Employee Relations

(The TQCC of Employee Relations is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The influence of green HRM practices on green service behaviors: the mediating effect of green knowledge sharing116
Employee happiness and corporate social responsibility: the role of organizational culture49
Perceived stress and psychological well-being of working mothers during COVID-19: a mediated moderated roles of teleworking and resilience42
Going forward: remote working in the post-COVID-19 era41
Exploring compassionate managerial leadership style in reducing employee stress level during COVID-19 crisis: the case of Nigeria38
Battling COVID-19 with human resource management bundling33
AMO perspectives on the well-being of neurodivergent human capital32
Mental health of business academics within the COVID-19 era: can meaningful work help? A qualitative study30
Does work engagement mediate the impact of green human resource management on absenteeism and green recovery performance?29
There is no good war for talent: a critical review of the literature on talent management28
Integrating green human resource management and circular economy to enhance sustainable performance: an empirical study from the Qatari service sector28
“It needs to be the right blend”: a qualitative exploration of remote e-workers’ experience and well-being at work28
Impact of leader's e-competencies on employees' wellbeing in global virtual teams during COVID-19: the moderating role of emotional intelligence26
Well-being in times of ill-being: how AMO HRM practices improve organizational citizenship behaviour through work-related well-being and service leadership25
Examining the “dark-side” of high performance work systems in the Greek manufacturing sector22
The employee experience (EMX) framework for well-being: an agenda for the future21
How workplace fun promotes informal learning among team members: a cross-level study of the relationship between workplace fun, team climate, workplace friendship, and informal learning20
Happiness at work through spiritual leadership: a self-determination perspective19
Effect of work engagement on meaningful work and psychological capital: perspectives from social workers in New Zealand19
Critical exploration of AI-driven HRM to build up organizational capabilities18
The physical, emotional and behavioral symptoms of health problems among employees before and during the COVID-19 epidemic17
Revisiting the moderating role of culture between job characteristics and job satisfaction: a multilevel analysis of 33 countries16
COVID-19 challenges and employees' stress: mediating role of family-life disturbance and work-life imbalance16
Autonomy and new modes of control in digital work contexts – a mixed-methods study of driving professions in food logistics16
Automation, AI and the Future of Work in India15
The value of including employees: a pluralist perspective on sustainable HRM15
The promise of a four-day week? A critical appraisal of a management-led initiative15
How workplace fun is experienced in the banking sector? A qualitative study15
How can the work environment be redesigned to enhance the well-being of individuals with autism?15
How to increase job satisfaction: the role of participative decisions and feeling trusted14
A study of millennials' preferred work-related attributes and retention14
Exploring the use of social media sites for health professionals' engagement and productivity in public sector hospitals14
Measuring talent management: a proposed construct14
E-work evaluation through work–life balance, job effectiveness, organizational trust and flexibility: evidence from Kosovo during COVID-1913
Employee emotional intelligence, organizational citizen behavior and job performance: a moderated mediation model investigation12
Social capital, person-organization fit and cynicism: a multi-stage mediation model of turnover intention in public organizations12
Towards understanding the relationships between economics, tribalism and the use of thewastainformal network in the workplace12
Employees’ fit to telework and work well-being: (in)voluntariness in telework as a mediating variable?12
Exploring the future impact of automation in Brazil12
Workplace spirituality and innovative work behavior: the role of employee flourishing and workplace satisfaction12
Gender, talent management and firm performance: MNCs' female-focused talent management practices in Russia11
Antecedents of small business financial performance: the role of human resource management practices and strategy11
Cross-cultural training and adjustment through the lens of cultural intelligence and type of expatriates11
The impact of employment relationships on firm sustainability10
Recent trends in labor productivity10
High commitment HRM and burnout of frontline food service employees: a moderated mediation model10
Job demands and resources when using technologies at work – development of a digital work typology10
Appropriately organized work and employees' concerns related to work from home during the COVID-19 pandemic: the case in Slovenia10
The joint impact of HRM attributions and HRM system consistency on employee well-being: a two-wave study10
Career satisfaction antecedents of professional accounting returnees in international workplaces: an employee experience perspective10
Line managers' perceptions of diversity management: insights from a social exchange theory perspective10
Participation in decision-making and work outcomes: evidence from a developing economy10
Fairness in human resource management practices and engineers' intention to stay in Indian construction firms9
The effects of transformational leadership and HRM practices on employee outcomes and productivity in the Greek hospitality industry during COVID-199
The coronavirus pandemic, short-term employment support schemes and undeclared work: some lessons from Europe9
Employee high-performance work systems-experience attributions of well-being and exploitation: a multilevel study of Greek workplaces9
Launching the dynamic employee engagement framework: towards a better understanding of the phenomenon9
Thriving in the face of burnout? The effects of wellbeing-oriented HRM on the relationship between workload, burnout, thriving and performance9
How do young employees perceive stress and job engagement while working from home? Evidence from a telecom operator during COVID-199
Fun in the workplace and employee turnover: is less managed fun better?9
Voicing perceptions of local job seekers and employees toward workforce nationalization and employment8
Human capital neurodiversity: an examination of stereotype threat anticipation8
The impact of exclusivity in talent identification: sources of perceived injustice and employee reactions8
Pay transparency, job turnover intentions and the mediating role of perceived organizational support and organizational justice8
Understanding the impact of human resource practices on employee competencies: evidence from Indian food processing industry8
Investigating the impact of person-organization fit on employee well-being in uncertain conditions: a study in three central European countries8
Socio-cultural capital in the Arab workplace: wasta as a moderator of ethical idealism and work engagement7
Envelope wages as a new normal? An insight into a pool of prospective quasi-formal workers in the European Union (EU)7
Employee perception of talent management practices and turnover intentions: a multiple mediator model7
Sustainable HRM, training for employability and organizational outcomes: the moderating role of competitive intensity7
Organization culture types and the replication of transferred human resource management practices in multinational subsidiaries in Nigeria7
Does office aesthetics drive job choice? Boosting employee experience and well-being perception through workplace design7
A digital job application reference: how do social media posts affect the recruitment process?7
The role of contextual factors in shaping HRM formality in SMEs6
Smart working as an organisational process or as a social change? An Italian pandemic experience6
Remote working during COVID-19 in Sri Lanka: lessons learned and what the future holds6
Outcomes of talent management: the role of perceived equity6
Exploring secrecy in pay communication: a conceptual matrix6
It’s something that you should go to HR about' – banter, social interactions and career barriers for women in the advertising industry in England6
Exploring types, drivers and outcomes of social e-HRM6
A multilevel perspective on the perceived effects of COVID-19 on nurses in China6
Diversity and inclusion in employer branding: an explorative analysis of European companies' digital communication6