South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences

(The TQCC of South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The performance measurement conundrum: Construct validity of the Individual Work Performance Questionnaire in South Africa17
Tourism destination competitiveness: A view from suppliers operating in a country with political challenges16
Youth’s participation in agriculture: A fallacy or achievable possibility? Evidence from rural South Africa16
Goals and benefits of digital transformation projects: Insights into project selection criteria10
Supply chain management antecedents of performance in small to medium scale enterprises10
Globalisation and economic growth in Africa: New evidence from the past two decades9
Factors influencing blockchain adoption in the South African clearing and settlement industry8
South African universities in a time of increasing disruption7
Person–organisation fit, job satisfaction and intention to leave in the South African social development sector7
The impact of Kaizen: Assessing the intensive Kaizen training of auto-parts suppliers in South Africa7
COVID-19 impact on dairy sector: The mediating role of knowledge sharing and trust on innovation capability7
Entrepreneurial intention: The role of the perceived benefits of digital technology6
Happiness lost: Was the decision to implement lockdown the correct one?6
Theoretical frameworks applied in integrated reporting and sustainability reporting research6
The (in)ability of consumers to perceive greenwashing and its influence on purchase intent and willingness to pay6
Finance-growth nexus in sub-Saharan Africa6
Logistics performance as a mediator of the relationship between trade facilitation and international trade: A mediation analysis6
Human capital and economic growth in South Africa: A cross-municipality panel data analysis6
Reflecting on the changing landscape of shareholder activism in South Africa6
The entrepreneurial intention-action gap and contextual factors: Towards a conceptual model5
The impact of remuneration governance on chief executive officer overpayment5
Fiscal multipliers in South Africa after the global financial crisis5
A proposed leadership skills development model for African FMCG business-networks: Super-Cube®5
Lean practices and supply-chain competitiveness in the steel industry in Gauteng, South Africa4
The relationship between managers’ goal-setting styles and subordinates’ goal commitment4
A new affordable housing development and the adjacent housing-market response4
Organisational ambidexterity and social enterprise performance: A Ghanaian perspective4
The influence of agri-entrepreneurship courses studied on youth farm entrepreneurial intention: Evidence from Folk Development Colleges in Tanzania4
The significance of an employee value proposition in the retention of teachers at selected South African private schools4
Determining the potential of informal savings groups as a model for formal commitment saving devices3
Has mobile phone technology aided the growth of agricultural productivity in sub-Saharan Africa?3
Delivering public value by selected government departments in South Africa – Perceptions of senior managers3
Predictors of passengers’ satisfaction with long-distance coach liners in South Africa3
Valuation practices under business rescue circumstances in South Africa3
Balancing quantitative and qualitative value-creation reporting3
The value of integrated reporting in South Africa3
The implications of the African Continental Free Trade Area on South African agricultural trade: An application of the partial equilibrium mode3
Is the environmental, social and corporate governance score the missing factor in the Fama-French five-factor model?3