Energy Economics

(The TQCC of Energy Economics is 22. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
The impact of solar PV subsidies on investment over time - the case of Sweden680
Carbon credit futures as an emerging asset: Hedging, diversification and downside risks650
The nexus, downside risk and asset allocation between oil and Islamic stock markets: A cross-country analysis585
Unveiling the enigma: Exploring how uncertain crude oil prices shape investment expenditure and efficiency in Chinese enterprises542
Information spillovers between carbon emissions trading prices and shipping markets: A time-frequency analysis473
The nexus between oil and airline stock returns: Does time frequency matter?461
On the volatility of WTI crude oil prices: A time-varying approach with stochastic volatility449
Does fuel price subsidy work? Household energy transition under imperfect labor market in rural China386
Do geopolitical events transmit opportunity or threat to green markets? Decomposed measures of geopolitical risks342
The asymmetric impact of input prices, the Russia-Ukraine war and domestic policy changes on wholesale electricity prices in India: A quantile autoregressive distributed lag analysis321
Unexpected economic growth and oil price shocks301
Peer effect on low-carbon practices of firms along the value chain: Evidence from China300
The carbon tax and the crisis in Australia’s National Electricity Market284
Sustainability and stability: Will ESG investment reduce the return and volatility spillover effects across the Chinese financial market?275
Machine learning and oil price point and density forecasting273
The effect of low-carbon city pilot on energy consumption behavior: Evidence from China269
Free riding and insurer carbon-linked investment269
Solar surge and cost shifts: Heterogenous effects of redistribution in the electricity bills in Japan266
Analysing decarbonizing strategies in the European power system applying stochastic dominance constraints266
How aggregate electricity demand responds to hourly wholesale price fluctuations257
Contributors and drivers of Chinese energy use and intensity from regional and demand perspectives, 2012-2015-2017247
Offshore finance and corruption in oil licensing237
Effects of renewable energy use in the energy mix on social welfare220
Financial development, renewable energy and CO2 emission in G7 countries: New evidence from non-linear and asymmetric analysis212
What is the effect of weather on household electricity consumption? Empirical evidence from Ireland202
The EU electricity market: Renewables targets, Tradable Green Certificates and electricity trade198
The banking instability and climate change: Evidence from China188
Getting warmer: Fuel poverty, objective and subjective health and well-being186
Oil shocks and stock market volatility: New evidence184
Shanghai crude oil futures: Returns Independence, volatility asymmetry, and hedging potential183
Uncovering risk transmission between socially responsible investments, alternative energy investments and the implied volatility of major commodities183
Convolutional neural network forecasting of European Union allowances futures using a novel unconstrained transformation method177
Oil beta uncertainty and global stock returns176
Trading on short-term path forecasts of intraday electricity prices175
Can power interconnection buffer economic policy uncertainty? Evidence from countries along the Belt and Road171
Public preferences and increasing acceptance of time-varying electricity pricing for demand side management in South Korea168
The road to green development for national-level poverty-stricken counties: Does poverty alleviation help reduce carbon emissions?163
Finding opportunity in economic power dispatch: Saving fuels without impacting retail electricity prices in fuel-producing countries163
Analyzing the causal dynamics of circular-economy drivers in SMES using interpretive structural modeling162
Speed up for sustainable development: High-speed rail and corporate ESG performance157
Modeling multi-market coupling effects considering the consumption above quota trading market in renewable portfolio standards: An agent-based perspective157
Electricity price spike clustering: A zero-inflated GARX approach156
Heterogeneity in carbon intensity patterns: A subsampling approach156
Assessing a fuel subsidy: Dynamic effects on retailer pricing and pass-through to consumers156
Forecasting the real prices of crude oil: What is the role of parameter instability?154
Score-driven threshold ice-age models: Benchmark models for long-run climate forecasts150
A novel stochastic semi-parametric frontier-based three-stage DEA window model to evaluate China's industrial green economic efficiency149
Multi-perspective investor attention and oil futures volatility forecasting149
Does institutional commitment affect ESG performance of firms? Evidence from the United Nations principles for responsible investment146
Using machine learning to select variables in data envelopment analysis: Simulations and application using electricity distribution data146
Solar power promotion plans, energy market liberalization, and farmland prices – Empirical evidence from Taiwan146
How does the green financial system affect environmentally friendly firms' ESG? Evidence from Chinese stock markets146
The connectedness of Energy Transition Metals146
The economic value of unsupplied electricity: Evidence from Nepal145
Scrutinizing commodity markets by quantile spillovers: A case study of the Australian economy145
Explaining the direction of emissions embodied in trade from hypotheses based on country rankings144
Potential gains of long-distance trade in electricity144
Optimality of emission pricing policies based on emission intensity targets under imperfect competition144
Impact of extended warranty service on product pricing in online direct retailers' competitive market142
End-year China wind power installation rush reduces electric system reliability142
The oil price-inflation nexus: The exchange rate pass- through effect141
Analyzing the difference evolution of provincial energy consumption in China using the functional data analysis method141
The effects of China's supporting policy for resource-exhausted cities on local energy efficiency: An empirical study based on 284 cities in China140
Investor attention and oil market volatility: Does economic policy uncertainty matter?140
Evaluation of Cost-at-Risk related to the procurement of resources in the ancillary services market. The case of the Italian electricity market138
Do airfares respond asymmetrically to fuel price changes? A multiple threshold nonlinear ARDL model136
What matters for consumer sentiment in the euro area? World crude oil price or retail gasoline price?134
How will sectoral coverage in the carbon trading system affect the total oil consumption in China? A CGE-based analysis134
The incidence of CO2 emissions pricing under alternative international market responses132
An investigation into changes in the elasticity of U.S. residential natural gas consumption: A time-varying approach131
Editorial Board129
Wind power and the cost of local compensation schemes: A Swedish revenue sharing policy simulation127
Application of bagging in day-ahead electricity price forecasting and factor augmentation125
How prices guide investment decisions under net purchasing — An empirical analysis on the impact of network tariffs on residential PV124
An increasing gasoline price elasticity in the United States?124
The information content of Shanghai crude oil futures vs WTI benchmark: Evidence from temporal and spatial dimensions123
Has the unbundling reform improved the service efficiency of China's power grid firms?122
Spatiotemporal characteristics and influencing factors of renewable energy production in China: A spatial econometric analysis120
Improvements to Modern Portfolio Theory based models applied to electricity systems120
Price risk transmissions in the water-energy-food nexus: Impacts of climate risks and portfolio implications119
Resource misallocation in the Chinese wind power industry: The role of feed-in tariff policy118
Price Effects of the Austrian Fuel Price Fixing Act: A Synthetic Control Study117
Ownership versus legal unbundling of electricity transmission network: Evidence from renewable energy investment in Germany115
Renewable energy financing by state investment banks: Evidence from OECD countries115
OPEC news and jumps in the oil market114
From cradle to grave? On optimal nuclear waste disposal113
Does the renovation of waste-to-energy incineration plants attenuate the housing price gradient? Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in Shenzhen, China111
A multi-objective competitive-design framework for fuel procurement planning in coal-fired power plants for sustainable operations110
Energy demand during a pandemic: Evidence from Ghana and Rwanda109
Risk factors in the formulation of day-ahead electricity prices: Evidence from the Spanish case109
U.S. light tight oil supply flexibility - A multivariate dynamic model for production and rig activity108
Evaluating the dynamic connectedness of financial assets and bank indices during black-swan events: A Quantile-VAR approach106
Does interest rate liberalization affect corporate green investment?106
Waiting to generate: An analysis of onshore wind and solar PV project development lead-times in Australia106
Network infrastructure and corporate environmental performance: Empirical evidence from “Broadband China”106
Consumer willingness-to-pay for a resilient electrical grid105
Do price caps assist monetary authorities to control inflation? Examining the impact of the natural gas price cap on TTF spikes105
Evaluation of tieback developments for marginal oil fields with timing flexibility105
Consumption response to a natural disaster: Evidence of price and income shocks from Chennai flood105
How AI shapes greener futures: Comparative insights from equity vs debt investment responses in renewable energy104
Market volatilities vs oil shocks: Which dominate the relative performance of green bonds?104
Carbon capture and renewable energy policies: Could policy harmonization be a puzzle piece to solve the electricity crisis?104
Learning from experts: Energy efficiency in residential buildings102
Do the benefits outweigh the disadvantages? Exploring the role of artificial intelligence in renewable energy102
Organization capital and GHG emissions102
The tail risk premium in the oil market101
The impact of supply chain digitisation on sustainable development in global panel data. Does the energy efficiency matter?101
Prosumers: Grid vs. individual storage101
Fighting climate change together: The regional heterogenous impacts of climate change and potentials of regional power market101
Connectedness between oil price shocks and US sector returns: Evidence from TVP-VAR and wavelet decomposition101
The impact of environmental information disclosure on the cost of green bond: Evidence from China100
Porter in China: A quasi-experimental view of market-based environmental regulation effects on firm performance99
Energy shocks and bank efficiency in emerging economies99
The net climate effect of digitalization, differentiating between firms and households99
Does informatization alleviate energy poverty? A global perspective97
Asymmetric effects of oil price shocks on income inequality in ASEAN countries97
Foreign direct investment and inclusive green growth in Africa: Energy efficiency contingencies and thresholds: Comment96
How does clean energy transition promote original design manufacturers? A three-party evolutionary game analysis94
Quantifying the dynamical interactions between carbon pricing and environmental protection tax in China94
The environmental impact of fossil fuel subsidy policies94
Pricing inconsistency between the futures and Financial Transmission Right markets in North America93
A time-varying Granger causality analysis between water stock and green stocks using novel approaches93
Role of green energy usage in reduction of environmental degradation: A comparative study of East Asian countries92
Strategies for reducing ethnic inequality in energy outcomes: A Nepalese example91
Volatile energy markets, consumers and energy price expectations90
High renewable electricity penetration: Marginal curtailment and market failure under “subsidy-free” entry90
How does carbon emission price stimulate enterprises' total factor productivity? Insights from China's emission trading scheme pilots89
Tail risk, systemic risk and spillover risk of crude oil and precious metals89
Energy poverty, health and education outcomes: Evidence from the developing world88
High-dimensional CoVaR network connectedness for measuring conditional financial contagion and risk spillovers from oil markets to the G20 stock system86
The price elasticity of electricity demand when marginal incentives are very large86
Carbon prices forecasting in quantiles86
Energy vulnerability in Mediterranean countries: A latent class analysis approach85
How does population aging affect household carbon emissions? Evidence from Chinese urban and rural areas85
Dual-credit policy failure: The emergence principle and hedging mechanisms85
Who suffers from energy poverty in household energy transition? Evidence from clean heating program in rural China85
A neural network approach to the environmental Kuznets curve84
Electricity pricing challenges in future renewables-dominant power systems84
Does innovative capability enhance the energy efficiency of Indian Iron and Steel firms? A Bayesian stochastic frontier analysis83
Impacts of China's differential electricity pricing on the productivity of energy-intensive industries83
Shooting two hawks with one arrow: Could China's emission trading scheme promote green development efficiency and regional carbon equality?83
Breaking the cycle of energy poverty. Will Poland make it?83
Helping end-users help each other: Coordinating development and operation of distributed resources through local power markets and grid tariffs83
The marginal impacts of energy prices on carbon price variations: Evidence from a quantile-on-quantile approach82
Low-carbon city pilot and carbon emission efficiency: Quasi-experimental evidence from China82
Network connectedness between natural gas markets, uncertainty and stock markets81
Responses of carbon emissions to corruption across Chinese provinces80
The economics of public transport electrification: The charging dilemma79
Peer effects on photovoltaics (PV) adoption and air quality spillovers in Poland78
The impact of environmental regulation on productivity with co-production of goods and bads78
Trade policy uncertainty and financial investment: Evidence from Chinese energy firms78
The impact of energy, renewable and CO278
Why has the OECD long-run GDP elasticity of economy-wide electricity demand declined? Because the electrification of energy services has saturated78
Soft-linking a national computable general equilibrium model (ThreeME) with a detailed energy system model (IESA-Opt)77
Tracking economic fluctuations with electricity consumption in Bangladesh77
Consumption and production of cleaner energy by prosumers77
The hard road to a soft landing: Evidence from a (modestly) nonlinear structural model77
Editorial Board77
Abatement technology innovation, worker productivity and firm profitability: A dynamic analysis76
Forecasting of clean energy market volatility: The role of oil and the technology sector76
Inform me when it matters: Cost salience, energy consumption, and efficiency investments76
The alpha momentum effect in commodity markets75
Valuation of operational flexibility: A case study of Bonneville power administration74
Cross-border systemic risk spillovers in the global oil system: Does the oil trade pattern matter?74
New empirical evidence in support of the theory of price volatility of storable commodities under rational expectations in spot and futures markets74
Editorial Board73
Oil price assumptions for macroeconomic policy73
Is income inequality a stumbling block to the global natural gas market?73
Energy-saving and subsidy policy decisions for double competition manufacturers73
Spillover of energy commodities and inflation in G7 plus Chinese economies72
Price transmission between oil and gasoline and diesel: A new measure for evaluating time asymmetries72
Electricity market design and implementation in the presence of asymmetrically informed strategic producers and consumers: A surrogate optimization-based mechanism72
Impact of energy-related discussions on post-filing volatility and returns in the U.S.72
Distributional inequality in market-based solar home system programs: Evidence from rural Bangladesh72
Economic analysis of the hard-to-abate sectors in India71
Climate, wind energy, and CO271
Is timing everything? Assessing the evidence on whether energy/electricity demand elasticities are time-varying71
Assessing systemic risk and connectedness among dirty and clean energy markets from the quantile and expectile perspectives70
Impact of India's diesel subsidy reforms and pricing policy on growth and inflation70
Sensitivity of the U.S. economy to oil prices controlling for domestic production and imports70
Can the European intraday market be designed as a congestion management tool?70
Consumer reaction to green subsidy phase-out in China: Evidence from the household photovoltaic industry69
Market integration in the Australian National Electricity Market: Fresh evidence from asymmetric time-frequency connectedness69
Oil price effects on optimal extraction–exploration and offshore entities: An applied-theoretical and empirical investigation in oil-rich economies69
Introduction to the Special Issue “EMF 36: Carbon pricing after Paris (CarPri)”69
Optimization based structural decomposition analysis as a tool for supporting environmental policymaking69
Community energy projects in the context of generation and transmission expansion planning68
Are coupled renewable-battery power plants more valuable than independently sited installations?68
Interaction effects of market-based and incentive-driven low-carbon policies on carbon emissions67
How connected is the agricultural commodity market to the news-based investor sentiment?67
A theoretical and empirical analysis of district heating cost in Denmark67
Variance dynamics and term structure of the natural gas market67
Trading time seasonality in commodity futures: An opportunity for arbitrage in the natural gas and crude oil markets?67
Crises in Texas and Australia: Failures of energy-only markets or unforeseen consequences of price caps?67
Exploring resource blessing hypothesis within the coffin of technological innovation and economic risk: Evidence from wavelet quantile regression67
Electricity price modelling with stochastic volatility and jumps: An empirical investigation66
Targeting energy savings? Better on primary than final energy and less on intensity metrics66
Does information encourage or discourage tenants to accept energy retrofitting of homes?65
Short- and long-run dynamics of energy demand65
The effect of foreign investment on Asian coal power plants65
Network connectedness between China's crude oil futures and sector stock indices65
China's energy stock market jumps: To what extent does the COVID-19 pandemic play a part?64
Spatial merit order effects of renewables in the Italian power exchange64
Oil implied volatility and expected stock returns along the worldwide supply chain64
An analysis of zonal electricity pricing from a long-term perspective63
Different strokes for different folks: The case of oil shocks and emerging equity markets63
Does crude oil fire the emerging markets currencies contagion spillover? A systemic perspective63
Neural network prediction of crude oil futures using B-splines63
Monetary policy rule, exchange rate regime, and fiscal policy cyclicality in a developing oil economy63
Gold and the herd of Cryptos: Saving oil in blurry times62
Energy transition without dirty capital stranding62
The increasing cost of ignoring Coase: Inefficient electricity tariffs, welfare loss and welfare-reducing technological change62
A memory in the bond: Green bond and sectoral investment interdependence in a fractionally cointegrated VAR framework62
Strategic bidding via the interplay of minimum income condition orders in day-ahead power exchanges61
Renewable energy use and export performance of manufacturing firms: Panel evidence from six industries in India61
China's futures market volatility and sectoral stock market volatility prediction61
Common ownership and environmental Corporate Social Responsibility61
Sustainable economic growth and energy security nexus: A stochastic frontier analysis across OECD countries60
The effect of flow-based market coupling on cross-border exchange volumes and price convergence in Central Western European electricity markets60
Reducing CO2 emissions by curtailing renewables: Examples from optimal power system operation60
The impact of stringent climate policy on macro-financial risks60
Energy effect of urban diversity: An empirical study from a land-use perspective59
Deploying direct air capture at scale: How close to reality?59
Income and price elasticities of natural gas demand in Pakistan: A disaggregated analysis59
Return and volatility spillovers between Chinese and U.S. clean energy related stocks59
Analyzing different types of asymmetric responses in terminal gate prices of petrol and diesel across major Australian seaports: Implications for fuel price monitoring strategies59
Unraveling the structural sources of oil production and their impact on CO2 emissions59
How does energy trilemma eradication reduce carbon emissions? The role of dual environmental regulation for China59
Clean air policy and green total factor productivity: Evidence from Chinese prefecture-level cities59
Using energy and emissions taxation to finance labor tax reductions in a multi-sector economy58
Going beyond sustainability: The diversification benefits of green energy financial products58
Public acceptance of carbon taxes in Australia58
Between- and within-country distributional impacts from harmonizing carbon prices in the EU58
Religiosity and climate change policies57
The hedging performance of green bond markets in China and the U.S.: Novel evidence from cryptocurrency uncertainty57
Energy affordability and subjective well-being in China: Causal inference, heterogeneity, and the mediating role of disaster risk57
Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to decarbonise the world: A transitional impact evaluation57
The impact of lowering carbon emissions on corporate labour investment: A quasi-natural experiment56
Energy price shocks, exchange rates and inflation nexus56
Dynamic volatility connectedness between thermal coal futures and major cryptocurrencies: Evidence from China56
Racial and ethnic disparities in unemployment and oil price uncertainty56
Residential rooftop solar demand in the U.S. and the impact of net energy metering and electricity prices55
Convergence of per capita energy consumption around the world: New evidence from nonlinear panel unit root tests55
“Wild” tariff schemes: Evidence from the Republic of Georgia55
The challenges of oil investing: Contango and the financialization of commodities55
Do clean and dirty cryptocurrencies connect with financial assets differently? The role of economic policy uncertainty55
Forecasting oil inventory changes with Google trends: A hybrid wavelet decomposer and ARDL-SVR ensemble model55
Does energy consumption play a key role? Re-evaluating the energy consumption-economic growth nexus from GDP growth rates forecasting54
Re-examining crude oil and natural gas price relationship: Evidence from time-varying regime-switching models54
Forecasting fuel prices with the Chilean exchange rate: Going beyond the commodity currency hypothesis54