
(The TQCC of Networks is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Issue Information38
Optimizing the ecological connectivity of landscapes37
Issue Information28
Issue Information15
Issue Information14
Approximation algorithms for Steiner forest: An experimental study12
Optimal hierarchical clustering on a graph11
Optimal retrieval in puzzle‐based storage with heuristic search and tabulation11
A survivable variant of the ring star problem10
A combinatorial auction‐based approach for ridesharing in a student transportation system10
A continuous‐time service network design and vehicle routing problem9
On maximum ratio clique relaxations9
Collaborative transportation for attended home deliveries8
Distributionally risk‐receptive and risk‐averse network interdiction problems with general ambiguity set8
Grocery distribution plans in urban networks with street crossing penalties8
Fast reliability ranking of matchstick minimal networks7
EETTlib—Energy‐efficient train timetabling library6
Branch‐and‐price for energy optimization in multi‐hop wireless sensor networks6
Fast upper and lower bounds for a large‐scale real‐world arc routing problem6
Issue Information5
The single robot line coverage problem: Theory, algorithms, and experiments5
Virtual network function reconfiguration in 5G networks: An optimization perspective4
Balanced cable routing for offshore wind farms with obstacles4
Maximizing reachability in a temporal graph obtained by assigning starting times to a collection of walks4
Paths and flows for centrality measures in networks3
Location of urban micro‐consolidation centers to reduce the social cost of last‐mile deliveries of cargo: A heuristic approach3
Optimal connected subgraphs: Integer programming formulations and polyhedra3
Parameterized algorithms for Steiner tree and (connected) dominating set on path graphs3
Home Healthcare Staffing, Routing, and Scheduling Problem With Multiple Shifts and Emergency Considerations3
The multi‐purpose K‐drones general routing problem3
Integrated commercial and operations planning model for schedule design, aircraft rotation and crew scheduling in airlines3
Maximum flow‐based formulation for the optimal location of electric vehicle charging stations3
A cops and robber game and the meeting time of synchronous directed walks3
Decision support for the technician routing and scheduling problem3
The family traveling salesman problem with incompatibility constraints3
The b‐bibranching problem: TDI system, packing, and discrete convexity3
Cost‐optimal truck‐and‐robot routing for last‐mile delivery3
Math‐based reinforcement learning for the adaptive budgeted influence maximization problem2
In search of dense subgraphs: How good is greedy peeling?2
Issue Information2
Issue Information2
A robust optimization framework for two‐echelon vehicle and UAV routing for post‐disaster humanitarian logistics operations2
Maximum weight perfect matching problem with additional disjunctive conflict constraints2
Solving the routing and spectrum assignment problem, driven by combinatorial properties2
Issue Information2
An innovative operation‐time‐space network for solving different logistic problems with capacity and time constraints2
Issue Information2
Algorithms and complexity for the almost equal maximum flow problem2
Network design with vulnerability constraints and probabilistic edge reliability2
Have a Good Travel Time in Routing: Bibliometric Analysis, Literature Review, and Future Directions1
Selecting fast algorithms for the capacitated vehicle routing problem with machine learning techniques1
Distance‐layer structure of the De Bruijn and Kautz digraphs: Analysis and application to deflection routing1
A warehouse location‐allocation bilevel problem that considers inventory policies1
A Multi‐Trip Vehicle Routing Problem With Release Dates and Interrelated Periods1
Generalizing Horn's conditions for preemptive scheduling on identical parallel machines via network flow techniques1
2019–2020 Glover‐Klingman Prize Winners1
Approximation Algorithm for the Minimum Interval Partial Multi‐Cover Problem1
Targeted multiobjective Dijkstra algorithm1
Optimizing edge sets in networks to produce ground truth communities based on modularity1
Crowdsourced logistics: The pickup and delivery problem with transshipments and occasional drivers1
Issue Information1
The workforce scheduling and routing problem with park‐and‐loop1
Two‐stage stochastic one‐to‐many driver matching for ridesharing1
Affine routing for robust network design1
A column generation algorithm for the demand‐responsive feeder service with mandatory and optional, clustered bus‐stops1
A multi‐vehicle covering tour problem with speed optimization1
Recoverable Robust Shortest Path Problem Under Interval Budgeted Uncertainty Representations1
New approximations for network reliability1
The node cop‐win reliability of unicyclic and bicyclic graphs1
Optimization of gas metering maintenance services: A multiobjective vehicle routing problem with a set of predefined overlapping time windows1
Issue Information1
On Constrained Minimum Weight Edge Covers With Applications to Emergency Planning1
Editorial: 2021 Glover‐Klingman Prize Winner1
New computational approaches for the power dominating set problem: Set covering and the neighborhoods of zero forcing forts1
Layered Graph Models for the Electric Vehicle Routing Problem With Nonlinear Charging Functions1
Preface: Special issue on network analytics and optimization1
A dynamic programming algorithm for order picking in robotic mobile fulfillment systems1
Generalized nash fairness solutions for bi‐objective minimization problems1
On matchings, T‐joins, and arc routing in road networks1
Exact solution approaches for the discrete α‐neighbor p‐center problem1
Issue Information1
Issue Information1
Issue Information1
Impact of knowledge on the cost of treasure hunt in trees1
Solving the probabilistic drone routing problem: Searching for victims in the aftermath of disasters1
A mathematical formulation and an LP‐based neighborhood search matheuristic solution method for the integrated train blocking and shipment path problem1