Latin American Politics and Society

(The TQCC of Latin American Politics and Society is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
The Bolsonaro Voter: Issue Positions and Vote Choice in the 2018 Brazilian Presidential Elections66
Will I Get COVID-19? Partisanship, Social Media Frames, and Perceptions of Health Risk in Brazil37
Who Shot the Bullets? Exposure to Violence and Attitudes Toward Peace: Evidence from the 2016 Colombian Referendum12
Community Organizations and Latin America’s Poorest Citizens: Voting, Protesting, and Contacting Government8
Introduction The Grassroots Right in Latin America: Patterns, Causes, and Consequences8
Negative Partisanship in Latin America7
On the Strategic Uses of Women’s Rights: Backlash, Rights-based Framing, and Anti-Gender Campaigns in Colombia’s 2016 Peace Agreement7
Competitive Authoritarianism in Morales’s Bolivia: Skewing Arenas of Competition7
Informal Gold Miners, State Fragmentation, and Resource Governance in Bolivia and Peru7
Political Rights Regulation by Deferral: Obstacles to External Voting in Uruguay7
Populist Framing Mechanisms and the Rise of Right-wing Activism in Brazil7
Reevaluating the Role of Ideology in Chile7
Dilemmas of Co-production: How Street Waste Pickers Became Excluded from Inclusive Recycling in São Paulo6
Pro-Life and Feminist Mobilization in the Struggle over Abortion in Mexico: Church Networks, Elite Alliances, and Partisan Context6
“The Criminal Actors Have a Social Base in Their Communities”: Gangs and Service Provision in Medellín, Colombia6
The Nearness of Youth: Spatial and Temporal Effects of Protests on Political Attitudes in Chile6
Informalities: An Index Approach to Informal Work and Its Consequences5
Bringing Back the State: Understanding Varieties of Pension Re-reforms in Latin America5
How Predatory Informal Rules Outlast State Reform: Evidence from Postauthoritarian Guatemala5
Notes on a Perilous Journey to the United States: Irregular Migration, Trafficking in Persons, and Organized Crime5
Government and Opposition in Legislative Speechmaking: Using Text-As-Data to Estimate Brazilian Political Parties’ Policy Positions5
Institutional Change in Constrained Circumstances: Gender, Resistance, and Critical Actors in the Chilean Executive5
“Paz sí, pero no así”?Voter Profiles and Attitudes Toward the 2016 Colombian Peace Agreement5
The Drug Trade and State Violence in Internal Conflicts: Evidence from Peru4
The Rise of the Contentious Right: Digitally Intermediated Linkage Strategies in Argentina and Brazil4
Lost in Corporate Translation: How Firms Mediate Between Social Mobilization and Regulatory Intervention in the Extractive Sector3
Illegal Housing in Medellín: Autoconstruction and the Materiality of Hope3
Policy Legacies, Sociopolitical Coalitions, and the Limits of the Right Turn in Latin America: The Argentine Case in Comparative Perspective3
Migrant Remittances and Violent Responses to Crime in Latin America and the Caribbean3
A Multilevel Model of Ideological Congruence in Latin America3
Mexico’s Armed Vigilante Movements (2012–2015): The Impact of Low State Capacity and Economic Inequality3
Bolsonaro and the Black Vote: Racial Voting in Brazil’s 2018 Election3
Ideological Vote and Electoral Performance of the Bolivian MAS, 2002–20143
Governance Quality, Fairness Perceptions, and Satisfaction with Democracy in Latin America3
The Politics of Crime in Latin America: New Insights, Future Challenges2
Weapons of Clients: Why Do Voters Support Bad Patrons? Ethnographic Evidence from Rural Brazil2
Partisan Stereotyping and Polarization in Brazil2
The Politics of Private Violence: How Intimate Partner Violence Victimization Influences Political Attitudes2
Modes of Extraction in Latin America’s Lithium Triangle: Explaining Negotiated, Unnegotiated, and Aborted Mining Projects2
Varieties of Economic Vulnerability: Evidence on Social Policy Preferences and Labor Informality from Mexico2
Satisfaction with the Police in Chile: The Importance of Legitimacy and Fair Treatment2
Labor Informality and the Vote in Latin America: A Meta-analysis2
How Do Local Public Spending Decisions Shape Corruption Perceptions? Evidence from Mexico2
Constituency Effects and Legislative Dissent Under Closed-List Proportional Representation2
Determinants of Bicameral Conflict: The Formation of Conference Committees in Chile, 1990-20182
Rage in the Machine: Activation of Racist Content in Social Media2
Jessica A. J. Rich, State-Sponsored Activism: Bureaucrats and Social Movements in Democratic Brazil. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. Figures, illustrations, appendix, bibliography, index,1
Why Latin American Parties Are Not Coming Back1
Uruguay and Contemporary Theories of Wage Coordination: Origins and Stabilization of Segmented Neocorporatism, 2005–20191
Futurity Beyond the State: Illegal Markets and Imagined Futures in Latin America1
Advocacy, Misdirection, Protest, and Exit: Strategies of Aspiration and Anxiety amid Crime and Conflict in Putumayo1
Enforcing Citizen Participation Through Litigation: Analyzing the Outcomes of Anti-Dam Movements in Brazil and Chile1
A Strategic Approach to the Alliance-Formation Process Between Activists and Legislators in Chile1
Gustavo A. Flores-Macías, ed., The Political Economy of Taxation in Latin America. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. Figures, tables, appendix, bibliography, index, 271 pp.; hardcover $ 99.1
Informal Customary Institutions, Collective Action, and Submunicipal Public Goods Provision in Mexico1
Informal Coalitions and Legislative Agenda Setting in Mexico’s Multiparty Presidential System1
Willingness: Human Rights Crises and State Response in Mexico1
Rethinking the Right in Latin America1
Uneven States, Unequal Societies, and Democracy’s Unfulfilled Promises: Citizenship Rights in Chile and Contemporary Latin America1
The Losing Battle Against Neoliberal Trade Agreements in Latin America: Social Resistance Against the MTA Between Ecuador, Peru, and the European Union1
Explaining New Patterns in Family Leave Policies in Latin America: Competing Visions and Facilitating Institutions1
Political Trust and Ecological Crisis Perceptions in Developing Economies: Evidence from Ecuador1
Los nadies y las nadies: The Effect of Peacebuilding on Political Behavior in Colombia1
Learning Targets: Policy Paradigms and State Responses to the Anticorruption Transnational Advocacy Network Campaign in Guatemala1
A New Contract? The Joint Mobilization of Unionized and Contract Workers in Latin America1
New Avenues in the Study of Crime, Violence, and State in Latin America1
(Il)legal Aspirations: Of Legitimate Crime and Illegitimate Entrepreneurship in Nicaragua1
The Pink Tide and Income Inequality in Latin America1
International Clientelistic Networks: The Case of Venezuela at the United Nations General Assembly, 1999–20151
From Second-Best to First-Best Veto Point: Explaining the Changing Uses of Judicial Review and Referendums in Uruguay1