubber-Tapping Robot23
Assessment of Artificial Forest Restoration by Exploring the Microbial Community Structure and Function in a Reclaimed Coal Gob Pile in a Loess Hilly Area of Shanxi, China23
Effects of Truffle Inoculation on Root Physiology and Mycorrhizosphere Microbial Communities of Carya illinoinensis Seedlings23
An Analysis of the Factors Affecting Forest Mortality and Research on Forecasting Models in Southern China: A Case Study in Zhejiang Province23
Quercus suber L. Genetic Resources: Variability and Strategies for Its Conservation22
Ammoniacal Zinc Borate for Wood Protection against Fungi and Insects22
Genetic Evaluation in Natural Populations of the Threatened Conifer Amentotaxus argotaenia (Hance) Pilg. (Taxaceae) Using Microsatellites22
Tomographic Images Generated from Measurements in Standing Trees Using Ultrasound and Postprocessed Images: Methodological Proposals for Cutting Velocity, Interpolation Algorithm and Confusion Matrix 22
Ecosystem Services Value Realization and Ecological Industry Design in Scenic Areas of Karst in South China22
Spatial Heterogeneity of Total and Labile Soil Organic Carbon Pools in Poplar Agroforestry Systems22
Biomass and Carbon Stock Capacity of Robinia pseudoacacia Plantations at Different Densities on the Loess Plateau22
Observation of External Wounding on Green Ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall) Trees Associated with Tree Injection Systems22
Rethinking Iconic Species Reforestation in West Africa: Seed Shape Harnessing Is Strategic for Enhanced Germination and Vigorous Growth in Khaya senegalensis and Parkia biglobosa22
Response of Soil Fungal-Community Structure to Crop-Tree Thinning in Pinus massoniana Plantation22
Estimating Forest Above-Ground Biomass in Central Amazonia Using Polarimetric Attributes of ALOS/PALSAR Images22
Toxicity of an Emamectin Benzoate Microemulsion against Bursaphelenchus xylophilus and Its Effect on the Prevention of Pine Wilt Disease22
Field Trials to Assess the Growth, Survival, and Stomatal Densities of Five Mexican Pine Species and Their Hybrids under Common Plantation Conditions22
Variation and Correlation among Fine Root Traits of Desert Plants in Arid Areas of Northwest China22
Piling Secondary Subtropical Forest Residue: Long-Term Impacts on Soil, Trees, and Weeds21
A Higher Lignin Content in ugt72b37 Poplar Mutants Indicates a Role of Monolignol Glycosylation in Xylem Lignification21
Effects of Planting, Vegetation Management, and Pre-Commercial Thinning on the Growth and Yield of Lodgepole Pine Regenerated after Harvesting in Alberta, Canada21
Efficiency of Mobile Laser Scanning for Digital Marteloscopes for Conifer Forests in the Mediterranean Region21
Mechanical Properties of Furniture Joints Using Loose Tenons and Connectors21
Fungal Presence and Changes of Wood Structure in Bark Stripping Wounds Made by Red Deer (Cervus elaphus L.) on Stems of Fraxinus angustifolia (Vahl)21
Climatic and Topographic Variables Improve Estimation Accuracy of Patula Pine Forest Site Productivity in Southern Mexico21
Riparian Dendrochemistry: Detecting Anthropogenic Gadolinium in Trees along an Effluent-Dominated Desert River21
Assessing Forest Level Response to the Death of a Dominant Tree within a Premontane Tropical Rainforest21
Zinc-Enhanced Regulation of the Ginkgo biloba L. Response and Secondary Metabolites21
Will “Tall Oaks from Little Acorns Grow”? White Oak (Quercus alba) Biology in the Anthropocene21
Biocontrol Potential of Streptomyces Strain FY4 Against Heterobasidion Root Rot Pathogen In Vitro21
Comparative Assessment of the Resistance to Lead (Pb) Pollution of Forest, Forest-Steppe, Steppe, and Mountain-Meadow Soils of the Central Ciscaucasia and the Caucasus Regions21
Computer Vision-Based Wood Identification: A Review21
Tree Information Modeling: A Data Exchange Platform for Tree Design and Management21
Economic Profitability of Carbon Sequestration of Fine-Aroma Cacao Agroforestry Systems in Amazonas, Peru21
Evaluation of Accuracy in Estimating Diameter at Breast Height Based on the Scanning Conditions of Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Circular Fitting Algorithm21
Isotopic Signal Supports Physiological Integration in Root Suckers of Two Tree Species Differing in Shade Tolerance20
From Air to Space: A Comprehensive Approach to Optimizing Aboveground Biomass Estimation on UAV-Based Datasets20
Impact of Forest Parkification on Color Authenticity20
Spatial and Temporal Variations of Carbon Dioxide Fluxes in Urban Ecosystems of Changsha, China20
Synergizing Wood Science and Interpretable Artificial Intelligence: Detection and Classification of Wood Species Through Hyperspectral Imaging20
Variability and Relationship Between Phenological and Morphological Traits in Early and Late Pedunculate Oak20
Quantifying the Effects of Carbon Growth Grade and Structural Diversity on Carbon Sinks of Natural Coniferous–Broadleaved Mixed Forests Across the Jilin Province of China20
A Denoising Scheme for Scanned Wood Grain Images via Adaptive Color Substitution20
A Comparative Study of Shallow Machine Learning Models and Deep Learning Models for Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Based on Imbalanced Data20
The Transcriptional Regulatory Mechanisms Exploration of Jujube Biological Traits through Multi-Omics Analysis20
Remote Sensing Technology for Observing Tree Mortality and Its Influences on Carbon–Water Dynamics20
Variation Patterns of Fine Root Biomass, Production, and Turnover Rates in Four Subtropical Forests of China20
An Estimation Model of the Ultimate Shear Strength of Root-Permeated Soil, Fully Considering Interface Bonding20
Analysis of Wood Density to Compare the Amount of Accumulated Carbon Dioxide in the Stems of Selected Non-Native Tree Species in Poland20
Assessment of Pine Tree Crown Delineation Algorithms on UAV Data: From K-Means Clustering to CNN Segmentation20
Research on the Resilience Assessment of Rural Landscapes in the Context of Karst Rocky Desertification Control: A Case Study of Fanhua Village in Guizhou Province19
The Combined Effects of Salt and Nitrogen Addition on the Chlorophyll Fluorescence, Antioxidant System, and Leaf Stoichiometry of Torreya grandis Sexes19
Modeling Tree Mortality Induced by Climate Change-Driven Drought: A Case Study of Korean Fir in the Subalpine Forests of Jirisan National Park, South Korea19
Accounting for Land-Use Changes in Environmental Impact Assessments of Wood Products: A Review19
BpTCP3 Transcription Factor Improves Salt Tolerance of Betula platyphylla by Reducing Reactive Oxygen Species Damage19
Can Ensemble Techniques and Large-Scale Fire Datasets Improve Predictions of Forest Fire Probability Due to Climate Change?—A Case Study from the Republic of Korea19
Understanding Tree Mortality Patterns: A Comprehensive Review of Remote Sensing and Meteorological Ground-Based Studies19
Influence of Perceived Sensory Dimensions on Cultural Ecosystem Benefits of National Forest Parks Based on Public Participation: The Case of Fuzhou National Forest Park19
Transcriptome Analysis Reveals the Molecular Mechanisms Associated with Flower Color Formation in Camellia japonica ‘Joy Kendrick’19
Effects of Light Intensity on Seedling Emergence and Early Growth of Liquidambar formosana Hance19
Characteristics of Drought Events and Their Impact on Vegetation Dynamics in the Arid Region of Northwest China19
Assessment of Forest Fire Severity for a Management Conceptual Model: Case Study in Vilcabamba, Ecuador19
Seed Conservation Methods According to the Prediction of Suitable Distribution of Endangered Conifer Abies nephrolepis Maxim.19
Predicting the Potential Suitable Distribution of Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr under Climate Change Scenarios19
Mapping China’s Forest Fire Risks with Machine Learning19
Correction: Wang et al. Estimation of Aboveground Biomass for Different Forest Types Using Data from Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, ALOS PALSAR-2, and GEDI. Forests 2024, 15, 21519
Effects of Tall Buildings on Visually Morphological Traits of Urban Trees19
Mycorrhizal Benefits of Salt-Stressed Cinnamomum camphora (L.) Presl. May Be Related to P and Mn2+ Contents in Shoots, Biomass Allocation, and K+/Na+ in Roots and Shoots19
Selection of Trees for Thinning Using Machine Learning Algorithms and Competition Indices19
Monitoring the Degree of Gansu Zokor Damage in Chinese Pine by Hyperspectral Remote Sensing19
Responses of Soil Infiltration and Erodibility to Vegetation Succession Stages at Erosion and Deposition Sites in Karst Trough Valleys19
Wood Basic Density in Large Trees: Impacts on Biomass Estimates in the Southwestern Brazilian Amazon19
Performance Properties and Finite Element Modelling of Forest-Based Bionanomaterials/Activated Carbon Composite Film for Sustainable Future19
Impregnation of Medium-Density Fiberboard Residues with Phase Change Materials for Efficient Thermal Energy Storage18
Improvement of Moso Bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) Properties Using a Heat Treatment Process for Landscaping Materials and Evaluation of Its Durability against Biotic/Abiotic Factors18
Species Mixing Proportion and Aridity Influence in the Height–Diameter Relationship for Different Species Mixtures in Mediterranean Forests18
Discovery and Biology of Spathius verustus Chao (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a Potential Biological Agent on Two Monochamus Vectors of the Pinewood Nematode18
Dynamic Patterns of the Vertical Distribution of Vegetation in Heihe River Basin since the 1980s18
Study on the Combustion Characteristics of Mountain Forest Vegetation18
Strong Responses of Soil Greenhouse Gas Fluxes to Litter Manipulation in a Boreal Larch Forest, Northeastern China18
Biodiversity Protection in Private Forests: PES Schemes, Institutions and Prosocial Behavior18
Field Performances of Mediterranean Oaks in Replicate Common Gardens for Future Reforestation under Climate Change in Central and Southern Europe: First Results from a Four-Year Study18
Diversity of Phytophthora Species Involved in New Diseases of Mountain Vegetation in Europe with the Description of Phytophthora pseudogregata sp. nov.18
Genetic Monitoring of Alnus glutinosa Natural Populations Using Two Generation Cohorts18
Patterns of Diversity and Community Assembly and Their Environmental Explanation across Different Types of Shrublands in the Western Loess Plateau18
Genetic Diversity Maximization as a Strategy for Resilient Forest Ecosystems: A Case Study on Norway Spruce18
Forest Conversion and Soil Depth Can Modify the Contributions of Organic and Inorganic Colloids to the Stability of Soil Aggregates18
Predicting the Potential Distribution of the Endangered Plant Cremastra appendiculata (Orchidaceae) in China under Multiple Climate Change Scenarios18
Functional Validation and Promoter DNA Methylation Analysis of the OfPAO Gene of Osmanthus fragrans ‘Yinbi Shuanghui’18
Farmers’ Socioeconomic Characteristics and Perception of Land Use Change Defining Optimal Agroforestry Practices in Khost Province, Afghanistan18
Fungal Community Taxa Differ in Diversity and Number between Live and Dead Prunus serotina Ehrh. Wood in a Protected Forest within Its Secondary Range of Distribution18
Assessing Seasonal Concentrations of Airborne Potentially Toxic Elements in Tropical Mountain Areas in Thailand Using the Transplanted Lichen Parmotrema Tinctorum (Despr. ex Nyl.) Hale18
A Spatio-Temporal Analysis of the Frequency of Droughts in Mexico’s Forest Ecosystems18
Potential Use of Two Forest Species (Salix alba and Casuarina glauca) in the Rhizofiltration of Heavy-Metal-Contaminated Industrial Wastewater18
Assessing Black Locust Biomass Accumulation in Restoration Plantations18
Growth Rate and Leaf Functional Traits of Four Broad-Leaved Species Underplanted in Chinese Fir Plantations with Different Tree Density Levels18
Identification and Functional Evaluation of Three Polyubiquitin Promoters from Hevea brasiliensis18
Network Text Analysis of Visitors’ Perception of Multi-Sensory Interactive Experience in Urban Forest Parks in China18
Effects of Medium Supplements on Somatic Embryo Maturation and DNA Methylation in Pseudotsuga gaussenii Flous, a Species under Protection18
Carbon Offset Service of Urban Park Trees and Desirable Planting Strategies for Several Metropolitan Cities in South Korea18
Parent Material Effect on Soil Organic Carbon Concentration under Primeval European Beech Forests at a Regional Scale18
Hierarchical Analysis of Factors Determining the Impact of Forest Certification in Mexico18
The Interrelationship between Latitudinal Differences and Metabolic Differences in the Natural Distribution Area of Tilia amurensis Rupr.17
How Did the Mild and Humid Areas of China Turn Green? A Case Study on Chongqing17
Bearing Capacity of Forest Roads on Poor-Bearing Road Subgrades following Six Years of Use17
Establishment of a Highly Efficient In Vitro Regeneration System for Rhododendron aureum17
Impact of Field-Protective Forest Belts on the Microclimate of Agroforest Landscape in the Zone of Chestnut Soils of the Volgograd Region17
Comparative Research on Forest Fire Image Segmentation Algorithms Based on Fully Convolutional Neural Networks17
Trend Analysis of Coverage Variation in Pinus yunnanensis Franch. Forests under the Influence of Pests and Abiotic Factors17
Comparison of Endophytic and Epiphytic Microbial Communities in Surviving and Dead Korean Fir (Abies koreana) Using Metagenomic Sequencing17
The Missing Limb: Including Impacts of Biomass Extraction on Forest Carbon Stocks in Greenhouse Gas Balances of Wood Use17
Analytical Model for the Load-Bearing Capacity Analysis of Winter Forest Roads: Experiment and Estimation17
Integrating Ecosystem Services Valuation into Land Use Planning: Case of the Ukrainian Agricultural Landscapes17
Identifying Key Locations of the Ecological-Barrier System to Support Conservation Planning: A Study of the Sanjiangyuan National Park17
Shifts in Plant Phenology and Its Responses to Climate Warming in Three Temperate Cities of China during 1963–202017
Cryopreservation and Micropropagation Methods for Conservation of Genetic Resources of Ulmus laevis and Ulmus glabra17
Calcium Biogeochemical Cycle in a Typical Karst Forest: Evidence from Calcium Isotope Compositions17
Stress Responses to Bark Beetle Infestations among Pine (Pinus sylvestris), Fir (Abies alba), and Beech (Fagus sylvatica) Trees17
Evaluating the Forest Road Systems Subjected to Different Loadings by Using the Finite Element Method17
Geographic Variation in Progeny: Climatic and Soil Changes in Offspring Size and Colour in Four Sorbus spp. (Rosaceae)17
Population Variability of Almond-Leaved Willow (Salix triandra L.) Based on the Leaf Morphometry: Isolation by Distance and Environment Explain Phenotypic Diversity17
Impact of Increment Coring on Growth and Mortality across Various Size Classes of Khasi Pine (Pinus kesiya) in Northern Thailand17
Policy and Regulations for Mobile Biochar Production in the United States of America17
An Updated Infrageneric Classification of the North American Oaks (Quercus Subgenus Quercus): Review of the Contribution of Phylogenomic Data to Biogeography and Species Diversity17
Developments on Core Collections of Plant Genetic Resources: Do We Know Enough?17
The Responses of Soil Extracellular Enzyme Activities and Microbial Nutrients to the Interaction between Nitrogen and Phosphorus Additions and Apoplastic Litter in Broad-Leaved Korean Pine Forests in 17