Insurance Mathematics & Economics

(The TQCC of Insurance Mathematics & Economics is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Addressing the life expectancy gap in pension policy27
Cyber claim analysis using Generalized Pareto regression trees with applications to insurance23
A random forest based approach for predicting spreads in the primary catastrophe bond market20
Equity-linked Guaranteed Minimum Death Benefits with dollar cost averaging17
Pricing longevity derivatives via Fourier transforms17
Linking retirement age to life expectancy does not lessen the demographic implications of unequal lifespans17
Sparse regression with Multi-type Regularized Feature modeling16
BERT-based NLP techniques for classification and severity modeling in basic warranty data study16
From risk sharing to pure premium for a large number of heterogeneous losses15
Autocalibration and Tweedie-dominance for insurance pricing with machine learning14
Precise large deviations of aggregate claims with arbitrary dependence between claim sizes and waiting times14
Law-invariant functionals that collapse to the mean13
Optimal reinsurance and investment under common shock dependence between financial and actuarial markets13
Equilibrium investment strategy for a DC pension plan with learning about stock return predictability12
What can we learn from telematics car driving data: A survey12
Stackelberg differential game for reinsurance: Mean-variance framework and random horizon12
Pandemic risk management: Resources contingency planning and allocation12
Robust optimal investment and reinsurance for an insurer with inside information12
The added value of dynamically updating motor insurance prices with telematics collected driving behavior data12
Valuation of guaranteed minimum maturity benefits under generalised regime-switching models using the Fourier Cosine method11
On a family of coherent measures of variability11
Multiplicative background risk models: Setting a course for the idiosyncratic risk factors distributed phase-type11
A BSDE-based approach for the optimal reinsurance problem under partial information10
Hawkes processes in insurance: Risk model, application to empirical data and optimal investment10
Infinitely stochastic micro reserving9
Comparative risk aversion in RDEU with applications to optimal underwriting of securities issuance9
Volterra mortality model: Actuarial valuation and risk management with long-range dependence9
Mortality modeling and regression with matrix distributions9
Optimal reinsurance with multiple reinsurers: Distortion risk measures, distortion premium principles, and heterogeneous beliefs9
A hybrid deep learning method for optimal insurance strategies: Algorithms and convergence analysis9
Is mortality or interest rate the most important risk in annuity models? A comparison of sensitivity analysis methods9
Gamma Mixture Density Networks and their application to modelling insurance claim amounts9
Stochastic orders and multivariate measures of risk contagion8
The multivariate mixed Negative Binomial regression model with an application to insurance a posteriori ratemaking8
A Fourier-cosine method for finite-time ruin probabilities8
Prepayment risk in reverse mortgages: An intensity-governed surrender model8
Longevity risk and capital markets: The 2019-20 update8
Optimal life insurance and annuity demand under hyperbolic discounting when bequests are luxury goods7
Moment-matching approximations for stochastic sums in non-Gaussian Ornstein–Uhlenbeck models7
Mean–variance investment and risk control strategies — A time-consistent approach via a forward auxiliary process7
A bivariate Laguerre expansions approach for joint ruin probabilities in a two-dimensional insurance risk process7
Predictive risk analysis using a collective risk model: Choosing between past frequency and aggregate severity information7
Deep hedging of long-term financial derivatives7
Stop-loss protection for a large P2P insurance pool7
Stackelberg differential game for insurance under model ambiguity7
Optimal risk exposure and dividend payout policies under model uncertainty7
Moment generating function of non-Markov self-excited claims processes7
Demand for non-life insurance under habit formation7
Systemic risk: Conditional distortion risk measures7
Improved index insurance design and yield estimation using a dynamic factor forecasting approach7
Optimal reinsurance under the α-maxmin mean-variance criterion6
Optimal investment, consumption, and life insurance strategies under a mutual-exciting contagious market6
Cause-specific mortality rates: Common trends and differences6
Risk aggregation with FGM copulas6
Parametric measures of variability induced by risk measures6
Cyber risk frequency, severity and insurance viability6
Copula-based inference for bivariate survival data with left truncation and dependent censoring6
Optimal retirement products under subjective mortality beliefs6
A class of generalised hyper-elliptical distributions and their applications in computing conditional tail risk measures6
The Gerber-Shiu discounted penalty function: A review from practical perspectives6
Statistical estimation for some dividend problems under the compound Poisson risk model6
Modelling mortality dependence: An application of dynamic vine copula6
The tail mean–variance optimal portfolio selection under generalized skew-elliptical distribution6
Bayesian credibility under a bivariate prior on the frequency and the severity of claims6
Tail dependence and heavy tailedness in extreme risks6
Optimal capital allocation principles considering capital shortfall and surplus risks in a hierarchical corporate structure6
Incorporating statistical clustering methods into mortality models to improve forecasting performances5
Spatial patterns of mortality in the United States: A spatial filtering approach5
Can a regulatory risk measure induce profit-maximizing risk capital allocations? The case of conditional tail expectation5
Cyber-contagion model with network structure applied to insurance5
Pricing in a competitive stochastic insurance market5
Leveraging high-resolution weather information to predict hail damage claims: A spatial point process for replicated point patterns5
A decomposition of general premium principles into risk and deviation5
A benchmarking approach to track and compare administrative charges on flow and balance in individual account pension systems5
SynthETIC: An individual insurance claim simulator with feature control5
Pareto-optimal insurance contracts with premium budget and minimum charge constraints5
Maximum weighted likelihood estimator for robust heavy-tail modelling of finite mixture models5
Fees in tontines5
Stochastic differential investment and reinsurance games with nonlinear risk processes and VaR constraints5
Pareto-optimal reinsurance policies with maximal synergy5
The role of a longevity insurance for defined contribution pension systems5
Extreme-value based estimation of the conditional tail moment with application to reinsurance rating5
Macro longevity risk and the choice between annuity products: Evidence from Denmark4
Portfolio choice with illiquid asset for a loss-averse pension fund investor4
Annuity and insurance choice under habit formation4
Gompertz law revisited: Forecasting mortality with a multi-factor exponential model4
Haezendonck-Goovaerts capital allocation rules4
Decrease of capital guarantees in life insurance products: Can reinsurance stop it?4
An asymptotic study of systemic expected shortfall and marginal expected shortfall4
COVID-19 and credit risk: A long memory perspective4
Joint generalized quantile and conditional tail expectation regression for insurance risk analysis4
Multi-population modelling and forecasting life-table death counts4
Valuing guaranteed minimum accumulation benefits by a change of numéraire approach4
Bowley solution of a mean–variance game in insurance4
Center-outward quantiles and the measurement of multivariate risk4
Positivity properties of the ARFIMA(0,4
Optimal control of investment, premium and deductible for a non-life insurance company4
Variable annuities: Market incompleteness and policyholder behavior4
Stochastic mortality dynamics driven by mixed fractional Brownian motion4
Robust retirement and life insurance with inflation risk and model ambiguity4
An insurance risk process with a generalized income process: A solvency analysis4
Fair dynamic valuation of insurance liabilities via convex hedging4
Multivariate dependence among cyber risks based on L-hop propagation4
Model-independent price bounds for Catastrophic Mortality Bonds4
On the modelling of multivariate counts with Cox processes and dependent shot noise intensities4
Blockchain mining in pools: Analyzing the trade-off between profitability and ruin4
Risk aggregation and capital allocation using a new generalized Archimedean copula4