Economic Geography

(The TQCC of Economic Geography is 12. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The Regional Development Trap in Europe52
Technology Network Structure Conditions the Economic Resilience of Regions36
Path Formation and Reformation: Studying the Variegated Consequences of Path Creation for Regional Development31
Searching through the Haystack:The Relatedness and Complexity of Priorities in Smart Specialization Strategies27
Circularity as Alterity? Untangling Circuits of Value in the Social Enterprise–Led Local Development of the Circular Economy26
People or Places that Don’t Matter? Individual and Contextual Determinants of the Geography of Discontent24
Innovation Catalysts: How Multinationals Reshape the Global Geography of Innovation23
Does Successful Innovation Require Large Urban Areas? Germany as a Counterexample23
Explaining Geographic Shifts of Chip Making toward East Asia and Market Dynamics in Semiconductor Global Production Networks22
Follow the Firm: Analyzing the International Ascendance of Build to Rent21
Geographies of Marketization in Higher Education: Branch Campuses as Territorial and Symbolic Fixes21
Landlord Elites on the Dutch Housing Market: Private Landlordism, Class, and Social Inequality20
Environmental Upgrading and Downgrading in Global Value Chains: A Framework for Analysis19
Breakthrough Invention Performance of Multispecialized Clustered Regions in Europe18
Do Capabilities Reside in Firms or in Regions? Analysis of Related Diversification in Chinese Knowledge Production18
In Real Estate Investment We Trust: State De-risking and the Ownership of Listed US and German Residential Real Estate Investment Trusts18
Going beyond Relatedness: Regional Diversification Trajectories and Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) in Italian Regions18
Innovation without Regional Development? The Complex Interplay of Innovation, Institutions, and Development17
The Constitutive Role of State Structures in Strategic Coupling: On the Formation and Evolution of Sino-German Production Networks in Jieyang, China17
The Role of Relatedness and Unrelatedness for the Geography of Technological Breakthroughs in Europe16
Resilience, Skill Endowment, and Diversity: Evidence from US Metropolitan Areas16
Understanding Regional Branching: Knowledge Diversification via Inventor and Firm Collaboration Networks15
“Expropriation of Capitalist by State Capitalist:” Organizational Change and the Centralization of Capital as State Property15
Conceptualizing Labor Regimes in Global Production Networks: Uneven Outcomes across the Bangladeshi and Sri Lankan Apparel Industries14
Strong Links and Weak Links: How Do Unrelated Industries Survive in anUnfriendlyEnvironment?13
Creative Clusters and Creative Multipliers: Evidence from UK Cities13
Innovative Finance for Development? Vaccine Bonds and the Hidden Costs of Financialization12