Biodiversity and Conservation

(The TQCC of Biodiversity and Conservation is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Interplay between amount of natural vegetation and effective vineyard management practices benefits local arthropod diversity86
Young farmers’ willingness to protect species at risk in Prince Edward Island60
An evaluation of freshwater monitoring programs in ILTER nodes and mountain national parks: identifying key variables to monitor global change effects41
An approach for using multiple indices for monitoring long-term trends of mesopredators at broad spatial scales35
The Calluna life cycle concept revisited: implications for heathland management33
Contrasting responses of multiple insect taxa to common heathland management regimes and old-growth successional stages31
Exploring the consequences of kelp removal: a review shows we are missing a broader perspective27
Integrating network theory and biodiversity conservation: do different species selection approaches result in different recommendations?26
The conservation of non-marine molluscs in South America: where we are and how to move forward26
The long history of rich fens supports persistence of plant and snail habitat specialists25
Agricultural expansion in African savannas: effects on diversity and composition of trees and mammals25
Extraordinary diversity among allopatric species in the genus Goniurosaurus (Squamata: Eublepharidae): understanding niche evolution and the need of conservation measures24
A community-based conservation approach model. the case of argan grove biosphere reserve cooperatives. in the central western part of morocco24
Legal deforestation can jeopardize plant diversity conservation in an agricultural frontier in the brazilian Cerrado: a spatial explicit contribution to Santana and Simon (2022)23
Fishing and recording dead fish by citizen scientists contribute valuable data on south American ray-finned fish diversity23
Threats to Australia’s rock-wallabies (Petrogale spp.) with key directions for effective monitoring23
Odonates in warm regions of south america largely do not follow Rapoport’s rule22
Genomics outperforms genetics to manage mistakes in fisheries stocking of threatened species22
Large fire initially reduces bird diversity in Poland’s largest wetland biodiversity hotspot22
Modelling the amphibian chytrid fungus spread by connectivity analysis: towards a national monitoring network in Italy22
The relationship between scale and predictor variables in species distribution models applied to conservation22
Drivers of tropical deforestation: a global review of methodological approaches and analytical scales21
Life form-specific facilitative interactions determine plant biodiversity in global drylands21
The role of sheltered habitats in biodiversity conservation of species sensitive to drought: a case study using ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in the Gorongosa National Park20
Turning the threat of hybridization into an asset for conserving wild species by backcrossing20
Prevalence affects the evaluation of discrimination capacity in presence-absence species distribution models20
Landscape matrix and substrate jointly shape the trait composition of true bug (Heteroptera) communities in drainage ditches20
Seed traits and tropical arboreal species conservation: a case study of a highly diverse tropical humid forest region in Southern Costa Rica20
Agricultural heritage systems and agrobiodiversity19
How broad-scale analyses can hide the importance of small areas for conservation19
Spatial prioritisation of management zones in protected areas for the integration of multiple objectives19
Pyrodiversity begets taxonomic and functional richness of tropical mammals18
Terraced landscapes of the Shouf Biosphere Reserve (Lebanon): analysis of geomorphological variables18
Management plans bias the number of threatened species in protected areas: a study case with flora species in the Atlantic Forest18
Simulating the potential forest ranges in an old land: the case for Turkey’s forests18
Dominance and identity of the dominant bee drive bee diversity on flowers18
Global species hotspots and COI barcoding cold spots of marine Gastropoda17
Integrating ecological and biogeographical tools for the identification of conservation areas in two Neotropical biogeographic provinces in Argentina based on phytophagous insects17
Conservation by trans-border cooperation: population genetic structure and diversity of geoffroy’s bat (Myotis emarginatus) at its north-western european range edge17
Taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity of ant communities in response to elevational gradients in the Qinling Mountains17
New Australian frontier in freshwater fish invasion via Torres Strait Islands16
Rebuttal to: Xu et al. (2022) ‘Research progress on endangered plants: A bibliometric analysis’, Biodivers. Conserv. vol. 31, pp 1125–114716
Observed and projected changes in urbanization and nature conservation in a typical fast growing city of Ethiopia, Jimma16
The effect of topographic complexity on species range size estimation and its conservation implications: a subtle oversight16
Determinants of sun bear Helarctos malayanus habitat use in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo and its predicted distribution under future forest degradation and loss15
Leaf litter arthropods show little response to structural retention in a Central European forest15
Giant panda protection: urgent need for substantial action15
Updated review of the conservation status of Nubian giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis camelopardalis) in Kenya15
The eighth plenary of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES-8): online, nexus, and transformative change15
Priorities for cave fauna conservation in the Iuiú karst landscape, northeastern Brazil: a threatened spot of troglobitic species diversity15
Diversity, fragmentation, and connectivity across the UK amphibian and reptile data management landscape15
Effect of non-native species on taxonomic and functional diversity of fish communities in different river types15
Landscape features associated to wind farms increase mammalian predator abundance and ground-nest predation15
Factors driving the tree species richness in sacred groves in Indian subcontinent: a review15
Response of functional diversity of fish communities to habitat alterations in small lowland rivers15
Groundfish assemblages diversity in upwelling ecosystems: insights from the Mauritanian Exclusive Economic Zone14
Urban remnant size alters fungal functional groups dispersed by a digging mammal14
Origins and diversity of the Bering Sea Island fauna: shifting linkages across the northern continents14
Unveiling the impacts of forest loss on taxonomic and phylogenetic beta diversity of juvenile and adult tropical trees14
Foxes and goats: the outcome of free-ranging livestock farming in Brazilian dry forests14
High elevation bird communities in the Swiss Alps exhibit reduced fecundity and lifespan independently of phylogenetic effects14
Diversity, diversification and distribution of Iranian vertebrates: the legacy of mountains uplifting, past climatic oscillations, sea level fluctuations and geographical barriers14
Effect and difference between the threatened and endemic status on the general public support towards wildlife species in a biodiversity hotspot14
Drivers, predictors, and probabilities of plant extinctions in South Africa14
High evolutionary and functional distinctiveness of endemic monocots in world islands14
Elaiosome-bearing plants from the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands14
Palaeoecology and conservation of endangered hidden species; example of the liverwort Riella (Riellaceae)13
Understanding the sustainability of Chinese caterpillar fungus harvesting: the need for better data13
Research Progress on endangered plants: a bibliometric analysis13
Compositional change in vascular plant diversity in the alpine mountainous region of Indian north-western Himalaya indicate effects of warming13
Multifaceted indicators for evaluating participatory research on biodiversity13
Fluvial protected areas as a strategy to preserve riverine ecosystems—a review13
Macrofauna communities across a seascape of seagrass meadows: environmental drivers, biodiversity patterns and conservation implications13
The Ninth Plenary of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES-9): sustainable use, values, and business (as usual)13
How do we study birds in urban settings? A systematic review13
Using bird foraging height guilds and species to assess forest degradation by livestock production13
Conservation of Latin America freshwater biodiversity: beyond political borders13
Revealing the long-term trend of the global-scale Ginkgo biloba distribution and the impact of future climate change based on the ensemble modeling12
A review of management actions on insect pollinators on public lands in the United States12
Forest cover loss in the Nevado de Toluca volcano protected area (Mexico) after the change to a less restrictive category in 201312
Marine macroalgal biodiversity of northern Madagascar: morpho-genetic systematics and implications of anthropic impacts for conservation12
Time pattern variation of alien plant introductions in an insular biodiversity hotspot: the Balearic Islands as a case study for the Mediterranean region12
Unintended consequences of valuing the contributions of non-native species: misguided conservation initiatives in a megadiverse region12
Effects of restoration and management of Mediterranean traditional water systems on Odonata alpha diversity: a long-term monitoring survey12
Importance of water availability for amphibian roadkill in a mediterranean landscape12
Multi-taxa spatial conservation planning reveals similar priorities between taxa and improved protected area representation with climate change12
Early signals of climate change impacts on alpine plant diversity in Indian Himalaya11
Red List for British seaweeds: evaluating the IUCN methodology for non-standard marine organisms11
Conservation priorities for Indian biodiversity: spatiotemporal patterns, policy efficacy, and future outlook11
Modeling habitat suitability of Quercus castaneifolia in the Hyrcanian forest: a comprehensive integration of environmental factors for conservation insights11
Cross-taxon analysis in the highly threatened Mediterranean dunes reveals consistent diversity patterns in butterfly and plant communities11
High-resolution topographic variables accurately predict the distribution of rare plant species for conservation area selection in a narrow-endemism hotspot in New Caledonia11
Snow leopard phylogeography and population structure supports two global populations with single refugial origin11
Effects of an amazonian dam on taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity of non-volant small mammals11
Land use changes and bird diversity in subtropical forests: urban development as the underlying factor11
Off the conservation radar: the hidden story of Europe's tiny pea clams (Bivalvia: Sphaeriidae)11
Connectivity at risk: a critical scenario for the endangered Baird’s tapir and the vulnerable white-lipped peccary in the Maya Forest11
Recovery of the Giant South American River Turtle in four decades of a network-based conservation program in the Brazilian Amazon10
Eutrophication is better indicated by functional traits than taxonomic composition of macroinvertebrate assemblages in floodplain lakes10
Studies on earthworm diversity with respect to soil properties in different land use systems in Koraput region of the Eastern Ghats, India10
Genetic diversity of Syagrus coronata and principal component analysis of phenotypic traits: a palm from the brazilian semiarid biome10
The role of aftercare in plant translocation10
A review on the biodiversity and conservation of mangrove ecosystems in Indonesia10
Riparian forests throwback at the Eurasian beaver era: a woody vegetation assessment for Mediterranean regions10
Bryophytes in managed lowland forests of Slovakia (Central Europe): looking into species diversity across different forest types10
Forest fragmentation and its associated edge-effects reduce tree species diversity, size, and structural diversity in Madagascar’s transitional forests10
The iconic Jubaea chilensis teeters on the edge of local extinction: a plea for enhanced conservation policies10
Using heterogeneous camera-trapping sites to obtain the first density estimates for the transboundary Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) population in the Dinaric Mountains10
Spatiotemporal distribution of invertebrate fauna in a mesovoid shallow substratum in iron formations10
Global Genepool Conservation and use Strategy for Dioscorea (YAM)10
Density trends of wild felids in northern Laos10
The Eurasian beaver range expansion reveals uneven future trends and possible conservation issues: an European assessment10
Using the ecosystem services approach to link raptors with human well-being in the Southeast Pampas of Argentina10
Suitable habitats shifting toward human-dominated landscapes of Asian elephants in China9
Differentiating the effects of organic management, pesticide reduction, and landscape diversification for arthropod conservation in viticulture9
Anthropogenic threats and habitat degradation challenge the conservation of palm genetic resources—an appraisal of current status, threats and look-ahead strategies9
Plant diversity conservation in an agricultural frontier in the Brazilian Cerrado9
Vanishing permanent glaciers: climate change is threatening a European Union habitat (Code 8340) and its poorly known biodiversity9
Bridging global knowledge gaps in biodiversity databases: a comprehensive data synthesis on tree diversity of India9
Fine-scale classification and mapping of subalpine-alpine vegetation and their environmental correlates in the Himalayan global biodiversity hotspot9
Biodiversity in agricultural landscapes: different non-crop habitats increase diversity of ground-dwelling beetles (Coleoptera) but support different communities9
Effect of anthropic disturbances on the activity pattern of two generalist mesocarnivores inhabiting Mediterranean forestry plantations9
Habitat preferences, spatial distribution and current population status of endangered giant flower Amorphophallus titanum9
Diversity and composition of plants species along elevational gradient: research trends9
Diversity, regeneration, and anthropogenic disturbance in major Indian Central Himalayan forest types: implications for conservation9
Dietary and habitat specialization, eye size, clutch size, and aerial lifestyle predict avian fragmentation sensitivity in an Andean biodiversity hotpot9
A culturally appropriate redesign of the roles of protected areas and community conservation: understanding the features of the Wangchuck Centennial National Park, Bhutan9
Beauty and the beast: multiple effects of wild boar rooting on butterfly microhabitat9
Application of protein nutrition in natural ecosystem management for European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) conservation9
Multidecadal changes in fish composition and traits diversity in a marine park in the Gulf of California9
The value of local community knowledge in species distribution modelling for a threatened Neotropical parrot9
Agricultural landscape influences on the solitary bees and wasps that nest in ecological restoration sites9
The floating garden agricultural system of the Inle lake (Myanmar) as an example of equilibrium between food production and biodiversity maintenance9
Spatial and seasonal patterns of temperature lapse rate along elevation transects leading to treelines in different climate regimes of the Himalaya8
The continental shelf seascape: a network of species and habitats8
Spectral behavior of vegetation in Harmony Point, Nelson Island, Antarctica8
Correction to: Foraging grounds of adult loggerhead sea turtles across the Mediterranean Sea: key sites and hotspots of risk8
Asexuality and species invasion8
Correction to: Sturgeons in large rivers: detecting the near-extinct needles in a haystack via eDNA metabarcoding from water samples8
Correction: Human disturbance and habitat structure drive eurasian otter habitat selection in heavily anthropized river basins8
Wildfires, heatwaves and human disturbance threaten insular endemic bats8
Analysing the distribution of strictly protected areas toward the EU2030 target8
Landrace added value and accessibility in Europe: what a collection of case studies tells us8
Correction to: Forgotten forest relics: Apple trees (Malus spp.) in eastern U.S. forests8
Foraging grounds of adult loggerhead sea turtles across the Mediterranean Sea: key sites and hotspots of risk8
Sturgeons in large rivers: detecting the near-extinct needles in a haystack via eDNA metabarcoding from water samples8
Correction to: Historical and citizen-reported data show shifts in bumblebee phenology over the last century in Sweden8
The importance of habitat and microclimate on the functional and guild structure of canopy-dwelling beetle communities in subantarctic forest8
Correction to: The role of environmental filtering, geographic distance and dispersal barriers in shaping the turnover of plant and animal species in Amazonia8
Elevational changes in canopy Collembola community composition are primarily driven by species turnover on Changbai Mountain, northeastern China8
The role of seasonal migration in predicting amphibian population persistence across fragmented tropical landscapes: an individual-based model8
Relict populations of Araucaria angustifolia will be isolated, poorly protected, and unconnected under climate and land-use change in Brazil8
Correction: Secondary engineering of rhodolith beds by the sand tilefish Malacanthus plumieri generates distinctive habitats for benthic macroinvertebrates and fish8
Hotspots in transition: Mediterranean amphibian diversity under different climate scenarios8
Secondary engineering of rhodolith beds by the sand tilefish Malacanthus plumieri generates distinctive habitats for benthic macroinvertebrates and fish8
Many cameras make light work: opportunistic photographs of rare species in iNaturalist complement structured surveys of reef fish to better understand species richness8
Modelling habitat suitability of the critically endangered Agarwood (Aquilaria malaccensis) in the Indian East Himalayan region8
Integrating artificial intelligence in biodiversity conservation: bridging classical and modern approaches8
Fine-scale fern ecological responses inform on riparian forest habitat conservation status7
Defining conservation units in a species complex with genomic-taxonomic discordance: a case study of Conospermum caeruleum (Proteaceae)7
Are the Sundarbans mangrove forest management policies adequate to conserve wildlife species?7
Overcoming biases and identifying opportunities for citizen science to contribute more to global macroinvertebrate conservation7
A systematic review on the potential impact of future climate change on India’s biodiversity using species distribution model (SDM) studies: trends, and data gaps7
An assessment of the implementation of the EU policy for conservation varieties from 2009 to 2023 and its relationship to Geographical Indications7
Harvesting distance effect on tree species diversity in traditional agroforestry landscape: a case of Vhembe Biosphere Reserve in South Africa7
Genetic diversity and structure of English yew (Taxus baccata L.) as a tertiary relict and endangered tree in the Hyrcanian forests7
Transformative potential of conservation actions7
Functional diversity and trait-environment relationships of bat assemblages in an Amazonian forest-savannah mosaic7
Factors driving human–elephant conflict: statistical assessment of vulnerability and implications for wildlife conflict management in Sri Lanka7
An assessment of liverwort richness, endemicity and conservation in a megadiverse country - Colombia7
Drivers of zooplankton functional and taxonomic β-diversity in two neotropical floodplains: implications for conservation7
Using bioacoustics to monitor gibbons7
High site fidelity and reduced survival of a mycophagous mammal after prescribed fire7
Enhancing semi-aquatic species representativeness beyond protected areas: dragonflies in networks of conservation corridors7
Fire severity effects on the herpetofaunal diversity of the Florida scrub, a biodiversity hotspot7
How might we utilise the concept of botanic gardens’ in urban contexts to challenge plant blindness?7
Detecting rare terrestrial orchids and associated plant communities from soil samples with eDNA methods7
Evaluating the macro and micro geographic mechanisms that modulate the coexistence between sympatric Sturnira bat species7
Principal determinants of aquatic macroinvertebrate communities in small shallow lakes and ponds7
Diverging responses to natural and anthropogenic habitats in aftrotropical birds and butterflies7
Short-term effects of clearing restoration on the relationship of plant and moth communities7
Few havens for threatened Australian animal taxa that are highly susceptible to introduced and problematic native species7
Local ecological knowledge to assist conservation status assessments in data poor contexts: a case study with the threatened sharks of the Brazilian Northeast7
Will natura 2000 european network of protected areas support conservation of Southwestern Alps endemic flora under future climate?7
Insights in forest structural diversity indicators with machine learning: what is indicated?6
Prioritization of important plant areas for conservation of frailejones (Espeletiinae, Asteraceae) in the Northern Andes6
Functional responses of amazonian frogs to flooding by a large hydroelectric dam6
Avian functional diversity retained in a tropical rainforest fragment after more than 120 years of turnover6
Why is traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) maintained? An answer to Hartel et al. (2023)6
Just beautiful?! What determines butterfly species for nature conservation6
Drivers of reef fish assemblage structure in a mosaic of Brazilian marine habitats6
Evaluation of different monitoring methods at maternity roosts of greater mouse-eared bats (Myotis myotis)6
The role of the jessour system for agrobiodiversity preservation in Southern Tunisia6
Optimization of conservation network based on phylogenetic diversity–A case of some vascular plants on the Qinghai - Tibet Plateau6
Observed and dark diversity of plants’ life-forms are driven by climate and human impacts in a tropical dry forest6
Synergistic effects of habitat configuration and land-use intensity shape the structure of bird assemblages in human-modified landscapes across three major neotropical biomes6
Potential individual and interactive effects of climate and land-cover changes on bats and implications for conservation planning: a case study in Vietnam6
Habitat quality in farmland influences the activity patterns of giant Galapagos tortoises6
A systematic literature review: Trends and current state of research on Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris), 2010–20226
Bird communities in a degraded forest biodiversity hotspot of East Africa6
Half century in biodiversity and conservation research in Nepal: a review6
Are novel ecosystems suitable habitats for native birds? Birds’ association with spontaneous vegetation patches in the argentinean pampas6
Small-scale dung survey reveals high forest elephant density and preference for mixed species forest in an intact protected area6
Conservation status of threatened land plants in China and priority sites for better conservation targets: distribution patterns and conservation gap analysis6
Unraveling the drivers of plant taxonomic and phylogenetic β-diversity in a human-modified tropical dry forest6
Identifying priorities under highly heterogeneous environments through species distribution models to facilitate orchid conservation6
Genetic surfing during the range expansion of an endangered large carnivore6
The importance of traditional communities in biodiversity conservation6
Public authorities for transformative change: integration principle in public funding6
Rapid evaluation of habitat connectivity change to safeguard multispecies persistence in human-transformed landscapes6
Remote sensing of biodiversity: what to measure and monitor from space to species?6
Where the toad crosses the road: multi-method and cross-taxa Texas herpetofauna roadkill modeling for conservation planning6
Maintaining remnant vegetation along with plant diversification in vineyards is optimal for conserving arthropods in an agricultural mosaic in a biodiversity-rich region6
A survival story: evolutionary history of the Iberian Algyroides (Squamata: Lacertidae), an endemic lizard relict6
Spatiotemporal variation in hunting in a riverine indigenous community in the Amazon6
Does a reintroduction of the Eurasian lynx in Poland pose a threat to the species’ recovery in Central Europe? Reply to Kutal et al. (2021)6
Marine protected areas are not representative of chondrichthyan species assemblages in the Southwest Atlantic6
Effects of future climate change on rare and endangered species in inner Mongolia, China: Vulnerability, priority conservation areas and sustainable conservation strategies6
Historical human impact on the endangered, relict and iconic Canary Islands dragon tree (Dracaena draco (L.) L.) and its uncertain fate in the face of climate change6
The relationship between green roofs and urban biodiversity: a systematic review6
Using mobile device built-in microphones to monitor bats: a new opportunity for large-scale participatory science initiatives5
Saproxylic beetles respond to habitat variables at different spatial scales depending on variable type and species’ mobility: the need for multi-scale forest structure management5
High endemism of cacti remains unprotected in the Caatinga5
Interactive effects of rangeland management and rainfall on dung beetle diversity5
Conservation values of abandoned farmland for birds: a functional group approach5
Fecal steroids as a potential tool for conservation paleobiology in East Africa5
Landscape connectivity estimates are affected by spatial resolution, habitat seasonality and population trends5
The human-elephant conflict in Sri Lanka: history and present status5
Conservation benefit-sharing mechanisms and their effectiveness in the Greater Serengeti Ecosystem: local communities’ perspectives5
Unique bird diversity in an Ethiopian church forest5
DART mass spectrometry as a potential tool for the differentiation of captive-bred and wild lion bones5
Human pressures constrain Eurasian otter occurrence in semiarid Northern Africa5
Agrobiodiversity and agroecological practices in ‘jhumscape’ of the Eastern Himalayas: don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater5
eDNA metabarcoding illuminates species diversity and composition of three phyla (chordata, mollusca and echinodermata) across Indonesian coral reefs5
The ‘Goldilocks Zone’ of predation: the level of fox control needed to select predator resistance in a reintroduced mammal in Australia5
The agricultural transformation of Brazil’s Cerrado is influencing the diversity and distribution of tadpoles via lentification5
Spatial analysis of deforestation in Indonesia in the period 1950–2017 and the role of protected areas5
The Natura 2000 network and the ranges of threatened species in Greece5
Cetacean sensitivity and threats analysis to assess effectiveness of protection measures: an example of integrated approach for cetacean conservation in the Bonifacio Bouches5
The conservation status of the Cretan endemic Arthropods under Natura 2000 network5
Grazing conserves threatened carabid beetles in semi-natural calcareous grasslands better than mowing, especially at low intensities5
Coral reef restoration in Indonesia: lessons learnt from the world’s largest coral restoration nation5
Austral Yungas under future climate and land-use changes scenarios: the importance of protected areas for long-term amphibian conservation5
Cryptic genotypic and phenotypic diversity in parapatric bumble bee populations associated with minimum cold temperatures5
Using indicator species to detect high quality habitats in an East African forest biodiversity hotspot5
Genetic erosion in a tropical tree species demonstrates the need to conserve wide-ranging germplasm amid extreme habitat fragmentation5
Analyzing the capacity to initiate transformative change: a methodology for assessing biodiversity strategies5
The alpine rural landscape as a cultural reserve: the case study of Teglio in Valtellina5
Long-term data reveal equivocal evidence for intraguild suppression among sympatric canids5
One bat’s waste is another man’s treasure: a DNA metabarcoding approach for the assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services in Ireland using bat faeces5