International Journal of Wildland Fire

(The TQCC of International Journal of Wildland Fire is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Thirty years of IJWF49
Systematising experts’ understanding of traditional burning in Portugal: a mental model approach48
Evaluating the Drought Code for lowland taiga of Interior Alaska using eddy covariance measurements32
Observations of a rotating pyroconvective plume31
Review of approaches and challenges for the validation of satellite-based active fire products in savannah ecosystems29
Observations of wildfire spread dynamics in southern Australian grasslands23
Vegetation phenology as a key driver for fire occurrence in the UK and comparable humid temperate regions23
Book Review22
Fire – the influence of an extreme habitat disturbance on a threatened population of Desmoulin’s whorl snail: a case study from Poland22
Corrigendum to: Wildland fire evacuations in Canada from 1980 to 202122
Tree spatial pattern and mortality prediction in burned patches of Dahurian larch (21
IJWF Outstanding Associate Editor Award 2021: Marc-André Parisien20
A dynamic and evidence-based approach to mapping burn potential20
Table of Contents19
Table of Contents18
Recent change of burned area associated with summer heat extremes over Iberia18
Post-wildfire contamination of soils and sediments by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in north-central British Columbia, Canada18
A response to comments of Cruz et al. on: ‘Simulation study of grass fire using a physics-based model: striving towards numerical rigour and the effect of grass height on the rate of spread'17
Table of Contents15
Corrigendum to: Fire Danger Rating System: implementing fire behaviour calculations to forecast fire danger in a research prototype15
<i>Corrigendum to</i>: Integrating remotely sensed fuel variables into wildfire danger assessment for China15
Assessment of wildland firefighter opinions and experiences related to incident medical providers15
A framework for defining fire danger to support fire management operations in Australia†15
Mapping the ethical landscape of wildland fire management: setting an agendum for research and deliberation on the applied ethics of wildland fire14
Regional drought synchronised historical fires in dry forests of the Montane Cordillera Ecozone, Canada14
Prescribed burning on private land: reflections on recent law reform in Australia and California14
Making choices: prioritising the protection of biodiversity in wildfires14
Interactions of non-intersecting oblique lines of fire burning in surface fuels in a combustion wind tunnel with and without wind14
Linking crown fire likelihood with post-fire spectral variability in Mediterranean fire-prone ecosystems14
Drivers of international fire management personnel deployed to the United States14
Table of Contents13
MODIS-based smoke detection shows that daily smoke cover dampens fire severity in initial burns but not reburns in complex terrain13
Compiling historical descriptions of past Indigenous cultural burning: a dataset for the eastern United States12
Improved logistic models of crown fire probability in Canadian conifer forests12
‘Any prediction is better than none’? A study of the perceptions of fire behaviour analysis users in Australia12
Likelihood of implementing fuel reduction treatments on nonindustrial private forest lands12
Variability in wildland fuel patches following high-severity fire and post-fire treatments in the northern Sierra Nevada12
Effect of initial generating eddy height on formation and flame geometry of fire whirl12
Spot ignition of a wildland fire and its transition to propagation11
Fire on a tropical floodplain: a fine-scale fire history of coastal floodplains in the Northern Territory, Australia11
The importance of small fires for wildfire hazard in urbanised landscapes of the northeastern US11
Fire propensity in Amazon savannas and rainforest and effects under future climate change11
Influence of fuel structure on gorse fire behaviour11
Non-parametric comparative analysis of the spatiotemporal pattern of human-caused and natural wildfires in Galicia11
Prescribed fire increases forage mineral content in grazed rangeland11
FireFormer: an efficient Transformer to identify forest fire from surveillance cameras10
The relationship between wind speed and satellite measurements of fire radiative power10
Mapping smouldering fire potential in boreal peatlands and assessing interactions with the wildland–human interface in Alberta, Canada10
Collective action for managing wildfire risk across boundaries in forest and range landscapes: lessons from case studies in the western United States10
Quantifying burned area of wildfires in the western United States from polar-orbiting and geostationary satellite active-fire detections10
Corrigendum to: Extending methods for assessing fuel hazard in temperate Australia to enhance data quality and consistency10
GAMBUT field experiment of peatland wildfires in Sumatra: from ignition to spread and suppression10
Impacts of changing fire regimes on hollow-bearing trees in south-eastern Australia10
An analysis of fatalities from forest fires in China, 1951–201810
Traditional use of field burning in Ireland: history, culture and contemporary practice in the uplands10
Signs of resilience in resprouting10
PeatFire: an agent-based model to simulate fire ignition and spreading in a tropical peatland ecosystem9
Pre-fire assessment of post-fire debris-flow hazards in the Santa Fe Municipal Watershed9
Factors influencing wildfire management decisions after the 2009 US federal policy update9
Operationalising homeowner wildfire risk mitigation in fire-prone areas9
Fire whirls induced by a line fire on a windward slope: a laboratory-scale study9
Tree height is more important than bark thickness, leaf habit or habitat preference to survive fire in the cerrado of south-east Brazil9
The sum of small parts: changing landscape fire regimes across multiple small landholdings in north-western Australia with collaborative fire management9
Projecting live fuel moisture content via deep learning9
Live trial performance of the Australian Fire Danger Rating System – Research Prototype†9
Before the fire: predicting burn severity and potential post-fire debris-flow hazards to conservation populations of the Colorado River Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii pleuriticus)9
Testing simple approaches to map sediment mobilisation hotspots after wildfires8
Post-fire clumping of seedlings of Cape Proteaceae species: ecological, evolutionary and conservation implications8
Predicting terrain-induced wind turbulence for smokejumper parachute operations8
Delayed effect of thermal treatment on breaking physical seed dormancy: intrapopulation variation and implications for soil seed banks8
Nature-based solutions to wildfires in rural landscapes of Southern Europe: let’s be fire-smart!8
Modelling initial attack success on forest fires suppressed by air attack in the province of Ontario, Canada8
More smoke today for less smoke tomorrow? We need to better understand the public health benefits and costs of prescribed fire8
Future regional increases in simultaneous large Western USA wildfires8
Understanding the challenges in bushfire map use and effective decision-making amongst the Australian public8
Grasshopper abundance and offtake increase after prescribed fire in semi-arid grassland8
Factors influencing the development of violent pyroconvection. Part II: fire geometry and intensity8
GAMBUT field measurement of emissions from a tropical peatland fire experiment: from ignition to spread to suppression7
Study on the ground fraction of air tankers7
An exploratory analysis of forest fine fuel consumption and accumulation using forest inventory data and fire history7
Physics-based modelling for mapping firebrand flux and heat load on structures in the wildland–urban interface7
Objective identification of thunderstorm gust fronts in numerical weather prediction models for fire weather forecasting7
Early forest flame and smoke detection based on improved feature extraction module with enhanced image processing inspired by YOLOV77
Long-term post-fire succession of reptiles in an urban remnant in south-western Australia7
Extension of the Balbi fire spread model to include the field scale conditions of shrubland fires7
Contemporary (1984–2020) fire history metrics for the conterminous United States and ecoregional differences by land ownership7
Moisture content variation of ground vegetation fuels in boreal mesic and sub-xeric mineral soil forests in Finland7
A phenology-driven fire danger index for northern grasslands7
Deep peat fire persistently smouldering for weeks: a laboratory demonstration7
Numerical simulation of aerial liquid drops of Canadair CL-415 and Dash-8 airtankers7
Effect of tree wood density on energy release and charcoal reflectance under constant heat exposure7
Australian Fire Danger Rating System Research Prototype: a climatology†7
Downscaled GCM climate projections of fire weather over Victoria, Australia. Part 16
Perception of wildfire behaviour potential among Swedish incident commanders, and their fire suppression tactics revealed through tabletop exercises6
Shifting conflict into collaboration: peatland fires mitigation in the biosphere conservation transition zone in Sumatra, Indonesia6
Using PODs to integrate fire and fuels planning6
Factors influencing ember accumulation near a building6
Simulation-based high-resolution fire danger mapping using deep learning6
Slope effect on junction fire with two non-symmetric fire fronts6
On the non-monotonic behaviour of fire spread6
An approach to integrated data management for three-dimensional, time-dependent fire behaviour model evaluation6
Table of Contents6
LEF-YOLO: a lightweight method for intelligent detection of four extreme wildfires based on the YOLO framework6
A comparative study of the combustion dynamics and flame properties of dead Mediterranean plants6
Bridging knowledge gaps on the role of spatial planning in wildfire risk reduction: insights from Portugal6
Effects of the wildfires in August 2021 on the air quality of Athens through a numerical simulation6
Smoke emissions from the extreme wildfire events in central Portugal in October 20176
Transitioning operational satellite grassland curing from MODIS to VIIRS6
Predicting burn severity for integration with post-fire debris-flow hazard assessment: a case study from the Upper Colorado River Basin, USA6
Fighting wildfires: predicting initial attack success across Victoria, Australia6
The distributed strategy for asynchronous observations in data-driven wildland fire spread prediction6
Bark charcoal reflectance may have the potential to estimate the heat delivered to tree boles by wildland fires6
Fire and habitat variables explain reptile community abundance and richness in subtropical open eucalypt forests6
Crown fire initiation of a thunderstorm6
Field and full-scale laboratory testing of prototype wildland fire shelters6
Expanding our understanding of nitrogen dynamics after fire: how severe fire and aridity reduce ecosystem nitrogen retention6