Journal of Rural Studies

(The TQCC of Journal of Rural Studies is 12. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Grappling with governance: Emerging approaches to build community economies180
Understanding rural business resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic148
Unveiling the role of early child development in preventing poverty transmission in deep poverty-stricken areas of RuralChina116
The impact of “artificial wool” on the New Zealand wool industry: Lessons for future substitution transitions in the agricultural sector101
Pathways of displacement: A pan-Canadian perspective on the nature and dynamics of rural and remote homelessness98
Place-bereavement-trajectories: Life-course experiences of loss in rural Irish communities84
Rural innovation and the green transition: The role of further education colleges83
Rural housing after the end of coal. The case of Boxberg (Upper Lusatia, Germany)74
Evaluating the sustainability of rural complex ecosystems during the development of traditional farming villages into tourism destinations: A diachronic emergy approach69
‘The day I killed my cows was the day I walked away’: Mycoplasma bovis, moral economy and moral capital67
Coordination work – Tuning and timing rice production in Burkina Faso66
Those who go without: an ethnographic analysis of the lived experiences of rural mental health and healthcare infrastructure64
Agrarian origins of authoritarian populism in the United States: What can we learn from 20th-century struggles in California and the Midwest?64
Nuancing the commercial counterurbanisation debate: job creation and capacity building in an island setting61
The living environment and intravillage activity-travel: A conceptual framework based on participant observation in Guangdong, China61
The rural exodus of young people from empty Spain. Socio-educational aspects59
Dying villages to prosperous villages: A perspective from revitalization of idle rural residential land (IRRL)55
Wellbeing and health in a small New Zealand rural community: Assets, capabilities and being rural-fit54
Donald Trump and changing rural/urban voting patterns54
The Cultural Political Economy of rural governance: Regional development in Hesse (Germany)53
The out-migration of young people from a region of the “Empty Spain”: Between a constant slump cycle and a pending innovation spiral53
Developing a framework for radical and incremental social innovation in rural areas53
The introduction of digital technologies into agriculture: Space, materiality and the public–private interacting forms of authority and expertise52
Protecting provenance, abandoning agriculture? Heritage products, industrial ideals and the uprooting of a Spanish turrón52
The future of small farms and small food businesses as actors in regional food security: A participatory scenario analysis from Europe and Africa50
Alternative places for alternative people? A changing ecovillage discourse from Othered lifestyle to another rurality50
Evaluating rural viability and well-being: Evidence from marginal areas in Tuscany49
“You never farm alone”: Farmer land-use decisions influenced by social relations49
The strength of formal weak ties: The vital role of formal institutional networks for America's disconnected youth48
“No better or worse off”: Mycoplasma bovis, farmers and bureaucracy48
KIBS as knowledge sources for innovation in rural regions48
The application of a sentiment analysis approach to explore public understandings of animal agriculture46
Economic and environmental determinants of farm succession. The empirical evidence from Wielkopolska region (Poland)46
The psychosocial impact of Mycoplasma bovis on southern New Zealand farmers: The human cost of managing an exotic animal disease incursion46
Changing scripts: Gender, family farm succession and increasing farm values in Australia46
Metrics and public accountability, the case of species credits in the USA45
Translocal livelihoods research and the household in the Global South – A gendered perspective44
Aligning bottom-up initiatives and top-down policies? A comparative analysis of overfishing and coastal governance in Ghana, Tanzania, the Philippines, and Thailand44
County town shrinkage in China: Identification, spatiotemporal variations and the heterogeneity of influencing factors44
Exploring minority ethnic communities’ access to rural green spaces: The role of agency, identity, and community-based initiatives44
Sustainable food policies without sustainable farming? Challenges for agroecology-oriented farmers in relation to urban (sustainable) food policies40
Identifying knowledge gaps surrounding antimicrobial resistance: An exploratory study of antimicrobial resistant genes on Pennsylvania dairy farms39
Ageing in place in a rural town in Aotearoa New Zealand: A Deweyan transactional perspective39
Female artists work and creativity in the rural: Beyond core and periphery37
Enabling the delivery of rural affordable housing in England37
Livestock farmers’ perceptions towards genetically engineered methods and genetically modified organisms in Denmark and Sweden37
Investigating the Slow Food - Place relation: An empirical study of dairy communities in Abruzzo37
Examining farmers’ motivations to engage in low-carbon agricultural practices: A study of New Zealand dairy farmers37
Smallholders’ livelihoods in the presence of commercial farms in central Kenya36
Good Animal Welfare in Norwegian Farmers’ context. Can both industrial and natural conventions be achieved in the social license to farm?36
What knowledge is required to grow food? A framework for understanding horticulture's skills ‘crisis’36
Rethinking the place of agricultural land preservation for the development of food systems in planning of peri-urban areas: Insights from two French municipalities36
Beyond transformations: Zooming in on agricultural digitalization and the changing social practices of rural farming in Northern Ghana, West Africa36
How does the rural settlement transition contribute to shaping sustainable rural development? Evidence from Shandong, China36
Lock-ins to transition pathways anchored in contextualized cooperative dynamics: Insights from the historical trajectories of the Walloon dairy cooperatives35
Understanding diversity in farmers’ routinized crop protection practices35
Identifying and addressing ‘wicked’ social problems in community forestry in Papua New Guinea35
Understanding rural system with a social-ecological framework: Evaluating sustainability of rural evolution in Jiangsu province, South China34
“No turning back”: The emergence and settlement of GMO hegemony in Brazil33
Conservation agriculture in new alluvial agro-ecology: Differential perception and adoption33
Editorial Board32
Editorial Board31
Scalar politics, power struggles and institutional emergence in Daw Lar Lake, Myanmar31
Immigration and integration in rural areas and the agricultural sector: An EU perspective31
Transcultural validation of a scale in English, Portuguese and Spanish to assess rural extension agents’ beliefs about extension and innovation31
Examining the need for organisational learning and entrepreneurialism to meet the changing roles and expectations of rural and agricultural shows in the UK31
Metrics of open government in Mexican fisheries31
How does reverse entrepreneurship facilitate community transformation in rural China: Evidence from the Yellow Revier31
Norwegian wood, isn't it good? Narratives of the lumber industry and development paths in the Nordic periphery30
Alternative development trajectories? A quantitative analysis of religion as a vector of mobility and education among the Hmong in upland Vietnam30
Village leadership, social networks and collective actions in indigenous communities: Case of Hani rice terrace social-ecological system in Southwest China30
The role of land inequality in the poverty-forest loss nexus patterns: A case study from Chile30
“Examining Rust Belt narratives: Race, rural representation, and everyday experiences”30
Coffee and the agrarian questions in Laos and Rwanda: Taking a bottom-up perspective30
“Making sense of rural identities in future horizons of Dutch and German students living in rural areas”30
Liberal LGBTphobia in rural spaces: Israeli lesbian and bisexual women's relationality30
Belonging, identity and place: Middle-class Tasmanian rural young people in urban university29
Who decides? The governance of rewilding in Scotland ‘between the cracks’: community participation, public engagement, and partnerships29
Empowering rural women through gender and nutrition education amid the COVID-19 crisis: Evidence from Myanmar's Central Dry Zone29
From family to markets. How institutional determinants of rural youth transitions have changed in Senegal and Zambia over time29
Challenges and policy implication of bridging the digital divide for native American Tribes:A community resilience approach28
Attachment to land and its downfalls: Can policy encourage land mobility?28
The transformative potential of Seed Commons: Applying the social-ecological transformation framework to agri-food systems28
Health services and eHealth from the perspective of older rural residents of Finnish Lapland28
Where do we meet? Exploring how facilities and meeting places in rural areas contribute to quality of life28
Trans in Arcadia: Transgender lives in the countryside and expanding Philo's ‘rural others’ beyond the cis28
‘I don’t fertilise quite like that’: Mediating and distancing capacities of nutrient records at Finnish farms27
Editorial Board27
Hidden tunnels, drowned dragons, and other subterranean secrets: Environmental politics of small-scale mining in Colombia27
Governing food futures: Towards a ‘responsibility turn’ in food and agriculture27
Work from home behaviors among U.S. urban and rural residents27
Who benefits from the agrarian transition under violent conflict? Evidence from Myanmar27
Heuristics and farm heterogeneity: Evidence from small-scale farmers in Brazil26
Rural credit acquisition for family farming in Brazil: Evidence from the Legal Amazon26
Nature in the showcase. Naturbanization keys in Chile and Spain26
Food transfers and translocal livelihoods in rural Africa – Longitudinal perspectives from six countries26
Advancing rural as ‘something more than a human estate’: Exploring UK sheep-shaping25
New farmers in the south of Italy: Capturing the complexity of contemporary strategies and networks25
The survival of agriculture on the edge: Perceptions of push and pull factors for the persistence of the ancient chinampas of Xochimilco, Mexico City25
Rural gentrification, touristification, and displacement: Analysing evidence from Mexico25
Drivers of the peasant households’ part-time farming behavior in China25
What's the beef?: Debating meat, matters of concern and the emergence of online issue publics25
Understanding farm generational renewal and its influencing factors in Europe24
Animal welfare and cow-calf contact-farmers’ attitudes, experiences and adoption barriers24
Very good farmers, not particularly good business-people: A rural financial counsellor perspective on rural business failure24
Exploring the link between farmers’ entrepreneurial identities and work wellbeing24
Entrepreneurial marketing practices and rural wine producers’ performance: The moderating role of competitive intensity in an immediate post crisis period24
Short-term or long-term? New insights into rural collectives' perceptions of Land Value Capture within China's rural land marketization reform24
Theoretical and practical research into excavation slope protection for agricultural geographical engineering in the Loess Plateau: A case study of China's Yangjuangou catchment24
Think like a fenceline: Exploring the power of farm boundaries24
Production and reconstruction mechanism of consumption spaces in urban fringe areas under capital intervention: Evidence from Guangming town in Shenzhen23
Local and vertical networking as drivers of innovativeness and growth in rural businesses23
The role of female-only business networks in rural development: Evidence from NSW, Australia23
Reflexivity and certified crop advisors’ knowledge paradigms as related to pesticide resistance management23
Rural return migration in the post COVID-19 China: Incentives and barriers23
Exchanges among farmers’ collectives in support of sustainable agriculture: From review to reconceptualization23
Exploring the relationship between regenerative grazing and Ranchers’ wellbeing23
Female entrepreneurs and path-dependency in rural tourism23
The emergence of social innovation in rural revitalisation practices: A comparative case study from Taiwan23
Rural gym spaces and masculine physical cultures in an ‘age of change’: Rurality, masculinity, inequalities and harm in ‘the gym’22
Benchmarking the vitality of shrinking rural regions in Finland22
Belonging from the margin: The changing village and its others22
Rethinking the divide: Exploring the interdependence between global and nested local markets22
Rural imaginaries in China's Three Gorges region22
Assessing the economics and finances of Artisanal and small-scale gold mining in Guyana22
Urban–rural disparity of child poverty in China: Spatio-temporal changes and influencing factors22
To participate, or not to participate – That is the question. (Non-)participation of older residents in rural communities22
Understanding rural gentrification in China: Examining the evolving concept and comparative insights22
Public contestations against the disturbance, degradation, and destruction of Sámi pastoral landscapes in northern Sweden22
The adoption of conservation agriculture by smallholder farmers in southern Africa: A scoping review of barriers and enablers21
More than spatial coordination – How Dutch agricultural collectives foster social capital for effective governance of agri-environmental measures21
From conversion to conservation to carbon: The changing policy discourse on mangrove governance and use in the Philippines21
Differentiated discharge patterns, causes and prevention measures of rural non-point source pollution in the four economic regions of mainland China21
Return migration and in-situ urbanization of 79 migrant sending counties in China: Characteristic and driving factors21
Determinants of returnees’ entrepreneurship in rural marginal China21
Everyday resilience: Rural communities as agents of change in peatland social-ecological systems21
Is small beautiful? Techinical efficiency and environmental sustainability of small-scale family farms under the conditions of agricultural policy support21
Understanding “public” framings of private places and psychological ownership in a rural land use conflict20
Agrifood policy after Brexit: The growing role of agroecology in Wales20
Understanding the distribution patterns and underlying mechanisms of non-grain use of cultivated land in rural China20
Impact of socioeconomic factors on vegetation restoration in humid karst areas of China: Evidence from a survey of 45 villages20
The changing rural idyll and the ideal migrant: The case of Scotland during COVID-1920
Social capital and soil conservation: Is there a connection? Evidence from Peruvian cocoa farms20
Homestead withdrawal behaviour of rural migrants in China: The role of joint reform of hukou system and homestead system20
Understanding decision processes in becoming a fee-for-hire service provider: A case study on direct seeded rice in Bihar, India20
Farmer competencies for successful farming in Sub-Sahara Africa20
The prevalence of farmer burnout: Systematic review and narrative synthesis19
Innovation systems and affordances in climate smart agriculture19
Wellbeing and collective grievances among farmers: The case of Flanders, Belgium19
Interrelationships amongst critical success factors and rural social enterprises’ performance in a developing country context19
Role of the interaction space in shaping innovation for sustainable agriculture: Empirical insights from African case studies19
Exploring the differences between coastal farmers’ subjective and objective risk preferences in China using an agent-based model19
Social innovation and community-focussed civic initiatives in the context of rural depopulation: For everybody by everybody? Project Ulrum 203419
Tea farmers’ intention to participate in Livestream sales in Vietnam: The combination of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and barrier factors19
Ways of (un)knowing landscapes: Tracing more-than-human relations in regenerative agriculture19
From Land Consolidation and Food Safety to Taobao Villages and Alternative Food Networks: Four Components of China's Dynamic Agri-Rural Innovation System19
The impact of digitalization and automation on horticultural employees – A systematic literature review and field study19
Using mass media campaigns to change pesticide use behaviour among smallholder farmers in East Africa19
Analysing the efficiency of diversified farms: Evidences from Italian FADN data18
Implications of alternative farm management patterns to promote resilience in extensive sheep farming. A Spanish case study18
Planning for socially sustainable rural housing in Sweden18
Contemporary interventions tackling complex issues: Exploring pathways from online mental health forums to personal resilience18
Consuming the earth? Terroir and rural sustainability18
Encroached by pine and eucalyptus? A grounded theory on an environmental conflict between forest industry and smallholder livelihoods in Chile18
Community perceptions of carbon farming: A case study of the semi-arid Mulga Lands in Queensland, Australia18
Marriage squeeze in the Loess Plateau Region, Northwestern China: A case study of two villages18
The potential effects of climate change on subsistence farmers’ wellbeing in tropical (sub)montane homegardens. A case study on Mount Kilimanjaro18
Interventions to reduce loneliness and social isolation in rural settings: A mixed-methods review18
The farm worker and the ‘drift to the land’. Roots, routes, opportunities and constraints to career pathways in farming18
Depopulation determinants of small rural municipalities in the Valencia Region (Spain)18
A serious games methodology to test solutions for regional food systems inequities18
Rurality and social innovation processes and outcomes: A realist evaluation of rural social enterprise activities18
No farmer no food, assessing farmers climate change mitigation, and adaptation behaviors in farm production17
Co-evolution of technology and rural society: The blossoming of taobao villages in the information era, China17
Does the extent of time in drought affect the rate of farm ownership change in a local government area? A sixteen-year assessment of rural land ownership change in New South Wales, Australia17
Smallholder rice farming practices across livelihood strategies: A case study of the Poyang Lake Plain, China17
Agroforestry transitions: The good, the bad and the ugly17
Enhancing agency and empowerment in agricultural development projects: A synthesis of mixed methods impact evaluations from the Gender, Agriculture, and Assets Project, Phase 2 (GAAP2)17
Climate considerations aside: What really matters for farmers in their implementation of climate mitigation measures17
The gendered motives and experiences of Canadian women farmers in short food supply chains: Work satisfaction, values of care, and the potential for empowerment17
Striking roots: Place attachment of international migrants, internal migrants and local natives in three Norwegian rural municipalities17
On-farm agricultural inputs and changing boundaries: Innovations around production of microorganisms in Brazil17
Recognising the value of volunteers in performing and supporting leadership in rural communities17
Where is the city? Where is the countryside? Assessing the Methods for the Classification of Urban, Rural, and Intermediate Areas in Europe17
The actions of key agents in facilitating rural super-gentrification: Evidence from the English countryside17
Perceived effects of climate policy on rural areas and agriculture: A rural-urban- divide17
Supermarket environment and nutrition outcomes: Evidence from rural China17
Rural creativity for community revitalization in Bishan Village, China: The nexus of creative practices, cultural revival, and social resilience17
Governing Farmers through data? Digitization and the Question of Autonomy in Agri-environmental governance17
Multi-objective spatial reconstruction of rural settlements considering intervillage social connections17
‘Moving to the countryside and staying’? Exploring doctors’ migration choices to rural areas17
Improving the design of local short food supply chains: Farmers’ views in Wallonia, Belgium17
The gap between administration and migrants: Terminologies and experiences of urban-rural migration in Japan16
“Can the participation of civil society in policy networks mitigate against societal challenges in rural areas?”16
Cultural landscape transformations in the "Prosecco hills of Conegliano and Valdobbiadene" UNESCO World Heritage Site in the context of terrain morphology16
Drivers of farmers’ adaptive behavior to climate change: The 3F-SEC framework16
Beyond clients and citizens: Making claims in rural India16
Training and retention in rural and remote Australia: Examining the association between GP vocational training placements and subsequent practice location in Western Australia16
Real estate 4.0 – Experiences from the rural16
Spatial-temporal patterns and driving mechanism of rural vulnerability at county level:A case study of 117 counties in Heilongjiang Province, China16
Conditions for Co-creation: Lessons from a planning tool for rural facility decline16
Concerns and barriers surrounding the farm succession process – perception versus reality for beef farmers in Ireland16
Do rural school closures lead to local population decline?16
(In)visible newcomers: Foreign workers and internal urban-rural migrants in Japan's countryside16
Unraveling farmers' interrelated adaptation and mitigation adoption decisions under perceived climate change risks16
"ICI ON TRAVAILLE: The role of cooperatives in structuring social relations of production in artisanal and small-scale gold mining in Eastern DRC16
Examining the connection between resourcefulness and resilience: Analysis of UK rural SME firm-level enterprise characteristics16
Pathways towards sustainability: A capacity needs assessment for the implementation of the Colombian Policy for Sustainable Cattle 2022–205016
Why farmers perceive the use of e-government services as an administrative burden: A conceptual framework on influencing factors16
Youth in livestock and the power of education: The case of “Heirs of Tradition” from Colombia, 2012–202016
Rurality as context for innovative responses to social challenges – The role of rural social enterprises15
Learning, adaptation and resilience: The rise and fall of local food networks in Denmark15
‘It's cheaper than a dead cow’: Understanding veterinary medicine use on dairy farms15
‘Natural born carers’? Reconstituting gender identity in the labour of calf care15
Economically underdeveloped rural regions in Southern Moravia and possible strategies for their future development15
Beyond government-led or community-based: Exploring the governance structure and operating models for reconstructing China's hollowed villages15
How do agricultural advisory services meet the needs of farmers? Applying Q-methodology to assessing multi-stakeholders’ perspectives on the pluralistic advisory system in Ontario, Canada15
‘What we'd like is a CSA in every town.’ Scaling community supported agriculture across the UK15
Anti-urbanization and rural development: Evidence from return migrants in China15
Transforming the Corn Belt: A recipe for collaborative, farmer-driven research and diffusion of innovation15
Local institutions and artisanal mining: Governance forms in the goldfields of Madagascar15
Participation in individual and collective agri-environmental schemes: A synthesis using the Theory of Planned Behaviour15
Rekinning the homeland: Rurality, gender-based genocide, and Indigenous sovereignty in colonial Canada15
Agricultural cooperatives contributing to the alleviation of rural poverty. The case of Konjic (Bosnia and Herzegovina)15
Third places in rural America: Prevalence and disparities in use and meaningful use15
Entwined ruralities: Seasonality, simultaneity and precarity among transnational migrant workers in the wild berry industry15
Grassroots innovation: Scenario, policy and governance15
Short-term gain, long-term loss: Exploring the effects of Covid-19 survival strategies on rural livelihoods and the agrarian economy15
Non-point source pollution in response to rural transformation development: A comprehensive analysis of China's traditional farming area15
Multi-dimensional superposition: Rural collaborative governance in Liushe Village, Suzhou City15
Gender relations in livestock production and animal-source food acquisition and consumption among smallholders in rural Timor-Leste: A mixed-methods exploration15
Stay in dairy? Exploring the relationship between farmer wellbeing and farm exit intentions15
Peripheries within economic geography: Four “problems” and the road ahead of us14
Refugee entrepreneurship in the agri-food industry: The Swedish experience14
Bridging social capital as a resource for rural revitalisation in China? A survey of community connection of university students with home villages14
Multi-actor rural innovation ecosystems: Definition, dynamics, and spatial relations14
Integrated food policies in south-western France: Insights from local policy-making outside major urban areas14
Socioeconomic threats are more salient to farmers than environmental threats14
Smile, photo! alcohol consumption and technology use by young people in a Spanish rural area14
Negotiating the Northwoods: Anti-establishment rural politics in the Northeastern United States14
The blooming of local food councils across Europe and the Americas: Insights on an emerging literature and its divides14
The impacts of social network on non-farm self-employment: Evidence from Vietnam14
Post-pandemic developments in lifestyle migration in Japan: From back-to-the-land to urbanrural?14
LEADER and rural development policy - What's the problem represented to be?14
Rural Brexit? The ambivalent politics of rural community, migration and dependency14
Unmaking capitalism through community empowerment: Findings from Italian agricultural experiences14
Lives in limbo: Migrant integration and rural governance in Sweden14
Farmer technology adoption in Cambodia: The impact of climate change, risk aversion, and crop type14
How tourists change farms: The impact of agritourism on organic farming adoption and local community interaction in the Tyrol-Trentino mountain region14
“Enough is enough, we like our farms”: The role of landscape ideology in shaping perceptions of solar energy and agrivoltaics in the rural American Southwest14