Economy and Society

(The TQCC of Economy and Society is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
More-than-national and less-than-global: The biochemical infrastructure of vaccine manufacturing40
Recentering central banks: Theorizing state-economy boundaries as central bank effects39
The temporalities of prices: ‘Value-based pricing’ in pharmaceutical markets33
Labour market dualization, permanent insecurity and fertility: The case of ultra-low fertility in South Korea27
Financialization and assetization: Assets as sites of financial power struggles26
The challenges of assets: Anatomy of an economic form24
Social Impact Bond assetization struggles: A comparative case study of the United Kingdom and Germany22
Economizing chemical compounds: The production of qualities in Turkish olive oil18
Flaunt the imperfections: Information, entanglements and the regulation of London’s Alternative Investment Market16
Life as debt, or debt to life? Water, finance and infrastructure16
Export taxes in Argentina: Embedded ideas of state interventionism16
Governing urban resilience: Insurance and the problematization of climate change15
Human technologies, affect and the global psy-complex15
Clouded futures: Economic barometers and the making of the unpredictable economy14
Recentring the margins: Theorizing African capitalism after 50 years13
Exchanging expectations: Abenomics and the politics of finance in post-Fukushima Japan13
Life and debt: A view from the south12
Insurantialization and the moral economy ofex anterisk management in the Caribbean12
Debt at a distance: Counter-collection strategies and financial subjectivities of China’s working-class defaulters during COVID-1912
Affective technologies of welfare deterrence in Australia and the United Kingdom11
Public, libre, commons: On the logics, logistics and locations of democratic participation in the digital age11
The marketization of the French public finance before capitalism: The paulette edict of 160411
Dependence on independence: Central bank lawyers and the (un)making of the European economy11
Elinor Ostrom and public health10
Independence without purpose? Macroprudential regulation at the Bundesbank10
Housing and economic inequality in the long run: The retreat of owner occupation9
(De-)assetizing pharmaceutical patents: Patent contestations behind a blockbuster drug9
Global environmental accounting and the remaking of the economy-environment boundary9
Metaverses and virtual real estate markets: The commodification and assetization of the digital8
Bitcoin, techno-utopianism and populism: Unveiling Bukele’s crypto-populism in El Salvador’s adoption of Bitcoin8
What counts as productive? Redefining ‘producers’ in economic discourse, 1890–19608
A little street vending stall in the metropolis: Designerly intervention and urban governance in Seoul8