Optimal Control Applications & Methods

(The TQCC of Optimal Control Applications & Methods is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Issue Information47
Issue Information34
A New Observer‐Based Resilient Switching LPV Control Method for Spacecraft Fault‐Tolerant Attitude Tracking With Optimal L∞ Performance31
Reactive power management by using a modified differential evolution algorithm25
Nonlinear optimal control for multi‐DOF robotic manipulators with flexible joints25
Space−time spectral approximations of a parabolic optimal control problem with an L2‐norm control constraint24
Sparse optimal control problems with intermediate constraints: Necessary conditions24
Quadratic covariance‐constrained filtering for linear and non‐linear systems with non‐Gaussian noises22
Finite‐time sampled‐data H∞ control of Markovian jumping linear systems with mode‐dependent time‐varying delays22
Method for solving state‐path constrained optimal control problems using adaptive Radau collocation20
Stability control of a two‐lane car‐following model based on cluster synchronization of complex network18
Special issue on “Optimal design and operation of energy systems”18
A combined adaptive entropy‐TOPSIS and model predictive control strategy for mixed loading and delay operations in the reheating furnace18
Neighbor Q‐learning based consensus control for discrete‐time multi‐agent systems16
Critic‐only online adaptive learning based decentralized control schemes for nonlinear large‐scale systems15
Issue Information15
Extended LQG/LTR design of disturbance cancelation controllers for a class of output disturbances15
Optimal control of networked and transportation systems15
Modified three‐dimensional true proportional navigation and its inverse optimal form14
Improved robustHstability analysis and stabilization of uncertain systems with stochastic input time‐varying delays14
Optimal linear‐quadratic‐Gaussian control for discrete‐time linear systems with white and time‐correlated measurement Noises14
Real‐time visual tracking design for an unmanned aerial vehicle in cluttered environments14
Issue Information14
Infinite‐horizon optimal control for networked control systems with Markovian packet losses13
Event‐triggered finite‐time quantized synchronization of uncertain delayed neural networks13
Optimal group consensus control for the second‐order agents in the coopetition networks via adaptive dynamic programming and event‐triggered methods12
Constrained data smoothing via optimal control12
Koopman‐based 3‐dimensional path following control for robotic flexible needles11
Issue Information11
Issue Information11
Optimum control of under‐grate pressure of clinker cooler by optimizing the proportional integral derivative controller parameters using honey badger algorithm technique11
A simulation model with numerical method and optimal control of magneto‐rheological shock isolator10
SSA‐optimized cascade optimal‐PIDN controller for multi‐area power system with RFB under deregulated environment10
Data‐driven optimal fault‐tolerant‐control and detection for a class of unknown nonlinear discrete‐time systems10
Featured Cover10
Distributed fusion robust filter for multisensor networked singular control system with uncertain variances and missing measurement10
NMPC‐Based Control of Underactuated Spacecraft: A Neighboring Extremal Approach Extended to SE(3)10
Quantized optimal output feedback control and optimal triggering signal co‐design for unknown discrete‐time nonlinear systems10
Model‐free inversion‐based iterative learning control algorithm with adaptive gain: Achieving superior robustness and convergence9
Observer‐based dynamic ETC optimized tracking of nonlinear systems with stochastic disturbances9
Numerical analysis of optimal control problems governed by fourth‐order linear elliptic equations using the Hessian discretization method9
Lagrangian relaxation for continuous‐time optimal control of coupled hydrothermal power systems including storage capacity and a cascade of hydropower systems with time delays9
Optimization of electric power prediction of a combined cycle power plant using innovative machine learning technique9
A novel predictive optimal control strategy for renewable penetrated interconnected power system9
A stochastic averaging gradient algorithm with multi‐step communication for distributed optimization9
A numerical method for consensus control of leader‐following multi‐agent systems with the input delay9
From multi‐physics models to neural network for predictive control synthesis8
Optimization of time‐varying feedback controller parameters for freeway networks8
Solving invex multitime control problems with first‐order PDE constraints via the absolute value exact penalty method8
Robust data‐driven dynamic optimization using a set‐based gradient estimator8
Adaptive dynamic programming for decentralized neuro‐control of nonlinear systems subject to mismatched interconnections8
A non‐inherent parametric estimation for dynamical equivalence of flexible manipulators8
Multi‐innovation gradient parameter estimation for multivariable systems based on the maximum likelihood principle8
An adaptive observer design for denial‐of‐service attack detection in platoon8
Trajectory tracking control for mobile robots considering position of mass center7
Application of a stabilizing model predictive controller to path following for a car‐like agricultural robot7
Asynchronous resource‐aware control for uncertain semi‐Markov jump systems with application to robot arm7
Three Measures to Control a Spatiotemporal Epidemic Model: An Optimal Control Approach7
Improved SSA‐RBF neural network‐based dynamic 3‐D trajectory tracking model predictive control of autonomous underwater vehicles with external disturbances7
Closed loop variable gain ILC for a class of nonlinear parabolic distributed parameter systems with moving boundaries7
Experimental operation of a solar‐driven climate system with thermal energy storages using mixed‐integer nonlinear model predictive control7
ALADIN‐—An open‐source MATLAB toolbox for distributed non‐convex optimization7
Discrete‐time linear quadratic gaussian control with input delay and Markovian packet dropouts7
A local dynamic extreme learning machine based iterative learning control of nonlinear batch process7
Analyzing nonlinear dynamics of dengue epidemics: A fractional order model with alert state and optimal control strategies7
An enhanced approach for power quality improvement of unified power quality conditioner connected wind energy conversion system6
Model‐based reinforcement learning control of reaction‐diffusion problems6
A robust model predictive control framework for the regulation of anesthesia process with Propofol6
Stochastic maximum principle for moving average control system6
An improved adaptive hp mesh refinement method in solving optimal control problems6
Modeling and solving a multi‐objective optimal portfolio of upstream oil and gas assets6
Optimal control problem governed by a highly nonlinear singular Volterra equation: Existence of solutions and maximum principle6
Renewable hydrogen and ammonia for combined heat and power systems in remote locations: Optimal design and scheduling6
Adaptive critic optimization to decentralized event‐triggered control of continuous‐time nonlinear interconnected systems6
Optimal location of micro‐phasor measurement units in distribution system control, monitoring, and protection using hybrid technique6
Adaptive Neural Delay Feedback Control of a Typical Robot on a Slope6
Sizing of storage‐based renewable off‐grid system according to supply of electrical and thermal energies considering unscented transformation‐based stochastic optimization: A case study6
Optimal Control for a Mathematical Model of Cancer Disease via Dynamic Programming Approach6
Guaranteed cost control of fractional‐order linear uncertain systems with time‐varying delay6
Optimal controls for fractional stochastic differential systems driven by Rosenblatt process with impulses6
Fuzzy Adaptive Sliding‐Mode Control Optimized by an Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm for a Quadrotor Drone With Chaotic Nonlinear Dynamics5
Implementation of suitable optimal control strategy through introspection of different delay induced mathematical models for leprosy: A comparative study5
Distributed optimization of high‐order nonlinear multi‐agent systems with disturbance under switching topologies5
An optimal demand side management for microgrid cost minimization considering renewables5
Impact of emission and service constraint for an imperfect production system under two level Hamiltonian5
Fault Detection and Fault Location in a Grid‐Connected Microgrid Using Optimized Deep Learning Neural Network5
Auxiliary model maximum likelihood gradient‐based iterative identification for feedback nonlinear systems5
Output feedback control of anti‐linear systems using adaptive dynamic programming5
Optimal control problems for a semi‐linear integro‐differential evolution system with infinite delay5
Nature‐ınspired algorithms for optimizing fractional order PID controllers in time‐delayed systems5
Weighted multi‐innovation parameter estimation for a time‐varying Volterra–Hammerstein system with colored noise5
Exponential Stability and H∞$$ {H}_{\infty } $$ Controller Design for 2‐D Discrete‐State Systems in Roesser Model With Directional Delays5
Optimal hybrid control of interarea oscillation in power system using energy storage systems5
Finite‐time fault detection for nonlinear delayed system with dynamic quantization and multiple packet dropouts5
Probabilistic Robust Damping Controller Optimization for Mitigating Subsynchronous Control Interaction in DFIG and PMSG‐Based Wind Farms5
Robust weighted fusion Kalman estimators for systems with uncertain noise variances, multiplicative noises, missing measurements, packets dropouts and two‐step random measurement delays5
Actuator fault detection for the discrete‐time switched systems based on delta operator approach5
Event‐triggered optimal control based on prescribed performance for a two‐link robotic manipulator5
A nonlinear model predictive controller based on the gravitational search algorithm5
Fast Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Combining Online Trajectory Optimization and Value Function Regression5
Distributed optimal resource allocation with second‐order multi‐Agent systems5
Enhancing frequency regulation in multi‐area interconnected MPS with virtual inertia using MPC + PIDN controller4
Issue Information4
Synchronizing lockdown and vaccination policies for COVID‐19: An optimal control approach based on piecewise constant strategies4
Renewable energy management of an hybrid water pumping system (photovoltaic/wind/battery) based on Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy model4
Discrete‐time dynamic event‐triggered H control of uncertain neural networks subject to time delays and disturbances4
A singularity‐free online neural network‐based sliding mode control of the fixed‐wing unmanned aerial vehicle optimal perching maneuver4
A robust optimization formulation for dynamic pricing of a web service with limited total shared capacity4
A modified tilt controller for AGC in hybrid power system integrating forecasting of renewable energy sources4
A multi‐period integrated planning and scheduling approach for developing energy systems4
Synchronization for a class of discrete complex dynamical networks in presence of Markov jump topology and actuator saturation4
Proximal policy optimization learning based control of congested freeway traffic4
Terminal‐cost design for model predictive control with linear stage‐costs: A set‐theoretic method4
Robust H control for fractional order singular systems 0 < α < 1 with uncertainty4
Secure state estimation via robust optimization for nonlinear cyber‐physical systems4
Disturbance observer‐based PID synchronization control of complex networks with probabilistic interval time‐varying delays and multiple disturbances4
A BSDE approach to stochastic linear quadratic control problem4
Discrete‐time state‐feedback control of polytopic LPV systems4
Building‐to‐grid optimal control of integrated MicroCSP and building HVAC system for optimal demand response services4
A distributed accelerated optimization algorithm over time‐varying directed graphs with uncoordinated step‐sizes4
Integrated nonlinear suboptimal control‐and‐estimator based on the state‐dependent differential Riccati equation approach4
Guaranteed cost control for a class of composite hybrid aerial/terrestrial precise manipulator with stochastic switching payloads4
Guaranteed cost sampled‐data control for high‐speed train systems4
Pole‐zero assignment in model predictive control, using analytical tuning approach4
Enhancing electric vehicle performance through buck‐boost converters with renewable energy integration using hybrid approach3
Guidance for hypersonic re‐entry using receding horizon control with finite terminal weighting matrix3
Stabilization of the chemostat system with mutations and application to microbial production3
Experience replay based online adaptive robust tracking control for partially unknown nonlinear systems with asymmetric constrained‐input3
On the optimal harvesting strategy for a generalized population model3
A modified reptile search algorithm for parametric estimation of fractional order model of lithium battery3
Continuous‐time receding‐horizon reinforcement learning and its application to path‐tracking control of autonomous ground vehicles3
Issue Information3
A numerical method for ℋ2$$ {\mathscr{H}}_2 $$ control of linear delay systems3
Issue Information3
An improved MPSP‐based path‐following control method for USV with input disturbances3
Optimal control and stabilization for discrete‐time networked control systems with multichannel Markovian packet losses3
Partial model‐free sliding mode control design for a class of disturbed systems via computational learning algorithm3
optimal control of unknown continuous time linear periodic systems by adaptive dynamic programming with applications to magnetic attitude control3
Finite‐time and fixed‐time stabilization by dual closed‐loop controllers3
Fixed‐time linear quadratic adaptive sliding mode control for a class of cart‐pendulum robots3
Enhancing Stability in Wind‐Integrated Power Systems Through Coordinated Control of POD, PSS, and SVC With Fuzzy Logic: A Comprehensive Study Under Various Operating C3
Improved robust filter synthesis combining linear matrix inequalities and heuristic algorithms3
Stochastic fuzzy predictive fault‐tolerant control for time‐delay nonlinear system with actuator fault under a certain probability3
Existence and optimal control results for Caputo fractional delay Clark's subdifferential inclusions of order r∈(1,2) with sectorial operators3
Multi‐verse optimizer based PI‐type active disturbance rejection generalized predictive control parameter tuning for ship motion3
Maximum power tracking of variable‐speed wind energy conversion systems based on a near‐optimal servomechanism control system3
Optimal event‐triggered control for C‐T system with asymmetric constraints based on dual heuristic dynamic programing structure3
Performance‐based optimal control for stochastic nonlinear systems with unknown dead‐zone3
Issue Information3
Data‐based learning control for optimization of nonlinear systems3
Optimal control‐decision strategy for wireless networked control systems with structural variation and packet dropout3
Control of a consumer‐resource agent‐based model using partial differential equation approximation3
Nonlinear analysis and dynamics of COVID‐19 mathematical model with optimal control strategies3
The optimal design of repetitive controllers based on inverse frequency response3
L1 finite‐time control of discrete‐time switched positive linear systems with mode‐dependent persistent dwell‐time switching3
Differential privacy optimal control with asymmetric information structure3
A key performance indicator‐relevant approach based on kernel entropy component regression model for industrial system3
An enhanced arithmetic optimization algorithm for optimal control of reactive power3
Nash game‐based adaptive robust control design optimization for the underactuated mechanical system with fuzzy evidence theory3
Optimal operational controls for power grid3
Maximum principle for stochastic optimal control problem of finite state forward‐backward stochastic difference systems3
Robust containment control for nonlinear multi‐agent systems with intermittent communication3
Power generation control of restructured hybrid power system with FACTS and energy storage devices using optimal cascaded fractional‐order controller3