Manchester School

(The TQCC of Manchester School is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Patent policy and economic growth: A survey12
Dysfunctional presenteeism: Effects of physical and mental health on work performance11
The impact of Brexit on international students’ return intentions11
Bank deposits and textual sentiment: When an European Central Bank president's speech is not just a speech11
Cross‐ownership and corporate social responsibility10
Social norms and evolutionary tax compliance8
What affects the price movements in Bitcoin and Ethereum?8
Globalization and the labor share in China: Firm‐level evidence8
An investigation of seeming favoritism in public procurement7
Informality and financial development: A literature review6
Trends and cycles in U.S. job mobility6
Competition mode and common ownership in a mixed oligopoly5
Managerial delegation, network externalities and loan commitment5
Strategic delegation and network externalities under export rivalry market4
Over‐education in Cyprus: Micro and macro determinants, persistence and state dependence. A dynamic panel analysis4
The causal linkage between inflation and inflation uncertainty under structural breaks: Evidence from Turkey4
Gender differences in science, technology, engineering and maths uptake and attainment in post‐16 education4
A reappraisal of Katona’s adaptive theory of consumer behaviour using U.K. data4
Estimating a bilateral J‐curve between the UK and the Euro area: An asymmetric analysis4
Foreign passive ownership and tariff‐induced free technology transfer under vertical integration4
Economic policy uncertainty spillovers in Europe before and after the Eurozone crisis4
Economic policy uncertainty and unconventional monetary policy3
R&D rivalry with endogenous compatibility3
Corporate governance, firm dynamics, and wage inequality3
Weekend working in 21st century Britain: Does it matter for the well‐being of workers?3
Cryptocurrency shocks3
Intergenerational transmission of fertility outcomes in Spain2
The effect of the 2008 employment support programme on young men’s labour market outcomes in Turkey: Evidence from a regression discontinuity design2
Economic impacts of UK's free trade agreements with Korea, Japan, and EU as a breakthrough of Brexit2
Access to bank financing and start‐up resilience: A survival analysis across business sectors in a time of crisis2
Fixed‐fee vs. royalty licensing under asymmetric demand information2
Could coexistence of open‐source and proprietary platforms be an equilibrium outcome?2
Environmental policy instruments and ownership of firms2
Fee versus royalty licensing in a Cournot duopoly with increasing marginal costs2
Investor sentiment contagion and network connectedness: Evidence from China and other international stock markets2
Local education expenditures and educational inequality in China2
Analyzing the degree of persistence of economic policy uncertainty using linear and non‐linear fourier quantile unit root tests2
Consumer stockpiling and demand elasticity biases: A theoretical note with applications2
Commercial policies, unilateral versus bilateral foreign ownership, and welfare2
Interest rate, price level, and the inflation rate: Evidence from the UK during the gold standard regimes2
Green firm, brown environment1
The effect of changes in the terms of trade on GDP and welfare: A Divisia approach to the System of National Accounts1
Are pro‐productivity policies fit for purpose?1
Total factor productivity and state ownership: Evidence from China's 2008 stimulus package1
Leadership in internationalization strategies1
Monetary policy objectives and economic outcomes: What can we learn from a wavelet‐based optimal control approach?1
Revisiting the determinants of house prices in China’s megacities: Cross‐sectional heterogeneity, interdependencies and spillovers1
Monetary rewards in employee referral programs1
Examining regional asymmetries in drivers of international migration flows1
Inflation persistence and monetary policy: DSGE‐VAR approach1
Behavior‐based price discrimination in the domestic and international mixed duopoly1
The impacts of exchange rate on US adjusted bilateral trade balance with Germany under Brexit: A comparative analysis1
Bertrand‐Cournot profit reversal under non‐commitment process innovation1
The leverage effect of bundling on monopoly power and product quality1
Is the ECB’s conventional monetary policy state‐dependent? An event study approach1
The effect of education on homeownership: Evidence from 20th century school attendance laws in the United States1