Bulletin of Economic Research

(The TQCC of Bulletin of Economic Research is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Robust determinants of the shadow economy17
FDI inflows, economic growth, and governance quality trilogy in developing countries: A panel VAR analysis17
Banking crises and economic growth in developing countries: Why privileging foreign direct investment over external debt?17
Does the new digital infrastructure improve total factor productivity?13
R&D spillovers, output subsidies, and privatization in a mixed duopoly: Flexible versus irreversible R&D investments10
Building physical health: What is the role of mental health?9
Non‐renewable resources and the possibility of sustainable economic development in an economy with positive or negative population growth9
Does investor protection affect corporate dividend policy? Evidence from Asian markets8
Inflation, innovation, and growth: A survey8
The organizational relationship–based political connection and debt financing: Evidence from Chinese private firms8
Nexus between economic risk and political risk in the United Kingdom: Evidence from wavelet coherence and quantile‐on‐quantile approaches8
Does ownership concentration affect banks’ credit risk? Evidence from MENA emerging markets8
Transmission of the 2007–2008 financial crisis in advanced countries of the European Union7
Macroeconomic policy coordination and the European business cycle: Accounting for model uncertainty and reverse causality7
Does more market competition lead to higher income and utility in the long run?7
Choking or excelling under pressure: Evidence of the causal effect of audience size on performance6
Social trust, corporate governance, and stock price crash risk: Evidence from China6
Are central banks to blame? Monetary policy and bank lending behavior5
Do households with debt cut back their consumption more? New evidence from the United Kingdom5
Crisis and the Chinese miracle: A network—GVAR model5
Online sales, home delivery, and the platform economy5
Dynamics of inequality and opportunities within European countries5
Quality of governance and corporate real investment: Assessing the impact of foreign aid4
Examination of the impacts of the immediate interest rate of the United States and the VIX on the Dow Jones Islamic Market Index4
The growth effect of trade openness on African countries: Evidence from using an instrumental variable panel smooth transition model4
Policy uncertainty and income distribution: Asymmetric evidence from state‐level data in the United States4
Licensing cost‐reducing innovations under supply function competition4
The impact of “Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation” policy on SMEs’ innovation: Using quasi‐natural experiments4
Immigration, amnesties, and the shadow economy4
Financial cycle, business cycle, and policy uncertainty in India: An empirical investigation4
The effects of optimal cross holding in an asymmetric oligopoly4
The expansion of early childcare and transitions to first and second birth in Germany3
Corporate profit tax, firm entry with unemployment, and income inequality3
Racial/ethnic match and student–teacher relationships3
City innovation ability and internet infrastructure development: Evidence from the “Broadband China” policy3
Foreign players, team production, and technical efficiency: Evidence from European soccer3
Examining the relationship between political spending and legislative activities3
How harmful are cuts in public employment and wage in times of high unemployment?3
Pandemic effects in the Solow growth model3
Average time to sell a property and credit conditions: Evidence from the Italian housing market survey3
Inter‐ and intracountry effects of the Covid‐19 pandemic on wages and economic growth3
Effects of partial passive ownership in a successive endogenous timing game with R&D spillovers3
Securitization of assets and risk transfer in a large emerging market: Evidence from Brazil3
The global financial crisis and protectionism: Substitution from tariffs to non‐tariff measures3
Marriage premium with productivity heterogeneity3
The impact of social networking on labor market participation3
Horizontal mergers, cost savings, and network effects2
Large lending and banks performance. Is there any relationship? Empirical evidence from US banks2
The returns to education and wage penalty from overeducation: New evidence from Vietnam2
On threshold effect of housing finance on shared prosperity: Evidence from sub‐Saharan Africa2
The Black–White wage gap among young men in 1990 versus 2011: With sample selection adjustments2
Outsource to India: The impact of service outsourcing to India on the labor market in the United States2
Mergers, multiperiod Cournot competition, and Coasian dynamics2
Decomposing the changes in poverty: Poverty line and distributional effects2
Pollution in strategic multilateral exchange: Taxing emissions or trading on permit markets?2
The effect of class size on grades and course evaluations: Evidence from multisection courses2
Barter markets, indivisibilities, and Markovian core2
Bankruptcy voting process and corporate reorganization2
Expectations and the housing market: A model of house price dynamics2
Modeling the building blocks of country‐level absorptive capacity: Comparing developed and emergent economies2
New evidence on Islamic and conventional bank efficiency: A meta‐regression analysis2
Warning: Bilateral trade agreements do not create trade2
Employment to output elasticities and reforms towards flexicurity: Evidence from OECD countries2
Corporate focus, residential assets, and the performance of French REITs2
Can foreign direct investment foster the manufacturing industries’ spatial total factor productivity convergence in a transition economy? An empirical approach from Vietnam2
Beneficial impact of tax reforms on tax revenue performances in Togo: Myth or reality?2