Structural Change and Economic Dynamics

(The TQCC of Structural Change and Economic Dynamics is 10. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Environmental decentralization, digital finance and green technology innovation401
Renewable Energy Consumption, CO2 Emissions, and Economic Growth Nexus: A Simultaneity Spatial Modeling Analysis of EU Countries272
Does the development of the internet contribute to air pollution control in China? Mechanism discussion and empirical test190
Export product diversification and energy efficiency: Empirical evidence from OECD countries144
The effect of the spatial heterogeneity of human capital structure on regional green total factor productivity135
Heterogeneous effects of industrialization on the environment: Evidence from panel quantile regression117
Energy consumption structural adjustment and carbon neutrality in the post-COVID-19 era116
Role of financial inclusion, green innovation, and energy efficiency for environmental performance? Evidence from developed and emerging economies in the lens of sustainable development113
Exploring the nexus between tourism development and environmental quality: Role of Renewable energy consumption and Income90
Key drivers of renewable energy deployment in the MENA Region: Empirical evidence using panel quantile regression85
Does green innovation, energy productivity and environmental taxes limit carbon emissions in developed economies: Implications for sustainable development79
The impact of foreign direct investment on emission reduction targets: Evidence from high- and middle-income countries78
New patterns in China's regional green development: An interval Malmquist–Luenberger productivity analysis70
The role of non-oil exports, tourism and renewable energy to achieve sustainable economic growth: What we learn from the experience of Saudi Arabia63
Comparative advantage, endowment structure, and trade imbalances62
Exploring the role of export product quality and economic complexity for economic progress of developed economies: Does institutional quality matter?61
The impact of digital finance on residential carbon emissions: Evidence from China60
State-owned enterprise reform in China: The new structural economics perspective57
A new artificial neural networks algorithm to analyze the nexus among logistics performance, energy demand, and environmental degradation56
Research on the regional spatial effects of green development and environmental governance in China based on a spatial autocorrelation model55
From FDI to economic complexity: a panel Granger causality analysis55
Technology vs. workers: the case of Italy’s Industry 4.0 factories48
Does environmental pollution promote China's crime rate? A new perspective through government official corruption46
The spatial spillover effect of China's carbon emissions trading policy on industrial carbon intensity: Evidence from a spatial difference-in-difference method45
The effects of national environmental information disclosure program on the upgradation of regional industrial structure: Evidence from 286 prefecture-level cities in China44
How does air pollution affect urban innovation capability? Evidence from 281 cities in China44
Digital financial inclusion and energy-environment performance: What can learn from China43
Analysis of China's urban household indirect carbon emissions drivers under the background of population aging43
Can a colonial legacy explain the pollution haven hypothesis? A city-level panel analysis43
Why did some countries catch-up, while others got stuck in the middle? Stages of productive sophistication and smart industrial policies39
Do information and communications technology spillovers affect labor productivity?37
Polycentric agglomeration, market integration and green economic efficiency34
Carbon emission post-coronavirus: Continual decline or rebound?34
Not so disruptive yet? Characteristics, distribution and determinants of robots in Europe34
European union membership and CO2 emissions: A structural decomposition analysis32
Testing the Smile Curve: Functional Specialisation and Value Creation in GVCs32
Can green industrial policy improve total factor productivity? Firm-level evidence from China32
Does oil drive income inequality? New panel evidence30
State ownership and innovations: Lessons from the mixed-ownership reforms of China's listed companies28
Investigating the nexus between economic complexity and energy-related environmental risks in the USA: Empirical evidence from a novel multivariate quantile-on-quantile regression28
How can export improve firms’ energy efficiency? The role of innovation investment28
Financial inclusion, the shadow economy and economic growth in developing economies28
Access to finance among small and medium-sized enterprises and job creation in Africa27
Impact of population ageing on carbon emissions: A case of China's urban households27
In order to stand up you must keep cycling: Change and coordination in complex evolving economies27
Multiple relationships between fixed-asset investment and industrial structure evolution in China–Based on Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) analysis and VAR model27
Growth led by government expenditure and exports: Public and external debt stability in a supermultiplier model27
Social capital, quality of institutions and lockdown. Evidence from Italian provinces27
A New Developmentalist model of structural change, economic growth and middle-income traps27
Fuzzy Einstein WASPAS approach for the economic and societal dynamics of the climate change mitigation strategies in urban mobility planning26
Unveiling the causal relationships among banking competition, stock and insurance market development, and economic growth in Europe26
Does the digital economy enhance green total factor productivity in China? The evidence from a national big data comprehensive pilot zone26
Coordination between sulfur dioxide pollution control and rapid economic growth in China: Evidence from satellite observations and spatial econometric models26
Varieties of deindustrialization and patterns of diversification: why microchips are not potato chips25
Pathway to cleaner environment: How effective are renewable electricity and financial development approaches?25
Intermediate import, independent innovation and export sophistication of Chinese manufacturing enterprises25
Countermeasures against economic crisis from COVID-19 pandemic in China: An analysis of effectiveness and trade-offs25
Smile curves in global value chains: Foreign- vs. domestic-owned firms; the U.S. vs. China25
Does firm innovation improve aggregate industry productivity? Evidence from Chinese manufacturing firms24
Impacts of inward FDIs and ICT penetration on the industrialisation of Sub-Saharan African countries24
Structural evolution of real estate industry in China: 2002-201724
The economic impacts of COVID-19 and city lockdown: Early evidence from China24
Global Environmental Value Chain Embeddedness and Enterprise Production Efficiency Improvement24
Relative Productivity, Country Size and Export Diversification23
The threshold effect of manufacturing Servitization on carbon emission: An empirical analysis based on multinational panel data23
Predicting the spread of COVID-19 in Italy using machine learning: Do socio-economic factors matter?22
The economic theory of qualitative green growth22
The contribution of trade to production-Based carbon dioxide emissions22
The adoption of digital technologies: Investment, skills, work organisation22
The distributional dimension of the resource curse: Commodity price shocks and income inequality21
Export starters and exiters: Do innovation and finance matter?21
Distribution dynamics of China's household consumption upgrading20
R&D-based economic growth in a supermultiplier model20
Industrial robots and firm productivity20
How money drives US congressional elections: Linear models of money and outcomes20
Development strategy, resource misallocation and economic performance20
Revisit the role of governance indicators to achieve sustainable economic growth of Saudi Arabia – pre and post implementation of 2030 Vision20
Industrial growth, health care policy uncertainty and carbon emissions: Do trade and tax policy uncertainties matter for sustainable development in the USA?20
Cost-competitiveness and structural change in value chains – vertically-integrated analysis of the European automotive sector19
Innovation, export performance and trade elasticities across different sectors19
Innovation in private and state-owned enterprises: A cross-industry analysis of patenting activity19
The effect of income inequality on human capital inequality: Evidence from China19
Mobility in times of pandemics: Evidence on the spread of COVID19 in Italy's labour market areas19
An Evaluation of the Efficiency of China’s green investment in the “Belt and Road” countries18
Linkages between services and manufacturing as a new channel for GVC development: Evidence from CEE countries18
Air pollution, migration costs, and urban residents’ welfare: A spatial general equilibrium analysis from China18
Impact of water and energy infrastructure on local well-being: an agent-based analysis of the water-energy-food nexus18
How does export diversification affect income inequality? International evidence18
Conjugation of border and domestic carbon adjustment and implications under production and consumption-based accounting of India's National Emission Inventory: A recursive dynamic CGE analysis18
Behind climate change: Extreme heat and health cost18
Convergence among the CEE-8 economies and their catch-up towards the EU-1517
Industrial agglomeration, technological innovation and air pollution: Empirical evidence from 277 prefecture-level cities in China17
Who collects intellectual rents from knowledge and innovation hubs? questioning the sustainability of the singapore model17
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on China's economic structure: An input–output approach17
The trade-off between the economic and environmental footprints of multinationals’ foreign affiliates17
How effective is the construction sector in promoting the circular economy in Brazil and France? : A waste input-output analysis17
Institutional constraints to China's low carbon transition: A case study of China's coal-to-gas program17
Polarization and the middle class in China: A non-parametric evaluation using CHNS and CHIP data17
The rising North-South carbon flows within China from 2012 to 201716
The effects of monetary policy on income and wealth inequality in the U.S. Exploring different channels16
The modern Solow paradox. In search for explanations16
Why the same degree of economic policy uncertainty can produce different outcomes in energy efficiency? New evidence from China16
Labour flexibility, internal migration and productivity in Italian regions16
An assessment of the green development efficiency of industrial parks in China: Based on non-desired output and non-radial DEA model16
Heterogeneous low-carbon targets and energy structure optimization: Does stricter carbon regulation really matter?16
Can intellectual property rights protection reduce air pollution? A quasi-natural experiment from China16
Discussing Secular Stagnation: A case for freeing good ideas from theoretical constraints?15
Technological innovation promotes industrial upgrading: An analytical framework15
Does telecommunications infrastructure promote entrepreneurship in developing countries? Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in China15
Income inequality in the knowledge economy15
Resource industry dependence and high-quality economic development of Chinese style: Reexamining the effect of the “Resource Curse”15
Mapping carbon footprint along global value chains: A study based on firm heterogeneity in China15
An economic mechanism of industrial ecology: Theory and evidence14
On the adjustment of capacity utilisation to aggregate demand: Revisiting an old Sraffian critique to the Neo-Kaleckian model14
Varieties of capitalism and East Asia: Long-term evolution, structural change, and the end of East Asian capitalism14
Structural transformation and production linkages in Asia-Pacific least developed countries: An input-output analysis14
Trade policy uncertainty and environmental performance of Chinese enterprises14
Trade openness, export structure, and labor productivity in developing countries: Evidence from panel VAR approach14
The cost channel of monetary policy: The case of the United States in the period 1959–201814
Artificial intelligence and unemployment:An international evidence14
Who Benefits from Global Value Chain Participation? Does Functional Specialization Matter?14
The dynamics of the EU's nuclear trade network: An ERGM analysis14
Decomposing the carbon footprints of multinational enterprises along global value chains14
Hide and seek: IMF intervention and the shadow economy13
The impact of e-commerce and R&D on firm-level production in China: Evidence from manufacturing sector13
Distribution of COVID-19 government support and its consequences for firm liquidity and solvency13
Carbon footprint of tourism in Spain: Covid-19 impact and a look forward to recovery13
Nexus between renewable energy consumption, foreign capital flows, and financial development: New evidence using CUP-FM and CUP-BC advanced methods13
An output-based measurement of EU bioeconomy services: Marrying statistics with policy insight13
On absolute and comparative advantage in international trade: A Pasinetti pure labour approach13
Coupling environmental transition and social prosperity: a scenario-analysis of the Italian case13
Investment, innovation activities and employment across European regions13
Drivers of inequality: wages vs. profits in European industries13
The effect of the Great Recession on the employment growth of young vs. small firms in the Eurozone13
What is the relationship between government response and COVID-19 pandemics? Global evidence of 118 countries13
Labor productivity growth in sub-Sahara African LDCs: sectoral contributions and macroeconomic factors12
The role of human capital, structural change, and institutional quality on Brazil's economic growth over the last two hundred years (1822–2019)12
The effects of environmental policy and technology transfer on GHG emissions: The case of Portugal12
Inflation and the Structure of Economic and Political Systems12
Fiscal policy and structural transformation in developing economies12
Localisation economies, intellectual property rights protection and entrepreneurship in China: A Bayesian analysis of multi-level spatial correlation12
New insights on the relationship between the involvement of countries in global value chains, and intra- and inter-country inequalities12
How different aid flows affect different trade flows: Evidence from Africa and its largest donors12
Waiting for Godot? Success or failure of firms’ growth in a panel of Italian manufacturing firms12
Does the coordinated development of two-way FDI increase the green energy efficiency of Chinese cities? Evidence from Chinese listed companies11
Technological diffusion, banking efficiency and Solow's paradox: A frontier-based parametric and non-parametric analysis11
The crowding out effect of government debt on corporate financing: Firm-level evidence from China11
Bringing state-owned entities back into the industrial policy debate: The case of Indonesia11
Fiscal responses to COVID-19 outbreak for healthy economies: Modelling with big data analytics11
Offshoring, industry heterogeneity and employment11
Social capital and regional innovation efficiency: The moderating effect of governance quality11
A comparative analysis of research and development spending and total factor productivity growth in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Singapore11
Market-based versus bank-based financial structure in China: From the perspective of financial risk11
Economic and environmental implications of the nuclear power phase-out in Belgium: Insights from time-series models and a partial differential equations algorithm11
Unemployment and the wage share: a long-run exploration for major mature economies11
Low-carbon technology diffusion and economic growth of China: an evolutionary general equilibrium framework11
Evaluating carbon footprint embodied in Japanese food consumption based on global supply chain10
The Belt & Road Initiative and the public and private debts of participating countries: The role of China's economic policy uncertainty10
Global value chains and sectoral innovation systems: An analysis of the aerospace industry10
Big Pharma and monopoly capitalism: A long-term view10
Value captured by China in the smartphone GVC– A tale of three smartphone handsets10
A new look at the growth-renewable energy nexus: Evidence from a sectoral analysis in Sub-Saharan Africa10
A supermultiplier model with two non-capacity-generating semi-autonomous demand components10
Carbon productivity and value-added generations: Regional heterogeneity along global value chain10
Endogenous growth and human capital accumulation in a data economy10
Does competition from the informal sector affect firms’ energy intensity? Evidence from China10
Decomposing the Automotive Supply Chain: Employment, Value Added and Occupational Structure10
Energy reform and energy consumption convergence in Mexico: A spatial approach10
Renewable electricity and economic growth relationship in the long run: Panel data econometric evidence from the OECD10
Do corruption, income inequality and redistribution hasten transition towards (non)renewable energy economy?10
The exposure to routinization: Labor market implications for developed and developing economies10
Using past epidemics to estimate the macroeconomic implications of COVID-19: A bad idea!10
Do agricultural exports enhance agricultural (economic) growth? Lessons from ECOWAS countries10
Best techniques leave little room for substitution. A new critique of the production function10
Endowment, technology choice, and industrial upgrading10
Green innovation and income inequality: A complex system analysis10
Disentangling services in developing regions: A test of Kaldor's first and second laws10