Journal of Macroeconomics

(The TQCC of Journal of Macroeconomics is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The impact of artificial intelligence on economic growth and welfare40
Business exit during the COVID-19 pandemic: Non-traditional measures in historical context28
Inflation, oil price volatility and monetary policy27
A central bank digital currency in a heterogeneous monetary union: Managing the effects on the bank lending channel21
Macroeconomic uncertainty shocks and households’ consumption choice16
Revisiting the inflation perception conundrum16
The macroeconomic costs of conflict16
Labor productivity and technology heterogeneity15
Inflation and Exchange Rate Targeting Challenges Under Fiscal Dominance14
Unconventional monetary policy announcements and information shocks in the U.S.14
The impact of providing information about the ECB’s instruments on inflation expectations and trust in the ECB: Experimental evidence14
Central bank independence, fiscal deficits and currency union: Lessons from Africa14
Forecasting recessions: the importance of the financial cycle14
The shape of recovery: Implications of past experience for the duration of the COVID-19 recession13
How does population aging affect the effectiveness of fiscal stimulus over the business cycle?12
Pre- and Post-Global Financial Crisis Policy Multipliers11
Fiscal policy, macroeconomic performance and industry structure in a small open economy10
What is on the ECB’s mind? Monetary policy before and after the global financial crisis10
Medical innovation and its diffusion: Implications for economic performance and welfare10
Bank lending and interest on excess reserves: An empirical investigation9
The Impact of Aging and Automation on the Macroeconomy and Inequality9
The Cost of Foreign Exchange Intervention: Concepts and Measurement9
This time truly is different: The cyclical behaviour of fiscal policy during the Covid-19 crisis9
Capital-skill complementarity and biased technical change across US sectors9
Loss-of-learning and the post-Covid recovery in low-income countries9
Inflation targeting and the composition of public expenditure: Evidence from developing countries8
Fed and ECB monetary policy spillovers to Emerging Market Economies8
Cryptocurrencies and Cagan’s model of hyperinflation8
Shifting from pay-as-you-go to individual retirement accounts: A path to a sustainable pension system8
The tale of two international phenomena: Migration and global imbalances8
Financial market effects of FOMC projections7
Public investment, national debt, and economic growth: The role of debt finance under dynamic inefficiency7
Transportation capital and its effects on the U.S. economy: A general equilibrium approach7
Income inequality measures and economic growth channels7
Tax evasion policies and the demand for cash7
Does automation technology increase wage?7
Was India’s demonetization redistributive? Insights from satellites and surveys7
Uncertainty shocks, precautionary pricing, and optimal monetary policy7
Asymmetric monetary policy rules for the euro area and the US7
Government expenditure and economic growth: A heterogeneous-agents approach6
Trends and cycles in CO2 emissions and incomes: Cross-country evidence on decoupling6
Dispersed consumption versus compressed output: Assessing the sectoral effects of a pandemic6
Measuring the size and dynamics of U.S. state-level shadow economies using a dynamic general equilibrium model with trends6
Gender discrimination, inflation, and the business cycle6
Asymmetric effects of uncertainty shocks: Normal times and financial disruptions are different6
Are monetary policy shocks causal to bank health? Evidence from the euro area5
The age for austerity? Population age structure and fiscal consolidation multipliers5
The rise of part-time employment in the great recession: Its causes and macroeconomic effects5
Access to infrastructure and women’s time allocation: Implications for growth and gender equality5
Offshoring, computerization, labor market polarization and top income inequality5
Monetary policy and credit flows5
Learning, parameter variability, and swings in US macroeconomic dynamics5
(In)Effective tax enforcement and demand for cash4
Monetary policy strategies in the New Normal: A model-based analysis for the euro area4
Can variable elasticity of substitution explain changes in labor shares?4
“When it rains, it pours”: Fiscal policy, credit constraints and business cycles in emerging and developed economies4
Migration, community networks and welfare in neoclassical growth models4
On the welfare cost of business cycles: The role of labor-market heterogeneity4
Classification of monetary and fiscal dominance regimes using machine learning techniques4
Optimal monetary–fiscal policy in the euro area liquidity crisis4
The case against eliminating large denomination bills4
Monetary and fiscal coordination in preventing bank failures and financial contagion4
Exchange rate predictability with nine alternative models for BRICS countries4
American business cycles 1889–1913: An accounting approach4
Real estate and relative risk aversion with generalized recursive preferences4
Government spending news and surprise shocks: It’s the timing and persistence4
Heterogeneous expectations, indeterminacy, and postwar US business cycles4