BMC Medical Research Methodology

(The TQCC of BMC Medical Research Methodology is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
The Preventiometer - reliability of a cardiovascular multi-device measurement platform and its measurement agreement with a cohort study338
Psychometric validation techniques applied to the IND-VFQ-33 visual function questionnaire: the Hyderabad ocular morbidity in the elderly study (HOMES)310
Assessment of the E-value in the presence of bias amplification: a simulation study305
Understanding facilitators of research participation among adults with self-reported chronic pain – a survey examining hypothetical research participation218
Regression models for interval censored data using parametric pseudo-observations165
Tailored approach to participant recruitment and retention to maximize health equity in pediatric cancer research136
Adjusting for outcome risk factors in immigrant datasets: total or direct effects?135
Development of a diagnostic predictive model for determining child stunting in Malawi: a comparative analysis of variable selection approaches94
Dynamic prediction based on variability of a longitudinal biomarker92
The proper application of logistic regression model in complex survey data: a systematic review88
Clinical systematic reviews – a brief overview77
Which test for crossing survival curves? A user’s guideline75
Outbreaks of publications about emerging infectious diseases: the case of SARS-CoV-2 and Zika virus69
A data-driven pipeline to extract potential adverse drug reactions through prescription, procedures and medical diagnoses analysis: application to a cohort study of 2,010 patients taking hydroxychloro68
crossnma: An R package to synthesize cross-design evidence and cross-format data using network meta-analysis and network meta-regression67
Do authors of systematic reviews of epidemiological observational studies assess the methodologies of the included primary studies? An empirical examination of methodological tool use in the literatur64
Prognostic score-based model averaging approach for propensity score estimation64
Immortal time bias for life-long conditions in retrospective observational studies using electronic health records60
Spatial data analysis of malnutrition among children under-five years in Ethiopia58
Impact of different unconditional monetary incentives on survey response rates in men with prostate cancer: a 2-arm randomised trial57
Informed Bayesian survival analysis57
Using electronic health records to inform trial feasibility in a rare autoimmune blistering skin disease in England53
A clinical phase I dose-finding design with adaptive shrinking boundaries for drug combination trials50
Dementia risk prediction in individuals with mild cognitive impairment: a comparison of Cox regression and machine learning models48
An ego-centred approach for the evaluation of spatial effects on health in urban areas based on parametric semi-variogram models: concept and validation45
Better performance for right-skewed data using an alternative gamma model44
BivRec: an R package for the nonparametric and semiparametric analysis of bivariate alternating recurrent events41
An improved method for the effect estimation of the intermediate event on the outcome based on the susceptible pre-identification41
Investigating factors affecting the interval between a burn and the start of treatment using data mining methods and logistic regression41
Clinical research activities during COVID-19: the point of view of a promoter of academic clinical trials40
Comparison of statistical methods for the analysis of recurrent adverse events in the presence of non-proportional hazards and unobserved heterogeneity: a simulation study40
Methodological identification of anomalies episodes in ECG streams: a systematic mapping study39
Ripple effects mapping: capturing the wider impacts of systems change efforts in public health38
Interactive molecular causal networks of hypertension using a fast machine learning algorithm MRdualPC38
Use of systems thinking and adapted group model building methods to understand patterns of technology use among older adults with type 1 diabetes: a preliminary process evaluation36
Detecting the patient’s need for help with machine learning based on expressions35
A new infodemiological approach through Google Trends: longitudinal analysis of COVID-19 scientific and infodemic names in Italy35
An investigation of the constancy of effect in Cochrane systematic reviews in context with the assumptions for noninferiority trials34
Classification of PR-positive and PR-negative subtypes in ER-positive and HER2-negative breast cancers based on pathway scores33
Methodological assessment of systematic reviews of in-vitro dental studies32
Neutral theory: applicability and neutrality of using generic health-related quality of life tools in diseases or conditions where specific tools are available32
Interchangeability and optimization of heart rate methods for estimating oxygen uptake in ergometer cycling, level treadmill walking and running32
CalScope: methodology and lessons learned for conducting a remote statewide SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence study in California using an at-home dried blood spot collection kit and online survey31
Advancing data science in drug development through an innovative computational framework for data sharing and statistical analysis31
Comparison of reference distributions acquired by direct and indirect sampling techniques: exemplified with the Pediatric Reference Interval in China (PRINCE) study31
Implementing multiple imputations for addressing missing data in multireader multicase design studies30
Reporting and communication of sample size calculations in adaptive clinical trials: a review of trial protocols and grant applications29
A framework to model global, regional, and national estimates of intimate partner violence29
Pre-statistical harmonization of behavioral instruments across eight surveys and trials28
Group sequential designs for pragmatic clinical trials with early outcomes: methods and guidance for planning and implementation28
Evaluation of multiple imputation approaches for handling missing covariate information in a case-cohort study with a binary outcome28
Modeling heart rate of individual and team manual handling with one hand using generalized additive mixed models28
Ensuring cross-cultural data comparability by means of anchoring vignettes in heterogeneous refugee samples27
Comparing outcomes from tailored meta-analysis with outcomes from a setting specific test accuracy study using routine data of faecal calprotectin testing for inflammatory bowel disease27
Recruitment methods and yield rates in a clinical trial of physical exercise for older adults with hypertension—HAEL Study: a study within a trial27
Addressing misclassification bias in vaccine effectiveness studies with an application to Covid-1926
Promoting data harmonization to evaluate vaccine hesitancy in LMICs: approach and applications25
Interdisciplinary sport injury research and the integration of qualitative and quantitative data25
A gated group sequential design for seamless Phase II/III trial with subpopulation selection25
Joint analysis of PK and immunogenicity outcomes using factorization model − a powerful approach for PK similarity study25
Data quality in an HIV vaccine efficacy clinical trial in South Africa: through natural disasters and with discipline24
Should RECOVERY have used response adaptive randomisation? Evidence from a simulation study24
Modular literature review: a novel systematic search and review method to support priority setting in health policy and practice24
Functional data analysis to characterize disease patterns in frequent longitudinal data: application to bacterial vaginal microbiota patterns using weekly Nugent scores and identification of pattern-s24
A compartmental model for smoking dynamics in Italy: a pipeline for inference, validation, and forecasting under hypothetical scenarios24
Safety analysis of new medications in clinical trials: a simulation study to assess the differences between cause-specific and subdistribution frameworks in the presence of competing events23
Longitudinal mediation analysis with multilevel and latent growth models: a separable effects causal approach22
The iterative bisection procedure: a useful tool for determining parameter values in data-generating processes in Monte Carlo simulations22
Evaluation of Bayesian spatiotemporal infectious disease models for prospective surveillance analysis22
Tracking modifications to implementation strategies: a case study from SNaP - a hybrid type III randomized controlled trial to scale up integrated systems navigation and psychosocial counseling for PW22
Should multiple imputation be stratified by exposure group when estimating causal effects via outcome regression in observational studies?22
A spatial obesity risk score for describing the obesogenic environment using kernel density estimation: development and parameter variation21
MetaAnalyst: a user-friendly tool for metagenomic biomarker detection and phenotype classification21
Adaptations for remote research work: a modified web-push strategy compared to a mail-only strategy for administering a survey of healthcare experiences21
Mind the gap: covariate constrained randomisation can protect against substantial power loss in parallel cluster randomised trials20
Application of the multiple dependent state sampling strategy to late adolescent suicide rates20
Simulation analysis of an adjusted gravity model for hospital admissions robust to incomplete data20
A Bayesian network perspective on neonatal pneumonia in pregnant women with diabetes mellitus20
How well did the consensus methods apply in the guideline development of traditional Chinese medicine: a web-based survey in China19
Construction of the Armenian Surname List (ASL) for public health research19
Raking of data from a large Australian cohort study improves generalisability of estimates of prevalence of health and behaviour characteristics and cancer incidence19
Patient regional index: a new way to rank clinical specialties based on outpatient clinics big data19
IBIS: identify biomarker-based subgroups with a Bayesian enrichment design for targeted combination therapy19
Adaptive designs in critical care trials: a simulation study18
regCOVID: Tracking publications of registered COVID-19 studies18
Identification of difficult laryngoscopy using an optimized hybrid architecture18
Sex-specific analysis of traumatic brain injury events: applying computational and data visualization techniques to inform prevention and management18
Interpretable generalized neural additive models for mortality prediction of COVID-19 hospitalized patients in Hamadan, Iran18
The INSPIRE Population Survey: development, dissemination and respondent characteristics18
Reasons for missing evidence in rehabilitation meta-analyses: a cross-sectional meta-research study17
Comparing statistical methods in assessing the prognostic effect of biomarker variability on time-to-event clinical outcomes17
Correction of vaccine effectiveness derived from test-negative case–control studies17
Standard of care for COVID-19 in randomized clinical trials registered in trial registries and published in preprint servers and scholarly journals: a cross-sectional study17
Designing tailored maintenance strategies for systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines using the Portfolio Maintenance by Test-Treatment (POMBYTT) framework16
Combining propensity score methods with variational autoencoders for generating synthetic data in presence of latent sub-groups16
Major mistakes or errors in the use of trial sequential analysis in systematic reviews or meta-analyses – the METSA systematic review16
Multiple imputation to quantify misclassification in observational studies of the cognitively impaired: an application for pain assessment in nursing home residents16
Gaps in the usage and reporting of multiple imputation for incomplete data: findings from a scoping review of observational studies addressing causal questions16
Accelerating evidence synthesis for safety assessment through platform: a feasibility study16
Evaluation of the Fill-it-up-design to use historical control data in randomized clinical trials with two arm parallel group design16
Constructing within and between hospital physician social networks for modeling physician research participation15
Comparison between asymptotic and re-randomisation tests under non-proportional hazards in a randomised controlled trial using the minimisation method15
The endorsement of general and artificial intelligence reporting guidelines in radiological journals: a meta-research study15
The reporting of prognostic prediction models for obstetric care was poor: a cross-sectional survey of 10-year publications15
Neutral theory: applicability and neutrality of clinical study endpoints where a disease-specific instrument is available15
Responsiveness of different pain measures and recall periods in people undergoing surgery after a period of splinting for basal thumb joint osteoarthritis15
Frequency-based rare diagnoses as a novel and accessible approach for studying rare diseases in large datasets: a cross-sectional study15
Does imbalance in chest X-ray datasets produce biased deep learning approaches for COVID-19 screening?14
coreSCD: multi-stakeholder consensus on core outcomes for sickle cell disease clinical trials14
Developing survey weights to ensure representativeness in a national, matched cohort study: results from the children and young people with Long Covid (CLoCk) study14
Growth mixture models: a case example of the longitudinal analysis of patient‐reported outcomes data captured by a clinical registry14
Predicting the presence of depressive symptoms in the HIV-HCV co-infected population in Canada using supervised machine learning14
Telephone peer recruitment and interviewing during a respondent-driven sampling (RDS) survey: feasibility and field experience from the first phone-based RDS survey among men who have sex with men in 14
Modelling of intensive care unit (ICU) length of stay as a quality measure: a problematic exercise14
The impact of iterative removal of low-information cluster-period cells from a stepped wedge design14
Methodology for the adolopment of recommendations for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia14
External validation of the American prediction model for incident type 2 diabetes in the Iranian population14
Central data monitoring in the multicentre randomised SafeBoosC-III trial – a pragmatic approach14
The validity, reliability and feasibility of four instruments for assessing the consciousness of stroke patients in a neurological intensive care unit compared14
Bayesian mendelian randomization with study heterogeneity and data partitioning for large studies14
Effects of different invitation strategies on participation in a cohort study of Iranian public sector employees: a cluster randomized trial13
Guidelines are needed for studies of pre-treatment HIV drug resistance: a methodological study13
Contextual effects: how to, and how not to, quantify them13
The analysis and reporting of multiple outcomes in mental health trials: a methodological systematic review13
Cluster randomised trials with a binary outcome and a small number of clusters: comparison of individual and cluster level analysis method13
Time and change: a typology for presenting research findings in qualitative longitudinal research13
The use of sequential multiple assignment randomized trials (SMARTs) in physical activity interventions: a systematic review13
Robustness assessment of regressions using cluster analysis typologies: a bootstrap procedure with application in state sequence analysis13
Are morbidity and mortality estimates from randomized controlled trials externally valid? A comparison of outcomes among infants enrolled into an RCT or a cohort study in Botswana13
Reporting of interventional clinical trial results in an academic center: a survey of completed studies13
CRIME-Q—a unifying tool for critical appraisal of methodological (technical) quality, quality of reporting and risk of bias in animal research13
Addressing treatment switching in the ALTA-1L trial with g-methods: exploring the impact of model specification12
Developing a dynamic simulation model to support the nationwide implementation of whole genome sequencing in lung cancer12
Recruitment into antibody prevalence studies: a randomized trial of postcards vs. letters as invitations12
Systematic reviews and meta-analysis published in indexed Portuguese medical journals: time trends and critical appraisal12
Methodological aspects for accelerometer-based assessment of physical activity in heart failure and health12
Toward value-based care using cost mining: cost aggregation and visualization across the entire colorectal cancer patient pathway12
Effects of missing data imputation methods on univariate blood pressure time series data analysis and forecasting with ARIMA and LSTM12
External validation of existing dementia prediction models on observational health data12
Grouped data with survey revision12
A meta-review demonstrates improved reporting quality of qualitative reviews following the publication of COREQ- and ENTREQ-checklists, regardless of modest uptake12
Estimation of marginal structural models under irregular visits and unmeasured confounder: calibrated inverse probability weights12
Research monitoring practices in critical care research: a survey of current state and attitudes12
Fast and optimal algorithm for case-control matching using registry data: application on the antibiotics use of colorectal cancer patients12
Systematic review and meta analysis of differential attrition between active and control arms in randomized controlled trials of lifestyle interventions in chronic disease11
Satisfaction and experience with colorectal cancer screening: a systematic review of validated patient reported outcome measures11
Flexible Bayesian semiparametric mixed-effects model for skewed longitudinal data11
A comparison of statistical methods for modeling count data with an application to hospital length of stay11
An evaluation of computational methods for aggregate data meta-analyses of diagnostic test accuracy studies11
Similarities, reliability and gaps in assessing the quality of conduct of systematic reviews using AMSTAR-2 and ROBIS: systematic survey of nutrition reviews11
Making implementation science more real11
Evaluating the current methodological practices and issues in existing literature in pooling complex surveys: a systematic review11
Risk prediction in multicentre studies when there is confounding by cluster or informative cluster size11
Choices of measures of association affect the visualisation and composition of the multimorbidity networks11
Estimating restricted mean survival time and expected life-years lost in the presence of competing risks within flexible parametric survival models11
The effect of home visits as an additional recruitment step on the composition of the final sample: a cross-sectional analysis in two study centers of the German National Cohort (NAKO)11
The optimal approach for retrieving systematic reviews was achieved when searching MEDLINE and Epistemonikos in addition to reference checking: a methodological validation study11
Test–retest reliability of selected HBSC items in Vietnam: well-being, physical and sedentary activities, and eating behaviours11
Sample size requirements are not being considered in studies developing prediction models for binary outcomes: a systematic review11
Outcome risk model development for heterogeneity of treatment effect analyses: a comparison of non-parametric machine learning methods and semi-parametric statistical methods11
Bayesian Mendelian randomization with an interval causal null hypothesis: ternary decision rules and loss function calibration10
Multistate Markov chain modeling for child undernutrition transitions in Ethiopia: a longitudinal data analysis, 2002–201610
Inverse probability weighting to handle attrition in cohort studies: some guidance and a call for caution10
geessbin: an R package for analyzing small-sample binary data using modified generalized estimating equations with bias-adjusted covariance estimators10
Comparing current and emerging practice models for the extrapolation of survival data: a simulation study and case-study10
Internal validation of self-reported case numbers in hospital quality reports: preparing secondary data for health services research10
Multiple imputation using auxiliary imputation variables that only predict missingness can increase bias due to data missing not at random10
Weighted metrics are required when evaluating the performance of prediction models in nested case–control studies10
Motivations for enrollment in a COVID-19 ring-based post-exposure prophylaxis trial: qualitative examination of participant experiences10
Predictive P-score for treatment ranking in Bayesian network meta-analysis10
Application of the estimand framework for an emulated trial using reference based multiple imputation to investigate informative censoring10
Predicting lung cancer survival prognosis based on the conditional survival bayesian network10
The impact of different censoring methods for analyzing survival using real-world data with linked mortality information: a simulation study10
Comparative age-period-cohort analysis10
unmconf : an R package for Bayesian regression with unmeasured confounders10
Analyzing missingness patterns in real-world data using the SMDI toolkit: application to a linked EHR-claims pharmacoepidemiology study10
Towards realist-informed ripple effects mapping (RREM): positioning the approach10
Forecasting COVID-19 cases using time series modeling and association rule mining10
Two-step spatiotemporal anomaly detection corrected for lag reporting time with application to real-time dengue surveillance in Thailand10
FOUNTAIN: a modular research platform for integrated real-world evidence generation10
Using a distribution-based approach and systematic review methods to derive minimum clinically important differences10
Prediction of congenital heart disease for newborns: comparative analysis of Holt-Winters exponential smoothing and autoregressive integrated moving average models9
The methodological quality assessment of systematic reviews/meta-analyses of chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome using AMSTAR29
Machine learning in medicine: a practical introduction to natural language processing9
Power and sample size calculation for incremental net benefit in cost effectiveness analyses with applications to trials conducted by the Canadian Cancer Trials Group9
Use and misuse of random forest variable importance metrics in medicine: demonstrations through incident stroke prediction9
More than one third of clinical practice guidelines on low back pain overlap in AGREE II appraisals. Research wasted?9
Modelling wound area in studies of wound healing interventions9
From simple to even simpler, but not too simple: a head-to-head comparison of the Better-Worse and Drop-Down methods for measuring patient health status9
Minimal important difference, patient acceptable symptom state and longitudinal validity of oxford elbow score and the quickDASH in patients with tennis elbow9
Concordance rate of a four-quadrant plot for repeated measurements9
Comparative diagnostic accuracy studies with an imperfect reference standard – a comparison of correction methods9
A simple pooling method for variable selection in multiply imputed datasets outperformed complex methods9
Statistical methods in the analysis of multicentre HIV randomized controlled trials in the African region: a scoping review9
External control arm analysis: an evaluation of propensity score approaches, G-computation, and doubly debiased machine learning9
What do stroke survivors’ value about participating in research and what are the most important research problems related to stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA)? A survey9
Inference following multiple imputation for generalized additive models: an investigation of the median p-value rule with applications to the Pulmonary Hypertension Association Registry and Colorado C9
Quality appraisal for systematic literature reviews of health state utility values: a descriptive analysis9
Relationship between patient experience and hospital readmission: system-level survey with deterministic data linkage method9
Correction: Real‑world data: a brief review of the methods, applications, challenges and opportunities8
Open science saves lives: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic8
Classifying information-sharing methods8
Technologies for frailty, comorbidity, and multimorbidity in older adults: a systematic review of research designs8
The role of the estimand framework in the analysis of patient-reported outcomes in single-arm trials: a case study in oncology8
Empirical assessment of alternative methods for identifying seasonality in observational healthcare data8
Strategies for assessing the impact of loss to follow-up on estimates of neurodevelopmental impairment in a very preterm cohort at 2 years of age8
A scoping review of statistical methods in studies of biomarker-related treatment heterogeneity for breast cancer8
Correction: Accounting for expected attrition in the planning of cluster randomized trials for assessing treatment effect heterogeneity8
Widening participation – recruitment methods in mental health randomised controlled trials: a qualitative study8
Application of machine learning in predicting hospital readmissions: a scoping review of the literature8
Restrictions and their reporting in systematic reviews of effectiveness: an observational study8
Three new methodologies for calculating the effective sample size when performing population adjustment8
The Danish Drowning Cohort: Utstein-style data from fatal and non-fatal drowning incidents in Denmark8
Applying a novel approach to scoping review incorporating artificial intelligence: mapping the natural history of gonorrhoea8
Design and analysis of outcomes following SARS-CoV-2 infection in veterans8
Causal effect of chemotherapy received dose intensity on survival outcome: a retrospective study in osteosarcoma8
Correction: Analysis of zero inflated dichotomous variables from a Bayesian perspective: application to occupational health8
Outbreak detection algorithms based on generalized linear model: a review with new practical examples8
Evaluating complex interventions in context: systematic, meta-narrative review of case study approaches8
Correction: In health research publications, the number of authors is strongly associated with collective self-citations but less so with citations by others8
Stability analysis and numerical evaluations of a COVID-19 model with vaccination8
Correction to: A tutorial on pilot studies: the what, why and how8
How to specify healthcare process improvements collaboratively using rapid, remote consensus-building: a framework and a case study of its application8
Correction: Multi‑arm multi‑stage (MAMS) randomised selection designs: impact of treatment selection rules on the operating characteristics8
An analysis of published study designs in PubMed prisoner health abstracts from 1963 to 2023: a text mining study7
Comparison of correctly and incorrectly classified patients for in-hospital mortality prediction in the intensive care unit7
Confounding-adjustment methods for the causal difference in medians7
Estimating age-specific COVID-19 fatality risk and time to death by comparing population diagnosis and death patterns: Australian data7
Improving retention of community-recruited participants in HIV prevention research through Saturday household visits; findings from the HPTN 071 (PopART) study in South Africa7
Studies with statistically significant effect estimates are more frequently published compared to non-significant estimates in oral health journals7
Development and validation of paired MEDLINE and Embase search filters for cost-utility studies7
Estimating individualized treatment effects from randomized controlled trials: a simulation study to compare risk-based approaches7
A proposed methodology for uncertainty extraction and verification in priority setting partnerships with the James Lind Alliance: an example from the Common Conditions Affecting the Hand and Wrist Pri7
Using group testing in a two-phase epidemiologic design to identify the effects of a large number of antibody reactions on disease risk7
Assessing the ability of an instrumental variable causal forest algorithm to personalize treatment evidence using observational data: the case of early surgery for shoulder fracture7
Segmentation of patients with small cell lung cancer into responders and non-responders using the optimal cross-validation technique7
Comparing the use of aggregate data and various methods of integrating individual patient data to network meta-analysis and its application to first-line ART7
RITS: a toolbox for assessing complex interventions via interrupted time series models7
Arrhythmia detection by the graph convolution network and a proposed structure for communication between cardiac leads7
Power calculation for detecting interaction effect in cross-sectional stepped-wedge cluster randomized trials: an important tool for disparity research7
Effect of alcohol consumption on breast cancer: probabilistic bias analysis for adjustment of exposure misclassification bias and confounders7
Capturing the variety of clinical pathways in patients with schizophrenic disorders through state sequences analysis7
Problematic meta-analyses: Bayesian and frequentist perspectives on combining randomized controlled trials and non-randomized studies7
Two-stage sampling in the estimation of growth parameters and percentile norms: sample weights versus auxiliary variable estimation7
Shifting research culture to address the mismatch between where trials recruit and where populations with the most disease live: a qualitative study7
Revisiting methods for modeling longitudinal and survival data: Framingham Heart Study7
Comparison of prevalence and exposure-disease associations using self-report and hospitalization data among enrollees of the world trade center health registry7
Joint modelling of multivariate longitudinal clinical laboratory safety outcomes, concomitant medication and clinical adverse events: application to artemisinin-based treatment during pregnancy clinic7
Incentive delivery timing and follow-up survey completion in a prospective cohort study of injured children: a randomized experiment comparing prepaid and postpaid incentives7
Measuring the impact of zero-cases studies in evidence synthesis practice using the harms index and benefits index (Hi-Bi)7