North American Journal of Economics and Finance

(The TQCC of North American Journal of Economics and Finance is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Oil price shocks, geopolitical risks, and green bond market dynamics201
Forecasting stock index price using the CEEMDAN-LSTM model92
Risk spillover and network connectedness analysis of China’s green bond and financial markets: Evidence from financial events of 2015–202077
“Small things matter most”: The spillover effects in the cryptocurrency market and gold as a silver bullet77
Connectedness and systemic risk spillovers analysis of Chinese sectors based on tail risk network77
Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on stock markets: Conventional vs. Islamic indices using wavelet-based multi-timescales analysis70
The impact of China’s one belt one road initiative on international trade in the ASEAN region68
Risk spillover from crude oil prices to GCC stock market returns: New evidence during the COVID-19 outbreak62
How does FinTech affect the development of the digital economy? Evidence from China60
Risk spillover between Bitcoin and conventional financial markets: An expectile-based approach59
COVID-19 and asymmetric volatility spillovers across global stock markets59
Risk spillovers between cryptocurrencies and traditional currencies and gold under different global economic conditions49
A comparative study of forecasting corporate credit ratings using neural networks, support vector machines, and decision trees49
The impact of economic uncertainty and geopolitical risks on bank credit49
Time-frequency connectedness of crude oil, economic policy uncertainty and Chinese commodity markets: Evidence from rolling window analysis48
Is there one safe-haven for various turbulences? The evidence from gold, Bitcoin and Ether48
Analysis of the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on G20 stock markets46
Systemic financial risk early warning of financial market in China using Attention-LSTM model45
Adaptive market hypothesis: The story of the stock markets and COVID-19 pandemic44
Multiscale financial risk contagion between international stock markets: Evidence from EMD-Copula-CoVaR analysis44
Time and frequency connectedness and portfolio diversification between cryptocurrencies and renewable energy stock markets during COVID-1942
Asymmetric volatility connectedness among U.S. stock sectors42
Geopolitical risk and stock market volatility in emerging markets: A GARCH – MIDAS approach41
Carbon option price forecasting based on modified fractional Brownian motion optimized by GARCH model in carbon emission trading41
Economic policy uncertainty and cost of debt financing: International evidence40
How do stock price indices absorb the COVID-19 pandemic shocks?40
Dynamic volatility spillovers between industries in the US stock market: Evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic and Black Monday40
Exploring the dynamic spillover of cryptocurrency environmental attention across the commodities, green bonds, and environment-related stocks39
Revisiting the safe haven role of Gold across time and frequencies during the COVID-19 pandemic39
Can digital financial inclusion promote female entrepreneurship? Evidence and mechanisms39
Systemic risk of Chinese financial institutions and asset price bubbles36
Non-linear causal linkages of EPU and gold with major cryptocurrencies during bull and bear markets35
The effects of oil price shocks on inflation in the G7 countries35
Economic policy uncertainty and stock market returns: New evidence35
The dynamic impact of oil price shocks on the stock market and the USD/RMB exchange rate: Evidence from implied volatility indices34
The impact of financial technology on China’s banking industry: An application of the metafrontier cost Malmquist productivity index33
Customer concentration and corporate innovation: Evidence from China33
Risk spillover analysis across worldwide ESG stock markets: New evidence from the frequency-domain31
CEO overconfidence and labor investment efficiency31
Herding in the bad times: The 2008 and COVID-19 crises31
Factors affecting institutional investors to add crypto-currency to asset portfolios31
Liquidity creation and bank profitability30
Herding behavior in the cryptocurrency market during COVID-19 pandemic: The role of media coverage30
Multi-scale systemic risk and spillover networks of commodity markets in the bullish and bearish regimes30
Investor sentiment and Bitcoin relationship: A quantile-based analysis29
The COVID-19 Pandemic and Sovereign Bond Risk29
Risk spillovers and hedge strategies between global crude oil markets and stock markets: Do regime switching processes combining long memory and asymmetry matter?28
Dynamic spillover and connectedness between oil futures and European bonds28
Value investing versus other investment strategies: A volatility spillover approach and portfolio hedging strategies for investors28
CEO duality, information costs, and firm performance28
The impact of COVID-19 on the G7 stock markets: A time-frequency analysis28
Spillovers between sovereign CDS and exchange rate markets: The role of market fear28
Time-frequency co-movements between bank credit supply and economic growth in an emerging market: Does the bank ownership structure matter?27
Time–frequency quantile dependence between Bitcoin and global equity markets27
Connectedness of commodity, exchange rate and categorical economic policy uncertainties — Evidence from China27
The nonlinear effect of oil price shocks on financial stress: Evidence from China27
Do cryptocurrencies provide better hedging? Evidence from major equity markets during COVID-19 pandemic26
Does oil price variability affect the long memory and weak form efficiency of stock markets in top oil producers and oil Consumers? Evidence from an asymmetric MF-DFA approach26
Income diversification and bank risk in Asia Pacific26
Stablecoins as a tool to mitigate the downside risk of cryptocurrency portfolios25
The impact of non-performing loans on bank lending in Europe: An empirical analysis25
Geopolitical risks and investor sentiment: Causality and TVP-VAR analysis25
Economic policy uncertainty and stock market sector time-varying spillover effect: Evidence from China25
Multiscale features of extreme risk spillover networks among global stock markets25
Market volatility and illiquidity during the COVID-19 outbreak: Evidence from the Saudi stock exchange through the wavelet coherence approaches25
Dynamic volatility transmission and portfolio management across major cryptocurrencies: Evidence from hourly data24
The asymmetric effect of crude oil prices on stock prices in major international financial markets24
COVID-19 related media sentiment and the yield curve of G-7 economies24
Retail investors’ trading and stock market liquidity22
Liquidity, earnings management, and stock expected returns22
Pricing efficiency and asymmetric multifractality of major asset classes before and during COVID-19 crisis22
Time-varying asymmetric volatility spillover between global markets and China’s A, B and H-shares using EGARCH and DCC-EGARCH models22
Sensitivity of US equity returns to economic policy uncertainty and investor sentiments22
Digital finance and misallocation of resources among firms: Evidence from China22
Economic uncertainty, oil prices, hedging and U.S. stock returns of the airline industry22
Impacts of COVID-19 on global stock sectors: Evidence from time-varying connectedness and asymmetric nexus analysis22
Financial development and economic growth in a microfounded small open economy model22
Measuring systemic risk of the Chinese banking industry: A wavelet-based quantile regression approach21
The value of implementing enterprise risk management: Evidence from Taiwan’s financial industry21
Wavelet coherence analysis of returns, volatility and interdependence of the US and the EU money markets: Pre & post crisis21
The outbreak of COVID-19 and stock market liquidity: Evidence from emerging and developed equity markets21
Time-frequency co-movement and network connectedness between green bond and financial asset markets: Evidence from multiscale TVP-VAR analysis21
Connectedness of non-fungible tokens and conventional cryptocurrencies with metals21
The COVID-19 pandemic uncertainty, investor sentiment, and global equity markets: Evidence from the time-frequency co-movements21
Did the introduction of Bitcoin futures crash the Bitcoin market at the end of 2017?20
What drives dynamic connectedness of the U.S equity sectors during different business cycles?20
Forecasting solar stock prices using tree-based machine learning classification: How important are silver prices?20
A study on the bursting point of Bitcoin based on the BSADF and LPPLS methods20
The effect of economic policy uncertainty on China’s housing market19
Does transaction activity predict Bitcoin returns? Evidence from quantile-on-quantile analysis19
Intraday return predictability in the cryptocurrency markets: Momentum, reversal, or both19
Network VAR models to measure financial contagion19
Stablecoins as the cornerstone in the linkage between the digital and conventional financial markets18
Interconnectivity among cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and DeFi: Evidence from the Russia-Ukraine conflict18
Time-frequency effect of crude oil and exchange rates on stock markets in BRICS countries: Evidence from wavelet quantile regression analysis18
Spillovers and diversification potential of bank equity returns from developed and emerging America18
Interactions between investors’ fear and greed sentiment and Bitcoin prices18
Holding risky financial assets and subjective wellbeing: Empirical evidence from China18
Herding in Open-end Funds: Evidence from China18
The impact of the macroeconomic factors in the bank efficiency: Evidence from the Chinese city banks18
Bank profitability in the Eurasian Economic Union: Do funding liquidity and systemic importance matter?18
Stock market reactions to upside and downside volatility of Bitcoin: A quantile analysis18
The role of the board and the audit committee in corporate risk management17
Liquidity indicators, early warning signals in banks, and financial crises17
Contagion between real estate and financial markets: A Bayesian quantile-on-quantile approach17
Stock Market’s responses to intraday investor sentiment17
Economic uncertainty and national bitcoin trading activity17
How have the dependence structures between stock markets and economic factors changed during the COVID-19 pandemic?17
Dynamic spillovers and linkages between gold, crude oil, S&P 500, and other economic and financial variables. Evidence from the USA17
Contagion effects and risk transmission channels in the housing, stock, interest rate and currency markets: An Empirical Study in China and the U.S.17
Price effects after one-day abnormal returns in developed and emerging markets: ESG versus traditional indices17
A study of the efficiency of the Chinese clean energy stock market and its correlation with the crude oil market based on an asymmetric multifractal scaling behavior analysis17
Stock index futures price prediction using feature selection and deep learning17
Who is more important, parents or children? Economic and environmental factors and health insurance purchase17
The ‘COVID’ crash of the 2020 U.S. Stock market16
Time-frequency causality and dependence structure between crude oil, EPU and Chinese industry stock: Evidence from multiscale quantile perspectives16
Is Bitcoin a better hedging and safe-haven investment than traditional assets against currencies? Evidence from the time-frequency domain approach16
Spillover and connectedness among G7 real estate investment trusts: The effects of investor sentiment and global factors16
Does government funding promote or inhibit the financialization of manufacturing enterprises? Evidence from listed Chinese enterprises16
Knowledge capital, CEO power, and firm value: Evidence from the IT industry16
Analysis of the cross-region risk contagion effect in stock market based on volatility spillover networks: Evidence from China16
How does economic policy uncertainty drive time–frequency connectedness across commodity and financial markets?16
Contagion effect of systemic risk among industry sectors in China’s stock market16
Bank systemic risk and CEO overconfidence16
Partial cross-quantilogram networks: Measuring quantile connectedness of financial institutions16
Time-frequency transmission mechanism of EPU, investor sentiment and financial assets: A multiscale TVP-VAR connectedness analysis16
Institutional quality and corporate financing decisions around the world15
House price synchronization across the US states: The role of structural oil shocks15
Spillover effect of economic policy uncertainty on the stock market in the post-epidemic era15
The effects of exchange rate fluctuations on the stock market and the affecting mechanisms: Evidence from BRICS countries15
The influence of international oil price fluctuation on the exchange rate of countries along the “Belt and Road”15
Corporate cash holdings and total factor productivity – A global analysis15
Impact of CEO narcissism and hubris on corporate sustainability and firm performance14
Dependence dynamics of Islamic and conventional equity sectors: What do we learn from the decoupling hypothesis and COVID-19 pandemic?14
Spillovers of U.S. market volatility and monetary policy uncertainty to global stock markets14
Infectious diseases tracking and sectoral stock market returns: A quantile regression analysis14
Spillover effects in oil-related CDS markets during and after the sub-prime crisis14
Group penalized logistic regressions predict up and down trends for stock prices14
Modeling dynamic conditional correlations with leverage effects and volatility spillover effects: Evidence from the Chinese and US stock markets affected by the recent trade friction14
The impact of COVID-19 on the tourism and hospitality Industry: Evidence from international stock markets14
Heterogeneity dependence between oil prices and exchange rate: Evidence from a parametric test of Granger causality in quantiles14
The dynamic connectedness and hedging opportunities of implied and realized volatility: Evidence from clean energy ETFs14
Individual new energy consumption and economic growth in China14
Modelling international sovereign risk information spillovers: A multilayer network approach13
Estimating yield spreads volatility using GARCH-type models13
The empirical linkages among market returns, return volatility, and trading volume: Evidence from the S&P 500 VIX Futures13
How does HFT activity impact market volatility and the bid-ask spread after an exogenous shock? An empirical analysis on S&P 500 ETF13
Overnight stock returns, intraday returns, and firm-specific investor sentiment13
A novel two-stage method for well-diversified portfolio construction based on stock return prediction using machine learning13
Exploring the development trend of internet finance in China: Perspective from club convergence13
The risk spillover between China’s economic policy uncertainty and commodity markets: Evidence from frequency spillover and quantile connectedness approaches12
The contagion effect of jump risk across Asian stock markets during the Covid-19 pandemic12
COVID-19 stringency measures and foreign investment: An early assessment12
Extreme dependence and spillovers between uncertainty indices and stock markets: Does the US market play a major role?12
An evolutionary game theory model for the inter-relationships between financial regulation and financial innovation12
Hedge and safe-haven properties of FAANA against gold, US Treasury, bitcoin, and US Dollar/CHF during the pandemic period12
Incorporating the RMB internationalization effect into its exchange rate volatility forecasting12
Dynamic time series momentum of cryptocurrencies12
How does investor attention matter for crude oil prices and returns? Evidence from time-frequency quantile causality analysis12
Robust drivers of Bitcoin price movements: An extreme bounds analysis11
Forecasting stock market volatility: Can the risk aversion measure exert an important role?11
Hedging the extreme risk of cryptocurrency11
The fluctuation correlation between investor sentiment and stock index using VMD-LSTM: Evidence from China stock market11
Investment committees and corporate cash holdings11
Forecasting risk in the US Dollar exchange rate under volatility shifts11
Dependent relationships between Chinese commodity markets and the international financial market: Evidence from quantile time-frequency analysis11
Time-varying risk spillovers in Chinese stock market – New evidence from high-frequency data11
Global stock markets risk contagion: Evidence from multilayer connectedness networks in the frequency domain11
How can investors build a better portfolio in small open economies? Evidence from Asia’s Four Little Dragons11
Impact of Basel III liquidity regulations on U.S. Bank performance in different conditional profitability spectrums11
Time-varying impact of monetary policy shocks on US stock returns: The role of investor sentiment11
Stock index direction forecasting using an explainable eXtreme Gradient Boosting and investor sentiments11
Oil, Gas, or Financial Conditions-Which One Has a Stronger Link with Growth?11
The momentum and reversal effects of investor sentiment on stock prices11
Dynamic and asymmetric effects between carbon emission trading, financial uncertainties, and Chinese industry stocks: Evidence from quantile-on-quantile and causality-in-quantiles analysis10
Geopolitical risk and firm value: Evidence from emerging markets10
Spatial analysis of liquidity risk in China10
Predictability of tail risks of Canada and the U.S. Over a Century: The role of spillovers and oil tail Risks☆10
Evolution of price effects after one-day abnormal returns in the US stock market10
Targeted monetary policy and agriculture business loans10
Institutional investors’ ownership stability and their investee firms’ equity mispricing10
Do alternative energy markets provide optimal alternative investment opportunities?10
Derivatives market and economic growth nexus: Policy implications for emerging markets10
Valuing spread options with counterparty risk and jump risk10
Monetary policy and bank performance: The role of business models10
A novel LASSO – TLBO – SVR hybrid model for an efficient portfolio construction10
The impact of the shutdown policy on the asymmetric interdependence structure and risk transmission of cryptocurrency and China’s financial market10
What drives the liquidity premium in the Chinese stock market?10
Dynamic volatility connectedness between industrial metal markets10
Catastrophe bond spread and hurricane arrival frequency10
Risk spillover analysis of China’s financial sectors based on a new GARCH copula quantile regression model10
The research on non-linear relationship between enterprise digital transformation and stock price crash risk9
Does diversification promote systemic risk?9
Pricing vulnerable options with stochastic liquidity risk9
Cross-region risk spillover between the stock and stock index futures markets under exogenous shocks9
Identifying states of global financial market based on information flow network motifs9
Can green bond issuance promote enterprise green technological innovation?9
Valuation of options on the maximum of two prices with default risk under GARCH models9
The amplifying role of geopolitical Risks, economic policy Uncertainty, and climate risks on Energy-Stock market volatility spillover across economic cycles9
Liquidity spillovers between cryptocurrency and foreign exchange markets9
Supply chain finance and impacts of consumers’ sustainability awareness9
Energy, metals, market uncertainties, and ESG stocks: Analysing predictability and safe havens9
Diversified behavioral portfolio as an alternative to Modern Portfolio Theory9
Instability spillovers in the banking sector: A spatial econometrics approach9
Risk contagion in the banking network: New evidence from China9
A hybrid approach of wavelet transform, ARIMA and LSTM model for the share price index futures forecasting9
The impact of VIX on China’s financial market: A new perspective based on high-dimensional and time-varying methods9
The impact of economic uncertainty on the decision of fertility: Evidence from Taiwan9
Hedging and pricing early-exercise options with complex fourier series expansion9
How does the money market development impact the bank lending channel of emerging Countries? A case from China9
Regime switches and commonalities of the cryptocurrencies asset class9
Risk reporting and stock return in the UK: Does market competition Matter?9
Measuring real–financial connectedness in the U.S. economy9
Global convergence of inflation rates9
SMEs’ behavior under financial constraints: An empirical investigation on the legal environment and the substitution effect with tax arrears9