
(The TQCC of Phytocoenologia is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
The vegetation of cushion peatlands in the Argentine Andes and changes in their floristic composition across a latitudinal gradient from 39°S to 22°S12
New insights on plant communities and flora of the southern paramos of the Iberian Range (Spain)11
High altitude semi-deserts and desert steppes in the eastern Pamir-Alai and western Tian Shan Mountains (Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan)4
Scree vegetation in the northern Apennines (N-Italy)4
Diversity and distribution of the Family Poaceae along an elevation gradient in the sub-Himalayan mountains3
Characterization of the herbaceous layer in woody thickets of Geoffroea decorticans in central Pampean grasslands3
Syntaxonomy and ecology of mesophilous scrub vegetation in Tajikistan (Middle Asia)3
Plant community assemblages and environmental drivers in the mountainous grassland ecosystem of South Africa3
The long-term effects of monoculture maize cultivation on plant diversity2
Vegetation diversity in East African wetlands: Cocktail algorithms supported by a vegetation-plot database2
Database of halophytic and littoral vegetation of Ukraine2
Refugial peatlands in the Northern Apennines. Vegetation-environment relationships and future perspectives2
Tall herb-rich steppe in the peri-Carpathian region of Ukraine and Romania2