Computers & Operations Research

(The TQCC of Computers & Operations Research is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Multi-level decision making for chain stores including GPOs (group purchasing organizations)333
Effective constructive heuristics for distributed no-wait flexible flow shop scheduling problem115
Variable neighborhood search for quadratic multiple constraint variable sized bin-packing problem89
A reinforcement learning iterated local search for makespan minimization in additive manufacturing machine scheduling problems88
A location-or-routing problem with partial and decaying coverage75
Time series modeling and forecasting by mathematical programming72
Effective train routing selection for real-time traffic management: Improved model and ACO parallel computing71
Iterated variable neighborhood search for integrated scheduling of additive manufacturing and multi-trip vehicle routing problem63
Bi-objective optimization for road vertical alignment design59
Editorial Board58
A comparative study of different formulations for the capacitated discrete ordered median problem56
Minimizing maximum tardiness on a single machine with family setup times and machine disruption54
Improved timetable edge finder rule for cumulative constraint with profile51
A Graph Reinforcement Learning Framework for Neural Adaptive Large Neighbourhood Search51
Integrated packing and routing: A model and its solutions51
A branch-and-cut algorithm for the time-dependent vehicle routing problem with time windows and combinatorial auctions50
The static ridesharing routing problem with flexible locations: A Norwegian case study47
An investigation of nature inspired algorithms on a particular vehicle routing problem in the presence of shift assignment47
Solution algorithms for dock scheduling and truck sequencing in cross-docks: A neural branch-and-price and a metaheuristic47
Decomposition algorithms for the robust unidirectional quay crane scheduling problems45
An agent-based simulation framework for emergency evacuations from toxic gas incidents and an empirical study in Taiwan45
A dry port hub-and-spoke network design: An optimization model, solution method, and application44
An improved MOEA/D for multi-objective flexible job shop scheduling by considering efficiency and cost43
Integrating parcel delivery schedules with public transport networks in urban co-modality systems42
A reduced variable neighborhood search for the just in time job shop scheduling problem with sequence dependent setup times41
A skyline-based heuristic for orthogonal packing rectangles in a circle41
The Bus Rapid Transit investment problem41
Metaheuristics for the Minimum Gap Graph Partitioning Problem38
A proactive aircraft recovery approach based on airport spatiotemporal network supply and demand coordination38
A discrete-event simulation model for the Bitcoin blockchain network with strategic miners and mining pool managers38
The Cooperative Maximal Covering Location Problem with ordered partial attractions38
Two dimensional guillotine cutting stock and scheduling problem in printing industry38
Optimal resource allocation and routing in robotic mobile fulfillment systems38
Shore hydrogen deployment problem in green ports38
A Large Neighborhood Search for the Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows, Split Loads and Transshipments37
Exact method to optimize the total electricity cost in two-machine permutation flow shop scheduling problem under Time-of-use tariff37
A matheuristic for the two-echelon inventory-routing problem37
Application of a hybrid evolutionary algorithm to resource-constrained parallel machine scheduling with setup times37
Verifying new instances of the multidemand multidimensional knapsack problem with instance space analysis36
Time-varying mean–variance portfolio selection problem solving via LVI-PDNN36
A relax-and-fix and fix-and-optimize algorithm for a Maritime Inventory Routing Problem36
Multi-objective shipment consolidation and dispatching problem34
Maximizing the service level on the makespan in the stochastic flexible job-shop scheduling problem34
Assigning multi-skill configurations to multiple servers with a Scenario-Based Planning and Recombination Approach34
Task design in complex crowdsourcing experiments: Item assignment optimization33
The Ordered Median Tree Location Problem33
Minimizing tardiness scheduling measures with generalized due-dates and a maintenance activity33
Minimizing makespan of stochastic customer orders in cellular manufacturing systems with parallel machines32
Online optimisation for ambulance routing in disaster response with partial or no information on victim conditions31
Wave order picking under the mixed-shelves storage strategy: A solution method and advantages30
Transportation outsourcing problems considering feasible probabilities under stochastic demands30
Optimization of the integrated problem of employee timetabling and job shop scheduling30
Finite inventory budgets in production capacity and safety stock placement under the guaranteed service approach30
Home healthcare staff dimensioning problem for temporary caregivers: A matheuristic solution approach30
A combinatorial optimization approach to scenario filtering in portfolio selection30
A new formulation and an effective matheuristic for the airport gate assignment problem30
Solving the generalized multi-port container stowage planning problem by a matheuristic algorithm29
A Large Neighbourhood Search Algorithm for Solving Container Loading Problems29
Integrated lot sizing and blending problems29
Balancing economic and environmental goals: A novel strategy for growing items acquisition in livestock farming under an incremental discount and a power demand pattern29
Hybrid genetic search for the traveling salesman problem with hybrid electric vehicle and time windows29
An evolutionary approach for resource constrained project scheduling with uncertain changes29
A Quasi-Newton-based Floorplanner for fixed-outline floorplanning29
An Integer Linear Programming model for integrated train stop planning and timetabling with time-dependent passenger demand29
An exact framework for the discrete parallel machine scheduling location problem29
A bi-objective branch-and-bound algorithm for the unit-time job shop scheduling : A mixed graph coloring approach29
Sequential customers’ decisions in facility location with comparison-shopping28
Optimising makespan and energy consumption in task scheduling for parallel systems28
Project scheduling to minimize the makespan under flexible resource profiles and marginal diminishing returns of the resource28
The pickup and delivery problem with alternative locations and overlapping time windows28
Combining an LNS-based approach and organizational mining for the Resource Replacement Problem28
A unified exact approach for Clustered and Generalized Vehicle Routing Problems28
On some lower bounds for the permutation flowshop problem27
Solving multiplicative programs by binary-encoding the multiplication operation27
Robust MILP formulations for the two-stage weighted vertex p-cente27
Set covering heuristics in a Benders decomposition for railway timetabling27
A multi-algorithm approach for operational human resources workload balancing in a last mile urban delivery system27
A smart energy scheduling under uncertainties of an iron ore stockyard-port system using a rolling horizon algorithm26
Models and algorithms for the product pricing with single-minded customers requesting bundles26
Solving binary-constrained mixed complementarity problems using continuous reformulations26
MPILS: An Automatic Tuner for MILP Solvers26
Optimization algorithms for resilient path selection in networks26
Inventory and pricing decisions when dealing with strategic consumers: A comprehensive analysis25
Cyclic inventory routing with dynamic safety stocks under recurring non-stationary interdependent demands25
The minimum cost network upgrade problem with maximum robustness to multiple node failures25
Reentrant open shop scheduling problem with time lags and no-wait constraints25
A surrogate-based heuristic for production planning problem of orders in small foundries24
Real-time schedule adjustments for conflict-free vehicle routing24
High-dimensional black-box optimization under uncertainty24
Editorial Board24
A mixed integer programming formulation for the stochastic lot sizing problem with controllable processing times24
Policy-based branch-and-bound for infinite-horizon Multi-model Markov decision processes23
Editorial Board23
Stochastic mixed-integer programming for a spare parts inventory management problem23
A discrete optimisation approach for target path planning whilst evading sensors23
Accelerating logic-based Benders decomposition for railway rescheduling by exploiting similarities in delays22
A fresh look at the Traveling Salesman Problem with a Center22
Interval scheduling with economies of scale22
An exact algorithm for the preemptive single machine scheduling of equal-length jobs22
Efficient sensor placement and online scheduling of bin collection22
Arc routing with trip-balancing and attractiveness measures — A waste collection case study21
Matheuristics for the flowshop scheduling problem with controllable processing times and limited resource consumption to minimize total tardiness21
The Consistent Vehicle Routing Problem with heterogeneous fleet21
Cutting Plane Approaches for the Robust Kidney Exchange Problem21
Inferring a hierarchical majority-rule sorting model21
A simulation-optimization framework for generating dynamic dispatching rules for stochastic job shop with earliness and tardiness penalties21
Self-adaptive General Variable Neighborhood Search algorithm for parallel machine scheduling with unrelated servers21
The doubly open park-and-loop routing problem21
Bounds and convex heuristics for bi-objective optimal experiment design in water networks20
A two-level off-grid electric distribution problem on the continuous space20
A logic-based Benders decomposition solution approach for two covering problems that consider the underlying transportation20
Synchronizing transportation of people with reduced mobility through airport terminals20
Offline approximate value iteration for dynamic solutions to the multivehicle routing problem with stochastic demand20
Routing Problem for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Patrolling Missions - A Progressive Hedging Algorithm20
A new mixed integer programming approach for inverse correspondence analysis20
An efficient local search algorithm for minimum positive influence dominating set problem20
Territory Design for the Multi-Period Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows20
Improved instance generation for kidney exchange programmes20
Generation expansion planning with revenue adequacy constraints20
Continuous maximal covering location problems with interconnected facilities20
The Heterogeneous Flexible Periodic Vehicle Routing Problem: Mathematical formulations and solution algorithms20
Two-stage international portfolio models with higher moment risk measures20
Mathematical Modelling and Heuristic Approaches to Job-shop Scheduling Problem with Conveyor-based Continuous Flow Transporters20
Robust and Distributionally Robust Optimization Models for Linear Support Vector Machine20
A family of hybrid conjugate gradient method with restart procedure for unconstrained optimizations and image restorations20
Editorial Board20
Berth assignment for liner carrier clusters under a cooperative environment19
An exact approach to the generalized serial-lock scheduling problem from a flexible job-shop scheduling perspective19
Semiconductor final-test scheduling under setup operator constraints19
Enhanced branch-bound-remember and iterative beam search algorithms for type II assembly line balancing problem19
Large-scale periodic scheduling in time-sensitive networks19
Reducing disease spread through optimization: Limiting mixture of the population is more important than limiting group sizes19
Supplier selection problem for multiple projects with uncertain demand and project life cycles19
An analysis of network and resource indicators for resource-constrained project scheduling problem instances18
VNSMAS: A constraint-based portfolio profit maximization18
Mathematical models and exact algorithms for the Colored Bin Packing Problem18
Budget-balanced and strategy-proof auctions for ridesharing18
Editorial Board18
A branch-and-price-and-cut algorithm for the home health care routing and scheduling problem with multiple prioritized time windows18
Energy-efficient scheduling in an identical parallel machine environment with peak power consumption and deadline constraints18
Logic-based Benders decomposition for the preemptive flexible job-shop scheduling problem18
A multi-warehouse inventory model under hybrid-price-stock dependent demand and a bulk release pattern18
Distributionally robust chance-constrained kernel-based support vector machine18
Sustainable inventory models under carbon emissions regulations: Taxonomy and literature review17
Classification and comparison of integer programming formulations for the single-machine sequencing problem17
Adaptive large neighborhood search for drayage routing problems involving longer combination vehicles17
Lower bounds for minimizing two types of unnecessary costs in the film and television industry17
A hyper-heuristic approach based upon a hidden Markov model for the multi-stage nurse rostering problem17
Dynamic Exploration–Exploitation Pareto Approach for high-dimensional expensive black-box optimization17
Novel mathematical formulations for parallel-batching processing machine scheduling problems17
Fully distributed convex hull pricing based on alternating direction method of multipliers17
Service Selection under Uncertainty17
Optimizing decisions for a dual-channel retailer with service level requirements and demand uncertainties: A Wasserstein metric-based distributionally robust optimization approach17
A slope scaling heuristic for the multi-period strategic planning of carbon capture and storage17
Interval pairwise comparisons in the presence of infeasibilities: Numerical experiments17
The quadratic knapsack problem with setup17
ILS-based algorithms for the profit maximizing uncapacitated hub network design problem with multiple allocation17
A hybrid ant colony optimization-variable neighborhood descent approach for the cumulative capacitated vehicle routing problem17
Unrelated parallel batch processing machine scheduling with time requirements and two-dimensional packing constraints16
Digital twin-enabled dynamic scheduling with preventive maintenance using a double-layer Q-learning algorithm16
A non-clustered approach to platelet collection routing problem16
Time window optimization for attended home service delivery under multiple sources of uncertainties16
Adaptive large neighborhood search for the time-dependent profitable dial-a-ride problem16
The stochastic share-a-ride problem with electric vehicles and customer priorities16
IoT and digital twin enabled smart tracking for safety management16
Just-in-time scheduling for a distributed concrete precast flow shop system16
Integrated production and transportation scheduling with order-dependent inventory holding costs16
Two-echelon supply chain network design with trade credit16
An iterative matheuristic for the inventory routing problem16
The dial-a-ride problem with private fleet and common carrier16
Revisiting where are the hard knapsack problems? via Instance Space Analysis16
Improving the efficiency of patient diagnostic specimen collection with the aid of a multi-modal routing algorithm15
Exact algorithms for budgeted prize-collecting covering subgraph problems15
Stochastic production routing problem for perishable products: Modeling and a solution algorithm15
Lateral inventory share-based models for IoT-enabled E-commerce sustainable food supply networks15
Logic-based Benders decomposition with a partial assignment acceleration technique for avionics scheduling15
Collaborative optimization of last-train timetables for metro network to increase service time for passengers15
Transportation and carbon emissions costs minimization for time-dependent vehicle routing problem with drones15
Branch-and-price algorithms for large-scale mission-oriented maintenance planning problems15
The pollution traveling salesman problem with refueling15
An improved memetic algorithm for integrated production scheduling and vehicle routing decisions15
Optimizing price, order quantity, and backordering level using a nonlinear holding cost and a power demand pattern15
Dynamic dispatching for interbay automated material handling with lot targeting using improved parallel multiple-objective genetic algorithm15
Non-identical parallel machines batch processing problem to minimize the makespan: Models and algorithms15
An Adaptive Large Neighbourhood Search algorithm for a real-world Home Care Scheduling Problem with time windows and dynamic breaks15
Matheuristics for a parallel machine scheduling problem with non-anticipatory family setup times: Application in the offshore oil and gas industry15
Scheduling taxi services for a team of car relocators15
A two-phase Pareto front method for solving the bi-objective personnel task rescheduling problem15
Inverse optimization with kernel regression: Application to the power forecasting and bidding of a fleet of electric vehicles15
An active-learning Pareto evolutionary algorithm for parcel locker network design considering accessibility of customers15
Addendum to “FPBH: A feasibility pump based heuristic for multi-objective mixed integer linear programming” [Comput. Oper. Res. 112 (2019) 104760]15
Spatial and temporal optimization for smart warehouses with fast turnover15
A mobile multi-agent sensing problem with submodular functions under a partition matroid14
Using decomposition-based multi-objective algorithm to solve Selective Pickup and Delivery Problems with Time Windows14
No-idle parallel-machine scheduling of unit-time jobs with a small number of distinct release dates and deadlines14
Managing hospital inpatient beds under clustered overflow configuration14
Fast r-flip move evaluations via closed-form formulae for Boolean quadratic programming problems with generalized upper bound constraints14
Decentralized online integer programming problems with a coupling cardinality constraint14
A tight compact quadratically constrained convex relaxation of the Optimal Power Flow problem14
Γ-robust optimization of project scheduling problems14
Re-use of samples in stochastic annealing14
The online vehicle routing problem with occasional drivers14
Particle swarm optimization for integrated scheduling problem with batch additive manufacturing and batch direct-shipping delivery14
Mixed integer programming approaches to partial disassembly line balancing and sequencing problem14
N-NEH+ algorithm for solving permutation flow shop problems14
Parallel drone scheduling vehicle routing problems with collective drones14
A triple (S,s,14
Routing and scheduling of platform supply vessels in offshore oil and gas logistics14
Editorial Board14
Unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) scheduling method by a bi-level mission planning and path control14
Appointment scheduling for multi-stage sequential service systems with limited distributional information14
The integrated on-demand bus routing problem: Combining on-demand buses with a high-frequency fixed line public transport network14
Editorial Board14
Single batch machine scheduling with dual setup times for autoclave molding manufacturing14
Split demand and deliveries in an integrated three-level lot sizing and replenishment problem14
A MIP-based heuristic for a single trade routing and scheduling problem in roll-on roll-off shipping13
Editorial Board13
High quality timetables for Italian schools13
Efficiency evaluation of very large-scale samples: Data envelopment analysis with angle-index synthesis13
Pallet location and job scheduling in a Twin-Robot system13
Ranking with Multiple Reference Points: Efficient SAT-based learning procedures13
A graph theoretic approach to non-anticipativity constraint generation in multistage stochastic programs with incomplete scenario sets13
The vehicle sharing and task allocation problem: MILP formulation and a heuristic solution approach13
Bi-objective no-wait multiproduct multistage product scheduling problem with flexible due dates based on MOIDE- MA13
Adaptive appointment scheduling with periodic updates13
Editorial Board13
Crowdsourced humanitarian relief vehicle routing problem13
Optimal flow and capacity allocation in multiple joint quickest paths of directed networks13
A fuzzy correlation based heuristic for Dual-mode integrated Location routing problem13
Editorial Board13
A simple and efficient computing procedure of the stationary system-length distributions for 13
Strong SDP based bounds on the cutwidth of a graph13
Multi-period facility location and capacity expansion with modular capacities and convex short-term costs13
Three-echelon slot allocation for yield and utilisation management in ship liner operations13
Exact approaches for the Minimum Subgraph Diameter Problem13
Stochastic hub location problems with Bernoulli demands12
Benders decomposition for network design covering problems12
Rankability and linear ordering problem: Probabilistic insight and algorithms12
Application of a risk-averse objective function for scheduling surgeries12
Shelter location–allocation problem for disaster evacuation planning: A simulation optimization approach12
Scatter search for the minimum leaf spanning tree problem12
Computing representations using hypervolume scalarizations12
The max-out min-in problem: A tool for data analysis12
Facility location problems on graphs with non-convex neighborhoods12
Selection hyper-heuristics for the multi and many-objective quadratic assignment problem12
A Benders decomposition algorithm for demand-driven metro scheduling12
Unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with special controllable processing times and setups12
A three-phase heuristic for the Fairness-Oriented Crew Rostering Problem12
A column generation-based diving heuristic to solve the multi-project personnel staffing problem with calendar constraints and resource sharing12
A threshold search based memetic algorithm for the disjunctively constrained knapsack problem12