Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing

(The TQCC of Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing is 16. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Consumer perceptions of AI chatbots on Twitter (X) and Reddit: an analysis of social media sentiment and interactive marketing strategies322
The power of numbers: an examination of the relationship between numerical cues in online review comments and perceived review helpfulness135
Digital consumer engagement: examining the impact of native advertising exposure in a social network117
Can mental imagery enhance review helpfulness and product evaluation? The role of contextual background and mental simulation108
Effects of personal innovativeness and perceived value of disclosure on privacy concerns in proximity marketing: self-control as a moderator89
The impact of artificial intelligence stimuli on customer engagement and value co-creation: the moderating role of customer ability readiness71
Guest editorial67
Optimizing positive goal framing in advertising: differential consumer responses to new product categories67
The role of gender-identity congruity in cross-gender endorsement in the context of live streaming65
Just enough unless my community needs more! The necessity shopper scale and the mediating effect of connectedness on buying more64
Consumer bias against evaluations received by artificial intelligence: the mediation effect of lack of transparency anxiety62
The impact of Internet celebrity characteristics on followers' impulse purchase behavior: the mediation of attachment and parasocial interaction60
CEO vs. celebrity: the effect of streamer types on consumer engagement in brands' self-built live-streaming50
Converting idol worship into destination loyalty: A study of “idol pilgrimage tour” in China48
The feeling of being together in the metaverse: the positive influence of copresence on subjective well-being47
How interactivity and vividness influence consumer virtual reality shopping experience: the mediating role of telepresence47
Conversions on the rise – modernizing e-mail marketing practices by utilizing volunteered data45
Online controversial events: leveraging consumer engagement with users’ positive buzz44
Integrating or tailoring? Optimizing touchpoints for enhanced omnichannel customer experience37
Decoding digital engagement: a comparative analysis of English and Turkish brand post popularity dynamics on platform X36
Is my design better? A co-creation perspective for online fashion design36
How social media self-efficacy and social anxiety affect customer purchasing from agile brands on social media35
Social media influencers as human brands: an interactive marketing perspective35
Does cluttered social media environment hurt advertising effectiveness? The moderation of ad types and personalization34
Video storytelling ads vs argumentative ads: how hooking viewers enhances consumer engagement33
“I will buy what my ‘friend’ recommends”: the effects of parasocial relationships, influencer credibility and self-esteem on purchase intentions32
How perceived interactivity affects consumers' shopping intentions in live stream commerce: roles of immersion, user gratification and product involvement32
Can the humanisation of smart home speakers improve user's attitude towards covert information collection?32
“I want to be as trendy as influencers” – how “fear of missing out” leads to buying intention for products endorsed by social media influencers31
The impact of barrage system fluctuation on user interaction in digital video platforms: a perspective from signaling theory and social impact theory30
The effect of image enhancement on influencer's product recommendation effectiveness: the roles of perceived influencer authenticity and post type29
The effect of novelty in in-game advertising: examining the moderating role of interactivity and congruency28
Enhancing the value co-creation process: artificial intelligence and mobile banking service platforms28
How chatbots' social presence communication enhances consumer engagement: the mediating role of parasocial interaction and dialogue25
Does product display quantity increase purchase intention? The mediation of diminished pain of payment24
Determinants of relationship termination intentions and their evolution: a two time-lag approach24
Buyer-seller interaction dynamics: a multidimensional assessment of seller reputation and perceived freedom in curbing opportunism in online platforms24
Digital modality richness drives vivid memory experience24
Effects of content characteristics on stages of customer engagement in social media: investigating European wine brands24
Artificial intelligence-enabled personalization in interactive marketing: a customer journey perspective23
The impact of open branding on consumer brand attitudes: the moderating role of power distance belief23
Revealing consumers’ hedonic buying in social media: the roles of social status recognition, perceived value, immersive engagement and gamified incentives23
Let virtual creatures stay virtual: tactics to increase trust in virtual influencers22
Virtual ideality vs. virtual authenticity: exploring the role of social signals in interactive marketing22
The effects of live comments and advertisements on social media engagement: application to short-form online video22
How consumer opinions are affected by marketers: an empirical examination by deep learning approach21
Influence of self-disclosure of Internet celebrities on normative commitment: the mediating role of para-social interaction20
Consumer brand engagement on social media in the COVID-19 pandemic: the roles of country-of-origin and consumer animosity20
Post-pandemic marketing: when the peripheral becomes the core19
The role of brand interactivity and involvement in driving social media consumer brand engagement and brand loyalty: the mediating effect of brand trust19
Pumping up customer value with convenience and personalisation strategies in e-retailing: an analysis of the engagement connection19
The impact of customer value co-creation in online medical consultation on customer service well-being18
Social- or task-oriented: how does social crowding shape consumers' preferences for chatbot conversational styles?17
Perceived authenticity of social media influencers: scale development and validation17
Achieving close psychological distance and experiential value in the MarTech servicescape: a mindfulness-oriented service perspective17
The impact of brand connectedness on consumer engagement behavior in the social media brand community17
Somewhat pushy but effective: the role of value-laden social media digital content marketing (VSM-DCM) for search and experience products17
Editorial: Demonstrating contributions through storytelling17
Beyond visual clutter: the interplay among products, advertisements, and the overall webpage17
Effects of the anthropomorphic image of intelligent customer service avatars on consumers' willingness to interact after service failures16
Gratitude expression in the sharing economy: a perspective of interactive marketing communication between peer service providers and consumers16
It’s the moment of truth: a longitudinal study of touchpoint influence on business-to-business relationships16
Boost your email marketing campaign! Emojis as visual stimuli to influence customer engagement16
Impacts of brand digitalization on brand market performance: the mediating role of brand competence and brand warmth16
Augmented reality interactive technology and interfaces: a construal-level theory perspective16