European Review of Agricultural Economics

(The TQCC of European Review of Agricultural Economics is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Farmer preferences for adopting precision farming technologies: a case study from Italy70
Farm income in European agriculture: new perspectives on measurement and implications for policy evaluation38
Digital innovations for sustainable and resilient agricultural systems36
Insuring crops from space: the potential of satellite-retrieved soil moisture to reduce farmers’ drought risk exposure36
Trade, price and quality upgrading effects of agri-food standards29
Quantifying the resilience of European farms using FADN27
Warming Temperatures, Yield Risk and Crop Insurance Participation23
Sustainable food systems: do agricultural economists have a role?19
The AfCFTA impact on agricultural and food trade: a value added perspective18
Regression discontinuity designs in agricultural and environmental economics17
Using Machine Learning to Identify Heterogeneous Impacts of Agri-Environment Schemes in the EU: A Case Study16
Use and non-use values to explain farmers’ motivation for the provision of animal welfare16
Tax or green nudge? An experimental analysis of pesticide policies in Germany15
Social networks, adoption of improved variety and household welfare: evidence from Ghana15
Can nudging only get you so far? Testing for nudge combination effects14
Environmental identity economics: an application to farmers’ pro-environmental investment behaviour14
Red, yellow, or green? Do consumers’ choices of food products depend on the label design?14
Three hurdles towards commercialisation: integrating subsistence chickpea producers in the market economy14
Information delivery channels and agricultural technology uptake: experimental evidence from Ghana13
Why considering technological heterogeneity is important for evaluating farm performance?12
Better data, higher impact: improving agricultural data systems for societal change12
Assessing the redistributive impact of the 2013 CAP reforms: an EU-wide panel study12
Is the local wheat market a ‘market for lemons’? Certifying the supply of individual wheat farmers in Ethiopia12
Consumers’ responses to food fraud risks: an economic experiment11
New perspectives on the distribution of farm incomes and the redistributive impact of CAP payments11
A meta-analysis of the capitalisation of CAP direct payments into land prices11
Globalisation in agriculture and food: the role of multinational enterprises10
Do agri-environment measures help improve environmental and economic efficiency? Evidence from Bavarian dairy farmers9
Testing the consistency of preferences in discrete choice experiments: an eye tracking study9
Immigrant workforce and agriculture productivity: evidence from Italian farm-level data9
Climate variability, innovation and firm performance: evidence from the European agricultural sector9
Who are the loss-averse farmers? Experimental evidence from structurally estimated risk preferences8
Shaping healthy and sustainable food systems with behavioural food policy8
Extreme price moves: an INGARCH approach to model coexceedances in commodity markets8
Market power, markup volatility and the role of cooperatives in the food value chain: evidence from Italy8
COVID-19 and food insecurity in Africa: A review of the emerging empirical evidence8
Does family farming reduce rural unemployment?7
On the effects of COVID-19 on food prices in India: a time-varying approach7
Market heterogeneity and the distributional incidence of soft-drink taxes: evidence from France7
Extension and management pathways for enhanced farm sustainability: evidence from Irish dairy farms7
Improved agricultural input delivery systems for enhancing technology adoption: evidence from a field experiment in Ethiopia7
Does rainfall variability explain low uptake of agricultural credit? Evidence from Ethiopia7
Auction versus direct sale: the effect of buyers and sellers on prices7