Journal of Economic Inequality

(The TQCC of Journal of Economic Inequality is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Which workers bear the burden of social distancing?125
The impact of COVID-19 on households´ income in the EU86
The fall in income inequality during COVID-19 in four European countries56
How much does reducing inequality matter for global poverty?52
Intergenerational transmission of lockdown consequences: prognosis of the longer-run persistence of COVID-19 in Latin America33
Did the UK policy response to Covid-19 protect household incomes?33
The Income Gradient in Mortality during the Covid-19 Crisis: Evidence from Belgium27
Will COVID-19 Have Long-Lasting Effects on Inequality? Evidence from Past Pandemics24
The K-Shaped Recovery: Examining the Diverging Fortunes of Workers in the Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic Using Business and Household Survey Microdata24
Does foreign aid reduce poverty? A dynamic panel data analysis for sub-Saharan African countries23
The heterogeneous effects of COVID-19 on labor market flows: evidence from administrative data21
The immigrant-native wage gap in Germany revisited21
The weight of the rich: improving surveys using tax data19
Is that really a Kuznets curve? Turning points for income inequality in China14
Missing Top Income Recipients13
Estimating intergenerational income mobility on sub-optimal data: a machine learning approach12
Distributional effects of macroeconomic shocks in real-time12
The dynamics of poverty in Europe: what has changed after the great recession?11
Pareto models for top incomes and wealth10
Measurement of inequality of opportunity: A normative approach10
Openness, Income Inequality, and Happiness: Evidence from China9
The COVID-19 resilience of a continental welfare regime - nowcasting the distributional impact of the crisis9
Being poor and being NEET in Europe: Are these two sides of the same coin?9
COVID-19 and income inequality: evidence from monthly population registers7
Missing the wealthy in the HFCS: micro problems with macro implications7
Aspirations and investments in rural Myanmar7
Individuals’ socioeconomic position, inequality perceptions, and redistributive preferences in OECD countries7
The capital share and income inequality: Increasing gaps between micro and macro-data7
The nexus between perceptions of inequality and preferences for redistribution6
Inequality, perception biases and trust6
Income inequality and economic growth in BRICS: insights from non-parametric techniques6
Drawing a Line: Comparing the Estimation of Top Incomes between Tax Data and Household Survey Data6
Inheritances and wealth inequality: a machine learning approach6
Top-income adjustments and official statistics on income distribution: the case of the UK6
Shadow Economy and Poverty: What Causes What?5
Distributional impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and the CARES Act5
The regression approach to the measurement and decomposition of the multidimensional Watts poverty index5
Urban poverty: Measurement theory and evidence from American cities5
Twenty Years and Counting: Thoughts about Measuring the Upper Tail5
Walls of glass. Measuring deprivation in social participation5
Absolute Poverty and Sound Public Finance in the Eurozone4
The measurement of health inequalities: does status matter?4
Absolute intragenerational mobility in the United States, 1962–20144
Credit and income mobility in Russia4
Intergenerational home ownership4
Disaggregated impacts of off-farm work participation on household vulnerability to food poverty in Ghana4
Combined and distributional effects of EPL reduction and hiring incentives: an assessment using the Italian “Jobs Act”4