Natural Hazards Review

(The TQCC of Natural Hazards Review is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Equitable Resilience in Infrastructure Systems: Empirical Assessment of Disparities in Hardship Experiences of Vulnerable Populations during Service Disruptions69
Seismic Behavior of Plan and Vertically Irregular Structures: State of Art and Future Challenges33
Importance of Households in Business Disaster Recovery29
Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Coupled Natural-Physical-Social Systems: Cascading Impact of Hurricane-Induced Damages to Civil Infrastructure in Galveston, Texas26
Institutional Coordination of Disaster Management: Engaging National and Local Governments in Japan24
Understanding Functionality and Operability for Infrastructure System Resilience21
Overview of Interdependency Models of Critical Infrastructure for Resilience Assessment20
Opportunities and Challenges of Public Participation in Post-Disaster Recovery Planning: Lessons from Galveston, TX20
Advances of Satellite Remote Sensing Technology in Earthquake Prediction19
Validation of Time-Dependent Repair Recovery of the Building Stock Following the 2011 Joplin Tornado19
Effects of Infrastructure Service Disruptions Following Hurricane Irma: Multilevel Analysis of Postdisaster Recovery Outcomes19
Statistical Quantification of Texture Visual Features for Pattern Recognition by Analyzing Pre- and Post-Multispectral Landsat Satellite Imagery17
Development of Sinkhole Susceptibility Map of East Central Florida17
Flood Damage Assessment in HAZUS Using Various Resolution of Data and One-Dimensional and Two-Dimensional HEC-RAS Depth Grids17
Scientometric Analysis of Natural Disaster Management Research16
Estimation of Shear Wave Velocity and Seismic Site Characterization for New Nuclear Power Plant Region, India16
Impact of COVID-19 on the Diversity of the Construction Workforce16
Understanding Infrastructure Resilience, Social Equity, and Their Interrelationships: Exploratory Study Using Social Media Data in Hurricane Michael15
Perceptions of Efficacy are Key Determinants of Mask-Wearing Behavior during the COVID-19 Pandemic14
Multihazard Damage and Loss Assessment of Bridges in a Highway Network Subjected to Earthquake and Tsunami Hazards14
Cultural Competence for Hazards and Disaster Researchers: Framework and Training Module13
Planning to Exacerbate Flooding: Evaluating a Houston, Texas, Network of Plans in Place during Hurricane Harvey Using a Plan Integration for Resilience Scorecard13
Ember Alerts: Assessing Wireless Emergency Alert Messages in Wildfires Using the Warning Response Model13
Changing Logistics of Evacuation Transportation in Hazardous Settings during COVID-1913
Predictive Model for Hurricane Wind Hazard under Changing Climate Conditions12
Rapid Perception of Public Opinion in Emergency Events through Social Media11
GIS-Based Data Integration Approach for Rainfall-Induced Slope Failure Susceptibility Mapping in Clayey Soils11
Managed Retreat in the Face of Climate Change: Examining Factors Influencing Buyouts of Floodplain Properties11
Rapid Damage Assessment Following Natural Disasters through Information Integration11
Dynamic Modeling of In-Event Interdependencies in Community Resilience11
Assessment of Urban Flood Risk Factors Using Monte Carlo Analytical Hierarchy Process11
Establishing Conceptual Components for Urban Resilience: Taking Clues from Urbanization through a Planner’s Lens11
Simple Method for Shallow Landslide Prediction Based on Wide-Area Terrain Analysis Incorporated with Surface and Subsurface Flows11
Modeling Interdependencies between the Building Portfolio, Transportation Network, and Healthcare System in Community Resilience10
Relative Sea Level Rise Impacts on Storm Surge Flooding of Transportation Infrastructure10
Response Efficacy Perception and Taking Action to Prepare for Disasters with Different Lead Time10
Hydrodynamic Study of the Impact of Extreme Flooding Events on Wastewater Treatment Plants Considering Total Water Level10
Disaster Waste Management Challenges in Nepal: Health Impacts and the Need for Safe Practices10
Comparative Review and Assessment of Various Flood Retrofit Methods for Low-Rise Residential Buildings in Coastal Areas10
Vulnerability Indicators for Coastal Roadways Based on Barrier Island Morphology and Shoreline ChangePredictions10
Quantifying the Role of Vulnerability in Hurricane Damage via a Machine Learning Case Study9
Global Snow- and Ice-Related Disaster Risk: A Review9
Research in the Field of Natural Hazards Based on Bibliometric Analysis9
Quantifying the Impacts of Storm Surge, Sea Level Rise, and Potential Reduction and Changes in Wetlands in Coastal Areas of the Chesapeake Bay Region9
Connecting Social Capital and Vulnerability: Citation Network Analysis of Disaster Studies9
Human Health Vulnerability to Summer Heat Extremes in Romanian-Bulgarian Cross-Border Area9
Incorporating Socioeconomic Metrics in Civil Engineering Projects: The Resilience Perspective9
Validating Commonly Used Indicators for Community Resilience Measurement9
Factors Influencing Individual Disaster Preparedness Information Seeking Behavior: Analysis of US Households8
Applying the Protective Action Decision Model to Explain Cyclone Shutter Installation Behavior8
Exploring the Use of Wireless Emergency Alerts for Notifications Regarding COVID-19: Initial Lines of Inquiry8
Community Perspectives on Simulation and Data Needs for the Study of Natural Hazard Impacts and Recovery8
Variability of Mechanical Properties of Cellular Lightweight Concrete Infill and Its Effect on Seismic Safety8
Virtual Testbeds for Community Resilience Analysis: State-of-the-Art Review, Consensus Study, and Recommendations8
Dilemma of the Tropics: Changes to Housing Safety Perceptions, Preferences, and Priorities in Multihazard Environments8
Effects of Nonstationarity of Extreme Wind Speeds and Ground Snow Loads in a Future Canadian Changing Climate8
A Bayesian Network Modeling Approach for Time-Varying Flood Resilience Assessment of Housing Infrastructure System8
Evaluating Regional Flood Disaster Resilience Based on the DROP Model and TOPSIS Method: A Case Study of the Katsushika Ward, Tokyo8
Deep Learning for Visual Analytics of the Spread of COVID-19 Infection in Crowded Urban Environments8
Seismic Stability Analysis of Caissons under Earthquake Forces Considering 3D Log-Spiral Failure Surface8
Managing Postdisaster Reconstruction after the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal Earthquake and Lessons Learned7
Quantification of Compound Flooding over Roadway Network during Extreme Events for Planning Emergency Operations7
Community Resilience: Toward a Framework for an Integrated, Interdisciplinary Model of Disaster7
Flood Hazards Mapping by Linking CF, AHP, and Fuzzy Logic Techniques in Urban Areas7
High-Speed GIS-Based Simulation of Storm Surge–Induced Flooding Accounting for Sea Level Rise7
Allocation of Temporary Disaster-Response Facilities for Relief-Supplies Distribution: A Stochastic Optimization Approach for Afterdisaster Uncertainty7
Hurricane-Induced Failure Mechanisms in Low-Rise Residential Buildings and Future Research Directions7
Evaluation of Multiradar Multisensor and Stage IV Quantitative Precipitation Estimates during Hurricane Harvey7
Preliminary Documented Recovery Patterns and Observations from Video Cataloged Data of the 2011 Joplin, Missouri, Tornado7
Modeling Household Earthquake Hazard Adjustment Intentions: An Extension of the Protection Motivation Theory7
Review of Empirical Quantitative Data Use in Lifeline Infrastructure Restoration Modeling7
Relationship between Coastal Hazard Countermeasures and Community Resilience in the Tōhoku Region of Japan Following the 2011 Tsunami7
The Warning Lexicon: A Multiphased Study to Identify, Design, and Develop Content for Warning Messages7
Impact of Annual Maximum Wind Speed in Mixed Wind Climates on Wind Hazard for Mainland China7
Integrating Place Attachment into Housing Recovery Simulations to Estimate Population Losses6
Use of Advanced Microgrids to Support Community Resilience6
Seismic Microzonation of the Himalayan Region Considering Site Characterization: Application toward Seismic Risk Assessment for Sustainable Tunneling Projects6
New Standardized Base Flow Index for Identification of Hydrologic Drought in the Red River of the North Basin6
Performance Comparison of Landslide Susceptibility Maps Derived from Logistic Regression and Random Forest Models in the Bolaman Basin, Türkiye6
Alignment between Disaster Policies and Practice: Characteristics of Interorganizational Response Coordination Following 2016 Hurricane Matthew in Florida6
Unpacking Tornado Disasters: Illustrating Southeastern US Tornado Mobile and Manufactured Housing Problem Using March 3, 2019 Beauregard-Smith Station, Alabama, Tornado Event6
Behavior of Rural Victims and Local Government during Post-Disaster Reconstruction: Agent-Based Simulation6
Detecting and Geolocating City-Scale Soft-Story Buildings by Deep Machine Learning for Urban Seismic Resilience6
Determinants of Departure Timing for Hurricane Matthew and Anticipated Consistency in Future Evacuation Departures6
Communicating Hazard Location through Text-and-Map in Earthquake Early Warnings: A Mixed Methods Study6
Community Response to Hurricane Threat: Estimates of Warning Diffusion Time Distributions6
Civil-Military Coordination in Disaster Preparedness and Response6
Analyzing Multisector Stakeholder Collaboration and Engagement in Housing Resilience Planning in Greater Miami and the Beaches through Social Network Analysis6
Sensing Flooded Roads to Support Roadway Mobility during Flooding: A Web-Based Tool and Insights from Needs Assessment Interviews6
Taiwan’s Experience in Disaster Coordination6
Modeling Dynamics of Community Resilience to Extreme Events with Explainable Deep Learning6
Social Media Support Mechanisms for Organizational Adaptation in Governmental Response to Extreme Natural Hazards6
Household Hurricane Evacuation Plan Adaptation in Response to Estimated Travel Delay Provided Prior to Departure6