Social Semiotics

(The TQCC of Social Semiotics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Paratextual mediation and (re)framed narratives: a case study of Ganxiao liuji18
La lluita continua : socio-political debate and the linguistic landscape of a Catalan city15
Language ideologies in a Finnish university student union’s Facebook communication practices14
Corpus-assisted Ecolinguistics13
“The Amazingly Fabulous Tuk tuk Race”: mobility and carnival praxis in the semiotic landscape of Phnom Penh Pride12
Actions and digital empathy in the interactive storytelling of serious games: a multimodal discourse approach10
Russian train graffiti: a history of performance9
Artificial intelligence and visual discourse: a multimodal critical discourse analysis of AI-generated images of “Dementia”9
Affectivization of borders in the digital sphere: migration-related online narratives in Argentina8
Fair or biased? A corpus-based study of Australia’s early COVID-19 media representation of China8
The white worker’s hotdog and the not-so-white worker’s falafel: food-based public art and urban redevelopment in a changing society8
Corruption, language and popular agency7
Conducting sentiment analysis Conducting sentiment analysis , by Lei Lei and Dinlin Liu, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2021, iv++104 pp., $20.00 (paperback), IS7
Bridging typical and atypical reference: a review of Referring in Language: An Integrated Approach by Lise Fontaine, Katy Jones and David Schönthal7
The development of L2 interactional competence: a multimodal study of complaining in French interactions The development of L2 interactional competence: a multimodal study of complainin6
Systemic functional language description: making meaning matter6
Fire, police cars and barricade tape: exploring visual securitisation in Sweden Democrats’ Instagram posts6
Kongish: translanguaging and the commodification of an urban dialect Kongish: translanguaging and the commodification of an urban dialect , by Tong King Lee, Cambridge, 6
To preserve and to protect vanishing signs: activism through art, ethnography, and linguistics in a gentrifying city5
Towards a unified affordance approach: searching for congruent meaning making in COVID-19 warning designs5
The battle for 5Pointz and signifying regimes: desirable subjects, hierarchies of value, and legitimizing state power5
Ideology, attitudinal positioning, and the blockchain: a social semiotic approach to understanding the values construed in the whitepapers of blockchain start-ups5
Metaphors of the virtual: how ordinary people frame what the internet is5
An introduction to language and social justice: what is, what has been, and what could be4
The linguistic landscape of an Urban Hispanic-Serving Institution in the United States4
“They will not erase the blood, of those who fell here”: a multimodal analysis of the music video as a site of (post)memory and resistance against negationism in post-dictatorial Chile4
Skin-tone modified emoji and first-person indexicality4
“The trash is ruining the picture”: social media, sustainability, and the semiotics of pristine nature4
Sharing emotions or/and making allies: the emoji’s interpersonal function in Chinese social media news comments4
#Civilwar2: Instagram posts during COVID-193
The chop suey letterform in historical Los Angeles Chinatowns3
Remembering the other, repositioning oneself: the right to a biography and autocommunication in perpetrator and collaborator descendant documentaries*3
Graffiti and Urban transformation: the ideological discourse in the semiotic landscape of the Asturian Mining Valley3
Interfacing the semiosis of affect and crowdsourced spatialities in the context of post-panoptic surveillance. A case study of Safecity app3
Modelling paralanguage using systemic functional semiotics: theory and application Modelling paralanguage using systemic functional semiotics: theory and application , b3
Rhetoric of a terrorist: a metafunctional thematic analysis of the Unabomber Manifesto3
Strategic Conspiracy Narratives: A Semiotic Approach Strategic Conspiracy Narratives: A Semiotic Approach , by Mari-Liis Madisson and Andreas Ventsel, Abingdon, Routledg3
Teachers’ gestures in synchronous online language classrooms: embodied elicitation strategies for student participation3
“Scrounger-bashing” as national pastime: the prevalence and ferocity of anti-welfare ideology on niche-interest online forums3
Bourdieu’s theory of economic practice and organisational modelling2
Tiocfaidh Ár Lá, get the brits out, lad: masculinity and nationalism in Irish-language rap videos2
Climate irresponsibility on social media. A critical approach to “high-carbon visibility discourse”2
The multimodal performance of conversational humor2
Anti-Black sentiments in Chinese Weibo discourse: a critical discourse historical analysis2
Ambivalent or beneficial? An ecolinguistic study of news reports on the northward migration of a herd of Asian elephants2
Navigating nuance: the dual edges of multimodal discourse analysis in Macao’s policy evolution2
Revealing the politics in “soft”, everyday uses of social media: the challenge for critical discourse studies2
Econarrative: ethics, ecology, and the search for new narratives to live by Econarrative: ethics, ecology, and the search for new narratives to live by , by Arran Stibbe2
Idealising martyrdom and Jordanian militarism in the Martyr’s Memorial in Amman: A social semiotic approach2
“They are unpredictable junkies and criminals”: George Floyd’s death and the BLM movement in Czech user discussions2
Membership categorization devices in courtroom opening and closing speeches2
How emoji make meaning and enact ambient affiliation: a social semiotic account of emoji-text relations in TikTok comments2
Orality, multimodality and creativity in digital writing: Chinese users’ experiences and practices with bullet comments on Bilibili2
Semiotics for Latour, Latour for semiotics. Tracing a network of relations across disciplinary boundaries Inchiesta sulle reti di senso. Bruno Latour nella svolta semiotica 2
The linguistic landscapes of nature trails: creating presence, marking absence, shaping meaning2
Interrogating the multimodal construction of gender and family in children’s literature: a review2
Political protest landscapes in Catalonia: language choice, utopian/dystopian discourse and “Catalans”-“Spaniards” identities2
Reappraising self and others: a corpus-based study of Chinese political discourse in English translation2
Fighting whom? A critical approach to marketing communication of skin whitening product in Taiwan2
Inseparability of language and culture: evidence from spirituality, emotionality, and society2