Human Resource Management

(The TQCC of Human Resource Management is 10. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
How workplace support for the COVID‐19 pandemic and personality traits affect changes in employees' affective commitment to the organization and job‐related well‐being100
Surviving remotely: How job control and loneliness during a forced shift to remote work impacted employee work behaviors and well‐being88
Leveraging green HRM for firm performance: The joint effects of CEO environmental belief and external pollution severity and the mediating role of employee environmental commitme80
Sustainable human resource management practices, employee resilience, and employee outcomes: Toward common good values76
Sixty years of research on technology and human resource management: Looking back and looking forward70
Sixty years of discrimination and diversity research in human resource management: A review with suggestions for future research directions68
Employee experience –the missing link for engaging employees: Insights from an MNE's AI‐based HR ecosystem64
The double‐edged sword of job crafting: The effects of job crafting on changes in job demands and employee well‐being64
The performance impact of gender diversity in the top management team and board of directors: A multiteam systems approach52
The shifting boundaries of talent management42
Best friend or broken tool? Exploring the co‐existence of humans and artificial intelligence in the workplace ecosystem38
The role of perceived workplace safety practices and mindfulness in maintaining calm in employees during times of crisis32
Advancing the sustainability agenda through strategic human resource management: Insights and suggestions for future research32
Sounds like a fit! Wording in recruitment advertisements and recruiter gender affect women's pursuit of career development programs via anticipated belongingness31
Arousing employee pro‐environmental behavior: A synergy effect of environmentally specific transformational leadership and green human resource management31
Do leaders condone unethical pro‐organizational employee behaviors? The complex interplay between leader organizational identification and moral disengagement31
High commitment work systems and employee well‐being: The roles of workplace friendship and task interdependence29
Organizational and comparative institutionalism in internationalHRM: Toward an integrative research agenda28
A meta‐analysis on employee perceptions of human resource strength: Examining the mediating versus moderating hypotheses27
Meaningfulness of work and supervisory‐rated job performance: A moderated‐mediation model26
Toward a more sustainable environment: Understanding why and when green training promotes employees' eco‐friendly behaviors outside of work25
Investigating employee and organizational performance in across‐borderacquisition—A case of withdrawal behavior25
The effects of negative mentoring experiences on mentor creativity: The roles of mentor ego depletion and traditionality24
Creative performance pressure as adouble‐edgedsword for creativity: The role of appraisals and resources24
Does women's board representation affect non‐managerial gender inequality?24
Global talent management and multinational subsidiaries' resilience in the Covid‐19 crisis: Moderating roles of regional headquarters' support and headquarters–subsidiary friction22
The HR ecosystem: Emerging trends and a future research agenda22
Strategic human resource management in the era of environmental disruptions22
Algorithmic HRM control in the gig economy: The app‐worker perspective20
Tensions in talent: A micro practice perspective on the implementation of high potential talent development programs in multinational corporations20
Pre‐crisis commitment human resource management and employees' attitudes in a global pandemic: The role of trust in the government19
Dynamism and realignment in the HR architecture: Online labor platform ecosystems and the key role of contractors19
Culture and performance appraisal in multinational enterprises: Implementing French headquarters' practices inMiddle East and North Africasubsidiaries18
Home and host distal context and performance appraisal in multinational enterprises: A 22 country study18
Holistic indigenous and atomistic modernity: Analyzing performance management in two Indian emerging market multinational corporations17
Performance management systems and multinational enterprises: Where we are and where we should go17
What you see is what you get? Measuring companies' projected employer image attributes via companies' employment webpages16
The road taken and the path forward for HR devolution research: An evolutionary review16
The curvilinear effect of perceived overqualification on constructive voice: The moderating role of leader consultation and the mediating role of work engagement15
Learning to listen: Downstream effects of listening training on employees' relatedness, burnout, and turnover intentions15
It takes two to tango: Knowledge transfer between expatriates and host country nationals15
Sparking creativity using extrinsic rewards: A self‐determination theory perspective15
One way or another? An international comparison of expatriate performance management in multinational companies14
High performance work systems and perceived organizational support: The contribution of human resource department's organizational embodiment14
Strategic human resource management in the context of environmental crises: A COVID‐19 test14
Organizational social activities and knowledge management behaviors: An affective events perspective14
Does human resource system strength help employees act proactively? The roles of crisis strength and work engagement14
Who pays the penalty? Implications of gender pay disparities within top management teams for firm performance13
Hello again: Managing talent with boomerang employees13
Backlash in performance feedback: Deepening the understanding of the role of gender in performance appraisal13
The self‐regulatory consequences of dependence on intelligent machines at work: Evidence from field and experimental studies12
Navigating the era of disruption: How emotions can prompt job crafting behaviors12
The dark side of leader–member exchange: Observers' reactions when leaders target their teammates for abuse12
Strong signals in HR management: How the configuration and strength of an HR system explain the variability in HR attributions11
The dynamics of diplomatic careers: The shift from traditional to contemporary careers11
Does pay for individual performance truly undermine employee creativity? The different moderating roles of vertical and horizontal collectivist orientations11
The impact of organizational statements of support for the black community in the wake of a racial mega‐threat on organizational attraction and revenue11
Work transformation and the HR ecosystem dynamics: A longitudinal case study of HRM disruption in the era of the 4th industrial revolution10
High performance work systems and employee mental health: The roles of psychological empowerment, work role overload, and organizational identification10
Assessing job crafting competencies to predict tradeoffs between competing outcomes10
Unraveling the relationship between high‐performance work systems and firm performance: A mediation analysis10
The SMART model of work design: A higher order structure to help see the wood from the trees10
Too smart to work hard? Investigating why overqualified employees engage in time theft behaviors10