
(The TQCC of Futures is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The implications of the Covid-19 pandemic for delivering the Sustainable Development Goals83
Transdisciplinarity: Synthesis towards a modular approach62
Management challenges for future digitalization of healthcare services57
Futures literacy and the diversity of the future56
The transformative potential of artificial intelligence55
Coworking in the digital economy: Context, motivations, and outcomes47
Agriculture 4.0: A systematic literature review on the paradigm, technologies and benefits43
Critical mineral sustainable supply: Challenges and governance35
The sustainable development goals: A universalist promise for the future34
Digital technologies, artificial intelligence, and bureaucratic transformation34
Framing different energy futures? Comparing Fridays for Future and Extinction Rebellion in Germany33
Provincialising Futures Literacy: A caution against codification31
Can robots tackle late-life loneliness? Scanning of future opportunities and challenges in assisted living facilities31
The role of energy prosumers in the transition of the Finnish energy system towards 100 % renewable energy by 205029
The engagement of home-based businesses in the digital economy29
Assessing climate change’s contribution to global catastrophic risk29
Futures literacy – To belong, participate and act!28
Resilient Power: A home-based electricity generation and storage solution for the medically vulnerable during climate-induced power outages27
When two movements collide: Learning from labour and environmental struggles for future Just Transitions26
The six scenario archetypes framework: A systematic investigation of science fiction films set in the future26
Science, the endless frontier of regulatory capture26
Digital futures of small businesses and entrepreneurial opportunity26
Strategy for collectives and common goods26
The future of unmanned combat aerial vehicles: An analysis using the Three Horizons framework26
Stakeholders’ preferences for the future of transport in Europe: Participatory evaluation of scenarios combining scenario planning and the multi-actor multi-criteria analysis25
Types of scenario planning and their effectiveness: A review of reviews25
Is co-production a ‘good’ concept? Three responses24
Individual futures consciousness: Psychology behind the five-dimensional Futures Consciousness scale24
Collaborative speculation: Anticipation, inclusion and designing counterfactual futures for appropriation23
The risk of catastrophic climate change: Future energy implications23
Societal collapse: A literature review23
Looking backward to the future: On past-facing approaches to futuring23
Governing through strategies: How does Finland sustain a future-oriented environmental policy for the long term?22
The evolution of Foresight: What evidence is there in scientific publications?22
Levelling the playing field? Towards a critical-social perspective on digital entrepreneurship21
Extending the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) to support local adaptation planning—A climate service for Flensburg, Germany21
Axiological futurism: The systematic study of the future of values21
‘Solving for X?’ Towards a problem-finding framework to ground long-term governance strategies for artificial intelligence19
Small firms as agents of sustainable change19
Futures of the social metabolism: Degrowth, circular economy and the value of waste19
Energy regime reconfiguration and just transitions in the Global South: Lessons for West Africa from Morocco’s comparative experience19
Assessing the options for combatting democratic myopia and safeguarding long-term interests18
Five key dimensions of post-growth business: Putting the pieces together18
Moral circle expansion: A promising strategy to impact the far future18
Fifteen shadows of socio-cultural AI: A systematic review and future perspectives18
Building plausible futures: Scenario-based strategic planning of industrial development of Kyrgyzstan18
Imagining transformation: Change agent narratives of sustainable futures17
The German energy transition and the eroding consensus on ecological modernization: A radical democratic perspective on conflicts over competing justice claims and energy visions17
An integrated framework for anticipating the future and dealing with uncertainty in policymaking16
Public acceptance of post-growth: Factors and implications for post-growth strategy16
The future of aging in smart environments: Four scenarios of the United States in 205016
The FutureS of healthcare16
Extended Peer Communities: Appraising the contributions of tacit knowledges in climate change decision-making16
Systematic analysis of development in Iran’s tourism market in the form of future study: A new method of strategic planning16
The future is flexible? Exploring expert visions of energy system decarbonisation16
Futures literacy through narrative16
Strengthening foresight for governance of social-ecological systems: An interdisciplinary perspective16
Future space missions and human enhancement: Medical and ethical challenges15
Creating futures images for sustainable cruise ships: Insights on collaborative foresight for sustainability enhancement15
The challenges of futures literacy15
Taking power seriously: Towards a power-sensitive approach for transdisciplinary action research15
The adoption, diffusion & categorical ambiguity trifecta of social robots in e-health – Insights from healthcare professionals15
The ambiguities of uncertainty: A review of uncertainty frameworks relevant to the assessment of environmental change14
A socio-technical lens on security in sustainability transitions: Future expectations for positive and negative security14
Building individual futures capacity through transformative futures learning14
On the evolution of maritime ports towards the Physical Internet14
There is no such thing as a short-term issue13
Shifting the perception of water environment problems by introducing “imaginary future generations”—Evidence from participatory workshop in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam13
Operationalising transboundary cooperation through game theory: An energy water food nexus approach for the Middle East and North Africa13
Was Germany’s Lockdown in Spring 2020 Necessary? How Bad Data Quality Can Turn a Simulation Into a Delusion that Shapes the Future13
Mastering futures literacy in higher education: An evaluation of learning outcomes and instructional design of a faculty development program13
Technology, capital substitution and labor dynamics: global workforce disruption in the 21st century?13
International risk of food insecurity and mass mortality in a runaway global warming scenario13
Collaborative imagination: A methodological approach13
Home-based work in cities: In search of an appropriate urban planning response12
The Driverless Cars Emulsion: Using participatory foresight and constructive conflict to address transport’s wicked problems12
Embedding imaginaries- electric vehicles in Sweden's fossil fuel free future12
The social construction of futures12
Medicine of the future: How and who is going to treat us?12
A futures perspective of health, climate change and poverty in the United States12
Unifying weak signals definitions to improve construct understanding12
Envisioning the futures of cultural tourism12
Disruptive Technologies for e-Diasporas: Blockchain, DAOs, Data Cooperatives, Metaverse, and ChatGPT12
Using foresight to explore the impacts of flooding in Houston on health, poverty, and equity out to 205012
Foregrounding citizen imaginaries: Exploring just energy futures through a citizens' assembly in Lebanon11
The future of the forest-based bioeconomy in selected southeast European countries11
Sensemaking and lens-shaping: Identifying citizen contributions to foresight through comparative topic modelling11
Towards purposeful business schools: Deepening and broadening external engagement11
From narratives to numbers: Spatial downscaling and quantification of future water, food & energy security requirements in the Indus basin11
Images of the future for a circular economy: The case of Finland11
Foresight and design fictions meet at a policy lab: An experimentation approach in public sector innovation11
Systemic knowledge integration in transdisciplinary and sustainability transformation research11
Reinvention paths and reinvention paradox: Strategic change in Western Newfoundland communities11
How to visualise futures studies concepts: Revision of the futures cone11
Just mobility futures: Challenges for e-mobility transitions from a global perspective11
Approaches to anticipatory governance in West Africa: How conceptions of the future have implications for climate action in the present11
Barriers to developing futures literacy in organisations10
Unpacking the modelling process via sensitivity auditing10
Decolonial feminisms and degrowth10
Collaborative design prototyping in transdisciplinary research: An approach to heterogeneity and unknowns10
New frontiers in local government community engagement: Towards transformative place-based futures10
Is Generation Z ready to fly into the space? The future of tourism is coming10
Collective scenarios: Speculative improvisations for the Anthropocene10
What life-course research can contribute to futures studies9
Systemic sustainability effects of contemporary digitalization: A scoping review and research agenda9
Paving the pathways towards sustainable future? A critical assessment of STI policy roadmaps as policy instruments for sustainability transitions9
A simulation exercise for incorporating long-term path dependencies in urgent decision-making9
Prospects of a transition to the knowledge economy in Saudi Arabia and Qatar: A critical reflection through the lens of spatial embeddedness and evolutionary governance theory9
Integrating uncertainties through participatory approaches: On the burden of cognitive exclusion and infodemic in a post-normal pandemic9
(De)futuring democracy: Labs, playgrounds, and ateliers as democratic innovations9
“Just the freedom to get good at things and stuff like that”: Why spending less time at work would be good for individual, social and environmental wellbeing9
Building scenarios for urban mobility in 2030: The combination of cross-impact balance analysis with participatory stakeholder workshops9
The future vision(s) of AI health in the Nordics: Comparing the national AI strategies9
Better research through more participation? The future of integrated climate change assessments9
In search of sectoral foresight methodology: Bridging foresight and sectoral system of innovation and production9
Constructing practice-oriented futures for sustainable urban food policy in Bangkok9
Back to the future: Old values for a new (more equal) world9
Anticipating and planning for mine closure in South Africa9
Why space exploitation may provide sustainable development: Climate ethics and the human future as a multi-planetary species8
Designing future experiences of the everyday: Pointers for methodical expansion of sustainability transitions research8
Picture the future, play the present: Re-imagining sustainable cities through a large-scale location-based game8
Future touch in industry: Exploring sociotechnical imaginaries of tactile (tele)robots8
Designing early warning systems for detecting systemic risk: A case study and discussion8
Contested net-zero target setting in a transitioning country: The case of South Korea8
Anticipating human resilience and vulnerability on the path to 2030: What can we learn from COVID-19?8
In search of plan(et) B: Irrational rationality, capitalist realism, and space colonization8
Young people’s situated capacity to imagine a desired post-pandemic future: A qualitative methodology for assessing futures consciousness8
An outline of future-oriented dialectics: Conceptualising dialectical positions, trajectories and processes in the context of futures research8
A common ground? Constructing and exploring scenarios for infrastructure network-of-networks8
Exploring potential futures: Evaluating the influence of deep uncertainties in urban planning through scenario planning: A case study in Rome, Italy8
Mind the gap! Backcasting local actors’ climate transition in Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm8
Branded activism: Navigating the tension between culture and market in social media8
Empowering change for future-making: Developing agency by framing wicked problems through design8
The making of Antarctic futures: Participatory game design at the interface between science and policy8
Strategic spatial planning through pragmatic blueprints: Forms and levels of adaptivity in modernist planning of the Dutch IJsselmeerpolders8
Extending the shared socioeconomic pathways for adaptation planning of blue tourism8
Governing technological zones, making national renewable energy futures8
Empowering upcoming city developers with futures literacy8
Risks of space colonization8
Applying pedagogical theories to understand learning in participatory scenario planning8
Digital futures of small businesses and entrepreneurial opportunity8
Governance modes and epistemologies of future-oriented vulnerability assessments: Example of a mixed-methods approach8
Entrepreneurial foresight: Discovery of future opportunities7
Bricolage and informal businesses: Young entrepreneurs in the mobile telephony sector in Accra, Ghana7
Deepening futures methods to face the civilisational crisis7
Shifting towards non-anthropocentrism: In dialogue with speculative design futures7
Deriving new anticipation-based policy instruments for attracting research and development and innovation in global value chains to Europe7
Research is in the air in Valle del Serchio7
Probability and desirability of future developments – Results of a large-scale Argumentative Delphi in support of Horizon Europe preparation7
An autoethnography about writing an eco-fiction on the Flemish circular economy7
Strategy’s futures7
Participatory utopian sketching: A methodological framework for collaborative citizen (re)imagination of urban spatial futures7
Coping with uncertainty: Exploring the foresight actions’ role in supporting growth-orientation among Finnish dairy farmers7
Shitty food-based world-making: Recasting human|microbiome relationships beyond shame and taboo7
Understanding feminist anticipation through ‘back-talk’: 3 narratives of willful, deviant, and care-full co-design practices7
Whose future is it anyway? Struggles for just energy futures7
How does research and development (R&D) strategy shift by adopting imaginary future generations? – Insights from future design practice in a water engineering company7
New spaces for healthcare futures studies: Connecting existing theory to deeper participatory practice7
Unavoidable futures? How governments articulate sociotechnical imaginaries of AI and healthcare services7
Foresight and responsible innovation: Openness and closure in anticipatory heuristics7
How social practices inform the future as method: Describing personas in an energy transition while engaging with teleoaffectivities7