Central Asian Survey

(The TQCC of Central Asian Survey is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Learning in, about and from the field? Symbolic functions of EU knowledge production on Central Asia27
The Sart Kalmaks in Kyrgyzstan: people in transition15
‘End the dominance of the Uyghur ethnic group’: an analysis of Beijing’s population optimization strategy in southern Xinjiang13
Musique contemporaine en Ouzbékistan: Politique, identités et globalisation12
Writing about peoples: an American’s reflections on 30 years of Central Asian studies11
Polymaths of Islam: Power and networks of knowledge in Central Asia11
Hunza matters: Bordering and ordering between ancient and new Silk Roads10
Demographic effects of deportation: seeking the causes of high fertility rates in the North Caucasus, Russia9
The Silk Roads: A new history of the world9
Rentier capitalism and its discontents: Power, morality and resistance in Central Asia8
The Tajik Civil War and Russia’s Islamist moment8
Vehicularizing the vernacular: using the periodical press to popularize vernacular languages in Soviet Turkic communities8
Working with the Taliban: from the first to the second Emirate8
Fieldwork within queer communities in Central Asia: a research note7
Smartphones and public support for LGBTQ+ in Central Asia6
Student online protests in Uzbekistan: democratization of higher education as concomitant to the COVID-19 crisis?6
Introducing the symposium on Philipp Lottholz’s Post-Liberal Statebuilding in Central Asia: Imaginaries, Discourses and Practices of Social Ordering Post-Liberal Stat6
Knowledge on fire: the impact of conflict and violence on education in Afghanistan6
A practitioner's perspective from Kyrgyzstan: Post-Liberal Statebuilding in Central Asia6
Changes in the flock: sheep-keeping as a symbol of the transformation of the Kazakh traditional economy5
Central Asia: from dark matter to a dark curtain?5
The varying levels of contrasting adaptation in Central Asia’s climate change politics5
A reading from Kazakhstan with a focus on decolonization: Post-Liberal Statebuilding in Central Asia5
The EU’s Central Asia policy: no chance for change?5
Iranian, Afghan or Central Asian? Patterns of mobility among Persianate Jews in the 19th and early 20th centuries4
Foreign fighters and international peace: joining global jihad and marching back home4
Refocusing education: understanding higher education institutions’ needs for human resource development in Azerbaijan4
The grass is always greener? Unpacking Uzbek migration to Japan4
Mosques as religious infrastructure: Muslim selfhood, moral imaginaries and everyday sociality4
Geopolitics of cryptocurrency mining in Kazakhstan4
Feminization of labour migration from Uzbekistan to Turkey: the role of neoliberal policies, patriarchy and social networks4
Moscow’s heavy shadow: the violent collapse of the USSR4
Communal self-governance as an alternative to neoliberal governance: proposing a post-development approach to EU resilience-building in Central Asia4
The agency of object: the doppa as a narrator for a dynamic Uyghur identity4
Girls’ education and success in Azerbaijan: comparative document analysis4
Subverting oppressive structures: on kelinhood , solidarity and feminist research in the bazaars3
European Union, civil society and local ownership in Kyrgyzstan: analysing patterns of adaptation, reinterpretation and contestation in the prevention of violent extremism (PVE)3
Narrating the state in miniature: philatelic representations of Kazakhstan, 1992–20213
‘Abyroy’ from status to contract: social honour in Kazakh culture3
Migration from Central Asia: stories and identity formation3
Visions of development in Central Asia: Revitalizing the culture concept3
‘Listening State?’ : exploring citizens’ perceptions of Open Government in Tokayev’s Kazakhstan3
Writing travel and the genealogical imagination: Afghan Kyrgyz migrations in contemporary perspective3
Was the prehistoric man an Azeri nationalist?: Mobilized prehistory and nation-building in Azerbaijan3
‘What have you done, brother Putin?’: Everyday geopolitics and Central Asian labour migration to Russia3
Of squirrels and men: being Soviet in Frunze’s green spaces2
A narrative analysis: tragic images of the Aral Sea in the Russophone ecopoems2
Irina Viktorovna Erofeeva (1953–2020)2
Labour transfers as a means of ‘civilizing’ and forcibly assimilating ethnic minorities in western China2
Songs of war and despair: two Afghan/Uzbek women’s life history and lament2
Islam in China2
‘The freedom of a fair word’: the roots of human rights discourse in Kazakh cultural heritage2
Surviving Everyday Life: The Securityscapes of Threatened People in Kyrgyzstan2
The Kazakhstani Soviet not? Reading Nazarbayev’s Kazakhstani-ness through Brezhnev’s Soviet people2
Between ‘info-killers’ and ‘spies’: three strategies for interviewing government officials across Central Asia2
Religious, national or cultural? A case study of frameworks for Jewish education in post-Soviet Central Asia2
Central Asian studies in the People’s Republic of China: a structural topic model2
Widening the scope: how middle powers are changing liberal institutionalism2
The contributions of new media to young people’s political participation in Russia and Kazakhstan2