International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Manage

(The TQCC of International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Manage is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Religion vs ethics: hedge and safe haven properties of Sukuk and green bonds for stock markets pre- and during COVID-1955
Influential and intellectual structure of Islamic finance: a bibliometric review47
Islamic banking stability amidst the COVID-19 pandemic: the role of digital financial inclusion31
The role of Islamic social finance during Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia’s economic recovery28
Determinants of banks’ risk-taking behavior, stability and profitability: evidence from GCC countries27
Zakat administration in times of COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia: a knowledge discovery via text mining25
The effects of good governance and fraud prevention on performance of the zakat institutions in Indonesia: a Sharīʿah forensic accounting perspective24
The connectedness between Sukuk and conventional bond markets and the implications for investors22
Voluntary disclosure-cost of equity nexus and the moderating role of corporate governance: evidence from an extremely politically unstable context21
Determinants of capital structure of banks: evidence from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia21
The potential of Islamic social finance to alleviate poverty in the era of COVID-19: the moderating effect of ethical orientation20
Conceptual and influential structure of Takaful literature: a bibliometric review20
Islamic banking efficiency literature (2000–2020): a bibliometric analysis and research front mapping18
Volatility spillover effects between oil and GCC stock markets: a wavelet-based asymmetric dynamic conditional correlation approach18
A bibliometric analysis of the International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management17
Are Islamic indexes, Bitcoin and gold, still “safe-haven” assets during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis?16
Developing and validating the components of Maqasid al-Shari’ah-based performance measurement model for Islamic banks16
The effects of corporate disclosure on firm value and firm performance: evidence from Turkey15
Designing micro-fintech models for Islamic micro financial institutions in Indonesia15
Intellectual capital disclosure and financial performance nexus in Islamic and conventional banks in the GCC countries14
Augmented reality (AR)-based sharia financial literacy system (AR-SFLS): a new approach to virtual sharia financial socialization for young learners14
Islamic banking in Bangladesh: a literature review and future research agenda14
Islamic approach to corporate social responsibility: an international model for Islamic banks12
Funding higher education through waqf: a lesson from Pakistan12
Are Islamic financial institutions more resilient against the COVID-19 pandemic in the GCC countries?12
Factors affecting sukuk market development: empirical evidence from sukuk issuing economies12
Self-determination theory and individuals’ intention to participate in donation crowdfunding12
Empathy or perceived credibility? An empirical study of Muslim donating behaviour through online charitable crowdfunding in Indonesia11
Contagion risk: cases of Islamic and emerging market banks11
Twelve years of research in The International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management: a bibliometric analysis11
The intention of small and medium enterprises' owners to participate in waqf: the case of Malaysia and Indonesia10
Zakat payment from cryptocurrencies and crypto assets10
Measuring ethical judgement on ethical choice in an ethical system: a confirmatory study on Islamic banks in UAE10
Does bank governance affect risk and efficiency? Evidence from Islamic banks in GCC countries10
An analysis of online sadaqah acceptance among university graduates in Malaysia10
Gender diversity, board of director’s size and Islamic banks performance10
A note on the relationship between COVID-19 and stock market return: evidence from South Asia9
Measuring burdening effect of Shariah knowledge on sales performance; does work experience matter? A multi-group analysis in the Islamic finance industry9
The effects of bank competition, financial stability and ownership structure: evidence from the Middle East and North African (MENA) countries9
Structural shocks in monetary policy, exchange rates, and stock prices using SVAR in Iran9
Does Sharia compliance affect financial reporting quality? An evidence from Muslim majority countries8
Are competition and performance friends or foes? Evidence from the Middle East banking sector8
Management ownership and the performance of Islamic microfinance institutions: a panel data analysis of Indonesian Islamic rural banks8
The impact of performance, liquidity and credit risks on banking diversification in a context of financial stress8
Constituting an Islamic social welfare function: an exploration through Islamic moral economy8
The heterogeneous effect of leverage on firm performance: a quantile regression analysis8
Shariah-compliance and IPO underpricing: evidence from Pakistan Stock Exchange7
Diversification and performance of microfinance institutions: does Islamic microfinance model matter?7
An artificial neural network augmented GARCH model for Islamic stock market volatility: Do asymmetry and long memory matter?7
Covid-19 and informational efficiency in Asian emerging markets: a comparative study of conventional and Shariah-compliant stocks7
Hospitality management in times of crisis: a corporate social responsibility perspective7
How do banks’ capital regulation and risk-taking respond to COVID-19? Empirical insights of ownership structure6
Impacts of Sharīʿah supervision and corporate social responsibility on banks’ risk-taking behavior and profitability6
Analysis of enterprise risk management practices in Malaysianwaqfinstitutions6
Corporate governance and IFSB standard-4: evidence from Islamic banks in Bangladesh6
Cash holdings and firm performance: empirical analysis from Shariah-compliant and conventional corporations6
Financial reporting quality and firms’ information environment: a case of Iranian firms5
COVID-19 pandemic and risk dynamics of financial markets in G7 countries5
Islamic Finance an alternative mode for short term financing – working capital management5
Determining intention to choose Islamic financial products using the attitude–social influence–self-efficacy (ASE) model: the case of Turkey5
ESG practices and bank efficiency: new evidence from an oil-driven economy5
Trading rules and excess returns: evidence from Turkey5
Integration of Islamic bank specific risks and their impact on the portfolios of Islamic Banks5
Corporate governance of state-owned enterprises in Iran: an exploratory pathology5
The actualization of maqāṣid al-Sharīʿah in Islamic finance: a conceptual framework5
The impact of zakat in poverty alleviation and income inequality reduction from the perspective of gender in West Java, Indonesia5
Motives for participation in halal food standard implementation: an empirical study in Malaysian halal food industry5
Allocation discretion, price discounts and returns in Turkish initial public offerings5
Predicting the intention to use Paytech services by Islamic banking users5
The role of Islamic social finance in societal welfare: a case study of selected IFBOs in southwest Nigeria5
The role of knowledge diffusion in evolving governance principles for Islamic banking5
Are Shariah-compliant firms less prone to stock price crash risk? Evidence from Malaysia5
Indonesian Islamic moral incentives in credit card debt repayment: a feature selection using various data mining5
Toward the development of an Islamic banking sustainability performance index5
Comparative CSR decision-making in the Middle East: an exploratory study5
Competitive strategies-performance nexus and the mediating role of enterprise risk management practices: a multi-group analysis for fully fledged Islamic banks and conventional banks with Islamic wind5
Regime specific spillover between Dow Jones Islamic Market World Index, Islamic gold-backed crypto currencies and the blockchain halal index5
Analysis of Islamic moral principles for sustainable economic development in developing society5
The effects of eliminating Riba in foreign currency transactions by introducing global FinTech network5