Journal of Housing Economics

(The TQCC of Journal of Housing Economics is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Housing wealth, fertility intentions and fertility30
Elite school designation and housing prices-quasi-experimental evidence from Beijing, China✰27
Spatial distributions of job accessibility, housing rents, and poverty: The case of Nairobi24
Stuck at home: Housing demand during the COVID-19 pandemic22
House price index based on online listing information: The case of China21
Migration shocks and housing: Short-run impact of the Syrian refugee crisis in Jordan15
Web-scraping housing prices in real-time: The Covid-19 crisis in the UK14
Heterogeneity in households’ expectations of housing prices – evidence from micro data14
Housing and household consumption: An investigation of the wealth and collateral effects13
How does ethnic discrimination on the housing market differ across neighborhoods and real estate agencies?10
Religiosity and discrimination against same-sex couples: The case of Portugal's rental market9
Intercity impacts of work-from-home with both remote and non-remote workers9
Quantifying Return Spillovers in Global Real Estate Markets9
Homeownership, mobility, and unemployment: Evidence from housing privatization9
Unexpected housing wealth appreciation and stock market participation9
When education policy and housing policy interact: Can they correct for the externalities?9
Destination homeownership and labor force participation: Evidence from rural-to-urban migrants in China8
Early effects of COVID-19 pandemic-related state policies on housing market activity in the United States8
Homophobia and the home search: Rental market discrimination against same-sex couples in rural and urban housing markets8
Behavioral changes in the housing market before and after the Covid-19 lockdown8
The illusion of a hedonic price function: Nonparametric interpretable segmentation for hedonic inference7
Voluntary, forced, and induced renter mobility: The influence of state policies7
The local employment effect of house prices: Evidence from U.S. States7
Nevertheless, they persist: Cross-country differences in homeownership behavior7
Housing market shocks in italy: A GVAR approach7
Do long-distance moves discourage homeownership? Evidence from England6
Political uncertainty and housing markets6
Housing price appreciation and economic integration in a transition economy: Evidence from Kazakhstan6
Childhood Housing Tenure and Young Adult Educational Outcomes: Evidence from Sibling Comparisons in Norway6
Is the behavior of sellers with expected gains and losses relevant to cycles in house prices?6
Housing rent rigidity under downward pressure: Unit-level longitudinal evidence from Tokyo5
The sharing economy and housing markets in selected European cities5
Loss aversion in housing appraisal: Evidence from Italian homeowners5
Foreign buyer taxes and house prices in Canada: A tale of two cities5
Negative externalities of long-term vacant homes: Evidence from Japan5
Banking deregulation and homeownership5
Land value estimation using teardowns5
Job loss risk, expected mobility, and home ownership5
Migration choices of the boomerang generation: Does returning home dampen labor market adjustment?5