Journal of Product and Brand Management

(The TQCC of Journal of Product and Brand Management is 10. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Guest editorial: Cultivating a broader paradigm to understand family business brands and the branding process115
Sustainable luxury brands: the moderating effects of salient identity-based goals90
The relative impact of employees’ discrete emotions on employees’ negative word-of-mouth (NWOM) and counterproductive workplace behavior (CWB)53
Internal Branding - In search of a new paradigm: Guest editorial48
Consumer attitudes and purchase intentions towards internet celebrity self-brands: an integrated view of congruence, brand authenticity and internet celebrity involvement45
The interrelationship of family identities, personalities, and expressions on family winery websites36
Influence of consumption resources on observers’ attitudes towards luxury brands: the perspective of power distance belief36
What draws voters to brandidates and why? – Political orientation, personal satisfaction, and societal values on presidential candidates’ brand personality35
Do university trademarks matter? Interaction between university-related apparel style and licensing status35
Take heed of those you reject: a candidate’s view of employer reputation34
Does crowdsourcing necessarily lead to brand engagement? The role of crowdsourcing cues and relationship norms on customer-brand relationships32
Listing product benefits on an extra affixed label: effects on claim credibility and product evaluation32
Avoidance or trash talk: the differential impact of brand identification and brand disidentification on oppositional brand loyalty31
Redefining brand hijacking from a non-collaborative brand co-creation perspective30
Too thin to be cute: the influence of letter height-to-width ratio on consumer perception29
Compromise pricing in luxury26
Branding’s academic–practitioner gap: managers’ views26
Brand purpose: a literature review and BEING implementation framework25
Being a member of global community: the effect of Chinese brand origin salience on global identity perceptions and brand evaluations25
Growing the community bank in the shadow of national banks: an empirical analysis of the U.S. banking industry, 1994–201824
(Relative) size matters: a content analysis of front-of-packaging cue proportions and hierarchies23
How does corporate hypocrisy undermine corporate reputation? The roles of corporate trust, affective commitment and CSR perception23
Brand pride: concept and measurement23
Once upon a game: boosting brand storytelling through gamification23
Introducing bi-directional participatory place branding: a theoretical model with multi-stakeholder perspectives22
Brand imitation strategy, package design and consumer response: what does it take to make a difference?22
The effects of brand equity and failure severity on remedy choice after a product recall21
Exploring the impact of perceived social media agility on co-creation opportunities and brand attachment: the moderating role of technology reflectiveness21
Brand communications during a global crisis: understanding persuasion intent, perceived brand opportunism and message sincerity21
Impression management through social media: impact on the market performance of musicians’ human brands21
Internal audience watches the boss walking the talk: the mechanism of management’s mission alignment for internal branding20
Gamify, engage, build loyalty: exploring the benefits of gameful experience for branded sports apps20
Understanding national brand customer erosion: exploring socio-demographic and weight of purchase factors19
Conspicuous consumption of luxury experiences: an experimental investigation of status perceptions on social media19
Presentation-order effect of product images on consumers’ mental imagery processing and purchase intentions18
Demystifying the product attribute nexus: illuminating webrooming behavior in emerging fashion industry18
Does the economic value of new product announcements depend upon preannouncement signals? An empirical test of information asymmetry theories17
A committed brand facing moral dilemma crises: the role of inferred goodwill and self-brand connection in consumer regret17
Sustainable food packaging: engagement through the public discourse on social networks17
Brand transgressions in advertising related to diversity, equity and inclusion: implications for consumer–brand relationships16
Determining the predictive importance of the core dimensions of nation brands16
Decoding Generation Z's habits: the augmented reality shift from gimmick to utility in omni-digital shopping15
Impacts of crisis emotions on negative word-of-mouth and behavioural intention: evidence from a milk crisis15
The brand-building process of B2B high-tech startups in an omni-digital environment15
The impact of social media evolution on practitioner-stakeholder relationships in brand management15
This brand is who I am… or is it? Examining changes in motivation to maintain brand attachment15
The effect of virtual anchor appearance on purchase intention: a perceived warmth and competence perspective15
Strategic horizon of market success: comparing alternative “strategic landscapes” of the new product development process15
From past to future: exploring two decades of branded apps15
Consumer response to celebrity transgression: investigating the effects of celebrity gender and past transgressive and philanthropic behaviors using real celebrities14
Brand new: how visual context shapes initial response to logos and corporate visual identity systems14
Using brands to reconnect with our shared past: brand nostalgia in romantic relationships14
The experience – economy revisited: an interdisciplinary perspective and research agenda14
Enhancing brand loyalty through online brand communities: the role of community benefits14
Customer–brand relationship in the era of artificial intelligence: understanding the role of chatbot marketing efforts14
Which brands do consumers become attached to? The roles of brand concepts and brand positioning in the context of COVID-1913
Customer-based brand competitiveness (CBBC) scale: advancing the relative perspective13
Brand anthropomorphism on Twitter: communication strategies and consumer engagement13
How to mitigate fashion subscription hesitation: two-step exploration using theory-based causal modeling and machine learning predictive modeling13
Understanding underdog brand positioning effects among emerging market consumers: a moderated mediation approach13
Speak up! brands’ responsiveness matters: consumer reactions to brand communications in the early stages of a crisis12
A moderated mediation model of situational context and brand image for online purchases using eWOM12
The influence of unfamiliar ingredients on the greenness evaluation of environmentally friendly products12
Exploring consumers’ attitude formation toward their own brands when in crisis: cross-national comparisons between USA and China12
To be (family) or not to be (family): the familiness effect over brand authenticity posts on social media and consumer engagement relationship12
The role of augmented reality app attributes and customer-based brand equity on consumer behavioral responses: an S-O-R framework perspective12
The impact of brand value co-creation on perceived CSR authenticity and brand equity12
Configurating product placement prominence on brand memory: what counts and what does not?11
The primacy of corporate brand trust for new market entrants11
Consuming in a crisis: pandemic consumption across consumer segments and implications for brands11
Not a human, not for green? The effectiveness of virtual influencers endorsing green products10
Automated text analyses of YouTube comments as field experiments for assessing consumer sentiment towards products and brands10
Guest editorial: Beyond tech gimmicks: omni-digital touchpoints for products and brands10
The emergence of a values-based premium private label brand reputation within a multiple-tier brand portfolio10