European Journal of International Management

(The TQCC of European Journal of International Management is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Media branding and value co-creation: effect of user participation in social media of newsmedia on attitudinal and behavioural loyalty14
The impact of CEOs' regulatory focus on CSR: the strengthening effects of industry-level dynamism and firm-level volatility11
Understanding sport media spectators' preferences: the relationships among motivators, constraints and actual media consumption behaviour8
The impact of knowledge creation and acquisition on innovation, coopetition and international opportunity development8
Do Board of Directors' roles and composition promote exploitative and exploratory innovations Evidence from Tunisian listed firms7
The interplay between empathy, learning, and opportunity in the process of entrepreneurial value co-creation6
Bibliometric review on FDI attractiveness factors6
High-performance work systems, psychological capital and future time perspective: a cross-nations study6
Organisational resources as facilitators and inhibitors of green performance: non-linearities, interactions and international differences5
The glocalisation of sports: a study of the influence of European Football Leagues on Nigerian society5
Credibility to attract, trust to stay: the mediating role of trust in improving brand congruence in sports services5
Owned streaming platforms and television broadcast deals: the case of the World Rally Championship (WRC)5
Factors affecting online purchase intention of consumers: a comparative approach between China and Uzbekistan5
Customer information search in the context of e-commerce: a cross-cultural analysis5
A (local) apple a day: pandemic-induced changes in local food buying, a generational cohort perspective5
Economic performance in Spanish sports clubs: entrepreneurial orientation of professional and non-professional teams analysed through fsQCA5
The new distributed digital technology world trade and MNEs: another step in the inventive process4
Understanding the differences between Chinese and Western business practices: insights into Confucian philosophy4
Reaping the digital dividend Sport marketing's move into esports: insights from Germany4
Does culture frame technological innovativeness A study of millennials in triad countries4
Founder's characteristics, institutions, and entrepreneurial firm's time to IPO in China4
Employees' empowerment and ambidextrous innovation: the knowledge sharing as mediator and the organisational trust as moderator4
The predictive power of university pedigree on the graduate's performance in global virtual teams4
Owned streaming platforms and television broadcast deals: the case of the World Rally Championship4
The influence of informal and foreign competition on innovation: does size matter3
A review of the contribution of Yair Aharoni to the foreign investment decision process: a bibliometric analysis3
Strategy and performance of Russian firms: an organisational capabilities perspective3
Entrepreneurial orientation and opportunities recognition on foreign markets: empirical evidence from Central Europe3
Why do half of the cross-border M&As conducted by Chinese MNCs fail Government affiliation and cross-border M&A completion3
INTO THE UNKNOWN: the impact of coronavirus on UK hotel stock performance3
Converting sporting capacity to entrepreneurial capacity: a process perspective3
Entry mode choice in emerging markets: is there any difference between emerging and developed country multinationals3
Chinese social capital in a business context: the impact of business ethics, business etiquette and business orientation on relationship building and performance3
COVID-19 crisis and online businesses resilience: A moderated mediation model3
Strategic analysis of e-book pricing models in the presence of network externalities3
Foreign motivation Managerial international exposure and international regional involvement effects on firms' entrepreneurial orientation3
Converting sporting capacity to entrepreneurial capacity: a process perspective3
Logistics influence on FDI: 'hard' versus 'soft' infrastructure components3
The response of EU trade dependent firms to the globalisation backlash2
Strategic HRM and environmental performance: the role of corporate environmental policies and employees' eco-initiatives2
Chinese social capital in a business context: the impact of business ethics, business etiquette and business orientation on relationship building and performance2
Successful knowledge transfer in IJVs: the role of trust, partner compatibility and expected benefits2
The efficiency of financial intermediation and SMEs' cash holdings. Empirical evidence from emerging Europe2
Coopetition strategies of start-ups: evidence from a Spanish regional innovation system2
Evaluating the role of Confucian virtues in Chinese negotiation strategies using a Yin Yang cultural perspective2
Trust, reciprocity and reputation in informal networks in post-Soviet Russia2
China's industrial policy and its implications for international business2
Which factors moderate and mediate the relationship between enterprise risk management and firm performance A meta-analysis and conceptual study.2
Teamwork competence and collaborative learning in entrepreneurship training2
Collaborative networks and export intensity in family firms: a quantile regression approach2
The mediating role of ambidextrous organisational culture on absorptive capacity and innovative performance2
Human resources and internationalisation processes: a cognitive-based view2
Still attractive for FDI Location advantages of Visegrád countries in the digital era - the case of Poland and Hungary2
Which corporate social responsibility issues do consumers perceive as relevant to be evaluated in the hotel sector2
Feeling the fit and self-determination A PLS-SEM approach for self-initiated expatriates' self-determination, person-environment fit and turnover intention2
Do institutional quality, innovation and technologies promote financial market development2
Socioemotional wealth of family firms: the theoretical perspective and challenges2
Sport as a vehicle for implementing corporate social responsibility: firms listed on the Warsaw and Moscow stock exchanges2
Cosmopolitan orientation, consumer consciousness, and green purchase intentions: mediating role of green trust2
The impact of knowledge creation and acquisition on innovation, coopetition and international opportunity development2
Is a higher minimum wage associated with a higher youth employment rate A panel data analysis2
Preferential hiring of relatives and family SMEs' internationalisation2
Investigating the impact of airport architecture on image, experience and satisfaction2
The impact of networks on value co-creation for women-owned businesses2
Employed fresh graduates: modelling job design and redesign2
Assessing the impact of marketing and advertising as strategic approaches to Eurocities development: an Iberian case study approach2
Cohesion and performance in global virtual teams: the moderating role of technical skills2
High potentials in multilatinas: creation of Latin American specific models or convergence towards existing ones2
Global value chains and liability of international connectivity: MNE strategy post COVID-192
ISO 9001 effectiveness and financial performance of Bosnian exporters: investigating mediators2
The relationship between the structure of the board of directors and firm performance in family versus non-family firms2
A meta-analysis of main, moderating and mediating effects of ethical leadership on employees' work outcomes2
Revisiting the link between information technology and supply chain management practices among manufacturing firms2
Leaders' emotional labour strategies and followers' emotional engagement: mediating effect of perceived transformational leadership1
Revisiting the link between information technology and supply chain management practices among manufacturing firms1
Global hierarchy of team-sport leagues based on internet searches and revenues: Europe vs. America1
Persistence and strengths of informal networks: clientelism in the post-Soviet Union1
Offshore manufacturing and firm innovation: the moderating role of technological capabilities1
<i>European Journal of International Management:</i> past, present and future1
Foundations of innovativeness in the international arena: Foreign language use and creative performance1
An empirical assessment of antecedents able to attract the prospective talented workforce for information technology industry across borders1
Empirical measurement of Hall's communication styles theory: a new marketing segmentation scale1
Investigation of earnings management based on unique country samples1
To connect or not to connect Responding to the Digital Silk Road in Central and Eastern Europe1
How the theory of planned behaviour and flow theory contribute to the acceptance of 5G technology1
A study on the consumer's intention to purchase a social enterprise's product1
A gendered analysis of Spanish SMEs' export managers in externalised channels1
Business angels' ties with entrepreneurs in traditional and secular-rational societies: China, Egypt and Iran contrasted Germany and Norway1
The structure of decision rights in international joint ventures: a property rights and transaction cost view1
Sport as a vehicle for implementing corporate social responsibility: firms listed on the Warsaw and Moscow Stock Exchanges1
Confucian values' influences on Chinese customer relationships in product crisis recovery1
The role of the entrepreneur's characteristics to be a born global firm1
Garut value co-creator: fostering the growth of SMEs in Garut to attract more customers1
Can Confucianism raise enterprise performance Evidence from Chinese industrial enterprises in Shandong Province1
The effects of organisational factors on work outcomes in hospitality: the role of resilience1
The influence of the multilingual environment on multinational team decision-making processes: a literature review and proposed conceptual model1
Factors contributing to organizational happiness: content, exploratory and confirmatory factorial analysis1
Linking diversity on audit committees and financial reporting quality in Poland1
Failure prediction models for Slovak small companies1
Psychic distance, marketing strategy adaptation and export performance: the role of international experience1
Market sensing of the international new ventures: strategies and determinants1
Institutionalisation of family business and its regulative, normative and cognitive pillars: embedded in traditional culture1
Multiple directorships and managerial ability1
Co-worker relationship quality: the role of commitment and trust in China1
Rural context favouring family business and urban context promoting non-family business in Egypt, Morocco and Turkey1
The missing link between governance factors and entrepreneurial internationalisation of family SMEs: an empirical analysis of an emerging economy1
Institutionalisation of family business and its regulative, normative and cognitive pillars: embedded in traditional culture1
Conceptualising involvement in fashion social media brand communities1
Work-life balance in the service sector: predicting organisational citizenship behaviour1
Antecedents of next generation succession intention in family businesses: A cross-country1
Does Confucius have a say in management today Empirical evidence from Asia and Europe1
Exploring the role of organisational learning and leadership in developing dynamic capabilities1
Entrepreneurial identity: a chronological and thematic literature review and research agenda1
Two decades of foreign direct investment in Africa: a systematic literature review, integrative framework, and agenda for future research1
Country- and firm-specific positions of different multinational enterprises: who is having what1
Influence of human resource information systems and technology on firm performance: a qualitative comparative analysis1
Organisational productivity: perceptions about the influence of workplace physical activity programs on performance, wellness and worker satisfaction1
Battle to win human capital through social media recruiting technology: an empirical revision of the UTAUT21
Industrial clusters as drivers of revealed technological advantages of regions: the case of the Swiss chemical and pharmaceutical industries1
Internationalisation of family firms: the role of networks and coopetition1
Anticipatory psychological contracts of young labour market entrants: a multi-country study with a Confucian work ethic 'twist'1
Barriers to ethical business in Slovakia: an exploratory study based on insights of top representatives of business and employer organisations1
Consumer trust and repurchase intention in B2C e-commerce: a moderation model1
The impact of total quality management and business networks on company export performance in emerging vs developed economies: evidence from furniture enterprises in Pakistan and the UK1
Gender, family and cultural perspectives on venture growth aspirations1
CSR of foreign banks from Central and Eastern Europe: an international comparison1
Transformational leadership style and non-financial performance in a moderated mediation model: evidence from Southeast Asian countries1
Innovation management in consulting firms: identifying innovation processes, capabilities and dimensions1
Connecting the customer to the supply chain: proposition of a conceptual framework1
Boosted by failure Entrepreneurial internationalisation as a cyclical learning process1
Future of business learning research: a bibliometric and causal layered analysis1
Antecedents of knowledge transfer effectiveness in international teams1
International entrepreneurship: analysing the current state of research1
Born global phenomenon: a critical review and avenues for future research1
Achieving regional sustainable development: a bibliometric analysis on firm migration1
The role of the entrepreneur's characteristics to be a born global firm1
From brain drain to brain gain in emerging markets: exploring the new agenda for global talent management in talent migration1
Host and home country co-determinants of foreign establishment modes: evidence from the Chinese natural resource industries1
Augmented Popperian experiments: a framework for sustainability knowledge development across contexts1
Role of supply chain agility, sustainability and information sharing in humanitarian supply chain management: a review analysis1
Power distance and supervisor ostracism: the moderating effect of procedural fairness1
Have familiness values increased during COVID-19 Czech family business case1
Factors contributing for organisational happiness: content, exploratory and confirmatory factorial analysis1
Towards an integrated model for brand adoption: insights from an organismic integration theory1
Disentangling the antecedents of relationship between dynamic internationalisation capability and international performance: the moderating role of absorptive capacity1
Riding the storm out: the short- and long-term effects of export promotion on firm performance during an economic downturn1
Business angelsÂ’ ties with entrepreneurs in traditional and secular-rational societies: China, Egypt and Iran contrasted with Germany and Norway1
An innovation gap between family and non-family businesses: a case study of post-transition economies1
Forty-nine years of sensory research literature: a review on its development, foundation and future research directions1
Factors affecting the decision and the degree of the internationalisation of franchises1
A (local) apple a day: pandemic-induced changes in local food buying, a generational cohort perspective1
How coopetition-driven innovation model works: A closer look at inlearning and absorptive capacity from a knowledge-based view1
Internationalisation and family and non-family governance of businesses in developing countries: a comparative study in Egypt, Madagascar, Morocco and Turkey1
Institutional learning, cultural differences and the motivation of syndication among cross-border venture capital firms in China1
Corporate responsibilities and values in codes of ethics: an exploratory study of the Global Fortune companies1
Women's self-employment intentions after global shocks: insights from Egypt and Spain1
Social media political word-of-mouth and citizens' involvement: a potent mix for enhancing real-world political participation amongst millennials1
Team climate and performance in global virtual teams: exploring the effects of cultural intelligence and emotional intelligence on team climate satisfaction1
In search of the contribution of non-traditional expatriation to global talent management1