Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics

(The TQCC of Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
“Coolness” and “joy” in games: factors influencing mobile game players' willingness to make in-game purchases91
Exerting creativity: unveiling the mechanisms of mobile short-video advertising in promoting consumer decision-making70
The impact of source characteristics and parasocial relationship on electronic word-of-mouth influence: the moderating role of brand credibility69
Breaking stereotypes: investigating the dynamics of male celebrity endorsements in China’s cosmetic industry58
Cluster social capital’s influence on regional public brands in specialty agriculture: a value co-creation perspective55
Authenticity in small businesses: exploring the consequences of brand authenticity52
Ethnocentrism or xenocentrism: consumer attitudes toward culture mixing based on spatial metaphor theory49
Health service operational challenges and resilience strategies in “extreme” disruptive events48
Message framing's role in encouraging idle item recycling47
Roles of value co-creation on social platforms in driving participating businesses’ sustainable competitive advantage and performance47
The role of social media elements in driving co-creation and engagement40
The mechanism leads to successful clickbait promotion in WeChat social media platforms39
Guest editorial36
Exploring the drivers of AI-seeking intention among AI community canteen customers35
Who generates your video ads? The matching effect of short-form video sources and destination types on visit intention34
Architectural design and consumer experience: an investigation of shopping malls throughout the design process33
The effects of dynamic prompt and background transparency of hover feedback design on the user interface of shopping websites31
Effects of virtual makeups' perceived augmentation on consumers' perceived value30
What makes a self-deprecating advertisement more persuasive? The role of self-uncertainty30
Enhancing competitive advantage and financial performance of consumer-goods SMEs in export markets: how do social capital and marketing innovation matter?29
Leaders that bind: the role of network position and network density in opinion leaders' responsiveness to social influence29
The trinity of extended service quality, distinct perceived value, and customer loyalty facilitators29
The impact of mascot attributes on sponsorship effectiveness the case of “Bing Dwen Dwen” at the Beijing winter Olympics29
Thirty years and “I'm still Lovin’ it!”: brand perceptions of McDonald's among generation Y and generation Z consumers in China29
Investigating tourist post-travel evaluation and behavioural intention: a cultural intelligence perspective28
Do commitment and asset specificity serve as the double-edged sword to assist co-production in enhancing value co-creation? A dyadic approach in Taiwan28
How does blockchain-based food traceability system drive consumers’ repurchase and word-of-mouth intentions toward organic food: a curvilinear role of producer-retailer (in)congruence27
The future of live-streaming commerce: understanding the role of AI-powered virtual streamers27
From GI products consumers to destination visitors: an examination of the push side mechanism27
Exploring factors influencing impulse buying in live streaming shopping: a stimulus-organism-response (SOR) perspective26
Mindfulness and anti-consumption behavior: the role of authentic living26
Competence or warmth: why do consumers pay for green advertising?25
COVID-19 pandemic: consumers' purchase intention of indoor fitness products during the partial lockdown period in Singapore24
Customer engagement on social media, brand equity and financial performance: a comparison of the US and Korea23
Appearance and media popularity affecting experiential gift-giving22
What drives or inhibits consumers' preference to consume quietly?21
Do you judge a book by its cover? Online book purchases between Japan and France21
Shareholder reactions to corporate label change: evidence from South Korean firms20
The impact of normative appeals and affective priming on public service announcements (PSAs) – a moderating role of self-construals20
Neuropsychological responses of consumers to promotion strategies and the decision to buy sports products19
The role of green influencers on users' green consumption intention: an empirical study from China and Pakistan18
Impacts of emotional regulation, adaptive selling and customer-oriented behavior on sales performance: the moderating role of job resourcefulness18
Charting sustained usage toward mobile social media application: the criticality of expected benefits and emotional motivations18
Too much is not always good: the inverted U-shaped link between green customer integration and opportunistic behavior17
Exploring users’ adoption intention of virtual try-on apps: how users’ individual characteristics affect post-use feelings17
Enhancing purchase intentions among young consumers in a live-streaming shopping environment using relational bonds: are there differences between “buyers” and “non-buyers”?17
The effect of consumers' religiosity on consumer ethics: the mediating role of ethical ideology17
The relationship among relationship-selling, celebrity attachment and customer engagement17
Understanding the antecedents and outcomes of brand community-swinging in a poly-social-media context: a perspective of channel complementarity theory16
Supplier selection for carbon emission reduction collaboration in green supply chain using an improved multi-criteria decision-making method16
The fashion retailer's opportunity: effect of deal-seeking behavior on mobile shopping intention of showroomers16
Influencing factors of Chinese consumers' purchase intention towards sustainable luxury15
Impact of customer engagement strategy on customer loyalty from the perspective of consumer well-being15
The two-stage pricing of preannouncement for platform introducing self-operated logistics under consideration of the first- or second-mover advantage15
How travel live streaming servicescape affects users' travel intention: evidence from structural equation model and fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis15
From trial to triumph! A longitudinal design eliciting social impact perspective for sustained usage of gamified fitness apps15
Attributes of product advantage and choices for manufacturer–retailer formal governance: the case of new product launch15
E-commerce for a sustainable future: integrating trust, green supply chain management and online shopping satisfaction15
ESG performance, media coverage and brand value14
Factors influencing consumer use of a sport-branded app: the technology acceptance model integrating app quality and perceived enjoyment14
Comparing the effects of consumers' perceptions of companies' corporate social responsibility initiatives in emerging and developed markets14
Visual attention differences toward football stadium’s naming rights: an eye tracking study14
To verify or not to verify: using partial least squares to predict effect of online news on panic buying during pandemic14
Navigating turbulent waters: the impact of technological turbulence on entrepreneurial orientation in Chinese e-commerce enterprises14
How air pollution affects consumers' local brand choices: explanation from attribution and compensation tendency14
Deciphering the impact of responsiveness on customer satisfaction, cross-buying behaviour, revisit intention and referral behaviour14
The impact of subjective consumer knowledge on consumer behavioral loyalty through psychological involvement and perceived service quality: sports clubs13
Consumers' cultural identity under glocalization: Vietnamese consumers' global and national identities and their cross-cultural consumption13
Effect of benefits and risks on customer's psychological ownership in the service industry13
Encroachment in a three-echelon supply chain: manufacturer encroachment or distributor encroachment13
A decision model for efficient service design in the sharing economy: a service triad perspective13
The impact of digital fashion marketing on purchase intention13
Higher innovativeness, lower technostress?: comparative study of determinants on FinTech usage behavior between Korean and Chinese Gen Z consumers13
Access mode of consumption and psychological ownership: exploring the role of self-product connection13
How does original equipment manufacturing brand disclosure affect purchase intention? The mediating role of brand competence and brand warmth13
Image recommendation for social media marketing in maternity and baby care product industry – a machine learning approach13
How does sports e-commerce influence consumer behavior through short video live broadcast platforms? Attachment theory perspective12
The effect of consumer-based brand authenticity on customer satisfaction and brand loyalty12
The relationship between electronic word-of-mouth, customer loyalty and resistance to innovation12
Research on mechanism of servant leadership on employees' customer-oriented deviance: the mediating role of psychological security and the moderating role of error management climate12
Developing an extended model of self-congruity to predict Chinese tourists' revisit intentions to New Zealand: the moderating role of gender12
Linkages among extended service quality, distinct perceived value and satisfaction in the exhibition trust-building process12
What motivates consumers to be in line with online shopping?: a systematic literature review and discussion of future research perspectives11
Purchase intention of organic foods: are lifestyles of health and sustainability the reason for my purchase decision?11
Catching silver consumers in China: an integrated model of Chinese older adults' use of social networking technology11
Digitalization and green supply chain activities in manufacturing: a case study of Huawei11
Intrinsic motivations affecting millennial mobile impulsive shopping in emerging markets during the COVID-19 pandemic11
Why do Chinese people prefer domestic products: the role of consumer ethnocentrism, social norms and national identity11
Navigating the digital travel landscape: understanding the role of technology readiness in OTAs acceptance and usage for hotel bookings11
Influences of persona self on luxury brand attachment in the Metaverse context11
A literature review on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on consumer behaviour: implications for consumer-centric logistics11
Intention-behaviour gap in organic food consumption: a dual-moderated mediation model11
Fostering sustainable logistics businesses: the role of innovation ecosystems and institutional contexts for logistics firms in China11
A systematic literature review on vlog marketing: thematic analysis and future research directions11
Diagnosing the service quality of perishable-food logistics: temperature-sensitive milk delivery10
What makes viewers loyal toward streamers? A relationship building perspective and the gender difference10
The impact of AI-powered technologies on aesthetic, cognitive and affective experience dimensions: a connected store experiment10
Antecedents of adaptive selling behaviour: a study of the Korean cosmetic industry10
Research on online shopping contextual cues: refining classification from text mining10
Research on the influence of digital human avatar characteristics on brand fans effect10
Does consumer knowledge about sustainable-fashion impact intention-to-buy?10
Mass customization: the role of consumer preference measurement, manufacturing flexibility and customer participation9
When do price discounts become attractive? A study comparing discount strategies on consumer perceptions9
Cultivating loyalty in fast food through marketing cues9
Empirical study of Neo-Chinese fashion consumer behaviour from the perspectives of cultural identity and emotional self-regulation mechanism9
Effect of visualization of production process on consumers’ purchase intentions in farmer-assisted livestreaming9
Reasons for resistance to e-waste recycling: evidence from an emerging economy9
Investigating the technology acceptance model, image congruence and cultural differences in facial recognition payment adoption9
Understanding the Chinese online fresh agricultural market through the extended technology acceptance model: the moderating role of food safety trust9
Customers' dining choice using meal ordering apps: insights from China and Indonesia9
What are the mechanisms through which inter-organizational relationships contribute to supply chain resilience?9
Brand engagement and community user behaviors in online interest communities: exploring a moderated mediation model9
Metaverse in marketing and logistics: the state of the art and the path forward9
Effects of app icon familiarity and authority on app icon image fit and usage intention: focusing on the moderating effects of app icon features and app type9
Animosity based on traditional enmity versus other causes8
Promoting counter-hedonic entertainment in China: assessing the effectiveness of the free trial market strategy8
Profiling the online premium brand consumers based on their fashion orientation8
What drives customers towards mobile shopping? An integrative technology continuance theory perspective8
Factors affecting users' impulse purchases in online group buying: online consumer reviews, countdowns and self-control8
The influence of manufacturer encroachment on the supply chain: the conditional role of traditional retailer retail service investment8
The impact of reference price effect on pricing decisions8
Effects of quantity promotional frames on inaction inertia8
Perception of corporate social responsibility in a morally contentious industry: the roles of consumption motives and ethical perspectives8
Cannabis tourists' perceived constraints to engaging in commercial cannabis tourism overseas: a comparison of first-time and repeat tourists8
Uses and gratifications of metaverse: understanding the user adoption factors through a mixed method approach8
How semiotic product packaging, brand image, perceived brand quality influence brand loyalty and purchase intention: a stimulus-organism-response perspective8
Perceived constraints to sex tourism overseas: scale development and validation8
Research on the evolutionary game of knowledge pricing in an open innovation environment: from the perspective of social dual innovation balance8
The effects of organizational positioning and donation recognition on charitable giving: insights from moral foundations theory8
Can you resist the virtual temptations? Unveiling impulsive buying in metaverse retail8
Revenue-sharing vs. cost-sharing contracts in motivating supplier corporate social responsibility8
Investigating of the influence process on consumer’s active engagement through emotional brand attachment and brand love7
How the construal of power impacts healthy food preference: the mediating role of self-discipline perception7
Understanding entity shared product usage: an innovation-adoption coupling model7
How green marketing practices improve customer loyalty: the mediating role of green corporate image and the moderating role of green self-identity in the new energy vehicle market7
The role of transactive memory system of inter-organizational collaboration in innovation and performance7
Sustaining success: the power of relational bonding in building franchisee trust in South Korea’s food service industry7
Blockchain-based Logistics 4.0: enhancing performance of logistics service providers7
Delicious promoter of the restaurant business: measuring impact of supply chain, brand personality and CSR on brand equity development7
The importance of region of origin and geographical labeling for tea consumers: the moderating effect of traditional tea processing method and tea prices7
Customer segment transition through the customer loyalty program7
The impact of keyword characteristics on seller performance in e-commerce platforms: focusing on the moderating effect of product types7
Match or mismatch: how emoji use shapes consumers’ perception of online reviews7
Enhancing social enterprise coffee marketability through sensory packaging: consumer impressions, willingness to buy, and gender differences7
A method of customer valuation score and implementation for marketing strategy7
The effect of robot anthropomorphism on revisit intentions after service failure: a moderated serial mediation model7
Luxury goods and their counterfeits in Sub-Saharan Africa: a conceptual model of counterfeit luxury purchase intentions and empirical test7
Marketing placebo effect on consumption of reduced-sugar labeled products7
Why do consumers buy NFTs?: Multi-path of attitude and the bandwagon effect7
Chief marketing officers' future focus and firms' sustainability marketing commitment7
A trusted B2B relationship quality in the Asian market: effects of salespeople's attributes6
How employee mindfulness influences the retention intention of technology employees: multiple mediation effects of affective commitment and organizational identification6
Influencer-generated content on social media: how does influencers’ self-disclosure affect followers’ purchase intentions?6
The borders are re-opening! Has virtual reality been a friend or a foe to the tourism industry so far?6
Optimal coupon distribution strategy of retailers considering cross-industry joint promotion6
Marketing competency, marketing innovation and sustainable competitive advantage of small and medium enterprises (SMEs): a mixed-method analysis6
Revisiting the service recovery paradox in the restaurant industry6
Research on the influence of online photograph reviews on tourists' travel intentions: rational and irrational perspectives6
The effect of consumer group breadth and depth on movie sales: the mediating effect of eWOM-to-viewing ratio6
An implementation of climate-related financial policies to promote a nation’s participation in global value chains: evidence from an international database6
Effect of green advertising attitude on collectivist consumer behavior: an integrative approach6
Linking social media marketing efforts with customer brand engagement in driving brand loyalty6
Can you represent me? The influence of consumers' self-congruity on their brand loyalty behavior6
Robo-advisor based on unified theory of acceptance and use of technology6
The dark side of mobile apps: when and how technical security matters for in-app purchases?6
Understanding the intricacies of risky indebtedness, impulse buying and perceived risk in buy-now-pay-later adoption6
Customer value, purchase intentions and willingness to pay: the moderating effects of cultural/economic distance6
Investigating the impact of authenticity of social media influencers on followers' purchase behavior: mediating analysis of parasocial interaction on Instagram6
Failed products, successful influencers: the moderating effect of the stealing thunder strategy on purchase intentions in live-streaming e-commerce failures6
Understanding corporate culture and business performance from a Confucian perspective6
Unraveling the influence and mechanism of digital inclusive finance on household financial substitution: evidence from China6