International Journal of Geographical Information Science

(The TQCC of International Journal of Geographical Information Science is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
An augmented representation method of debris flow scenes to improve public perception113
Understanding the modifiable areal unit problem in dockless bike sharing usage and exploring the interactive effects of built environment factors84
A methodological framework for analysis of participatory mapping data in research, planning, and management71
A review of location encoding for GeoAI: methods and applications65
A comparison of a gradient boosting decision tree, random forests, and artificial neural networks to model urban land use changes: the case of the Seoul metropolitan area57
A geographically weighted artificial neural network49
Walking through the forests of the future: using data-driven virtual reality to visualize forests under climate change44
A multi-view bidirectional spatiotemporal graph network for urban traffic flow imputation43
Estimating urban functional distributions with semantics preserved POI embedding41
An interactive detector for spatial associations34
GANmapper: geographical data translation34
Prediction of human activity intensity using the interactions in physical and social spaces through graph convolutional networks31
Compliance and containment in social distancing: mathematical modeling of COVID-19 across townships31
A comprehensive quality assessment framework for linear features from Volunteered Geographic Information29
Application of a graph convolutional network with visual and semantic features to classify urban scenes29
3D building metrics for urban morphology28
A knowledge representation model based on the geographic spatiotemporal process27
Mapping monthly population distribution and variation at 1-km resolution across China27
Identify urban building functions with multisource data: a case study in Guangzhou, China26
Dynamical community detection and spatiotemporal analysis in multilayer spatial interaction networks using trajectory data26
Fractal evolution of urban street networks in form and structure: a case study of Hong Kong25
Exploring the vertical dimension of street view image based on deep learning: a case study on lowest floor elevation estimation25
Extraction and analysis of natural disaster-related VGI from social media: review, opportunities and challenges25
Geo-knowledge-guided GPT models improve the extraction of location descriptions from disaster-related social media messages24
On the suitability of a unified GIS-BIM-HBIM framework for cataloguing and assessing vulnerability in Historic Urban Landscapes: a critical review24
A hybrid approach to building simplification with an evaluator from a backpropagation neural network23
Identifying home locations in human mobility data: an open-source R package for comparison and reproducibility23
Delineation of cities based on scaling properties of urban patterns: a comparison of three methods23
Establishing the integrated science of movement: bringing together concepts and methods from animal and human movement analysis23
GazPNE: annotation-free deep learning for place name extraction from microblogs leveraging gazetteer and synthetic data by rules22
A constraint-based approach for identifying the urban–rural fringe of polycentric cities using multi-sourced data21
Deriving map images of generalised mountain roads with generative adversarial networks21
A quantitative comparison of regionalization methods21
A topic model based framework for identifying the distribution of demand for relief supplies using social media data20
Discovering co-location patterns in multivariate spatial flow data20
Assessing and benchmarking 3D city models20
Detecting interchanges in road networks using a graph convolutional network approach20
The impact of spatial scale on layout learning and individual evacuation behavior in indoor fires: single-scale learning perspectives20
Assessing COVID-induced changes in spatiotemporal structure of mobility in the United States in 2020: a multi-source analytical framework20
Aligning geographic entities from historical maps for building knowledge graphs19
Assessing OSM building completeness using population data19
SNN_flow: a shared nearest-neighbor-based clustering method for inhomogeneous origin-destination flows19
Transformer based named entity recognition for place name extraction from unstructured text19
Multiscale geographically and temporally weighted regression with a unilateral temporal weighting scheme and its application in the analysis of spatiotemporal characteristics of house prices in Beijin19
Detecting spatiotemporal extents of traffic congestion: a density-based moving object clustering approach18
A generalized heterogeneity model for spatial interpolation18
Delineating urban job-housing patterns at a parcel scale with street view imagery18
Leveraging temporal changes of spatial accessibility measurements for better policy implications: a case study of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in Seoul, South Korea18
Synthesizing location semantics from street view images to improve urban land-use classification17
Discovery of statistically significant regional co-location patterns on urban road networks17
Graph neural networks with constraints of environmental consistency for landslide susceptibility evaluation17
A multi-source spatio-temporal data cube for large-scale geospatial analysis16
Pattern-based identification and mapping of landscape types using multi-thematic data16
On the notion of ‘bandwidth’ in geographically weighted regression models of spatially varying processes16
The effects of sample size and sample prevalence on cellular automata simulation of urban growth15
Urban traffic flow prediction: a dynamic temporal graph network considering missing values15
Towards a training data model for artificial intelligence in earth observation15
Analysis of the performance and robustness of methods to detect base locations of individuals with geo-tagged social media data15
Explainable GeoAI: can saliency maps help interpret artificial intelligence’s learning process? An empirical study on natural feature detection15
Development of a multiscale discretization method for the geographical detector model15
A knowledge-guided visualization framework of disaster scenes for helping the public cognize risk information15
Urban land-use analysis using proximate sensing imagery: a survey15
Detecting geospatial location descriptions in natural language text14
Integration of Internet search data to predict tourism trends using spatial-temporal XGBoost composite model14
Quantifying historical landscape change with repeat photography: an accuracy assessment of geospatial data obtained through monoplotting14
A spatial model of cognitive distance in cities14
Discovering regions of anomalous spatial co-locations14
GIS-KG: building a large-scale hierarchical knowledge graph for geographic information science14
Vehicular crowd-sensing: a parametric routing algorithm to increase spatio-temporal road network coverage13
Incorporating multimodal context information into traffic speed forecasting through graph deep learning13
Spatial machine-learning model diagnostics: a model-agnostic distance-based approach13
FAIR geovisualizations: definitions, challenges, and the road ahead13
An exact statistical method for analyzing co-location on a street network and its computational implementation13
Loosening the grid: topology as the basis for a more inclusive GIS13
Measuring hub locations in time-evolving spatial interaction networks based on explicit spatiotemporal coupling and group centrality12
Geographically convolutional neural network weighted regression: a method for modeling spatially non-stationary relationships based on a global spatial proximity grid12
Decentralized geoprivacy: leveraging social trust on the distributed web12
Geographically and temporally weighted co-location quotient: an analysis of spatiotemporal crime patterns in greater Manchester12
A trajectory restoration algorithm for low-sampling-rate floating car data and complex urban road networks12
Spatial social networks in geographic information science12
Using vertices of a triangular irregular network to calculate slope and aspect11
Context-aware movement analysis in ecology: a systematic review11
Spatially–encouraged spectral clustering: a technique for blending map typologies and regionalization11
Research themes of geographical information science during 1991–2020: a retrospective bibliometric analysis11
Density-based clustering for bivariate-flow data10
Visual attention-guided augmented representation of geographic scenes: a case of bridge stress visualization10
A random forest classifier with cost-sensitive learning to extract urban landmarks from an imbalanced dataset10
A cost-effective algorithm for calibrating multiscale geographically weighted regression models10
Exact space–time prism of an activity program: bidirectional searches in multi-state supernetwork10
Enriching the metadata of map images: a deep learning approach with GIS-based data augmentation10
CATS: Conditional Adversarial Trajectory Synthesis for privacy-preserving trajectory data publication using deep learning approaches10
Uncovering the association between traffic crashes and street-level built-environment features using street view images10
A machine learning approach to extracting spatial information from geological texts in Chinese10
Reasoning over higher-order qualitative spatial relations via spatially explicit neural networks10
A narrative analysis of the 2SFCA and i2SFCA methods10
Deep convolutional autoencoder for urban land use classification using mobile device data9
Multiple-aspect analysis of semantic trajectories(MASTER)9
Fast optimization for large scale logistics in complex urban systems using the hybrid sparrow search algorithm9
A flood knowledge-constrained large language model interactable with GIS: enhancing public risk perception of floods9
Interpretable machine learning for analysing heterogeneous drivers of geographic events in space-time9
Attributing pedestrian networks with semantic information based on multi-source spatial data9
A methodology to quantify the neighborhood decay effect of urban cellular automata models9
STICC: a multivariate spatial clustering method for repeated geographic pattern discovery with consideration of spatial contiguity9