Review of International Organizations

(The TQCC of Review of International Organizations is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The economics of the democratic deficit: The effect of IMF programs on inequality52
The global governance complexity cube: Varieties of institutional complexity in global governance35
Hybrid institutional complexes in global governance32
Clubs of autocrats: Regional organizations and authoritarian survival24
Measuring institutional overlap in global governance23
The promise and perils of theorizing international regime complexity in an evolving world23
Behind the screen: Understanding national support for a foreign investment screening mechanism in the European Union22
Ordering global governance complexes: The evolution of the governance complex for international civil aviation18
Decision-making in international organizations: institutional design and performance17
Undermining conditionality? The effect of Chinese development assistance on compliance with World Bank project agreements15
Managing performance and winning trust: how World Bank staff shape recipient performance13
Analyzing international organizations: How the concepts we use affect the answers we get13
China visits: a dataset of Chinese leaders’ foreign visits12
Power, ideas, and World Bank conditionality12
Public responses to foreign protectionism: Evidence from the US-China trade war11
Constraints and incentives in the investment regime: How bargaining power shapes BIT reform11
Chinese or western finance? Transparency, official credit flows, and the international political economy of development11
Bargaining strategies for governance complex games10
The comparative constitutional compliance database10
At what cost? Power, payments, and public support of international organizations9
Investment agreements and the fragmentation of firms across countries9
Crisis affectedness, elite cues and IO public legitimacy9
Expanding or defending legitimacy? Why international organizations intensify self-legitimation8
Delegation of implementation in project aid8
Incentivizing embedded investment: Evidence from patterns of foreign direct investment in Latin America8
Trade Wars and Election Interference7
Nationalism and withdrawals from intergovernmental organizations: Connecting theory and data7
Enduring the great recession: Economic integration in the European Union7
Greening global governance: INGO secretariats and environmental mainstreaming of IOs, 1950 to 20177
Optimal decision rules in multilateral aid funds7
The power of the “weak” and international organizations6
How to sanction international wrongdoing? The design of EU restrictive measures6
The performance of international organizations: a new measure and dataset based on computational text analysis of evaluation reports6
Labor clauses in trade agreements: Hidden protectionism?6
China and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB): Chinese Influence Over Membership Shares?6
Foreign aid, oil revenues, and political accountability: Evidence from six experiments in Ghana and Uganda5
Economic crises and the survival of international organizations5
International rankings and public opinion: Compliance, dismissal, or backlash?5
Public support for withdrawal from international organizations: Experimental evidence from the US5
Settle or litigate? Consequences of institutional design in the Inter-American system of human rights protection5
Trading favors? UN Security Council membership and subnational favoritism in aid recipients5
Foreign aid, human capital accumulation and the potential implications for growth5
Foreign aid and judicial autonomy5
Weapons of the weak state: How post-conflict states shape international statebuilding5
The only living guerrillero in New York: Cuba and the brokerage power of a resilient revisionist state5
How backsliding governments keep the European Union hospitable for autocracy: Evidence from intergovernmental negotiations5