Journal of Environmental Law

(The TQCC of Journal of Environmental Law is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
The Influence of the Paris Agreement on Climate Litigation: Legal Obligations and Norms (Part I)∗23
Net Zero for the International Shipping Sector? An Analysis of the Implementation and Regulatory Challenges of the IMO Strategy on Reduction of GHG Emissions20
COVID-19 and Wildlife Farming in China: Legislating to Protect Wild Animal Health and Welfare in the Wake of a Global Pandemic16
Rights of Nature in Practice: A Case Study on the Impacts of the Colombian Atrato River Decision15
The ‘Advance Interference-Like Effect’ of Climate Targets: Fundamental Rights, Intergenerational Equity and the German Federal Constitutional Court15
Carbon Border Adjustment Measures: A Straightforward Multi-Purpose Climate Change Instrument?14
How to Reach a Safe Circular Economy?—Perspectives on Reconciling the Waste, Product and Chemicals Regulation13
The First Climate Judgment before the Norwegian Supreme Court: Aligning Law with Politics11
Just Transition as an Evolving Concept in International Climate Law10
The Wicked Problem of Diffuse Nutrient Pollution from Agriculture10
Vietnam’s Regulations to Prevent Pollution from Plastic Waste: A Review Based on the Circular Economy Approach10
The Influence of the Paris Agreement on Climate Litigation: Causation, Corporate Governance and Catalyst (Part II)9
Environmental Policy in Good and Bad Times: The Countercyclical Effects of Carbon Taxes and Cap-and-Trade6
Environmental Public Interest Litigation in China: Findings from 570 Court Cases Brought by NGOs, Public Prosecutors and Local Government6
The Intergenerational Effect of Fundamental Rights: A Contribution of the German Federal Constitutional Court to Climate Protection6
The Contribution of Urgenda to the Mitigation of Climate Change5
COVID-19, Climate Change Action and the Road to Green Recovery5
The Impact of the European Landscape Convention on Landscape Planning in Spain, Italy and England5
Trading Plastic Waste in a Global Economy: Soundly Regulated by the Basel Convention?5
Assessing the Impact of the Habitats Directive: A Case Study of Europe’s Plants5
Recent Youth-Led and Rights-Based Climate Change Litigation in Canada: Reconciling Justiciability, Charter Claims and Procedural Choices4
Climate Change, Fundamental Rights, and Statutory Interpretation4
Voluntary Ecolabels in International Trade Law: A Case Study of the EU Ecolabel4
Regulating Trade in Forest-Risk Commodities: Two Cheers for the European Union4
Scientific and Legal Mechanisms for Addressing Model Uncertainties: Negotiating the Right Balance in Finnish Judicial Review?4
Tort to the Environment: A Stretch Too Far or a Simple Step Forward?4
In the Name of Legitimacy and Efficiency: Evaluating China’s Legal Reform on EIA3
The Complexities of Comparative Climate Constitutionalism3
Systemic Climate Change Litigation, Standing Rules and the Aarhus Convention: A Purposive Approach3
The Impact-based Regulatory Strategy in Environmental Law: Hallmark of Effectiveness or Pitfall for Legitimacy?3
Biodiversity Offsetting and the English Planning System: A Regulatory Analysis3
Temperature Targets and State Obligations on the Mitigation of Climate Change3
Megafauna Rewilding: Addressing Amnesia and Myopia in Biodiversity Law and Policy3
Transnational Experts Wanted: Nigerian Oil Spills before the Dutch Courts3
A Brave New World: The Aarhus Convention in Tempestuous Times3
Implementing Landscape-scale Environmental Management: Landscape Enterprise Networks2
Climate Disruption in Canadian Constitutional Law: References Re Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act2
African Courts and Principles of International Environmental Law: A Kenyan and South African Case Study2
Allocation of Institutional Responsibility for Climate Change Mitigation: Judicial Application of Constitutional Environmental Provisions in the European Climate Cases Arctic Oil, Neubauer2
Shaping REDD+: Interactions between Bilateral and Multilateral Rulemaking2
Rethinking Clean Air: Air Quality Law and COVID-192
Certifying Biodiversity: The Union for Ethical BioTrade and the Search for Ethical Sourcing2
The Delicate Task of Including Different Voices in Environmental Law Making in India2
From the Silo to the Landscape: The Role of Law in Landscape-scale Restoration of Coastal and Marine Ecosystems2
The Role of Narrative in Environmental Law: The Nature of Tales and Tales of Nature2
Improving Energy Efficiency: The Significance of Normativity2
‘Seeing the Wood for the Trees’: Revisiting the Consistency of Australia’s Illegal Logging Act with the Law of the World Trade Organization2
Applying the Precautionary Principle to Emerging Zoonotic Disease: Lessons from China’s Response in Environmental Law2
The Legitimacy of Specialist Environmental Courts: Integrity as Capacity2
The European Climate Law: Strengthening EU Procedural Climate Governance?2
From Extra-Territorial Leverage and Transnational Environmental Protection to Distortions of Competition: The Level Playing Field in the EU–UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement2
Trends in Environmental Law Scholarship: Marketisation, Globalisation, Polarisation, and Digitalisation2
Environmental Force Majeure: Relief from Fossil Energy Contracts in the Decarbonisation Era2