Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management

(The TQCC of Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management is 15. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Service robots in my workplace: effects of employee-service robot co-work experiences on psychological empowerment272
An investigation of underlying dimensions of customers’ perceptions of a safe hotel in the COVID-19 era: effects of those perceptions on hotel selection behavior92
Diversity, equity and inclusion in hospitality: Value centered leadership as a conduit for change91
Understanding hospitality service aesthetics through the lens of aesthetic theory85
Improved or decreased? Customer experience with self-service technology versus human service in hotels in China71
Connecting transformational leadership and emotional energy to job performance: the boundary role of meaningful work60
What will make Generation Y and Generation Z to continue to use online food delivery services: a uses and gratifications theory perspective59
Guest interaction with hotel booking website information: scale development and validation of antecedents and consequences50
The role of technology in users’ wellbeing: Conceptualizing digital wellbeing in hospitality and future research directions49
Multiple mediating effects in the association between hotels’ eco-label credibility and green WOM behavior47
How has the knowledge of employee goal orientation evolved in hospitality research over the last two decades? Insights for researchers and practitioners45
Does dysfunctional customer behavior really impact the turnover intention of hotel guest-contact employees? The role of wisdom leadership and job embeddedness44
Does photo presentation matter for increasing booking intention?42
Effect of situational factors (control, convenience, time pressure, and order complexity) on customers’ self-service technology choices41
Hospitality services in the post COVID-19 era: Are we ready for high-tech and no touch service delivery in smart hotels?40
Determinants of online hotel booking intentions: website quality, social presence, affective commitment, and e-trust39
Modeling consumers’ trust in mobile food delivery apps: perspectives of technology acceptance model, mobile service quality and personalization-privacy theory38
Consumers’ usage of food delivery app: a theory of consumption values34
Antecedents of proactive customer service performance in hospitality: a meta-analysis33
Service sabotage in hospitality: A meta-analytic review32
Sensory Experience at Farm-to-Table Events (SEFTE): conceptualization and scale development31
How does artificial intelligence (AI) enhance hospitality employee innovation? The roles of exploration, AI trust, and proactive personality29
An integrated model of artificially intelligent (AI) facial recognition technology adoption based on perceived risk theory and extended TPB: a comparative analysis of US and South Korea25
Promotors or inhibitors? Role of task type on the effect of humanoid service robots on consumers’ use intention24
The influence of leadership commitment to service quality on hotel employees’ brand citizenship behavior: a mediation and moderation analysis24
Social customer relationship management: a customer perspective23
Impact of green human resource management practices on the environmental performance of green hotels23
The role of servant leadership, self-efficacy, high performance work systems, and work engagement in increasing service-oriented behavior22
High-performance work systems and employees’ outcomes in challenging contexts: the role of hindrance stressors22
The AI empathy effect: a mechanism of emotional contagion22
The effects of message framing in CSR advertising on consumers’ emotions, attitudes, and behavioral intentions21
Past, present, and future of anthropomorphism in hospitality & tourism: conceptualization and systematic review21
Customer delight, engagement, experience, value co-creation, place identity, and revisit intention: a new conceptual framework21
Hi Alexa, do hotel guests have privacy concerns with you?: A cross-cultural study21
Understanding psychological ownership in access-based consumption through a theory synthesis: an investigation of Airbnb and hotels20
Hospitality and tourism experience in metaverse: an examination of users’ behavior, motivations, and preferences19
Theorizing vloggers’ approaches and practices in travel vlog production through grounded theory18
Effects of contemporary technologies, such as blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) in enhancing consumers’ trustworthiness of online reviews17
Consequences of job insecurity for hospitality workers amid COVID-19 pandemic: does social support help?17
Green entrepreneurship orientation, green innovation and hotel performance: the moderating role of managerial environmental concern17
Influence of customer value mind-set on affective and behavioral service outcomes: role of the scope and scale of service offerings at various touchpoints17
Narrative or non-narrative? The effects of short video content structure on mental simulation and resort brand attitude16
A meta-analysis of customer uncivil behaviors in hospitality research16
Online tourism experiences: exploring digital and human dimensions in in-remote destination visits16
Reexamination of consumers’ willingness to stay at green hotels: rethinking the role of social identity theory, value-belief-norm theory, and theory of planned behavior15